单词 | 馥馥 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 馥 —fragrancearomascent馥馥 —strongly fragrant • heavily scented
四百多种挥发性成份,构成了她独特 的 馥 郁 而 香甜的气味。 clarinsusa.com | More than four hundred volatile components contribute to the inimitable richness and sweetness of its fragrance. clarinsusa.com |
充满浓郁中国北方风情的 Lunar 8 悦餐厅可为宾客提供悠闲而雅致的就餐氛围,可令客人霎时陶醉 于 馥 郁 香 气和迷人月光打造而成的完美意境中。 fairmont.cn | Lunar 8, the casual yet sophisticated, Northern Chinese dining venue immediately entrances visitors with decadent aromas and moon-lit allure. fairmont.com |
口感:有很好的结构感,浓郁醇厚,适宜的成熟单宁味得到的醇厚口 感 馥 郁 整 个口腔。 tmedco.com | Palate: a good sense of structure, the appropriate mellow taste of tannin throughout the mouth and a long finish. tmedco.com |
Paradise系列珠寶,使人如同沐浴在世外仙島的陽光中,感受空氣 中 馥 鬱 花 香。 piaget.com.hk | The Paradise collection fills the air with its floral fragrances, thanks to its evocative pieces of jewelry that recall paradisiacal islands bathed in sunshine. piaget.com |
使用这款日用型珠光卷发洗发水清洗您的秀发,为您带来丝般柔顺的感受,同时享受巧克力 的 馥 郁 香 气。 cn.lubrizol.com | Gently wash your hair with this pearlized daily use shampoo for curly hair, leaving it feeling soft and silky, while enjoying the pleasant aroma of the delicious chocolate fragrance. lubrizol.com |
由酿酒师Christophe Bonnefond精心调配的清新自然、果香馥 郁 、口感浓烈的Mercier香槟,正是这种热情精神的最好体现。 lvmh.cn | The fresh, fruity, intense and spontaneous Mercier vintages fashioned by Christophe Bonnefond, chef de cave for the House, reflect this authentic, warm-hearted spirit. lvmh.com |
我们坚定不移 地致力于继续努力促进和保护对人类生存来说至关 重要的海洋,以便我们留给我们的子孙后代不会只剩 下没有馥郁花香的赤壁荒漠。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have an unwavering commitment to continue to work on the promotion and defence of oceans — essential to the survival of the human species — so as not to be left only with scorched desert land devoid of the scent of fresh flowers to bequeath to our children and their children. daccess-ods.un.org |
品珍「粒仔清」採用古法天然生曬,長期的陽光生曬,將黃豆內的蛋白質和氨基酸分解,令「粒仔清」的色澤深而帶有光澤,味道帶 有 馥 郁 的 黃豆香味。 sfgourmet.com | This decompose the proteins and amino acids in soybeans, hence the colour of Lup Chi Ching is dark but with a gloss and has a strong soybean aroma. sfgourmet.com |
在二零零三年,香港藝術館之友亦贊 助了港幣 40 萬元用以舉辦”慾望與虔誠:約翰與 巴 馥 福 特 藏印度、 尼泊爾及西藏藝術”展覽。 legco.gov.hk | In 2003, the Friends of the Hong Kong Museum of Art sponsored HK$0.4M for the exhibition “Desire and Devotion: Art from India, Nepal and Tibet in the John and Berthe Ford Collection”. legco.gov.hk |
指葡萄酒需要"呼吸",就是说当酒倒入另一个容器里,例如将酒倒入一个酒杯,和空气接触之后,散发出比原来 更 馥 郁 的 香气。 emw-wines.com | Denotes the act of allowing the wine to "breathe"; ie: when wine is poured into another container, such as a wineglass, the admixture of air seems to release pent-up aromas which then become more pronounced, in many cases, as minutes/hours pass. en.emw-wines.com |
油评:十月橄榄油芳香馥郁清 新,口味浓郁,带有浓浓的水果味,相对较咸,带有新鲜绿叶的色泽;十一月橄榄油呈现出现烤苹果的香郁,相对较干,口感柔和并带有干草的的清香,很好地掌握了成熟的时机;十二月橄榄油带有西红柿、爆米花及成熟水果的浓郁果香,口感丝滑柔和,芬 香 馥 郁。 tmedco.com | SECOND: HORIZONTAL TASTING: We decided to share our experiences with all lovers of our oils, so that we would make a small contribution to the better understanding of the complex world of olive products, fun but at the same time a serious learning exercise: the discovery of how the same olive evolves from fruit harvested during three consecutive months. tmedco.com |
在喜马拉雅的山石嶙峋中欣赏雪豹,或是看着安第斯熊攀登上云雾缭绕的山峦寻找食物,也可以亲眼目睹巨型海龟在马苏阿拉热带雨林中游泳,这里终年温暖湿润,是 片 馥 郁 的 热带雨林,再现了13000平方码真实的马达加斯加。 bauraulac.ch | Enjoy the sight of the snow leopards in their rocky Himalaya landscape, watch the Andean bears as they go climbing in search of food in their misty mountain world, and admire the giant turtles swimming in the Masoala Rainforest, where it is warm and humid all year round – a fragrant, tropical green oasis, a piece of Madagascar live in 13,000 square yards. bauraulac.ch |
比赛当天,天公也特别眷顾热爱高尔夫的女士名媛们,美好的春日 , 馥 郁 的花香,高尔夫的无限乐趣伴随着一个个青春靓丽的挥杆倩影穿梭在旭宝的冠军场地上,比赛的成绩也是相当的优异,远距奖由王爱鸣女士以260码的成绩获得,近洞奖由金惠庚女士以1码的成绩获得,总杆冠军获得者张艾雯女士以77分的成绩收获精美奖杯和价值近六千元的丹玛手表一枚,净杆组蔡虹女士以69.8分的成绩摘得桂冠,并获得精美水晶奖杯和价值6500元的 Mizuno球杆1套,亚军获得者是70分的袁小北女士,她获得的是精美奖杯和 Mizuno球包套装,季军获得者是仅仅相差0.4分的金英玉女士,获得精美奖杯和Mizuno球包一只。 silport.com.cn | The top Gross winner was Ms Zhang Aiwen (77), she was prized with crystal trophy and Daumier valued RMB5800; Top 3 Net scores were Ms Cai Hong (69.8), prized with crystal trophy and Mizuno Golf club set valued RMB 6500, next winner was Ms Yuan Xiaobei (70), prized with crystal trophy and Mizuno Golf bag set, and the second runner up was Ms Kim Yingyu (70.4), she got the crystal trophy and Mizuno Golf bag. silport.com.cn |
产品介绍:蜜蜡香珠是泰国三宝之一,是天然蜜蜡的一种,大都是淡黄色或是黄色的,如果用火烧会产 生 馥 郁 的 香气,满室留香,而且久久不散,而蜜蜡饰品本身却不会损坏,不过现在基本找不到纯天然的蜜蜡香珠了,而产自泰国的蜜蜡香珠饰品,因为泰国人巧妙的加工,设计上新颖独特,做工精细,耐磨耐用,精致美观等特点,本品会自然持续散发出一种淡淡特有清香,是一种新型的饰品,它无毒无害。 cnonen.com | Product introduction: beeswax sweet bead is one of the triple gem Thailand, is a natural beeswax, mostly light yellow or yellow, if burn will produce the fragrant aroma, full chamber, and stay sweet long do not come loose, and beeswax adorn article itself was not damaged, but now can't find the basic natural sweet bead, and beeswax produced in Thailand's beeswax beadwork, because fragrance Thai people clever processing, on the design novel and distinctive, fine workmanship, wear-resisting durable, fine beautiful wait for a characteristic, the product will be natural for radiates a light special scent, is a new type of act the role of article, it avirulent and harmless. cnonen.com |