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如果新的申请遭可以上诉至主管移民法 院,并进一步上诉至移民上诉法院。
A rejection of the new application is subject to appeal to the competent migration court and further to the Migration Court of Appeal.
大会第六十一届会议在本项目下敦促所有会员何否认大屠杀历史 事件的言论(第 61/255 号决议)。
At its sixty-first session, under the current item, the General Assembly urged all Member States to reject any denial of the Holocaust as a historical event (resolution 61/255).
本案中筑许可申请的理 由绝非因为提交人是残疾人,而是遵守平等地适用于所有人的惯例。
The rejection of the application for a building permit in this case is in no way due to the author’s disability, but rather consistent with practice that applies equally to all.
因此指出,特别报告员没有考虑到这样一种可能性,即当前 的程序问题也许不是援引或放弃豁免的问题,而是在发生严重国际罪行的情况下
[...] 没有豁免的问题,虽然其他委员也关于对这种“核心罪行”没有豁免的 [...]
Consequently, it was pointed out that the Special Rapporteur had failed to address the possibility that the procedural issue at hand was not one of invocation of immunity or waiver thereof but rather the absence of immunity in respect of situations in which grave
international crimes were committed, although
[...] it was also countered by other members [...]
that the assertion that there was no immunity
for such “core crimes” was abstract and general, and the Commission will have to deal with these matters in greater detail at a later stage.
以色列在继续非法、不人道和无耻地封锁加沙地带,给困在那里的 150 万平 民造成无法计量的痛苦和创伤之外,继续这种非法的政策和做法,这进一步构成 了无可据,说明占领国卑鄙地无视国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法, 而且拒绝给予巴勒斯坦人民在自己的国土上行使自决和自由这些合法的、不可分 割的和国际公认的权利。
Israel’s continuation of such illegal policies and practices, in addition to its continuing illegal, inhumane and shameful blockade of the Gaza Strip and the immeasurable suffering and trauma it is inflicting on the 1.5 million civilians imprisoned there, constitutes yet further irrefutable evidence of the occupying Power’s abject disregard for international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, as well as its rejection of the legitimate, inalienable and internationally recognized rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and freedom in their homeland.
这些行为公然违反了最高司令部和国防部的政 策,应当予适当惩处。
These activities openly violate the policies of the military high command and the Ministry of Defense, and should be rejected and duly sanctioned.
提交人强调,暂停施行强制令和要求保护基本自 由的紧急申诉被确认是可以受理的,但行政法这两个申诉,而有关案情 实质的申诉,即使一惯判例认为竞争性考试的所有阶段,诸如“确定资格”阶 段,涉及决定而不是初步行为,因此可能在考试的任何时间提出质疑而不必要等 到公布了确定资格的最后结果,也被认为是不可受理的。
The author stresses that the temporary suspension injunction and the urgent application for the protection of a fundamental freedom were found to be admissible but were rejected by the Council of State, whereas the application on the merits was found to be inadmissible, even though consistent jurisprudence has held that the stages of a competitive examination, such as the “qualification” stage, involve decisions and not preliminary acts and that it should therefore be possible to contest them at any time during the examination without it being necessary to await the publication of the final results on qualification.
Severus was alter accused of having been in youth a worshiper of idols and a dealer in magical arts (so the libellus of the Palestinian
monks at the council of 536), and
[...] Zacharias is at painstorefute this calumny indirectly, [...]
though at great length, by relating
interesting stories of the discovery of a hoard of idols in Menuthis in Egypt and of the routing of necromancers and enchanters at Berytus; in both these exploits the friends of Severus took a leading part, and Zacharias asks triumphantly whether they would have consorted with Severus had he not agreed with them in the hatred of paganism and sorcery.
The Thais countered that Cambodia had [...]
used similar weapons against them.
他指出,他对检察官办公室拒绝对虐 待他的警察提出刑事指控提出上诉,但其案件被分配第一次申诉的同一 名检察官。
He submits that when he appealed the refusal of the Prosecutor’s Office to file criminal charges against the police officers who had mistreated him, the case was assigned to the same prosecutor who rejected his complaint the first time.
按照《世界反兴奋剂条例》第 4.4 条 的规定,根据被反兴奋剂组疗用约豁免的运动员的要求,世界反兴奋剂机构治疗用药 豁免委员会将审查此种决定,并有权推翻此种决定。
As specified in Article 4.4 of the Code, the WADA TUEC, upon request by Athletes who have been denied TUEs by an Anti-Doping Organization will review such decisions with the power to reverse them.
律师进一步指出,法院并没诉人关于公正审判被违反的观 点,并且缔约国也没有答复这些指称。
Counsel further notes that the
[...] court didnotrebut the complainants‟ [...]
arguments about fair trial violations and the State
party did not address these allegations.
对临请复审或上诉,或者对异议提交答辩的时限 (时限应合理),以及受理复审或上诉的主管机关;如果复审或上诉申请必 须通过其地址在宣主管局的缔约方领土上的代理人提出,亦应 说明。
the time limit, reasonableunder the circumstances, for filing a request for review of or appeal against the provisional refusal or for filing a response to the opposition, and the authority to which such request for review [...]
or appeal shall
lie; if such request for review or appeal must be filed through the intermediary of a representative whose address is within the territory of the Contracting Party whose Office has pronounced the refusal, this will also be indicated.
至于依据《美国法典》第 11 篇第 1502(2)节[《跨国破产示范法》第 2(f)条]在以色 列的“营业所”问题,需要根据《美国法典》第 11 篇第 1502(5)节[《跨国破产示 范法》第 2(c)条 ]认定该外国程序是“外国非主要程序”,法院认为,债务人在以 色列境内并没有“营业地点”或“经济活动”外国代表关于外国程序本 身就是这种活动的论点。
As for the concept of an “establishment” in Israel pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 1502(2) [Art. 2 (f) MLCBI], necessary to a finding that the foreign proceeding was a “foreign non-main proceeding” pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 1502(5) [Art. 2 (c) MLCBI], the court found that the debtor had no “place of operations” or “economic activity”within Israel, rejecting the foreign representative’s argument that the foreign proceeding itself constituted such activity.
它们分为几个领域:社区 宣传;记录意识形态发展潮流端主义言论; 加强监狱管理和释放人员监督。
They are divided into several general areas: community outreach; charting ideological developments and countering extremist messages; and improved prison and post-release monitoring.
第一起 案件正 在审理之 中,第二起 案件的审理工作已 经排好 时间, 将 于本月开始 ,第三起 案件正 处于对的 理由进行裁决的阶段。
In the first of the cases the trial was in progress, in the second it was scheduled and would start this month, while the third case was at the stage of deciding on the objections tothe indictment.
安全理事会今天是在一个历史性时刻的前夕召 开会议,它必将把我们引向一个无可实,即 成立一个得到承认、完全为本组织所接纳的巴勒斯坦 国,从而最终落实大会第 181(II)号决议的所有规定, 其中特别要求在巴勒斯坦土地上建立两个国家—— 一个是阿拉伯国家,另一个是犹太国家。
The Security Council is meeting on the eve of a historic moment, which must lead us to make an incontrovertible reality of a Palestinian State that is recognized and fully welcomed into the fold of this Organization, thereby finally implementing all the provisions of General Assembly resolution 181 (II), which calls specifically for the creation of two States in Palestinian land — one Arab, the other Jewish.
(2) (a) 凡欲行使此权利的局应在所适用的法律规定的期限内并最迟于国际局通知 其第(1)款规定的延伸之日起一年期限届满前,将知国际局,并说明全部理 由,第(b)和(c)段另有规定的除外。
(2) (a) Any Office wishing to exercise such right shall notify its refusal to the International Bureau, together with a statement of all grounds, within the period prescribed by the law applicable to that Office and at the latest, subject to subparagraphs (b) and (c), before the expiry of one year from the date on which the notification of the extension referred to in paragraph (1) has been sent to that Office by the International Bureau.
根据大赦国际、人权观察,欧洲执法机构和其他 国际组织——其中有些我已在今天先前发言中引述 ——在人权和安全方面,科索沃排名接近最低,而非 霍查先生在发言时所称的那样,科索沃是一 个年轻、充满活力、发展中的民主社会。
According to Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the European Law Enforcement Agency and other international organizations, some of which I quoted in my statement earlier today, Kosovo is at the bottom of lists when it comes to human rights and security, contrary to Mr. Hoxhaj’s claims,in rebuttal to my statement, that it is a young, dynamic, developing democracy.
这一推定只要不是不容有助于 填补提出保留和确定保留无效之间必然存在的法律空白,而在这整个可能持续数 年的期间,保留方可作为缔约方行事,并且被其他各方视为缔约方。
This presumption (provided that it is not conclusive) can help fill the inevitable legal vacuum between the formulation of the reservation and the declaration of its nullity; during this entire period (which may last several years), the author of the reservation has conducted itself as a party and been deemed to be so by the other parties.
委员会还建议缔约国加强提高认识和 宣教努力,以期彻底消除这种习俗基本论点。
It also recommends that the State party strengthen its awareness-raising and education efforts with the aim of completely eliminating this practice and countering its underlying arguments.
All bags must check to Incheon International Airport (ICN) only, except connections to KE1401, KE1403, KE 1405 and OZ8531 (ICN-Busan), where baggage can be checked through to Busan (as these flights are departing from the same international airport).
此意见受到相反观点的种观点还认为,关于周期生产车间的氟氯化碳生产淘汰协 定,专门排除了这些车间获得多边基金进一步的援助的这种可能性。
This position was counteredby the opposite view, which also held that CFC production phase-out agreements for swing plants specifically precluded the possibility of further Multilateral Fund assistance for those plants.
一个主教的chalcedon和圣多美和普林西比之间的狮子座,书面和460 454 2,部分地根据标题,它的结论与提取物的连接“行为”四个文件和强盗主教。
A refutation of the Synod of Chalcedon and of the Tome of Leo, written between 454 and 460, in two parts, according to the title, and concluding with extracts from the "Acts" of the Robber Synod and four documents connected with it.
印度尼西亚代表团的理解是,援助地雷行动 议程项目既不想要求缔约方普遍加入这两项公约, 也不国将地雷用于合法自卫的“合法 性”。
It was his delegation’s understanding that the agenda item on assistance in mine action was intended neither to universalize the two conventions for States parties nor to impugn the “legality” of a State that used landmines in legitimate self-defence.
在这种情况下,似乎没有 必要去通过一个可能会与最后结果非洲联盟所希望采取的囊括整个非洲大陆,不局 限于西非问题的有关战略背道而驰的决定。
Given that context, it seemed difficult to adopt a decision that might contradict the final conclusions or the strategy that the African Union might wish to adopt and which would be applicable to the whole of Africa, rather than being confined to the problem of West Africa.
使用汽艇进行安全巡逻,保障水域安全和出入以及停泊在码头的船只; 对各船上工作人员进行安检,并检查核对这些船只和人员在水 [...]
Security patrols are conducted using launches in order to secure
bodies of water, access thereto and ships
[...] moored at piers; all vessels and persons [...]
working on them are subject to inspection
in order to verify that they are legally entitled to be present on the bodies of water.
安全理事会制裁的一般性问题非正式工作组报告 (S/2006/997)第 28 段的规定应在以后的报告中列入附有可信度评估的以及对已公布的指控作出的更正”。
In accordance with paragraph 28 of the report of the Informal Working Group of the Security Council on General Issues of Sanctions (S/2006/997), where it is stated that rebuttals, with an assessment of their credibility, and corrections regarding already published allegations, should be included in subsequent reports, the Group has made efforts to respond to communications regarding particular cases.
她举例说明了良好做法,比如批准人权维护者们的注册申请提出上诉、给予他们保护或 者向他们发放签证,取消国家法律中关于暴动的 条款,给予他们直接财政补助,邀请联合国机制 到相关国家执行任务,人权维护者和民间社会参 与制定政策和法律文本,打击有罪不罚现象。
She gave examples of good practices, such as allowing human rights defenders to appeal against the rejection of their applications for registration, granting them protection or issuing visas to them, deleting clauses relating to sedition in national legislations, allocating direct financial assistance, inviting United Nations mechanisms to undertake country missions, allowing human rights defenders and civil society to participate in the framing of policies and legislation, and efforts to combat impunity.
In 2010, Baden-Württemberg’s Higher Administrative Court in Mannheim overruled a local farmer’s objection to the construction of the EPS.




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