单词 | 马革裹尸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 马革裹尸 —be buried in a horse hide [idiom.]give one's life on the battlefield
虽然联科行动未能证实存在群埋坑,但派去的小组获悉,自 危机爆发后,约 260 具尸体存放在阿尼亚马停尸房。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although UNOCI was unable to verify the existence of the mass grave, the team was informed that some 260 bodies had been kept in the Anyama morgue since the outbreak of the crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天,许多人道主义救援人员 裹在尸袋中 被运回,以色列则双手沾满了鲜血。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today, many humanitarian aid workers [...] are returning in body bags and Israel [...]has blood on its hands. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年 12 月 29 日,六个小组前往大马士革、霍姆斯、里弗霍姆斯、伊 德利布、德拉和哈马。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 29 December 2011, six groups [...] travelled to Damascus, Homs, Rif Homs, Idlib, Deraa and Hama. daccess-ods.un.org |
因 此,建议科特迪瓦政府与马里政府着手协商,以期确定原产地为塞盖拉的一包钻 石的法律地位,这一包裹目前被巴马 科 国 际机场的海关当局扣押。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is therefore recommended that consultations commence with the Government of Mali with the aim of [...] establishing the current legal [...] status of the parcel of diamonds, originating from Séguéla, currently held by the customs authorities at Bamako International [...]airport. daccess-ods.un.org |
2007 年 4 月,Hussain Solah 因与毒品有关的罪名在 Seenu 环礁的 Hithadhoo 被捕两天后,发现 Hussain Solah 的尸体漂浮在马累港 口。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hussain Solah was found dead floating in the Male’ harbour in April 2007, two days after being arrested on drug-related charges in Seenu atoll Hithadhoo. daccess-ods.un.org |
珍珠灰及米白是店內的主要顏色,貼近自然的色調加添了閒適感;用 皮 革 包 裹 製 作 的白色吊燈和鮮紅色的橡皮椅子則成了點綴。 think-silly.com | Pearl grey and cream are the shades of the store, creating a comforting sight; white leather-covered lamp shade and red rubber chairs are dotted around the space. think-silly.com |
每款腕表均搭配独特的由皮革包裹的 表壳,有黑色、深棕色、驼色或白色小牛皮可选。 gucci.com | Each piece is distinguished by a unique leather-clad case, in a choice of black, dark brown, camel or white calfskin. gucci.com |
家里人去医院领尸……我指控哈马斯 杀 了我丈夫……事情发生两 天后,哈马斯发表声明说他的死是战争的结果,他们追认他为烈士。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two days after the incident, Hamas released a statement announcing that his death was the result of the war and that they considered him a martyr. daccess-ods.un.org |
這一切 一 切 的 問 題 , 我們的領導層 和 民 意 代表都 要 用 心 考慮, 因為一旦失卻適當 的 [...] 平 衡 , 便只會 令 負 責 建 設 改 革 的 政 府 裹 足 不 前 , 這 樣 對 整 體 社 會 的 [...]發 展 並無好 處。 legco.gov.hk | All these are questions that our leading echelons and representatives of public opinion must take into careful consideration, since any failure to [...] maintain the right balance will serve to cause the [...] Government responsible for development and reform to halt in hesitation. legco.gov.hk |
4月,在美国俄克拉何马州的俄克拉何 马 城 被 发现 的 尸 骨 , 有可能是2001年8月下落不明的日本女留学生的尸体,警察方面开始进行DNA鉴定。 airhearse.com | Because the human bone, which was found in Oklahoma City in the US in [...] April, could belong to a Japanese student who had [...]been missing since August of 2001, the local police was to conduct a DNA analysis. airhearse.com |
良心 犯的尸体往 往在家人能够探视之前就火化了。 daccess-ods.un.org | Often, the bodies of the prisoners of conscience are cremated before the family can view them. daccess-ods.un.org |
伊斯兰会议组织回顾在大马士革举行 的伊斯兰 会议组织第三十六次部长级会议上通过的第 [...] 2/36-PAL 号决议第 4 段,成员国在这一段中重申,根 据具有国际合法性的各项决议和国际盟约及公约,以 色列在圣城和其他被占领巴勒斯坦领土上的所有殖 民定居措施和做法都是无效的,这些国际文书认为以 [...] 色列旨在改变圣城的法律、人口、建筑、文化和传统 地位的所有立法、行政和殖民定居程序和措施都是非 法的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The OIC recalls paragraph 4 of resolution 2/36PAL, [...] adopted at the thirty-sixth ministerial meeting [...] of the OIC in Damascus, in which the [...]members reaffirmed that all the Israeli colonial [...]settlement measures and practices in Al-Quds and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory are null and void, in line with the resolutions of international legitimacy, as well as international covenants and conventions that consider all Israeli legislative, administrative and colonial settlement procedures and measures aimed at altering the legal, demographic, architectural, cultural and heritage-related status of the holy city to be illegitimate. daccess-ods.un.org |
承襲CLS 63 AMG設計,AMG Performance軚盤別幟一格,包括上下平坦的軚盤邊、帶有金屬飾邊和穿孔 皮 革 包 裹 的 握 手位及鋁質換檔板。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The specially shaped AMG Performance steering wheel is familiar from the CLS 63 AMG: amongst its special features are the steering wheel rim, flattened at both the top and bottom; the metallic trim, the grip areas which are covered in perforated leather; and the aluminium shift paddles. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
第一,我 [...] 再次希望當局不要因為一些聲音主張盡快取消功能界別,於是在政制 改革方面便裹足不前。 legco.gov.hk | First of all, I hope once again that the authorities will not [...] let the political reforms stand still due [...]to some opinions about abolishing functional constituencies. legco.gov.hk |
许多孩子在街上闲逛,他们可能会看到倒塌的房屋、受伤的路人 和 马 路 上 的 尸 体。 unicef.org | Many children wander around the streets, where they can see collapsed buildings, injured people and dead bodies. unicef.org |
欲探寻更多历史往事,您可以来到奥法利郡的利普城堡(Leap [...] Castle),据说这里盘踞着多个鬼怪,其中最吓人的是一个身材矮小的驼背生物,它出现时伴随着一具散发着恶臭的腐 烂 尸 体 和 硫磺味道。 discoverireland.com | For more dramatic history, you could take a trip to Leap Castle in County Offaly, which is said to be haunted by a number of spectres, the most terrifying being a [...] small hunched creature whose apparition is accompanied by a rotting stench of a [...] decomposing corpse and the smell [...]of sulphur. discoverireland.com |
尤其值得一提的是五个中心:(i) 1985 年在芬兰赫尔辛基建立的世界发展经济研究所(UNU-WIDER);(ii) 1990 年在荷兰马 斯特里赫特建立的马斯特里赫特革新 与 技术问题经济社会研究和培训中心 (UNU-MERIT);(iii)1992 年在中国澳门建立的国际软件技术研究所(UNU-IIST);(iv) 1990 年在加纳阿克拉建立的非洲自然资源研究所(UNU-INRA),该研究所现在喀麦隆、科 特迪瓦、纳米比亚和赞比亚开设了机构;以及(v) 设在日本横滨的高级研究所(UNUIAS),它于 1996 年 4 月开始活动,任务主要是制定原创的、具有前瞻性的解决办法,以解 决社会与自然体系之间的问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Mention may be made of five centres in particular: (i) the World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) in Helsinki, Finland, set up in 1985; (ii) the Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) in Maastricht, Netherlands, established in 1990; (iii) the International Institute for Software Technology (UNU-IIST) in Macao, China, created in 1992; (iv) the Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) in Accra, Ghana, established in 1990 and which now has operating units in Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Namibia and Zambia; and (v) the Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) in Yokohama, Japan, which inaugurated its activities in April 1996 and whose mission is focused on the development of original, forward-looking solutions to problems at the interface of societal and natural systems. unesdoc.unesco.org |
建议大会第三十五届会议批准在阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 大 马 士 革 建 立 阿拉伯国家地 区幼儿保育和教育中心,作为由教科文组织赞助的第 [...] 2 类中心,并授权总干事签 署载于 182 EX/20 号文件第 V 部分附件的相关协定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Recommends that the General Conference, at its 35th session, approve the [...] establishment, in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic, [...]of the Regional Centre for Early [...]Childhood Care and Education in the Arab States as a category 2 centre under the auspices of UNESCO, and that it authorize the Director-General to sign the corresponding agreement contained in the Annex to document 182 EX/20 Part V. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们已经把在胡拉,在 Qazaz 和 Maydan(攻击大马士革的两个恐怖爆 炸),在 Dayr [...] al-Zawr(几天前发生屠杀,武装恐怖团伙在屠杀杀害了 11 个 去上班的劳动者,而这些团伙试图将这一事件归咎于叙利亚)、阿勒颇(袭击 该市的恐怖爆炸)和叙利亚其他许多地区发生的事件是卑鄙、野蛮的屠杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have described what happened in Hula, [...] in Qazaz and Maydan (two terrorist [...] explosions that hit Damascus), in Dayr al-Zawr [...](a massacre a few days before, in which [...]armed terrorist groups killed 11 labourers who were going to work, and which those groups sought to blame on Syria), Aleppo (a terrorist explosion that struck the city) and many other parts of Syria, as despicable and barbaric massacres. daccess-ods.un.org |
智利提出了一些建议,涉及国际人权机 制、大量寻求庇护者造成的问题,以及失踪人员 的 尸 体 挖 掘、身份辨别和归还问 题等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Chile made recommendations regarding international human rights mechanisms, the problem posed by the high numbers of asylum-seekers and the exhumation, identification and return of missing persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2009/10 年财政期间,观察员部队将努力改善管理和提高效率,办法是: (a) 关闭大马士革代表 处的修配站,并更多地利用地方服务合同,将车辆修配站 集中到法乌阿尔营地,减少保养服务的所需经费;(b) 定期进行速度检查和驾驶 [...] 认识方案,以减少事故,减少替换备件的使用,并且更多地利用地方合同提供备 件,因而减少车辆备件的所需经费;(c) [...] 设立一个专门的燃料管理单位,确保对 燃料收发进行有效和高效率控制,从而减少 2009/10 年期间的燃料消耗(见下文 第37段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the 2009/10 financial period, UNDOF will seek management improvements and efficiency gains through (a) the [...] centralization of vehicle [...] workshops in Camp Faouar through the closure of a workshop in the representational office in Damascus combined with increased [...]reliance on local [...]service contracts, resulting in reduced requirements for maintenance services, (b) regular conduct of speed checks and driving awareness programmes, resulting in reduced accidents and lower usage of replacement parts together with greater reliance on local contracts to supply spare parts, thereby reducing vehicle spare parts requirements, and (c) establishment of a dedicated fuel management unit to ensure effective and efficient control over the receipt and distribution of fuel, resulting in reduced fuel consumption in 2009/10 (see para. 37 below). daccess-ods.un.org |
我回顾,全体阿拉伯人都知道和读过叙利亚的阿 拉伯诗人尼扎尔·卡巴尼的作品,他在去世前几年的 [...] 一首非常著名的诗中想象、甚或预见这样一种景象和 聚会,这首诗是这样开始的:“大马 士 革 , 我 梦中的 宝藏,我要向你哀叹阿拉伯主义,还是向你哀叹我的 [...]阿拉伯同胞? daccess-ods.un.org | I recall that the Syrian Arab poet Nizar Qabbani, who is known and read by all Arabs, imagined, if not predicted, such a scenario and meeting [...] years before his death in a very famous poem [...] that begins: “Damascus, the treasure of [...]my dreams, shall I bemoan to you Arabism [...]or bemoan my fellow Arabs to you? daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员继续不断地收到各种指 控,如:在审讯中采用酷刑或虐待,把囚犯当作搬运工或者在军事方面作为“人 [...] 体盾牌”,将囚犯转移到边远区域的设施内,使他们无法接受家属探访或基本药 品或补充食品的包裹。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur continued to receive allegations of torture and ill-treatment during interrogation, the use of prisoners as porters or “human shields” for the military and the transfer of prisoners to facilities [...] in remote areas where they are unable to receive family [...] visits or packages of essential [...]medicine and supplemental food. daccess-ods.un.org |
任何通告如以郵遞方式寄發,概視作已在載有有關通告之信封或 包裹 寄出 之翌日送達,而證明該載有通告之信封或 包 裹 已 妥 當預付郵費、註明地址並寄 出,即足可作為送達證明,而經秘書或由董事會委任之其他人士簽署書面證明載有通 告之信封或包裹已註 明地址及寄出後,即為最終送達證明。 asiasat.com | Any notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on the day following that on which the envelope or wrapper containing the same is posted and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice was properly prepaid, addressed and posted and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Board that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice was so addressed and posted shall be conclusive evidence thereof. asiasat.com |
他注意到仍然有涉及以 下行为的指控:审讯期间动用酷刑和虐待,将囚犯用作军方的搬运工或“人盾”, 以及将囚犯转移到偏远地区的监狱,令其无法得到家属探视,也无法收取基本药 物和补充食物包裹。 daccess-ods.un.org | He notes continuing allegations of torture and illtreatment during interrogation, the use of prisoners as porters for the military or “human shields”, and the transfer of prisoners to prisons in remote areas where they are unable to receive family visits or packages of essential medicine and supplemental food. daccess-ods.un.org |
(2) 因股東身故、精神紊亂或破產而享有股份權利的人士,本公司可藉 預付郵資的信函及在信封或包裹上註 明其為收件人把通知郵寄給該人士,以身故 [...] 者代表或破產者受託人的稱謂或類似稱謂而享有股份權利的人士,本公司可把通 知寄交聲稱享有上述權利的人士就此目的提供的地址(如有),或(直至獲提供地址 [...] 前)藉如無發生該身故、精神紊亂或破產時原來的方式發出通知。 coscopac.com.hk | (2) A Notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending it [...] through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope [...] or wrapper addressed to him by [...]name, or by the title of representative of the [...]deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the Notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred. coscopac.com.hk |
由于负责运送尸体的马车夫 也死了,这位幸存者无法把尸体运到村外的墓地去,只好埋在这棵菩提树下。 swissworld.org | Since even the carter employed to take the bodies to a distant cemetery was dead, this survivor had to get rid of the bodies as best he could, so he simply threw them into a common grave beneath the tree. swissworld.org |
索马里沿 海海盗问题联络小组已核可了第一工作组提出的优先需要,包括支持:索马里和 该区域的刑法-司法能力建设方案;《吉布提行为守则》的执行;根据东南非和印 [...] 度洋区域海盗和海上安全问题区域行动计划,区域海岸警卫队-海上警察和军队 开展列为优先的反海盗和海上安全能力的能力建设;索马里经济专属区的建立; [...] 由联合国提供便利,尤其是通过坎帕拉进程以及联合国法治和安全部门 改 革方 案,索马里开展跨部门反海盗和海上安全全面行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia endorsed the priority needs identified by Working Group 1, including support for a penal/judicial capacity-building programme in Somalia and the region; the implementation of the Djibouti Code of Conduct; capacity-building of prioritized counter-piracy and maritime security capabilities of regional coastguard and maritime police and military forces, in accordance with the regional plan of action on piracy and maritime security in the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region; the establishment of an exclusive economic zone for Somalia; and comprehensive [...] cross-sector counter-piracy and maritime [...] security action in Somalia, facilitated by the [...]United Nations, especially through the [...]Kampala Process and the United Nations rule of law and security sector reform programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列使戈兰居民遭受严厉、专制和不人道的 [...] 拘留条件,并且对叙利亚被拘留者进行公开审判, 任意逮捕了两名叙利亚记者,对其的指控是与其老 家通讯,并且软禁了一名两岁的小孩,其借口是他 [...] 出生于叙利亚戈兰以外的地方,而他的父母都就读 于大马士革大学 ,正如特别委员会的报告第 92 [...]段描 述的那样。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel had subjected the population of the Golan to harsh, tyrannical and inhuman conditions of internment and had held show trials of Syrian detainees, arbitrarily arresting two Syrian journalists on a charge of communicating with their homeland, and imposing house arrest on a two-year-old child on the pretext that he was born outside the Syrian [...] Golan while his parents were studying at the [...] University of Damascus, as described [...]in paragraph 92 of the Special Committee’s report. daccess-ods.un.org |