

单词 马俊仁

See also:



benevolence n


humane adj

External sources (not reviewed)

內務委員會主席表示,上述議案分別由俊仁議員及鄺志堅議員動議,而議案的措辭已送交議 員。
The Chairman said that the above motions would be moved by Mr Albert HO and Mr KWONG Chi-kin respectively, and the wording of the motions had been issued to Members.
12.12.01 何俊仁議員 動議議案,促請政府檢討法定機構及香 [...]
12.12.01 Hon Albert HO moved a motion [...]
urging the Government to review the pay adjustment mechanisms of statutory bodies
and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.
內務委員會主席表示,俊仁議員 動議議 案的主題是" 避免中下階層市民因金融海嘯影響而 陷於困境"。
The Chairman said that the subject of the motion to be moved by Mr Albert HO Chun-yan was "Preventing the lower and middle classes from being trapped in hardship amid the financial tsunami".
主席,在2007年,我和俊仁一起 辦了一個中國維權律師關注組, 因為我十分相信,如果要中國有民主、有自由、有法治,一定要有獨立 [...]
President, in 2007, Mr Albert HO and I established [...]
the China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group because I strongly believe
that if China wants to have democracy, freedom and the rule of law, it must have an independent judiciary.
虽然刚果(金)武装部队情报官员告诉专家组说,Mitondeke 先生在协助筹 备在马举行 一次起义,但促进刚果自由和主权爱国联盟代表辩称,该议员因在 [...]
2011 年选举前退出卡比拉总统的政党并加入了反对党而成为报复的对象。
While FARDC intelligence officers told the Group that Mr.
Mitondeke was supporting preparations for
[...] an uprising in Goma, APCLS representatives [...]
defended the position that the Deputy
was targeted in retaliation for leaving President Kabila’s party and joining the opposition prior to elections in 2011.
[...] 演促進者的角色,而調解中心就調解或仲裁提供的 資料將會保密,俊仁議員 詢問在調解中心懷疑金 融機構違反相關法例或規例的個案中,調解中心會 [...]
Given that the mediators would play the role of a facilitator during mediation at FDRC, and the information provided to the FDRC for
mediation or arbitration purpose would be kept
[...] confidential, Mr Albert HO enquired, [...]
in cases where FDRC suspected that the financial
institutions had breached the relevant legislation or regulations, whether the FDRC would forward the relevant information to the regulatory bodies for follow-up action.
经过过去几个月在纽约、日内瓦、基加利、悉尼和 马 举 行 广泛磋商并出席 与各国、国际及区域组织,以及民间社会和学术界代表的几次会议和磋商会之后, 我满意地注意到,大多数相关行为者确信需要在第三次双年度会议期间取得的成 就基础上产生具体成果,从而为 [...]
2012 年审查会议的成功奠定基础。
After holding extensive consultations during the past months in New York, Geneva, Kigali, Sydney and Lima, and attending [...]
several meetings and
consultations with States, international and regional organizations, and representatives of the civil society and academia, I note with satisfaction that most of the actors involved are convinced of the need to produce concrete results, building upon the achievements reached during the Third Biennial Meeting, laying the foundation for a successful Review Conference in 2012.
更具体地说, 秘书处在 2008-2009 两年期所进行的相当多的活动是信托基金支助的:(a) 咨询 服务;(b) 2008 年 11 月 11 日至 14 日特设专家组在维也纳就拟议建立全球自愿
金融机制/有价证券组合模式/森林资金筹集框架等举行会议的服务费;以及专家 组将于
[...] 2009 年 3 月 12 日和 13 日在马举行 的专家组会议的会议事务;(c) [...]
发 展中国家、特别是最不发达国家和经济转型国家的代表出席论坛第八届会议的差
旅费;(d) 工作人员参加与森林有关的各种会议和活动的差旅费;(e) 依照经济 及社会理事会第 2007/278 号决定,协助主席团筹备论坛未来的届会;(f) 秘书 处临时工作人员的薪金。
More specifically, a substantial part of the activities of the secretariat in the biennium 2008-2009 were supported from the trust fund through: (a) consultancies; (b) cost of conference services for the ad hoc expert group meeting to develop proposals for the development of a voluntary global financial mechanism/portfolio approach/forest financing framework, held in Vienna from 11 to 14
November 2008, and the expert group meeting
[...] to be held in Rome on 12 and 13 March [...]
2009; (c) travel of representatives of
developing countries, particularly from the least developed countries and countries with economies in transition, to the eighth session of the Forum; (d) travel of staff to participate in various forest-related meetings and events; (e) support to the Bureau in preparing for future sessions of the Forum, in accordance with Economic and Social Council decision 2007/278; and (f) salaries of temporary staff members of the secretariat.
主席接  批准俊仁議員根據 《 議事規則》第91條 , 動 議 暫停執行 《 議事規則》第58(5)條 , 以 便全體委員會可以在 考慮第5 條前,先 行 考慮與第3 條有關的 新訂的 第 3A條。
The President then granted leave for Hon Albert HO to move a motion under Rule 91 of the Rules of Procedure that Rule 58(5) of the Rules of Procedure be suspended to enable the Committee of the whole Council to consider new clause 3A ahead of clause 5, as it was related to clause 3.
按照《議事規 則》第1A條的規定,我現在邀請 俊仁 議 員 主持選舉。
In accordance with Rule 1A of the Rules of Procedure, I now invite Mr Albert HO to preside at the election.
王國興議員、葉偉明議員、俊仁議 員 及 湯家驊議員建議舉行公聽會,聽取公眾對此議題的 意見。
Mr WONG Kwok-hing, Mr IP Wai-ming, Mr Albert HO and Mr Ronny TONG suggested that a public hearing should be arranged to receive public views on the subject.
在“一贯末世”的约翰内斯Weiss和史怀哲的“实现末世”的CH多德和鲁道夫奥托;的“辩证末世”的卡尔巴特和鲁道夫布特曼,和​​ 马 斯 林 俊 杰 阿 尔泰泽尔和其他末世“上帝之死”激进的神学家可能也代表了圣经中的概念解释的色域。
The "consistent eschatology" of Johannes Weiss and Albert Schweitzer, the "realized eschatology" of CH Dodd and Rudolf Otto; the "dialectic eschatology" of Karl Barth
and Rudolf Bultmann, and the "death of
[...] God" eschatology of Thomas JJ Altizer and other [...]
radical theologians may represent the
gamut of interpretation of the biblical concept.
[...] 勒比——欧洲联盟移民对话表示支持,该对话是 2008 年在马举行的第五届首脑 会议通过的宣言框架内所创立的。
We therefore underscore our bi-regional dialogue with the European Union, we express our support for the implementation of the Latin American and
Caribbean-European Union Migration Dialogue established in the framework of the Declaration of the
[...] Fifth Summit, held in Lima in 2008.
再 者 ,局長剛 才 承 諾 了 會 在本年年底 或 明年年初 提 高透明 度 , 所以我 不同意俊仁議員動 議的修 正 案。
Moreover, as the Secretary has just undertaken to enhance transparency at the end of this year or early next year, I, therefore, do not agree with the amendment moved by Mr Albert HO.
为使粮食署国家业务更有效力和更有效率及为支持国家工作队与各国政府 一起开展的工作而作出努力,这对于确保按照《巴黎宣言》原则、《阿克拉协议》、 在意大利拉奎拉举行的 8 国集团首脑会议和在马举行 的 2009 年世界粮食首脑 会议的成果向国家优先事项和国家主导的战略提供尽可能最好的支持是至关重 要的。
Efforts to make WFP country operations more effective and efficient and to support the work of United Nations country teams with Governments are essential to ensuring the best possible support to national priorities and country-led strategies, in line with the Paris Declaration principles, the Accra Accord, the summit of the G-8 at L’Aquila, Italy, and the 2009 World Food Summit in Rome.
据刚果(金)武装部队军官和政界人士说,在选举后,恩塔甘达和全国保卫 人民大会及其政治盟友刚果进步联盟的领导人c 在马举行了一系列会议,在 会上进行了谈判,以分马西西 的议会席位。
Ntaganda and leaders from both the CNDP and their political ally, the Union des Congolais pour le progrès (UCP),c
organized a series of
[...] meetings in Goma in which they negotiated with a view to negotiating the division of legislative seats in Masisi.
委员会获悉,计划委员会第一O九届(特别)会议定于2011年11月2日至4日 在马举行
The Committee was informed that the
Hundred and Ninth (Special) session of the Programme Committee was scheduled to
[...] take place in Rome from 2 to 4 [...]
November 2011.
在本 两年期,人道协调厅还在曼谷、南非约翰内斯堡和巴 马 举 办 了性别平等和性别 暴力问题方案编制讲习班,向外地从业人员介绍了性别暴力问题手册和指导原 则。
In the biennium, OCHA also held workshops on gender equality and gender-based violence
programming in Bangkok, Johannesburg, South
[...] Africa, and Panama, introducing [...]
field practitioners to the handbook and the
guidelines on gender-based violence.
按照《議事規則》第 34 條第(5)款,我 會 請 鄭家富議員先行 發 言 , 然 後 依 次 請俊仁議員及 馮檢基議員發言 ;但在這階段,他們不可動議任何修 正 案 。
In accordance with Rule 34(5) of the Rules of Procedure, I will call upon Mr Andrew CHENG to speak first, to be followed by Mr Albert HO and Mr Frederick FUNG; but no amendments are to be moved at this stage.
由於存保計劃基金所收取 的供款會按銀行的 “CAMEL評級”計算,而且取得較高評級的銀行向基金支 付的供款比率較低,俊仁議員擔心, 取得較低評級的 銀行會被迫從事 較 高 風險的業務,藉以收回 所付出的較 高成本 。
As contributions towards the DPS fund would be based on the "CAMEL rating" of banks and banks with higher ratings would pay lower rates to the fund, Mr Albert HO expressed concern that lower rated banks would be forced to undertake businesses with higher risks in order to recover the higher cost involved.
謝偉俊議員及俊仁議員 均認為,律師會提出修訂《操 守指引》,規定以有限責任合夥模式經營的律師行必須履行原則 第 5.17條評論1及 2 的義務此建議,已足以為消費者提供足夠保 障,因為不論個案所牽涉的款額多少,香港所有律師行均會指 派合夥人監督每宗個案。
Hon Paul TSE and Hon Albert HO consider LS' proposal to amend the Conduct Guide to make the obligations in Commentaries 1 and 2 under Principle 5.17 mandatory for solicitor firms operating as LLPs sufficient to provide adequate protection for the consumers, as all solicitor firms in Hong Kong would have a partner supervising each and every case regardless of the amount involved.
(c) 各国政府应当落实 2010
[...] 年 6 月 8 日至 10 日在马举行 的国际前体管 制专题讨论会商定的关于列入附表和未列入附表的前体的成果。
(c) Governments should implement the outcomes agreed upon
by the International Precursor Control
[...] Symposium, held in Lima from 8 to 10 [...]
June 2010, on scheduled and non-scheduled precursors.
世界粮食安全委员会经过改革之后,于 2010 年 10 月在马举行 了第一次全 体会议,各国政府、国际机构、非政府组织、民间社会和研究机构等一系列利益 [...]
The first plenary session of the Committee on World
Food Security since its reform was held in
[...] October 2010 in Rome with participation [...]
of a range of stakeholders such as Governments,
international agencies, NGOs, civil society and research bodies.
俊仁議員 亦認為,在擬議第7AC(3)條加入推定知悉元素,會 減少對消費者提供的保障,原因是,律師行的資深 成員或會避免向初級成員提供指導,以免為初級成 員對客戶的疏忽或錯誤作為所造成的失責行為負 上個人法律責任。
Mr Albert HO was also of the view that the provision of a constructive knowledge element in the proposed section 7AC(3) would provide lesser safeguard to the consumers as senior members of a law firm might refrain from providing guidance to their junior members for fear of being held personally liable to the defaults of the junior members for their negligence or wrongful acts to clients.
俊仁議員 及劉慧卿議員指出,若政府當局已 就西九龍文娛藝術區作出最後決定,而該決定可能有損 [...]
公眾利益,同時又沒有充分考慮小組委員會報告所提出 的建議,小組委員會應考慮採取更積極的行動,包括引 用第382章第9 條所賦予的權力,迫使政府當局提交有關
Mr Albert HO and Ms Emily [...]
LAU pointed out that in case the Administration had made a final decision on WKCD which might
compromise the public interest and without due consideration of the recommendations in the Subcommittee’s reports, the Subcommittee should consider taking more vigorous actions, including invoking the power under section 9 of Cap. 382 to compel the Administration to provide relevant documents and/or moving a motion of no-confidence at the Council meeting.
論相對排名,葉劉淑儀再次上榜排名第一,余若薇下跌一位排名第二,李卓人上升一位排名第三, 俊仁 保 持 第五,劉慧卿下跌三位排名第六,曾鈺成下跌一位排名第七,譚耀宗下跌一位排名第八,其餘議員在過去一年都沒有名次。
In terms of relative rankings, Regina Ip re-enters the list and occupies the first place, Audrey Eu drops one position to become second,
Lee Cheuk-yan goes up one place to take the
[...] third place, Albert Ho remains on [...]
the fifth, Emily Lau drops three places to
become the sixth, Jasper Tsang drops one place to become the seventh, Tam Yiu-chung drops one place to become the eighth, while others were not on the list last year.
俊仁議員 認為應在解釋《基本法》的程序下,公布有哪些 事項會由人大常委會作出解釋,以便政府當局能就該次釋法對人權造 成的影響,向人大常委會提供意見。
Mr Albert HO expressed the view that the issues subject to interpretation should be made known under the procedures of interpretation of the BL, so that the Administration could give NPCSC advice on the human rights implications arising from the interpretation.
在这方面,签署本照会的各国常驻代表团谨通报,南太平洋常设委员会(南 太常委会)、拉丁美洲渔业发展组织(拉美鱼发组织)和中美洲渔业和水产部门组 织(中美渔业水产组织)的成员在 2010 年 5 月 5 日于马举行了一次联席会议, 就《鱼类种群协定》审查会议签署了 2010 年 5 月 5 日《马声明》(见附件)。
In that connection, the undersigned Permanent Missions are pleased to announce that following a joint meeting of the members of the Permanent South Pacific Commission, the Latin American Organization for Fisheries Development and the
Organization for the
[...] Central American Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector, held in Lima on 5 May 2010, the Lima Declaration of 5 May 2010 was signed in anticipation of [...]
the Review Conference
on the Fish Stocks Agreement (see annex).
在 2002 年 4 月的人与生物圈计划城市小组会议之后,10 月份在意大利马举办 了一期 “欧洲人与生物圈计划 2002”框架内的城市科学和生物圈保留地讲习班,讲习班号召发起 新型的关于城市系统的人与生物圈行动。
Following the meeting of the MAB Urban Group in April 2002, a workshop on urban science and biosphere reserves held within the framework of EuroMAB 2002 in October (Rome, Italy), which called for the launching of renewed MAB initiatives on urban systems.
马纳马举行 的“世界遗产公约法定机构的决策程序”专家会议(2010 年 12 月,巴林),旨在确定提高这些程序的效率和透明度的机会。
Expert meeting on “Decision-making procedures of the statutory organs of the World Heritage Convention” in Manama (Bahrain, December 2010), to identify opportunities for increasing the efficiency and transparency of these procedures.




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