单词 | 马来 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 马来—MalayaExamples:马来西亚—Malaysia 马来语n—Malayn 马来亚—Malaya
(2) 根据本协定所作的请求,须通过设於香港特别行政区的马来西亚驻 港总领馆提出和接受。 legco.gov.hk | (2) Requests pursuant to this Agreement shall be made and received through the Consulate-General of Malaysia in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. legco.gov.hk |
与第三组公司有联系之若干公司在马来西亚经营成衣业务,而有关业务或会被视作对本集团之成衣业务构成竞争。 wingtaiproperties.com | Certain companies affiliated with the Group Three Companies carry on garment business in Malaysia which might be regarded as competitive to the Group’s apparel business. wingtaiproperties.com |
SpeedCast [...] 为亚洲区内双向宽频接入服务之业界领导者,分别於香港、马来西亚及印尼拥有枢纽设施, 使该公司得以向区内主要市场提供全面性服务。 asiasat.com | SpeedCast is an industry-leading provider of two-way broadband [...] access services in the region, with hubs in [...] Hong Kong, Malaysia andIndonesia [...]enabling the company to offer comprehensive [...]services to key regional markets. asiasat.com |
这项计划的主要环节,是向 [...] 华语电影的主要市场( 包括内地、台湾、新加坡和马来西亚) 推介香港新 世代导演;加深香港电影业界对这些市场最新情况的认识;增加这些 [...]市场的制片商、发行商及投资者对香港商机的认识;以及寻求电影制 作的合作机会。 legco.gov.hk | The key elements of the project are to introduce the Hong Kong new generation directors to the major markets for Chinese [...] language films, including the Mainland, Taiwan, [...] Singapore and Malaysia; toenhance [...]the Hong Kong film industry’s understanding [...]of the latest development in these markets; to enhance the understanding of the producers, distributors and investors in these markets of the business opportunities in Hong Kong; and to seek opportunities for collaboration in film production. legco.gov.hk |
相比 2012 年第一季,利润率变化的主要原因是地区 [...] 组合变动,由韩国和其他市场的业务量强劲增长,及新收购的ING马来西亚业务整合所导致;此 外,诚如我们在 [...]2 月公布的 2012 年全年业绩时所述,我们谨慎假设泰国的企业税率将於 2015 [...]年及其後课税年度回升至 30%。 aia.com | The change in margin compared with the first quarter of 2012 was mainly due to changes in the geographical mix arising from the strong volume growth achieved in our operations in Korea and Other Markets, as well as [...] the consolidation of the newly-acquired [...] business from INGMalaysia and, asstated [...]in our 2012 annual results announcement [...]in February, our prudent assumption that the corporate tax rate in Thailand will return to 30 per cent for assessment year 2015 and onwards. aia.com |
於 来 年,本 集 团 将 於 中 国 的 新 兴 城 市 设 立 更 多 销 售 办 事 处,同 时 继 续 拓展马 来西亚等 其他亚洲 新市场;并分配更多资源开发业务网路,在这些市场寻找更多商机。 cre8ir.com | In the coming year, the Group will set up more sales offices in emerging cities in the PRC. Moreover, it will carry on expanding its business in new markets in Asia, such as Malaysia, and allocate more resources to develop its business network and explore more business opportunities in these markets. cre8ir.com |
我当时决定到澳洲继续我的专业深造,因爲澳洲的康复辅导学比马来西亚更爲先进,我可以学到更多的知识。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | When Christina’s interests turned to rehabilitation following her undergraduate degree in Malaysia, she found the decision to study abroad an easy one ... studyinaustralia.gov.au |
牛津经济研究院为滙丰编制环球报告、地区报告,以及下列23个国家/地区的个别报告:香港、中国、澳洲、印尼、马来西亚、印度、新加坡、越南、孟加拉、加拿大、美国、巴西、墨西哥、阿根廷、英国、法国、土耳其、德国、波兰、爱尔兰、阿联酋、沙特阿拉伯和埃及。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Oxford Economics produces a global report for HSBC, plus regional reports and country specific reports on the [...] following 23 countries: Hong Kong, China, [...] Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Singapore, [...]Vietnam, Bangladesh, Canada, USA, Brazil, [...]Mexico, Argentina, UK, France, Turkey, Germany, Poland, Ireland, UAE, Saudi Arabia, & Egypt. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
监於环球金融市场逐渐走向一 [...] 体化,加上高度发展及瞬息万变的营商环境,客户对投资 其他市场的认知及兴趣日益增加,因此集团其中一项策略 [...] 便是分别与美国、俄罗斯、新加坡、台湾、马来西亚、日 本及韩国的证券商及投资公司合作,让投资者可涉足海外 [...]金融市场,尽享一站式之投资服务。 htisec.com | Globalization, combined with an increasingly sophisticated and fast-moving business environment, has resulted in clients’ awareness of, and interest in, various products from other markets; therefore, one aspect of the Group’s strategy is to team with securities firms and investment [...] companies from the United States, Russia, [...] Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan and Korea [...]to add additional overseas products, in [...]a move to offer a one-stop-shop service. htisec.com |
马来西亚是继新加坡之後东南亚最繁荣的开发中国家。 seagate.com | Malaysia is the most prosperous and developed country in Southeast Asia after Singapore. seagate.com |
槟城是一个渡假岛屿,享有马来西亚「东方之珠」的美誉,到处都有异国美食、美不胜收的海滩、优质大饭店,以及通宵达旦的餐厅和酒吧。 seagate.com | The resort island of Penang, Malaysia’s “Pearl of the Orient”, overflows with exotic food, fabulous beaches, fine hotels and all-night restaurants and bars. seagate.com |
China Briefing 的调查结果表明,结合工资与福利等因素,中国劳动平均成本仅次於马来西亚和泰国,远远超过其他新兴亚洲经济体的劳动成本。 servcorp.com.hk | An average worker in China costs more than the average worker in any other emerging Asian economy,save Malaysia and Thailand, when considered in terms of combined salary and welfare payments, China Briefing has found. servcorp.com.hk |
太古海洋开发公司的总部设於新加坡,该公司及其附属公司在安哥拉、澳洲、巴西、汶莱、喀麦隆、丹麦、赤道几内亚、迦纳、印度、印尼、马来西亚、新西兰、卡塔尔、菲律宾、俄罗斯、苏格兰及阿联酋设有分区办事处,并在北美洲外围的各主要石油开采区均有船只作业。 swirepacific.com | Headquartered in Singapore, SPO and its subsidiaries have regional offices in Angola, Australia, Brazil, Brunei, [...] Cameroon, Denmark, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, India, [...] Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, [...]Qatar, Philippines, Russia, Scotland and the [...]United Arab Emirates, and operate vessels in every major oil exploration region outside of North America. swirepacific.com |
是项收购与友邦保险的策略优势及其首要策略非常配合,并将 会令友邦保险在马来西亚这增长迅速并极具盈利能力的保险市场成为顶尖的人寿保险公司 (详 情请见另一新闻稿)。 aia.com.tw | This acquisition represents an excellent fit with AIA’s strategic strengths and priorities and will establish AIA as the Number One life insurance company in the fast growing and highly profitable Malaysian insurance market (see our separate press release for details). aia.com |
於来年,本集团将於中国的新兴城市设立更多销售办事处,同时继续拓展马来西亚等其他亚洲新市场; 并 分 配 更 多 资 源 开 发 业 务 网 路,在 这 些 市 场 寻 找 更 多 商 机。 cre8ir.com | Moreover, it will carry on expanding its business in new markets in Asia, such as Malaysia, and allocate more resources to develop its business network and explore more business opportunities in these markets. cre8ir.com |
Olympus是一家多元化的黄金生产和勘探公司,拥有位于东马来西亚和越南的三大核心资产以及一个位于菲律宾北部的勘探项目。 tipschina.gov.cn | Olympus is a diversified gold production and exploration company with three core assets located in East Malaysiaand Vietnam and an exploration project in the northern Philippines. tipschina.gov.cn |
报导中引用HOMART总经理Jeffrey的话说:HOMART公司是从1992年开始营运至今,澳洲特色的产品一直广受欢迎,这些保健产品除销售到澳大利亚各地的免税店、礼品店和健康产品店,在澳洲市场广受欢迎外,还出口到中国、香港、澳门、韩国、新加坡、马来西亚等亚洲国家和地区。 homart.com.au | Homart general manager Jeffrey said that: Homart was established in 1992 to produce Australian special health supplements. These supplements are not only sold to Australian duty free shop, gift shop and health products [...] store, but also exported to China, Hong Kong, Macau, South [...] Korea, Singapore, Malaysiaand otherAsian [...]countries and regions. homart.com.au |
霍士国际频道於新加坡、马来西亚、 印尼、菲律宾、泰国、香港、中国、台湾、日本、韩国、澳洲、中东及印度等地设有办事处。 asiasat.com | We have offices [...] in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, [...]Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Australia, Middle East and India. asiasat.com |
明年市场关注的重点将是曾经的“亚洲四小虎”﹐它们分别是泰国、马来西亚、印尼和菲律宾。 htisec.com | Much of the focus in the coming year will be on the former Asian tigers of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. htisec.com |
notiFLY 航班提示之流动电话短讯服务,现适用於逾30个国家及地区的流动电话用户,当中包括澳洲、奥地利、巴林、加拿大、中国、捷克、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、香港、印度、印尼、爱尔兰、意大利、韩国、卢森堡、澳门、马来西亚、荷兰、纽西兰、挪威、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、葡萄牙、俄罗斯、沙地阿拉伯、新加坡、南非、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞典、瑞士、台湾、泰国、土耳其、阿拉伯联合酋长国、英国、美国及越南。 dragonair.com | SMS (mobile phone text message) - This service is currently available to mobile phone users in more than 30 countries / territories including: Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, [...] India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Korea, [...] Luxembourg,Macau, Malaysia, Netherlands, [...]New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, [...]Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA and Vietnam. dragonair.com |
相同之产品预计於本年度下半年在新 加坡和马来西亚两家主要银行推出。 excel.com.hk | The same product is expected to be launched with two major banks in Singapore and Malaysia in the second half of the year. excel.com.hk |
海合会正与某些国家和贸易联盟就订立自由贸易协定进行磋商,包括欧盟、中国、澳洲、印度和马来西亚。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | The GCC is currently negotiating free trade [...] agreements with a number of countries and trade blocs, including the European Union, China, [...] Australia, India and Malaysia. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
其主要附属公司的业务包括在新加坡、香港、中国、泰国、台 湾、菲律宾、马来西亚、印尼、越南及柬埔寨分销汽车,在新加坡、中国、越南及泰国分销工业 [...] 设备,在新加坡、澳门及香港开发与租赁物业,以及在中国制造汽车零件及配件。 tanchong.com | The businesses of its principal subsidiaries consist of [...] distributionofmotor vehiclesin Singapore, [...]Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Taiwan, [...]Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia, industrial equipment distribution in Singapore, China, Vietnam and Thailand, property development and rental in Singapore, Macau and Hong Kong and motor parts and accessories manufacturing in China. tanchong.com |
是次活动吸引了十位来自新加坡、马来西亚、印尼、泰国及菲律宾等地的设计师 参与,他们为是次活动设计了款式独特的红裙作慈善拍卖。 mastercard.com | The campaign involved ten rising [...] fashion designers from [...] Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, who created their ownmasterpiece ofa red [...]dress that was auctioned for the cause. mastercard.com |
丰业银行在中国、印度、 日本、南韩、香港、马来西亚、新加坡、台湾、泰国、越南、埃及、 爱尔兰、英国、巴贝多、开曼群岛、牙买加、巴西、智利、巴拿马及 众多其他国家均设有分支机构。 scotiabank.com | Scotiabank has presence in China, India, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Egypt, Ireland, United Kingdom, Barbados, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Brazil, Chile and Panama, besides other countries. scotiabank.com |
其研究及开发中心位於马来西亚,由一 批顶尖之工程师致力利用最新科技开发资讯科技产品。 ciamgroup.com | Its research and development center is located in Malaysia with a team of top tier engineers focusing on developing information technology products utilizing state-of-the-art technology. ciamgroup.com |
今天用友软件已成为亚太区着名的领先企业管理软件及云端服务供应商,在区内拥有客户超过1,500,000家,旗下员工多达12,000名,共开设100家办事处分布於中国内地、香港、澳门、台湾、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、越南及日本等地。 ipress.com.hk | It is now recognized as a leading enterprise management software and cloud service provider in the Asia Pacific region with over 1,500,000 customers, 12,000 staff [...] and 100 offices including the Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, [...] Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam [...]and Japan. ipress.com.hk |
为推广於今年10月27日至31日在澳门举行的『第十七届亚太电协大会』,亚太电协秘书长鲍理维率领亚太电协大会筹委会成员於2008年5月27日前往拜访马来西亚亚太电协行政委员会会员Tenaga Nasional Berhad(TNB) 。 cem-macau.com | For the promotion of CEPSI 2008 to be held in Macau from 27 to 31 October 2008, the CEPSI 2008 Organizing Committee led by the AESIEAP Secretary General José Oliveira Paulo visited Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) inMalaysia,one of the AESIEAP Executive Committee Members, on 27 May 2008. cem-macau.com |
此次研讨会 全球专家不仅分享促进商业 成长及附加价值的云端运算运用的发展经验 亦分享了如何运用云端运算科技控管库存及分 销系统的最佳范例 事实上 这次研讨会也安 排一场次 由来自泰国马来西亚美国和中 华台北的四位专家讲者针对云端运算的运用和 商机进行小组讨论 apecscmc.org | In this workshop, global experts have not only shared experience about the development of cloud computing applications, which facilitate business growth and value-adding activities, but they also shared best practice cases of increasing efficiencies on managing inventories and distribution system through applying cloud computing technologies. In fact, this workshop also has drawn a special section with panel discussions with speakers and four experts from Thailand, Malaysia, USA and Chinese Taipei, discussing about the use of cloud computing and business opportunities. apecscmc.org |
英文、希伯莱文、俄罗斯文、简体中文、繁体中文、土耳其文、葡萄牙文、西班牙文、匈牙利文、 法文、芬兰文、希腊文、马来文、阿拉伯文、德文、日文、韩文、波兰文、丹麦文。 naturally-plus.com | English, Hebrew, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, Hungarian, French, Finnish, Greek, Malay, Arabic, German, Japanese, Korean, Polish, and Danish. naturally-plus.com |