

单词 驰龙科

See also:


speed v


dragon n

surname Long

External sources (not reviewed)

科威特哈龙项目 的筹备,该国 的臭氧官员已去世,一旦接替她的人员被任命,主办银行哈龙设备问题将能够得到解决。
As for the Kuwait halon project preparation, [...]
that country's ozone officer had died, and once her replacement had been appointed
the question of hosting the halon bank equipment could be resolved.
他告知委员会,虽科威特的哈龙项 目 是两次会议前既已提出,但仍然有待制定可 持续性计划,该计划将按照第 53/12 [...]
He informed the Committee
[...] that, although the halon project for Kuwait had been presented [...]
two Meetings previously, the sustainability
plan that stipulated a government-nominated beneficiary, as required by decision 53/12, was still pending.
科文组 织北京办事处该工作重点下开展了数项活动,其中有:2002 年 10 月中国人与 生物圈计划全国委员会在中国四川省九寨沟和 龙 生 物圈保留地举行了“中国自然保护区生 态旅游管理”会议;在锡林郭勒生物圈保留地举办了以当地社区(包括该生物圈保留地管理 者在内)为对象的一系列研讨会,在北京也举办了由捐助机构、政府和学术机构参加的一系 列研讨会;中国人与生物圈计划全国委员会牵头进行了一项题为“建立自然保护区,推动锡 林郭勒地区退化草原的恢复和可持续管理”的可行性调查(2002 年 7-12 月);举行了“维 护中国环境的生态研究”(ERSEC)项目(德国信托基金)的第二次指导委员会和项目协调 [...]
The UNESCO Beijing Office carried out several activities under this main line of action including a conference on Ecotourism Management of China’s Nature Reserves organized by the Chinese National Committee for MAB in October 2002 at the Juizhaigou and Huanglong Biosphere Reserve, [...]
Sichuan Province,
China; a series of seminars in Xilingol Biosphere Reserve, targeted at the local community including the biosphere reserve manager and in Beijing for donor agencies and governmental and academic institutions; a feasibility survey on the establishment of nature reserves promoting the rehabilitation and the sustainable management of degraded grassland landscapes in Xilingol region (July-December 2002), conducted by the Chinese National Committee for MAB; the second Steering Committee and Project Coordinators’ Meeting of the Ecological Research for Sustaining the Environment in China (ERSEC) project (FIT Germany).
参加苏驰科电子 科技有限公司的100多位嘉宾包括Cicor董事会成员、当地中国政府官员(SND招商局副局长Simon Xie先生、经济发展部部门主任徐玉女士和其他多位政府官员)、来自27个公司的代表、Cicor苏州团队和当地合作伙伴,以及瑞士中商会董事会成员迈克莱曼(Michael Lehmann)先生。
The more than 100 guests at Suzhou Cicor Technology Company included Cicor board members, local Chinese governmental officials (Mr. Simon Xie, Deputy Director of SND Investment Promotion Bureau, Ms. Xu Yu, section chief of Economic and Development Department and several government officials), representatives from 27 companies, the Cicor Suzhou team and local partners, along with SwissCham board member, Mr. Michael Lehmann.
另外,台湾莹庆(YTE)、尊博(Jumbo)、信谥(Excellence)、尚芳(Saint-Fun)、展翅(Big Green)、日本日邦(Nippo Tusho)、中驰龙(Chi Long)、强盛电子等厂商也派员与会,并进行当地市场的考察,为整个展会增色不少。
Many enterprises such as Ying Tchin Electronic (YTE), Jumbo, Excellence, Saint-Fun, Big Green, Nippo Tusho, Chi Long and others were passionately participated in the activities during three days to seek further exploration of the US local market.
这两个组织又 称 , 这 项规定 将 使 布 隆迪与全世界走 向 非 刑 罪 化的总 趋 势 背 道驰 , 而 且将违 反 《非洲 人权和 人民权益 宪 章 》和《公民权利和政治权利国际公约 》。
They added that such provision would place Burundi at odds with the overwhelming movement across the world that has seen progress towards decriminalization and violate the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
科特会谈狄龙的Ve njix病毒感染人类的​​Venjix囚犯营,的磨床使人类的混合动力汽车如狄龙,他的姐姐和其他在Venjix宫。
Scott talks to Dillon about the Venjix [...]
Prisoners Camp where humans are infected with the Venjix virus, and Grinders make
human hybrids like Dillon, his sister & the other at the Venjix Palace.
虽然作了各种认真的努力,力图重新启动直接谈 判,实现得到国际支持的众所周知的和平进程目标, 但令人遗憾的是,实现公正和持久解决巴勒斯坦问题 仍然遥遥无期,因为占领国以色列继续推行非法政策 和做法,而这些政策和做法与基于 1967 年边界的两 国解决方案完全背道驰。
Despite all serious efforts to relaunch direct negotiations towards the attainment of the well-known and internationally-supported objectives of the peace process, a just and lasting settlement to the question of Palestine regrettably remains far from being achieved, as Israel, the occupying Power, continues to carry out illegal policies and practices that are totally contradictory to an outcome based on a two-State solution on the basis of the 1967 borders.
两年来,广东省标准化研究院根据路线图、标杆体系的规划和要求,组织全省 龙 头 企业 、 科 研 院 所、检测机构、行业协会等共134家单位,从半导体照明技术及产品研究、开发、生产的企业进行标准化研究;建立LED产品标杆指数即产品质量综合评价体系,标杆指数随着技术发展水涨船高,保持标准与研发技术的同步性,实现了对LED路灯技术质量的动态评估,动态LED照明产品质量评价体系覆盖产业链各个领域,促使LED产品生产成本下降,生产企业经济效益得到了提升。
Two years, guangdong institute of standardization according to the map, benchmarking system planning and
requirements, the organization the
[...] leading enterprises, scientific research institutes, [...]
testing agencies, industry associations,
and other common 134 units, from semiconductor lighting technology and product research, development and production of enterprise standardization research; Establish LED products benchmarking index that product quality comprehensive evaluation system, pole index as technology development a rising tide lifts all boats, keep the standard and the synchronicity of the technology research and development, realize the LED street lamp technology quality dynamic evaluation, dynamic LED lighting product quality evaluation system of industrial chain to cover every field of LED products production cost down, production enterprise economic benefit was improved.
在此期间,他还于1993年任澳大利亚 龙 岗 大 学环 科 学 首 席研究员;1992年至1996年4月,任共同未来出版中心刊物的编辑顾问小组成员。
During this period, he was also, in 1993, Principal Fellow,
[...] Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong, [...]
Australia, and from 1992 to April 1996,
a member of the Editorial Advisory Panel, The Bulletin, Centre for our Common Future Publications.
龙科技为 香港和中国增长最快的电子组件分销商,并将会是一个关键盟友至使Samplify最新推出的SAM1600系列的A/D转换器,与及综合实时信号压缩技术,能迅速推广至中国医疗影像和无线基站市场。
As the fastest growing distributor of electronic components in Hong
[...] Kong and China, Cytech will be a key [...]
ally driving Samplify's recently launched
SAM1600 family of A/D converters, with the company's integrated real-time signal compression technology, into the rapidly expanding Chinese medical imaging and wireless base stations markets.
(b) 土著土地合法化项目,日本捐赠,受世界银行监督:该项目已经开展了 3 年,受益者为卡瓜苏 11 个土著社区和科博克龙 12 个土著社区。
(b) Project for the regularization of indigenous lands funded by Japan, under the supervision of the World Bank: This project, which
began three years ago, benefits 11 indigenous communities in Caaguazú and 12
[...] indigenous communities in Boquerón, Chaco.
将与执 法机关合作作为授予临时居留许可的条件,这与打击人口贩运的基于人权的方法 是背道驰的,应该予以废除。
The conditionality of temporary residence permits on cooperation with law enforcement authorities is the antithesis of the human rights-based approach to combating trafficking in persons and should be abolished.
与会的京口区科技局局长贡强表示:“ 龙 核 材 科 技 ( 江苏)有限公司拥有一支优秀的研发团队,有能力也有实力承担更多的国家相关基金的申请。
The district science and Technology Bureau Chief Gong Qiang indicated: " the dragon of nuclear materials [...]
and Technology ( Jiangsu)
Limited company has an excellent R & D team, has the ability to assume more relevant national foundation application.
在这方面,阿塞拜疆共和国认为对亚美尼亚共和国非法活动坐视不理是断然 不能接受的,这与国家间关系原则背道 驰 , 等 同于把侵略者与受害者划上等号, 相当于容忍在国际社会成员的国家领土内采取针对阿塞拜疆共和国主权和领土 完整的行动。
In this regard, the Republic of Azerbaijan considers it unacceptable and inconsistent with the principles of inter-State relations to turn a blind eye to illegal activities of the Republic of Armenia, to proceed from the approach based on equating the aggressor and its victim and to tolerate within the national territories of the members of the international community the actions directed against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
我最近才刚使用Benchmark Email,但我很想让大家知道,驰科 技 的 顾客服务实在是无与伦比呀!奔驰不但提供完善的服务,也帮了我设计自家产品的电子报。
I am a recent customer of Benchmark email and I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I think your customer service is exceptional!
几内亚比绍重申,这些歧视性的商业做法和国内法律的域外适用与必须促进 对话和正确实施《联合国宪章》中规定的宗旨和原则的精神背道 驰。
Guinea-Bissau reaffirms that these discriminatory commercial practices and the extraterritorial application of national laws are contrary to the need to promote dialogue and to the proper application of the principles and objectives enunciated in the Charter of the United Nations.
电影开始时,悟饭和乌龙茶搜索龙珠都被聚集在冷冻Tsumisumbri山,但在他们到达之前, 龙 被 召 唤 科 钦 博 士希望他的部下......
The movie begins when Gohan and Oolong search for the Dragon Balls that have all been gathered in
the frozen Tsumisumbri Mountains, but before they reach
[...] them, Shenron is summoned by Dr. Kochin who wishes that his men...
近年来,广州分所承办了多项具有广泛影响力的大型项目,包括:花旗集团牵头财团并购广东发展银行项目、粤财控股接收处置不良资产项目、广东省建设银行打包处置不良资产项目、广东省内多家农村金融机构的改制、引资及上市项目、成都银行重组引资项目、港珠澳大桥项目、东方电机承接巴西Jirau AHE电站(目前全球最大的水利工程项目)设计采购施工总承包项目、四季酒店落户广州项目、长沙水务行业市场化运作系列项目、民安证券有限责任公司关闭清算项目、广 科龙 电 器 股份有限公司重组项目、粤高速常年法律顾问项目以及包括广州富力地产股份有限公司、越秀房地产信托投资基金、合生创展集团有限公司、广州日报集团旗下粤传媒在内的数十家大型企业的私募及境内外上市项目。
Ltd-Brazil Jirau AHE Power Station Project (the biggest hydro project in the world); the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge project; the Four Seasons Hotel, Guangzhou; a series of deals privatizing the water industry of Changsha City; the liquidation of Mingan Securities Ltd; the restructuring of Guangdong Kelong Electric Ltd; the provision of routine legal advice to Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development; and, a private placement / offshore IPO transaction involving several dozen large enterprises including R&F Properties Ltd (Guangzhou), Yuexiu REIT Fund, Hopson Group, and GZ Daily Group's Guangdong Media.
法律事务厅编纂司司长瓦奇拉夫·米库尔卡担任特设委员会秘书,乔 治 ·科 龙奇斯担任副秘书,协助秘书工作。
The Director of the Codification Division of the Office of Legal Affairs, Václav Mikulka, acted as Secretary of the Ad Hoc Committee, assisted by George Korontzis as Deputy Secretary.
骏龙环球有限公司是龙科技有 限公司的全资子公司,后者是中国地区Altera产品的授权代理商。
Cytech Global Pte Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Cytech Technology Ltd which is currently the authorized distributor of Altera products in the China region.
答:上海和睦家医院医疗总监博龙 医 生( 儿 科 医 生 )为您解答
Dr. Tyrone Bristol, Chief Medical Officer/Pediatrician, gives his answer
科龙泰夫 人(白俄罗斯)(以俄语发言):白俄罗斯 共和国,包括曾作为一个前苏维埃共和国,有着参加 空间探索方案的漫长历史。
(Belarus) ( spoke in Russian): The Republic of Belarus, including as a former Soviet republic, enjoys a long history of participation in space exploration programmes.
现在双方的合作正式开始,联合研究中心已经在位于哈尔滨的 龙 江 省农 业 科 学 院 设立了办公室和实验室。
Now the cooperation is formalized and the center has established office and lab facilities at HAAS, in Harbin.
莫拉莱斯-特龙科索先生(多米尼加共和国)(以 西班牙语发言):多米尼加共和国表示深切感谢哥伦 比亚政府在海地历史上的这一关键时刻召集今天的 会议。
): The Dominican Republic conveys its deep appreciation to the Government of Colombia for having organized today’s meeting at this critical juncture in Haiti’s history.
在顶楼,占地所谓的总督府,他们在那里居住不仅加利西亚如胡安娜·德·维加和她的丈夫总米娜的数字,但也像人的祖先旧金山巴斯克斯将成为该市市长,回忆在一些城市发出舰队和随后的一次进攻,由德雷克在1589年,上尉,上尉胡安·巴雷拉玛丽亚·皮塔 · 特 龙科 索 和 许多拉科鲁尼亚和即将到来的位置邻居英勇干预,历史的里程碑;他遭受监禁,马拉斯皮纳,Macanaz或Porlier杰出的囚犯。
On the top floor, which occupies the so-called Governor’s House, where they resided not only Galician figures such as Juana de Vega and her husband General Mina, but also others like ancestors of Francisco Vazquez would become mayor of the city, recalls some milestones in the history of the city issuing the Armada and subsequent attack by Drake in 1589, with heroic intervention of
Maria Pita, Captain Juan Varela, Captain
[...] Troncoso and many Coruña and neighbors [...]
of the upcoming locations; he suffered imprisonment
in illustrious prisoners as Malaspina, Macanaz or Porlier.
访问行程还包括中科院上海分院,中国科学院上海药物研究所,复旦大学(包括北欧中心和挪威管理学院),清华大学,北京大学,中国科学院研究生院,中国石油大学和 龙 江 农 业 科 学 院
The program also includes visits to CAS Shanghai Branch, Shanghai Institute of Meteria Midica (SIMM), Fudan University including the Nordic Centre and BI,
Tsinghua University, Peking University, GUCAS, China University of
[...] Petroleum, and Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Science.




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