

单词 马表

External sources (not reviewed)

Bahamas indicated that the question [...]
was “Not applicable”.
在提交材料中,阿根廷和巴马表示 , 它们愿意坚持缔约方会议决策进程协 商一致原则,它们认为,协商一致原则具有促进执行实质性决定的好处。
In their submissions,
[...] Argentina and Panama indicate that they [...]
would like to maintain the principle of consensus in the decision-making
process of the COP, which, in their view, has the advantage of fostering the implementation of decisions of substance.
马表示, 他要求骆在任内继续就美中双边关系取得进展。
As part of that
[...] assignment, Obama said he asked Locke [...]
to continue to make progress on the U.S.-China bilateral relationship.
马表示, “巴哈马化”指的是确保巴哈马公 民受益 于 经济机 会权利 的政策 。
The Bahamas stated that “Bahamianization” refers to the policy of ensuring Bahamian citizens their right to benefit from economic opportunities.
迷人时尚的Ceraline Saphira腕表是瑞士马表(ROAMER)的经典款式,秉承了瑞士钟表所赋予各种场合的精确度。
Alluring and stylish the Ceraline Saphira from ROAMER of SWITZERLAND is a Swiss made timepiece bestowing precision for any occasion.
继以往提交资料后(A/65/185,第 30 段和 A/66/174,第12段),巴马表示,根据其新《刑法》第 18 条,巴拿马的法律适用于危害人类罪(即使在境外犯罪)、 对国家法人犯罪、危害公共健康和破坏国家经济或公共行政罪,并适用于以下罪 行:强迫失踪、贩运人口、伪造巴拿马政府信用票据或公文、邮票和印章,伪造 巴拿马货币或为本国法定货币的其他货币,如果将伪造的其他货币带入或打算带 [...]
Further to the information it has previously submitted (A/65/185, para. 30, and A/66/174, para. 12), Panama advised that under article 18 of its new Criminal Code, Panamanian law was applicable [...]
to crimes
against humanity (even if committed abroad), against the legal personality of the State, against public health and against the economy or public administration of the nation, as well as to the crimes of enforced disappearance, trafficking in persons, falsification of Panamanian public credit documents or official documents, stamps and seals and counterfeiting of Panamanian currency or other currencies that are legal tender in the country if, in the latter case, they were brought into or were intended to be brought into the territory of Panama.
继首相纳吉之后,国际巨星PSY的经理人公司Scooter Braun Projects今日也表示,PSY来马表演的费用并非由马来西亚政府所支付。
Scooter Braun Projects, the company that managed South Korean megastar Psy's show in Penang - estimated to cost RM3.5 million - clarifed today that it had never been engaged or paid by the Malaysian government for the artist’s appearance on Feb 11.
最后,巴巴多 斯 向 巴马表 示 全力支持,并祝巴巴多斯在人权领域不断取得成就。
Barbados urged the international community to recognize, and ensure full support to small developing states like the Bahamas and to assist them in their efforts towards implementation of their obligations. Finally, Barbados conveyed the Bahamas its full support and wished it every success in its continuing human rights achievements.
委员会对执行局第一六九届会议至一七二届会议期间担任本委员会主席的 D. Hepburn 先生(巴马)表示感 谢,感谢他的出色领导以及为委员会工作做出的巨大贡献。
The Committee expressed its gratitude to Mr
[...] Davidson Hepburn (Bahamas) who chaired the [...]
Committee from the 169th to the 172nd session
of the Executive Board for his outstanding leadership and singular contribution to it work.
方案委员会包 括五个国际空间站伙伴机构的表、 马 来 西亚国家宇航局的两名代表和外层空 间事务厅的成员。
The programme
[...] committee included representatives of the five ISS [...]
partner agencies, two representatives of the National Space
Agency of Malaysia and staff members of the Office for Outer Space Affairs.
联合王国常驻联合国表马克·莱 尔·格兰特同日在新闻发布会上表示,阿 根廷的指控“显然是荒诞无稽的”。
For his part, the
[...] Permanent Representative of the United [...]
Kingdom, Mark Lyall Grant, stated at a press conference the same
day that the Argentine accusations were “manifestly absurd”.
开展了三次集思广益的会议:一次由专家和联合国机构参加,其他两次由律 师、政府表、马里和 尼日尔的大学教授参加。
Three brainstorming meetings took place: one with experts and United Nations
agencies and two others
[...] with lawyers, representatives from the government and professors at universities in Mali and Niger.
发言的还有:代 表 77 国集团和中国发言的古巴代表、代表非洲集团发言的埃及代表、代表亚洲 集团发言的孟加拉国代表代表拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团发言的哥斯达黎加代 表、代表欧洲联盟发言的西班牙代表、代表最不发达国家发言的尼泊尔代表、代 表内陆发展中国家发言的巴拉圭代表、中国代表、泰国代表、美国 表 、 马 来西 亚代表、印度代表、(纽约 77 国集团和中国的现任主席)也门代表、埃塞俄比亚 代表以及津巴布韦代表。
Additional statements were made by the representative of Cuba, speaking on behalf of G-77 and China; the representative of Egypt, speaking on behalf of the African Group; the representative of Bangladesh, speaking on behalf of the Asian Group; the representative of Costa Rica, speaking on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC); the representative of Spain, speaking on behalf of the European Union (EU); the representative of Nepal, speaking on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs); the representative of Paraguay, speaking on behalf of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs); the representative of China; the representative of Thailand; the representative of the United States; the representative of Malaysia; the representative of India; the representative of Yemen (which currently chaired the G-77 and China in New York); the representative of Ethiopia; and the representative of Zimbabwe.
在联伊援助团和尤其是秘书长特别 表马 丁 ·克 布勒先生的帮助下,伊朗人民圣战组织的 1 200 [...]
名成 员已经从阿什拉夫兵营搬至自由兵营。
With the help of UNAMI, and in
[...] particular the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, [...]
Mr. Martin Kobler, 1,200 members
of the People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran have been transferred from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty.
公司已经成为众多知名赛事的官方计时和合作伙伴,例如CSIO 与CHIO 国家杯的大部分赛事, 以及巴塞罗那国际官方马术障碍赛( CSIO Barcelona),浪表香港马术大 师赛(the Longines Hong Kong Masters),世界马术锦标赛巡回赛四站 (the Global Champions Tour),迪拜马术障碍赛冠军赛(Dubai Show Jumping Championship),元首杯(the President’s Cup)以及阿联酋浪表马术障 碍赛联盟(the Emirates Longines Show Jumping League)等。
The company has set up numerous partnerships as the official timekeeper and partner for prestigious events such as the H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum Endurance Cup and most of the CSIO and CHIO Nations Cup events, as well as the CSIO Barcelona, the Longines Hong Kong Masters, four stages of the Global Champions Tour, the Dubai Show Jumping Championship, the President’s Cup presented by Longines and the Emirates Longines Show Jumping League.
表马来西 亚政府转递马来西亚关于执行安全理事会关于刚果民主共和 [...]
国的第 1896(2009)号决议情况的报告。
On behalf of the Government [...]
of Malaysia, I have the honour to submit herewith the report of Malaysia on its implementation
of Security Council resolution 1896 (2009) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
伊沙克先生(马来西亚)(以英语发言):首先,请 允许我表马来西亚代表团,祝贺芬兰被任命为 2012 年会议的主持人和东道主,这能够为创建中东无核武 器和所有其他大规模毁灭性武器区提供动力。
of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and to progress in the implementation of the three fundamental pillars of the Treaty: non-proliferation, disarmament and the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
州长办公室的表、马塔莫 罗斯市市长、工会主席、斯派曼公司领导以及马塔莫罗斯市工业园房地产开发公司 [...]
Finsa 的总裁参加了剪彩仪式。
The ribbon cutting ceremony was
[...] attended by a representative from the Provincial [...]
Governor's Office, the Mayor of Matamoros,
the Union President, the corporate leadership of Spellman, and the President of Finsa, the Matamoros industrial park's real estate development firm.
外勤支助部外勤预算和财务司司长 表马 尔 科 拉女士感谢代表团参加会 议并参与 2011 年工作组的审议。
The Director of the Field Budget and Finance Division of the Department of Field Support, on behalf of Ms. Malcorra, thanked the delegations for their participation and contribution to the deliberations of the 2011 Working Group.
执行委员会审查了表马里提 交的报告以及体制建设项目延长申请,并满意地 注意到,该国亚向臭氧秘书处报告了该国的 2009 年第 7 条数据表明马里在2010 年 《蒙特利尔议定书》全部淘汰各类氟氯化碳和哈龙的管制措施之前,就实现了全部淘 汰各类氟氯化碳和哈龙的消费。
The Executive Committee reviewed the report presented with
[...] institutional strengthening project renewal for Mali and noted with appreciation that the country reported its 2009 Article 7 data to the Ozone Secretariat indicating that Mali has achieved total phase-out of CFCs [...]
and halons consumption
in advance of the 2010 Montreal Protocol control measure for the complete phase-out of CFCs and halons.
青年表、马来西 亚政府国际贸易与工业部前特别干事和亚洲航空公司战略 规划主任叶清女士谈到年轻人在找工作时所面临的挑战。
Ms. Ching Yap, youth representative, former special [...]
officer to the Minister of International Trade and Industry for the
Government of Malaysia and Head of Strategic Planning of Air Asia, commented on the challenges young people faced in searching for jobs.
通过这项决定之后,巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国常驻联合 国日内瓦办事处和其他专门机构代表团通知秘书处称,当时的常驻 表马苏 德 ·汗先生已调往他处担任巴基斯坦政府驻外代表,其接任者愿意担任缔约国会 议主席,只要这种做法符合议事规则的程序和会议惯例。
Pursuant to that decision, the Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations Office and Specialized Institutions in Geneva had informed the Convention secretariat that Mr. Khan, then Permanent Representative of Pakistan, had been assigned to serve and represent the Government of Pakistan in another capacity abroad and that his successor was prepared to fulfil the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson of the Meeting, provided that was in conformity with the rules of procedure of the Meeting.
On behalf of President Martinelli, she expressed appreciation [...]
for the work of UNICEF in support of these efforts.
关于特别表马哈穆 德先生介绍的秘书长报告 (S/2010/409)——我欢迎他出席今天的会议——我 谨指出,这份报告准确地反映了实地的现实情况,以 [...]
及包括我国和我国人道主义合作伙伴在内的各方所 有的关切。
With regard to the report of the
Secretary-General (S/2010/409) introduced
[...] by his Special Representative Mr. Mahmoud, whose presence [...]
I welcome here today, I should
like to say that it accurately reflects the reality on the ground and the concerns of various parties, including us and our humanitarian partners.
玻利维亚多民族国表马来西 亚、巴拉圭和委内 瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国提出的关于修正《京都议定 书》的提案。
FCCC/KP/CMP/2009/12 Proposal from the Plurinational State of Bolivia on behalf of Malaysia, [...]
Paraguay and the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela for an amendment to the Kyoto Protocol.
2010年4月,加拿大的第一位贵宾----维多利亚市市长迪恩·福廷在总 表马 克 ·H·罗斯维尔(大山)的陪同下参观了加拿大馆。
Canada's first VIP visitor, Victoria Mayor Dean Fortin, visits the Canada Pavilion with Commissioner General Mark H. Roswell in April 2010.
来自社会责任国际(SAI)的中国区 表马 英 先 生分享了SAI在中国的工作,以及禾众基金会(Solidaridad)是如何利用中国国内的棉花和茶叶管理体系来联系普遍受认可的国际标准。
Mr. Martin Ma from SAI shared his [...]
thoughts on SAI’s work in China and on how the organisation Solidaridad is working with
Chinese domestic cotton and tea management systems to link their operations to widely-accepted international standards.
在最后一次全体会议上,会议同意指定斯洛文尼亚常驻联合国日内瓦办事 处表马特加 斯·科瓦契奇阁下担任缔约国第十二届会议主席,并决定在 [...]
2012 年12月3日至7 日这一周在日内瓦举行第十二届会议。
At its final session, the Meeting agreed to
designate His Excellency Matjaž
[...] Kovačič, Permanent Representative of Slovenia to [...]
the United Nations in Geneva, President
of the Twelfth Meeting of the States Parties and decided to hold the Twelfth Meeting in Geneva the week of 3-7 December 2012.
会议由尼日利亚大使乌切·乔伊·奥格武任主席, 乌干达常驻代表团临时代办阿瑟·卡费罗先生(2009 年 7 月曾担任安理会主席)
[...] 和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国常驻 表马 克 ·莱 尔·格兰特大使(将于 2010 年 11 月担任安理会主席)任共同主席。
The meeting was chaired by Ambassador U. Joy Ogwu of Nigeria and co-chaired by Mr. Arthur Kafeero, Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Uganda (having served as President of the Council for
July 2009) and Ambassador Mark Lyall
[...] Grant, Permanent Representative of the United [...]
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland (who will serve as President of the Council for November 2010).
今年,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国常驻联合国 表马 克 ·莱 尔·格兰特爵 士和安全理事会 2010 [...]
年 11 月主席在开幕晚会上致词,前主管特别政治事务的联 合国副秘书长布赖恩·厄克特爵士作了主旨发言。
This year, the opening evening
featured remarks by Sir Mark Lyall
[...] Grant, Permanent Representative of the United [...]
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland to the United Nations and President of the Security Council for November 2010, and a keynote address by Sir Brian Urquhart, former United Nations UnderSecretary-General for Special Political Affairs.




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