单词 | 驰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 驰—galloprun fast驰verb—speedvExamples:驰名adj—famousadj 驰骋—rush headlong 急驰—speed along
梅赛德斯-奔驰香港有限公司於今天宣布smart电动汽车的试验计划,成为香港首部应用於日常生活的欧洲电动汽车。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited today announced a pilot program for the smart electric drive, Hong Kong’s first European electric car for daily use. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
但 是由於公共車辆是路面污染的主要源头,豁免公共車辆又会对 私家車的驾驶者不公平,并且和管制的目的背道而驰。 forum.gov.hk | However, exempting vehicles of the public transport would be unfair to drivers of private vehicles and also defeat the purpose of the ban as public vehicles are the major source of vehicular emission. forum.gov.hk |
我已经使用Benchmark奔驰科技的服务多年,他们帮助了我增加产品的销量,而最近出的新服务,也对我的产品销售量帮助不少。 benchmarkemail.com | I just wanted to let you know that I have been using Benchmark for a few months now and am completely satisfied with your service! benchmarkemail.com |
偏爱漫步於林荫小径,享受静谧与沉思氛围的人,可造访无锡的梅园和立园,亦或造访素以匠心独具之美远近驰名的苏州园林。 seagate.com | For a quiet, contemplative stroll, visit Plum Garden and Liyuan Garden in Wuxi, or the gardens in Suzhou, famous for their beauty and artistry in design. seagate.com |
服 务 。 作 为 一 位 自 管 投 资 者 , 您 将 可 透 过 我们驰誉加国 的 优 惠 投 资 经 纪 服 务 , 享 用 各 种 投资资讯、指引及资源。 tdwaterhouse.ca | As a self-directed investor, you now have more access to investment information, guidance and resources through Canada’s leading provider of discount brokerage services. tdwaterhouse.ca |
IWC之间的新的夥伴关系和奔驰AMG的标志下,两只手表工程师钛出现。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Under the sign of the new partnership [...] between IWCand Mercedes AMG,two watches [...]Ingenieur Titanium emerge. en.horloger-paris.com |
梅赛德斯-奔驰香港有限公司为此次试验计划提供各项支援服务,包括设於售後服务中心的充电站、位於鰂鱼涌的指定服务中心,以及经专业培训并合资格的smart电动汽车维修技工和技术人员。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Service support from Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited for pilot program partners will include a charging station at the after-sales services centre, a designated service centre in Quarry Bay, quali-fied mechanics and technicians trained in smart electric drive maintenance. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
事发於早上8时45分左右,女司机现年21岁,居住在Santa Rosa市,她当时驾驶一辆2005年Acura RL房车,在101号北行公路高速飞驰,时速达到90哩。 ktsf.com | Jessica Ilene McDonagh, a 21-year-old Santa Rosa resident, was speeding north on U.S. Highway 101 at about 90 mph in a 2005 Acura RL when the crash happened around 8:45 a.m., CHP Officer Marcus Hawkins said. ktsf.com |
Rhug 农场以优质阿伯丁安格斯牛肉,获奖威尔斯羊肉,优质鸡及乳猪驰名,味道鲜嫩自然。 yp.mo | The Rhug Farm is highly recognized for its Pedigree Aberdeen Angus beef, award-winning Welsh lamb, premium chickens and Duroc cross-breed pork, with itsnatural flavor and tenderness. yp.mo |
美盛的投资经理均 以独立的方式运作,这意味着他们各自奉行独特的投资理念和程序,保持自我文化,凭 藉其专注焦点和投资专才,驰骋环球市场,包括股票、固定收益和另类投资。 leggmason.com.hk | Our investment managers operate independently – this means each manager pursues a distinct philosophy and process and maintains its own culture, providing the focus and expertise required to invest across global markets, spanning equities, fixed income and alternative investments. leggmason.com.hk |
当我们变得忙碌时,通常在白天的食物摄取量会比需要的少,在晚上则会吃比正常需要量多,这刚好跟正确的饮食习惯背道而驰。 health.herbalife.com.tw | When we’re busy, we tend to eat less than we should during the day, and then much more than necessary in the evening, which is exactly the opposite of what we should be doing,” says Herbalife’s Luigi Gratton, M.D., and vice president of medical affairs. health.herbalife.com |
他以高速奔驰通过红色广场,以布尔什维克剧院为目标,在令人目眩的赛车技巧中精彩结束表演。 oris.ch | He drove several laps of the track at high speed, starting next to Red Square and finishing at the Bolshoi Theatre, before finishing with a few tricks. oris.ch |
对 个 人 权 益 的 坚 持 似 乎 是 自 私 的 表 现 , 完 全 与 儒 家 思 想 的 原 则 背 道而驰。 hkahe.com | Insistence on individual right seemed to be a sign of selfishness which was totally against the doctrines of Confucianism. hkahe.com |
我认为Mizuno从现在起也将使用奔驰科技的产品了。 benchmarkemail.com | I think Mizuno will be using Benchmark Email from now on. benchmarkemail.com |
如上文所述,在棉花业务中,新兴市场供应商不履行及/或延误履行合约、在市场随後衰退情况下客户不履行合约以及期货市场与实物 市场出现前所未有脱节/联系背驰(按过往标准)都带来巨大挑战。 glencore.com | As noted before, in the cotton business, non and/or delayed contract performance by suppliers in a rising market, non-performance of customer contracts in the subsequent declining market and, by historical standards, the unprecedented disconnect/ imperfect correlation between the futures market and the physical markets, created enormous challenges. glencore.com |
在Nelson发现马来西亚的Proton Saga-其实除了我以外,有不少人也看过这一辆马来西亚国产车在Nelson奔驰。 4tern.com | Besides me, there are several people who saw a this Proton Saga in Nelson. 4tern.com |
各种药品皆被认为疗效可靠,为一般人所喜用而驰名国内外。 smartinfo.com.hk | By 1978, APC was formally established and was licensed to sell up to 700 products in Hong Kong. smartinfo.com.hk |
我们也TRW显示的空气袋2012例如,一个概念的研究,其屋顶安全气囊以及在後排座椅的主动扣“主动扣升降机”(ABL)在後面的应用程序中,2013“的新奔驰小号的类从戴姆勒系列。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | We Also TRW shows on the air bag 2012 example, a concept study of its roof airbags for the rear seats as well as the active buckle "Active Buckle Lifter" (ABL) in a rear application that 2013 goes in the new Mercedes S-Class from Daimler in series . en.developmentscout.com |
此 举 不 但 与 鼓 励 夫 妻 互 爱 互 助 的 做 法 背 道而驰,且在 许 多 情 况 下 , 都 可 能 使 他 们 在 社 会 上 和 经 济 上 招 致 惨 痛 的 恶 果 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The state is not justified in imposing on husbands and wives the extreme hardship of giving evidence against their spouses, contrary to the promptings of affection and marital duty, and with the likelihood, in many cases, of bringing upon themselves disastrous social and economic consequences. hkreform.gov.hk |
新奔驰SLSAMG拥有一个纯粹的设计,智能轻质结构和优异的操控动力。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Thenew Mercedes SLS AMG boasts [...] a purist design, intelligent lightweight construction and superior handling dynamics. en.developmentscout.com |
由今日起,香港管弦乐团迈向新的明天,在交响世界里翱翔驰骋。 hkphil.org | From today, the Hong Kong Philharmonic steps into a new tomorrow, and promises new movements in symphonic endeavour. hkphil.org |
源自赛车界的先进技术、6.3升自然吸气引擎、充满力量感的车身外观,以及引发驰骋慾望的运动型车厢设计,令C 63 AMG化身为出色的运动员,在赛车跑道之外为司机及乘客带来纯然的飙速乐趣。 zungfu.com | The C 63 AMG is a premium athlete that creates a feeling reminiscent of pure motorsport racing for its driver and occupants every day, not just on the race track. zungfu.com |
(二零一三年四月十八日) 林宝坚尼为Gallardo推出特别版时有所闻,但在这个车型也差不多要跨过彩虹桥往历史飞驰之时,也许为它送最後一程的最佳方法,就是再推出特别版。 hkcarworld.com | April 18, 2013 - The Lamborghini Gallardo is no stranger to special edition models, but with the car soon headed to that great racetrack in the sky, it sounds like a fitting send off is in the works. hkcarworld.com |
在“2009-10 年度需要特别留 意的事项"中,屋宇署表示会就拆除违例建筑物采取严厉的执法行动,但预算发 出的清拆令數目减少,是否会与目标背道而驰? devb.gov.hk | In “Matters Requiring Special Attention in 2009-10”, the department states that it will take vigorous enforcement action in respect of the removal of unauthorised building works. devb.gov.hk |
位元堂控股於香港联合交易所上市(股票代号:897),现时主要业务为研制、 加工及零售传统药业产品,包括以本身「位元堂」品牌出售之中药产品及其他保 健产品;以及由卢森堡大药厂研制之历史悠久远近驰名的「佩夫人止咳露」。 waiyuentong.com | Currently listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, WYT Holdings’ core business includes the production, processing and retailing of traditional Chinese medicines, including Chinese medicinal products and other health food products under the name of “Wai Yuen Tong”, and cough medicines under the long established brand of Madame Pearl’s manufactured by Luxembourg Medicine Co. waiyuentong.com |