单词 | 马可福音 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 马可福音 —Gospel according St MarkSee also:福音—gospel 福音 pl—Gospels pl 福音 n—evangelism n
这个数字包括40,000本关於马可福音的 新书,这本书可以帮助新信徒更加明白这本福音书,也帮助教会领袖教导其会众。 amccsm.org | This includes 40,000 copies of our [...] newest book on Mark's Gospel, which will give believers a better understanding of this Gospel and also [...]help church leaders to teach their congregations. amccsm.org |
表达“人子的”数字显着,在耶稣的关于神的国教,特别是在彼得在该撒利亚腓立比 ( 马可福音 8 : 2 9) 的自白。 mb-soft.com | The expression "the Son of man" figures prominently in Jesus' teaching about the kingdom of God, especially after Peter's confession at Caesarea Philippi (Mark 8:29). mb-soft.com |
1530年之前的某个时候,伯爵Palatine [...] Ottheinrich收购了这本圣经,并委托艺术家Mathis Gerung完成了微型图,以前只进行到圣 马可福音。 wdl.org | Sometime before 1530, the Count Palatine Ottheinrich acquired the Bible and commissioned the [...] artist Mathis Gerung to complete the sequence of miniatures, which previously extended [...] only as far as the Gospel of St. Mark. wdl.org |
该Cyrenian是来自该国时,他被迫到服务似乎只有排除进入耶路撒冷,伯利恒和一个从Siloe一(马太27:30领先的道路二 , 马可福音 1 5 : 24 ,29;路加福音23 :26)。 mb-soft.com | That the Cyrenian was coming from the country when he was forced into service seems to exclude only two of the roads entering Jerusalem, the one leading from Bethlehem and the one from Siloe (Matthew 27:30; Mark 15:24, 29; Luke 23:26). mb-soft.com |
这个数字包括40,000本关於马可福音的 新书,这本书可以帮助新信徒更加明白这本福音书,也帮助教会领袖教导其会众。最近一笔印刷订单也包括很受欢迎的婚姻书籍《婚姻百味园》,以及《基督徒家族手册》,二者都提供非常需要的家庭生活教导。 amccsm.org | This includes 40,000 copies of our [...] newest book on Mark's Gospel, which will give [...]believers a better understanding of this [...]Gospel and also help church leaders to teach their congregations. amccsm.org |
之后,不仅保罗自己说马可成了有用之人, [...] 而且彼得待马可就像儿子一样;马可甚至还写 了 马可福音 ! 你 自己参看提摩太后书 4:11,歌罗西书 [...]4:10 和彼得前书 5:13,并且大声朗读出来。 sallee.info | After time, not only did Paul himself say that Mark had become useful, but he became as [...] a son to Peter and even wrote a Gospel! sallee.info |
耶稣在迦拿治好大臣的儿子(约翰福音4:46-54);在毕士大池边治好瘸人(约翰福音5:1-9);治愈彼得的岳母(马 太 福音 8 : 14 - 15 ; 马可福音 1 : 29 -31;路加福音4:38-39);洁净麻风病人(马 太 福音 8 : 2-4 ; 马可福音 1 : 40-45;路加福音5:12-16);治愈百夫长的仆人(马太福音8:5-13;路加福音7:1-10);治愈又瞎又哑被鬼附身的人(马太福音12:22;路加福音11:14);治好血漏妇女(马 太 福音 9 : 20 - 22 ; 马可福音 5 : 25-34;路加福音8:43-48);让睚鲁的女儿复活(马 太 福音 9 : 18-19,23- 26 ; 马可福音 5 : 22 -24,35-43;路加福音8:41-42,49-56);让大祭司仆人的耳朵复原(路加福音22:49-51;约翰福音18:10)。 allaboutjesuschrist.org | He healed the nobleman's son at Cana (John 4:46-54); He healed [...] the lame man at the pool of [...] Bethesda (John 5:1-9); He healed Peter's mother-in-law (Matthew 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39); He cleansed a leper (Matthew 8:2-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-16); He healed a centurion's servant (Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10); He healed a blind and mute demonic (Matthew 12:22; Luke 11:14); He healed the woman with an issue of blood (Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48); He raised Jairus' daughter (Matthew 9:18-19,23-26; Mark 5:22-24,35-43; Luke 8:41-42,49-56); and He restored Malchus' ear (Luke 22:49-51; John 18:10). allaboutjesuschrist.org |
因此,我覺得還是要積極考慮獨立處理,這對一些老人來說, 可能是更大的福音。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, I think that we should actively consider establishing a separate scheme for the elderly which may be better news for some old people. legco.gov.hk |
这就是为什么现代 信息技术的出现(不论是电话、传真还是计算 机 ) 可 望 成 为许多国家建立有效追查 系统的福音。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is why the advent of modern information technology (be it telephone, fax, or computer) promises to be a boon to the establishment of an effective tracing system in many States. daccess-ods.un.org |
这似乎有一些在某些熟语基督参考支持摧毁耶路撒冷,这是并排订在福音与有关方结束预言 ( 马 太 24 ;路 加 福音 2 1 ) 的 使徒,在某些段落著作, 这 可 能 ,而不是人为地,有这么理解(但是见帖后2:2 sqq。 mb-soft.com | This seemed to have some support in certain sayings of Christ in reference to the destruction of Jerusalem, which are set down in the Gospels side by side with prophecies relating to the end (Matthew 24; Luke 21), and in certain passages of the Apostolic writings, which might, not unnaturally, have been so understood (but see 2 Thessalonians 2:2 sqq. mb-soft.com |
将好莱坞音效带入家庭 如果您需要证明 CT800 会带给您专业标准的影院音效体 验,只需到加 利 福 尼 亚州 的 马 林 县 看一看。 bowers-wilkins.cn | From Hollywood to your home If you’re in need of any [...] proof that CT800 offers a [...] professional-standard cinema sound experience, look no further than Marin County, California. bowers-wilkins.eu |
在罗马书15 :15-16中,保罗说:「但我稍微放胆写信给你们,是要提醒你们的记性,特因神所给我的恩典,使我为外邦人作基督耶稣的僕役,作 神 福音 的 祭 司,叫所献上的外邦人,因著圣灵成为圣洁 , 可 蒙 悦 纳。 amccsm.org | In Romans 15:15-16, Paul states: "Because of the grace given to me by God, that I might be a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the Gospel of God, that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. amccsm.org |
但是令我们反思的事实是,在设有AM-CCSM办公室的十个国家中,当地的教会久未听闻使徒行传1 :8 和 马 太 福音 2 8 : 18 -20对他们说的话。 amccsm.org | But it was tempered by the fact that so few in the churches in the ten [...] countries where we have AM-CCSM bases have stopped long enough to hear [...] what Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:18-20 actually [...]say to them. amccsm.org |
美国最大的新教团体,美南浸信会,拥抱基督教原则 ; 的 福音 派 的 其他组件包括Pentecostalists,有魅力的重建(包括 罗 马 天 主教翼),阿民念主义,圣洁的教会,保守confessionalists如路德教会,密苏里州主教,以及许多黑人浸信会,以及独立的“信念使命”,如跨瓦西蒂团契,学园传道会,世界展望教派部委。 mb-soft.com | The largest US Protestant body, [...] the Southern Baptist [...] Convention, embraces Evangelical tenets; other components of Evangelicalism include Pentecostalists, the Charismatic [...]Renewal (including [...]its Roman Catholic wing), Arminian-Holiness churches, conservative confessionalists such as the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and numerous black Baptists, as well as independent "faith missions" and interdenominational ministries such as Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Campus Crusade for Christ, and World Vision. mb-soft.com |
一位好奇的章节给出了丢失的摩洛序幕, 或 马 拉 的,主教阿弥陀(1叙利亚作家的作品似乎已经),而他的版本 四 福音 中 的希腊,以该作家的好奇心作为追加的pericope通奸的女子采取(约翰8),其中有佳能摩洛插在第89,“这不是建立在其他手稿”书第八,三,赋予- Arsham也门烈士的信拜特哈西缅,或许是杜撰的文件。 mb-soft.com | A curious chapter gives the [...] Prologue of Moro, or Mara, Bishop of Amida (a Syriac writer whose works appear to have been lost), to his edition of the four Gospels in Greek, to which [...]the writers appends [...]as a curiosity the pericope of the woman taken in adultery (John 8) which Moro had inserted in the 89th canon; "it is not founded in other manuscripts" Book VIII, iii, gives the letter of Simeon of Beit-Arsham on the martyrs of Yemen, perhaps an apocryphal document. mb-soft.com |
集中国内外的祷告力量,祷告并鼓励别人为禾场的工人、 收割的条件和可以按照马太福音 9:38;提摩太前书 2:1-5 和罗马书 10:1 所吩咐的归向基督的人 群祷告。 sallee.info | Pray and encourage other to pray for workers for the harvest, conditions for the harvest, and people groups who would turn to Christ as commanded in Matthew 9:38, 1Timothy 2:1-5, and Romans 10:1. sallee.info |
其他的差异是由于译者本人是不说话的解释对他们施加影响,他们的方法工作,从不同的固有困难的工作,他们或大或小知识希腊和希伯来文,现在他们翻译,然后马所拉学士,因为他们阅读的文本不同,这是自然的,因为,希伯来文写在方的人物,在形式和某些辅音被非常相似,很容易混淆,所以他们偶尔给一个错误的翻译,而且,他们的希伯来文正说话的书面without various任何间距之间的对象,它们可以很容易的话一mistake在分离,最后,由于处置希伯来语text at中没有元音,他们可能会 提供不一样的, 元 音 的 马 所 拉 学士后来从那些使用。 mb-soft.com | Other discrepancies are due to the translators personally; not to speak of the influence exerted on their work by their methods of interpretation, the inherent difficulties of the work, their greater or less knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, they now and then translated differently from the Massoretes, because they read the texts differently; that was natural, for, Hebrew being written in square characters, and certain consonants being very similar in form, it was easy to confound them occasionally and so give an erroneous translation; moreover, their Hebrew text being written without any spacing between the various words, they could easily make a mistake in the separation of the words; finally, as the [...] Hebrew text at their disposal [...] contained no vowels, they might supply different vowels from those used later by the Massoretes. mb-soft.com |
马太福音13:52 告诉我们:“凡文士受教作天国的门徒,就像一个家主从他库里拿出新旧的东西来。 amccsm.org | Matthew 13:52 tells us, "Therefore [...] every scribe instructed concerning the Kingdom of Heaven is like a householder who brings [...]out of his treasure new things and old. amccsm.org |
根据《马其顿共和国宪法》第七 修正案 ,马其顿东 正教、马其顿的穆 斯 林 教派、天 主教、福音 卫理 公会、犹太教和其他宗教教派和宗教团体是与国家分 离 的,而且在法律面前一律平等。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to Amendment VII to the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, the Macedonian Orthodox Church, as well as the Islamic [...] Religious Community in [...] Macedonia, the Catholic Church, the Evangelical Methodist Church, the Jewish Community [...]and the other religious [...]communities and religious groups are separate from the state and are equal before the law. daccess-ods.un.org |
调查的目的是为了获得对教会建立者要接触的人群的了解……同时也知 道有什么样的资源是可以用来向他们 传 福音 的。 sallee.info | The goal of the research is to gain understanding of those people the church planter desires to reach… and also to learn what resources are available to reach them. sallee.info |
绿色和平组织在一份报告中援引了以下消息来 [...] 源:意大利一个议会委员会的证词;宣称一份 1996 年的文件据称授权建立一个 废物处理设施;一名意大利检察官发现证据,包括被指控罪犯的谈话窃听 录 音; 秘书长索马里问题特别代表在 2008 年对索马里可能发 生非法捕捞和非法倾倒的 警告。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its report, Greenpeace cited the following sources: testimony from an Italian parliamentary commission; documentation from 1996 purportedly authorizing a waste treatment facility; evidence uncovered by an Italian prosecutor, including wiretapped conversations with alleged offenders; and [...] warnings by the Special [...] Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia in 2008 of possible illegal fishing and illegal dumping in Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
在阿留申酋长伊万·潘科夫的帮助下,维尼亚米诺夫发明了 [...] Unangan (阿留申语)字母表,并使用该字母表来构建语法并翻译 《 马 太 福音 》。 wdl.org | With the help of the Aleut chief Ivan Pan'kov, Veniaminov invented an [...] alphabet for the Unangan (Aleut) language and then used it to compose grammars and [...] translate the Gospel of St. Matthew. wdl.org |
得着未得之民的一个主要挑战,就是要肯放下本民族或基督教文化的包袱,努力朝这样一个标准努力,就是在分 享 福音 并 寻求在未得之民中造就门徒时,只传讲圣经中的必 不 可 少 的 真理。 conversation.lausanne.org | One of the main challenges in reaching the unreached is being willing to let go of our ethnic and Christian cultural baggage as [...] we struggle for a [...] standard of only biblically necessary truth in sharing the gospel and seeking to make disciples of the unreached. conversation.lausanne.org |
B.宇宙飞碟中央主灯(GRIVEN/意大利.基芬的GR 500):置于舞池的正上方,较其他品牌的主灯而言,该灯灯体薄而横截面积大, 拾 音 效 果 灵敏 , 马 达 运 行安静,内置多种程序, 随 音 乐 的 节奏程序变化,光束亦变化,光线覆盖面积很大,所以一 灯 可 发 挥多灯的作用,与月花灯,旋转隧道花灯及其他效果灯等配合,可用于慢曲;而与频闪,电脑灯等配合可用于快曲。 gzbaiguan.com | B. Universe UFO central main light (GRIVEN / Italy. Jifen the GR 500): placed just above the dance floor than the other brands in terms of the main light, thin and light body cross-sectional [...] area of [...] ​​the big lights, pickup sensitivity , motor quiet operation, built-in a variety of procedures, procedural changes with the rhythm of the music, the beam also changes, a very [...]large area of ​​light coverage, so a light can play a role in more light, and the [...]moon lantern, lanterns and other effects of rotating tunnel lights with, for Manqu; with strobe lights, the computer can be used with the fast song. gzbaiguan.com |
6 月 11 日,按照安全理事会第 1923(2010)号决议第 26 段的规定,我的中乍 特派团特别代表优素福·马哈穆 德在班吉同中非当局讨论了中乍特派团从中非共 和国东北部撤出的后果,并就为减轻这些后果 而 可 能 开 展的国际和区域方案交换 了意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 11 June, in pursuance of paragraph 26 of Security Council [...] resolution 1923 (2010), [...] the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for MINURCAT discussed with the Central African authorities in Bangui the consequences for the north-eastern Central African [...]Republic of the withdrawal [...]of MINURCAT, and exchanged views on possible international and regional options to mitigate those consequences. daccess-ods.un.org |
坐落在西南角落可能最美丽的部分岛屿和躲避北通过坐落在西南角 落 可 能 是 岛屿最美丽的部分和 帕 福 斯 通 过Troodos山脉躲避北面寒流 , 帕 福 斯 是古 罗 马 时 代 的首都,温和的温暖的冬季和,看似无穷无尽的夏天。 maispa.estatecy.com | Nestled in the South-West corner in probably the most beautiful part of the island and sheltered from the North by the Troodos mountains, Paphos, once the Roman capital of the island, enjoys mild winters and warm, seemingly endless summers. maispa.estatecy.com |
参看《马太福音》11 :25)我们毫不怀疑, 这是神圣计划的一部分,它与把耶稣送入受 人轻视之地拿撒勒一样重要,“他将为拿撒 勒人”(《马太福音》2: 23),虽然他实际上 出生在光荣的市镇伯利恒。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | (Matt.11:25) This, we doubt not, was as much a part of the divine plan as the sending of Jesus into Nazareth, a despised place, “that he might be called a Nazarene” (Matt. 2:23), though he was really born in the [...] honorable town of Bethlehem. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
提出的請求要儘量具體明確(馬可福音 10:51) 我們應依照神的法則祈求,我們所求的要配合耶穌所作的,以及神的性情 (約翰福音 10:23-27) 我們禱告時應如同孩童一般單純的信靠,肯定神在聆聽的同時會以行動回應我們所求。 aglow.org | We should pray with God according to His rules and our petitions need to be in line with what Jesus did and with the revealed character of God (John 16: 23-27). aglow.org |
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