

单词 马无夜草不肥,人无外快不富

External sources (not reviewed)

財經事 務科一直有就相關立法工作所需人 手 資 源,與積 金局和律政司聯絡,不會排 除任何有助 快草擬 過程的可能安排。
The Financial Services Branch had been liaising with the MPFA and the Department of Justice regarding the manpower
resources required for the relevant
[...] legislative work, and would not rule out any possible arrangement that could help speed up the drafting process.
我们所有夜间演出,无论是 音乐剧还是戏剧,都免费对所 人 开 放 而 不 收 取 额 外 费 用
All our evening shows, from musical medleys to dramatic theatre productions are open to everyone, at no extra cost.
秘书长的报告以及今天的通报都强调了以下一 些重要而明显的要素:阿富汗未来需要一种明智而现 实的政治愿景以及实现这一愿景的可靠政治进程;尽 管单靠军事努无法解决阿富汗冲 突,但我 不 能忽视安全保障对于确保在其他领域,例如在治理、发展人权领 域取得进展的重要性;必须使阿富汗政府本 身成为一个能够提供基本服务和采取反腐行动的可 靠、有效伙伴;外,显 然需要高度重视发展阿富汗 的能力,以便朝阿富汗人发挥主导作用方向过渡。
The Secretary-General’s report and today’s briefings underline some crucial and evident factors: the need for an intelligent, hard-headed political vision for Afghanistan’s future and a
credible political
[...] process to achieve that vision; the fact that while military efforts alone will not resolve Afghanistan’s conflict, we cannot lose sight of the importance of security to making progress in other areas, such as governance, development and human rights; the indispensability of a credible and effective partner in the [...]
Afghan Government itself
that can provide basic services and take action against corruption; and the obvious need to give priority to developing Afghan capabilities in order to transition to Afghan ownership.
例如,危马拉大部分肥沃的土地属于巨大种植园所有,而留给大多 数小农户和土人耕作的是危马拉 山区陡峭的斜坡( 见 E/CN.4/2006/44/ Add .1)。
For example, most of the fertile lands of central Guatemala are part of huge plantations, while the majority of smallholder farmers and indigenous people are left to cultivate the steep slopes of Guatemala’s mountainous [...]
regions (see E/CN.4/2006/44/Add.1).
我搜集了過去數月來報章上一些簡單的報道,好讓我們看看社會在經濟 繁榮、財富滿溢富有的人肥胖得 連襪子也 穿 不 上 的 時候,我們是如何對待 基層市民和弱勢社羣。
I have collected some brief press reports in the past few months, so as to let us see how society is treating the grassroots and socially disadvantaged groups at a
time of economic
[...] prosperity, overflowing wealth and when rich people are so fat that they [...]
cannot even put on their socks.
外,地 方当局和第三部门已经在在城市开办 无 家 可归 者夜收容所和安全之家。
In addition, local authorities and the third sector have opened homeless overnight shelters and safe [...]
houses in larger cities.
有 关‘全球经济一体化’的空谈掩盖不了这样一个事实,对一些工业品出口贸易极少并很 少(如果有的话)出售发明的国家来说,授予专利给在国外完成并获得专利的发明创造 完全无利可 图的,只能够避免其它方面一些 人不快 的 外 交 报 复。
No amount of talk about the “economic unity of the world” can hide the fact that some countries with little export trade in industrial goods and few, if any, inventions for sale have nothing to gain from granting
patents on inventions
[...] worked and patented abroad except the avoidance of unpleasant foreign retaliation in other directions.
外,执行局第一八六届会议要求“总干事结合其一八六届会议的讨论情况和与各地 区组的磋商结果,快起草基金 《章程》修正案,以提交一八七届会议审议”(第 186 EX/6 号文件--第 V 部分第 7 段和第 186 EX/39 号决定第 7 段)。
In addition, the Executive Board at its 186th session requested “the Director-General to prepare and submit, as soon as possible, amendments to the Statutes of the [...]
Fund for consideration
at its 187th session, taking into account the discussions at its 186th session and following consultation of the regional groups” (186 EX/Decision 6-V para. 7 and 186 EX/Decision 39 para. 7).
自 提交决草案以来,以下 46 个国家加入成为共同提 案国:安哥拉、阿塞拜疆、巴马、 不 丹 、玻利维亚、 文莱达鲁萨兰国、布隆迪、巴西、柬埔寨、喀麦隆、 佛得角、智利、科摩罗、哥斯达黎加、萨尔瓦多、厄 立特里亚、加蓬、危地马拉、圭亚那、洪都拉斯、牙 买加、黎巴嫩、马拉维、马里、毛里塔尼亚、墨西哥、 黑山、缅甸、巴布亚新几内亚、巴拉圭、卡塔尔、圣 [...] [...]
卢西亚、萨摩亚、塞舌尔、新加坡、所罗门群岛、苏 丹、斯威士兰、塔吉克斯坦、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、 多哥、土耳其、土库曼斯坦、阿拉伯联合酋长国、乌 拉圭和越南。
Since the draft resolution was submitted, the following 46 countries have joined the list of co-sponsors: Angola, Azerbaijan, the Bahamas, Bhutan, Bolivia, [...]
Brunei Darussalam,
Burundi, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chile, Comoros, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Eritrea, Gabon, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Lebanon, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Montenegro, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Qatar, Saint Lucia, Samoa, Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands, the Sudan, Swaziland, Tajikistan, the United Republic of Tanzania, Togo, Turkey, Turkmenistan, the United Arab Emirates, Uruguay and Viet Nam.
5.1 2009年10月5 日,提人重申,造成来文所涉事实的原因并不是如缔约国 所说“与安全部队发生了冲突”,“警察和示威者都受了伤”,而是警察对行使 示威权利的柠马鞭草种植 者使用了过度 不 合 理 的武力。
5.1 On 5 October 2009, the author reiterates that the facts to which the communication relates were not the result of a “clash with the
[...] security forces”, as the State party claims, in which “both police officers and demonstrators were left injured”, but the disproportionate and unreasonable use of force by police officers against lemon verbena producers who were exercising their right to demonstrate.
在马主夜上揭 晓了HORFA2011中国杰出马主榜单,包括奥运马术骑手黄祖平、知名歌手沙宝亮、海澜集团总裁周建平、中国第一个马术俱乐部负 人 王 冀豫、香港育马会主席叶克勇、厦门立德信马术俱乐部林碧亭、京城马汇张宝生、南京赛马场吴有红、武汉东方马城胡越高、新疆 马 国 际 陈志峰 无 锡 世 界贸易中心董事长盛向东、上海全进马术俱乐部胡雪飞、上海马主石磊、百事公司杨琢等60位马主入选。
During the program, the HORFA2011
China Outstanding
[...] Horse-Owners were announced. Over 60 owners were awarded, including Mr. Huang Zuping, the Olympic rider, Mr. Sha Baoliang, a famous singer, Mr. Zhou Jianping, president of Heilan Group, Mr. Wang Jiyu, the first equestrian club manager in China, Mr. Peter Yep, president of Hong Kong Breeders Club, Mr. Peter Lin from Xiamen Litek Equestrian Club, Mr. Zhang Baosheng from Beijing International Equestrian Club, Mr. Wu Youhong from Nanjing Racecourse, Mr. Hu Yuegao from Wuhan Oriental Lucky Horse Club, Mr. Chen [...]
Zhifeng from Xinjiang Yema International, Mr. Sheng Xiaodong from Wuxi World Trade Center, Mr. Hu Xuefei
from Shanghai QJ Equestrian Club, Mr. Yang Zhuo from Pepsi and Ms. Shi Lei, an individual horse-owner.
此种油几无人为干预,不添加 任何杀虫剂、 草 剂 或化 学 肥 料 的 纯有机产品,无任何化学成分,安全环保。
This oil comes from organic crops which have not been treated with any insecticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers whatsoever, and [...]
there is therefore no
danger of any chemical traces being found in these olives.
一直以來,所謂的扶貧措施只是“大市場、小政府”的自由經濟政策 的裝飾,形成今天社會富矛盾 對立,“有 人肥 得 襪 子都 穿 不 上 , 但 窮人却窮得連襪子也沒有得穿”的局面。
All along, the so-called measures to help the poor are just a window-dressing exercise under the free-economy policy of "big market, small government" but
this has led to
[...] conflicts between the rich and poor in society nowadays and the situation of "the rich being so fat that they cannot [...]
put on their socks
but the poor being so poor that they have no socks to put on".
采用基于产品目录号的组态方式,使得运动控制系统的调试变得更 快 捷 简 单, 外 , 还 有内容富的运 动控制指令库,能够为各种应用提供所需的功能。
Catalog number driven configuration
[...] makes motion system commissioning fast and simple, and an extensive library [...]
of motion instructions
provide the right functionality for any application.
马、不丹、 佛得角、智利、几内亚、海地、 莫桑比克、乌干达和多米尼加共和国成为该决 草案 共同提案国。
The Bahamas, Bhutan, Cape Verde, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Guinea, Haiti, Mozambique and Uganda had become sponsors of the draft resolution.
和平、民主和增强人民权能有着千丝万缕的联系;和平是人道发展的组成部 分;全球和平是地方和区域和平之和;不消除压迫、不平等和贫困的一切根源, 和平就无从谈起;富裕的 世界上,不减缓并最终消除贫困及经济差距,和平无从谈起;不在人权、 宪法权利和司法方面进行机构建设,和平就无从谈起;不 真正地从政治、经济和社会三方面增强妇女权能,和平就无从谈起;不具备世俗 的心态,不维护多样性和多族裔性,和平就无从谈起;不把边缘化的群体包括进 来,和平就无从谈起;不创造就业机会,和平就无从谈起;政府没有透明度,不 对公民负追究责任,不全面尊重法治,和平就无从谈起。
that peace, democracy and empowerment of the people are inextricably linked; peace is integral to humane development; global peace is the sum total of local and regional peace; peace is impossible without the removal of all sources of repression, inequality and deprivation; peace is impossible without alleviation and eventual eradication of poverty and economic disparity in a world of opulence; peace is impossible without institution-building on human rights, constitutional rights and justice; peace is impossible without true empowerment of women, political, economic and social; peace is impossible without a secular mindset and embracing diversity and multi-ethnicity; peace is impossible without including the marginalized; peace is impossible without job creation; peace is impossible without transparency and accountability of Governments to citizens and a total respect for the rule of law.
当然,在资源富 的冲 突和冲突后国家,联合国必须提供协助,确保这 种资源为发展提供基础和起到催化作用, 不 是 让人自肥或助长目前或未来的冲突。
And certainly, in resource-rich conflict and post-conflict countries, the United Nations has to assist in ensuring that such resources provide a foundation and catalyst for development, not one for the self-enrichment of the few or for fuelling [...]
current or future conflicts.
外,我們正著草擬強 制停車熄匙的條例 草案,務求能夠在今個立法年度內向立法會提交有 草 案 , 盡快 實施這項管制。
We aim to submit the bill to this Council in the current legislative year with a view to implementing the proposed ban as soon as possible.
对其它船上电子设备加以补充————FLIR海事 外夜 视 热 像仪能够以 无 法 想 象的方式完善您的电子系统:借助GPS和 绘图设备,您可以知道目前所在位置以及即将前往的位置;雷达为您提供附近船只警示;但这些 不 能 像 FLIR红外热像仪那 样让您了解现场情况。
Complements Other On-board Electronics – FLIR’s maritime thermal cameras round out your electronics suite like nothing you could imagine: GPS and chart plotters tell you where you are and where you are going; radars alert you to nearby vessels; but nothing lets you see what’s out there like a FLIR thermal night vision camera.
在我们今天通过这项决议的时候,有 夜 以 继日 地营救受困民众,人奋力为数百 无 家 可归 的 人提 供医疗和人道主义援助,有人在为失去儿女、父母或 朋友而心不已,在这一艰难时期,他们在经济、身 心和精神上都需要我们不断提供支持。
As we adopt this resolution today, it is those who toil around the clock to rescue people trapped, those who labour to provide medical and humanitarian assistance to the millions left homeless, and those whose hearts ache as they mourn the loss of a child, mother, father or friend who need our continued financial, physical, emotional and spiritual support in this trying time.
外,亦 可利用 30 fps 的解析度錄製 1280 x 720 規格的影片,效果與攝錄影機一樣好;並有超過 10 種攝影模式: 自動夜景人像、夜景、人像、 風景、運動、宴會、海灘、臉部偵測、微笑偵測,以及包括防手震與連拍功能。
In addition, it can also record video clips in HD up to 1280 x 720 at 30 fps resolution just like a camcorder; and you can take pictures in over 10 different scene modes: Auto, Night Portrait, Night Scenery, Portrait, [...]
Scenery, Sport,
Party, Beach, face detection, smile detection, and includes features for anti-shaking and continuous shots.
2006 年4 月宣布的第九个一揽子改革计划,具体包括迅速颁布已提交议会的 各项法律草案,提出新的法草案, 加 快 对 土 耳其已签署的各国 人 权 公 约的批 准进程,以及建立一个监察专员机构和独立的国家人权机构。
The ninth reform package announced in April 2006, includes inter alia the rapid enactment of the draft laws already submitted to
the Parliament, the
[...] submission of new draft laws, the acceleration of the ratification processes in respect of the international human rights conventions [...]
signed by Turkey,
and the establishment of an Ombudsman institution and an independent National Human Rights Institution (NHRI).
对经济损失加以规定,可不必要 限制条款草案范围,例如使条 草 案 无法 处理某些活动,这些活动的目的是减轻现有的环境破坏可能给未来 人 类 造 成的 损失。
A requirement of economic loss might unnecessarily limit the scope of the draft articles, by, for example, precluding them from also dealing with activities designed to mitigate potential [...]
future human loss arising
from existing environmental damage.
奇迹 万里长城 绵延无尽的土城墙历 经数千年的风吹日晒 蜿蜒横卧无垠的 旷野草原和荒漠之上 四不见一棵 树木 城墙某些地方开有公路通道 在其 他地方 你会发现建在这个世界奇迹旁边 的农舍马厩
the living conditions in the yanchi Region villages are basic: in winter a fire is lit in the oven under the bed on which the whole family keeps warm.
难民署为富汗、肯尼亚和也门制定关 于境内流离失所的国内法律和政策提供了支持,并就 马 里 的宪 法 草 案 发表了意 见,该草案载有一些关于流离失所和庇护的规定。
[...] provided support to Afghanistan, Kenya and Yemen in the development of national laws and policies on internal displacement, and has commented on the draft constitution for Somalia, which contains [...]
a number of provisions
on displacement as well as asylum.
注意工作和生活的平衡和提供在 艰苦地区外休息 和放松的适当机会,是培养更健康、 快 乐 、 更 富 有 成 效的工人员的重要预防性战略。
Attention to work/life balance and provision of adequate opportunity for rest and relaxation away from hardship areas are important preventive strategies towards healthier happier, and more productive staff.
除此外, 我 們 亦 希望政 府 能 在 保 障 消 費者權 益 方面多做 工 夫 ,包括引入美 容 產 品 標 籤 制 度 和 監 管 工 作 ,快減 肥 藥 規 管 工 作 的 進 度 , 以 保 障 消 費者權 益 。
Moreover, we hope that the Government can do more to protect consumers' rights and interest, including establishing a labelling system for beauty products and affecting monitoring on such products, and expediting the progress of [...]
bringing appetite suppressants
under regulation to protect the rights and interest of consumers.
2) 少喝软饮料:外,最 新研究(包括《肝脏病学》杂志2009年刊登的一项研究在内)显示,饮用软饮料(普通饮料和 肥 饮 品 )是导 人 们 患 上酒精性脂肪肝的一个重要因素,并 不 受 其 他风险因素的影响。
2) Consume less soft drinks: In addition, recent studies, including one published in 2009 in the Journal of Hepatology, have shown that soft-drink consumption (both regular and diet), to be a strong predictor of developing NAFLD, independent of [...]
other risk factors.
所有文化和文明无例外地都对丰 富人 类 作 出 了自己的贡献,因此,尊重和接受宗教、族裔和文化 多样性是加强《联合国宪章》阐述的宗旨和原则的不可少的价值观。
All cultures and civilizations without exception make their own contribution to enriching humankind in the sense that respect for and acceptance of religious, ethnic and cultural diversity are essential values [...]
that strengthen
the purposes and principles set out in the United Nations Charter.




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