单词 | 香附 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 香附 —red nut sedge (Cyperus rotundus)See also:附—attach • be attached • be close to
香港附屬公 司及其僱員之每月最高供款額 為1,000港元,超出此數之 供款屬自願供款性質,不受任何限制。 mmg.com | Contributions [...] of both the Hong Kong subsidiaries and their employees [...]are subject to a maximum of HK$1,000 per month and [...]thereafter contributions are voluntary and are not subject to any limitation. mmg.com |
此外,本集團亦為 屬下若干香港附屬公司之合資格僱員設立一項定額額外供款計劃,亦有為於二零零一年五月前聘用之部份海外僱員提 [...] 供一項界定權益退休計劃。 wingtaiproperties.com | In addition, there is a defined contribution top-up scheme for qualifying [...] employees of certain Hong Kong subsidiaries [...]of the Group. wingtaiproperties.com |
不過,香港並無相關附屬法 例規管食物中的殘 餘除害劑。 cfs.gov.hk | However, [...] there is no specific subsidiary legislation to govern [...]pesticide residues in food in Hong Kong. cfs.gov.hk |
莊氏為中國中信集團有限公司之香港 全 資 附 屬 公司中信裕聯投資有限公司(「中信裕聯」)項目管理部總經理。 asiasat.com | Mr. Chong is the General Manager, Project Management [...] Department of CITIC United Asia Investment Limited (“CITIC United [...] Asia”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CITIC Group in [...]Hong Kong. asiasat.com |
出生證明書(如非在香港出生,須附 上 批 准在港居留並印有入境日期的證明書)。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Birth Certificate (If not born in Hong Kong, please provide a certificate on approval of stay in Hong Kong with the entry date printed on it). housingauthority.gov.hk |
由 於 本 公 司及其 須 繳 納 香 港 利 得 稅 之 附 屬 公 司 於 申 報 期 間 均 錄 得 稅 項 虧 損 , 故 並 無 就 香 港 利 得 稅 計 提 撥 備 。 cigyangtzeports.com | No provision for Hong Kong Profits Tax has been made as the Company and its subsidiaries which are subject [...] to Hong Kong Profits [...]Tax incurred a loss for taxation purpose for the reporting period. cigyangtzeports.com |
香港以外地區附屬公 司的稅項則以相關國家適用的現行稅率計算。 ygmtrading.com | Taxation for subsidiaries based outside Hong Kong is charged [...] at the appropriate current rates of taxation ruling in the relevant jurisdictions. ygmtrading.com |
三月上旬 有關香港業務拓展總部 香港業務拓展總部(HKMC)是索尼香港的 附 屬 公 司, 在 香 港 及 澳門提供 Sony 消費者產品 及廣播與專業產品的有關銷售、市務推廣及售後服務。 sony.com.hk | Hong Kong Marketing Company (HKMC), a division of Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited, [...] provides sales, marketing and after [...]sales services for Sony’s consumer electronics products as well as broadcast and professional products in Hong Kong and Macau. sony.com.hk |
一旦一个成功的原型被辨认了, 发展然后行动向ZPower 建立5 个发展办公室位于在圣迭戈的发展办公室(美国), [...] 圣约瑟(格斯达里加), 伦敦(英国), 圣彼得斯堡(俄国) 并且香港(中国附近) 。 zpower.com | Once a successful prototype has been identified, then the development moves to the development offices of which ZPower is establishing 5 development [...] offices located near San Diego (USA), San Jose (Costa Rica), London (UK), St. [...] Petersburg (Russia) and Hong Kong (China). zpower.com |
香港以外 地區附屬公司的應收帳款信貸期介乎約 30 至 60 天。 clp.com.cn | For subsidiaries outside Hong Kong, the credit [...] term for trade receivables ranges from about 30 to 60 days. clp.com.hk |
公司的中國內地及國際附屬公司於2012 年的收入合共為127.86 億港元,當中來自香港以外鐵路附屬 公司的收入,即MTM、MTR Stockholm AB(「MTRS」)及港鐵軌道交通(深圳)有限公司為126.50 億港元,較2011 年增加3.0%,收入增加主要由於計入港鐵軌道交通(深圳)有限公司的首年全年度業績,以及MTM [...] 的收入增加。 stock.pingan.com.hk | Revenue in 2012 from Mainland of China and [...] international subsidiaries was HK$12,786 million, of which the group’s railway subsidiaries outside of Hong Kong, namely MTM, [...]MTR Stockholm AB [...](“MTRS”) and SZMTR, contributed HK$12,650 million, an increase of 3.0% over 2011, mainly due to the inclusion of results for SZMTR for a full year as well as increases in receipts by MTM. stock.pingan.com.hk |
認可結算所」 指證券及期貨條例(香港法例第 571 章)附表 1 第 I 部及於當時有效之任何修訂條文或重新制定的條 文,並包括當中收納的每項其他法例或替代法例。 sitoy.com | recognised clearing house" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Part I of Schedule 1 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and any amendments thereto or re-enactments thereof for the time being in force and includes every other law incorporated therewith or substituted therefor. sitoy.com |
(3) 鑑於Coppermine是香港五礦之全資附屬公 司, 而 香 港 五 礦是中國五礦之全資附屬公 司,據此,根據證券及期貨條例,於最後可行日期,香港五礦及中國五礦均被視為擁 有由Coppermine所持有本公司231,876,917股每股面值0.05港元之股份權益。 mmg.com | (3) Coppermine is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Minmetals HK which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Minmetals. mmg.com |
正如 附件 I 所示,香港遊 艇會方案中的 主幹道隧道建造仍涉及在灣仔沿岸以及在銅鑼灣避風塘內 灣填海。 devb.gov.hk | As can be seen from Annex I, reclamation will be needed for Trunk Road tunnel construction along [...] the Wan Chai shoreline [...]and in the corners of the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter for the RHKYC scheme. devb.gov.hk |
瑞鵬製衣織造廠有限公司,為本公司擁有其 70%權益之間接附屬 公司,及於香港註冊成立之有限公司。 wingtaiproperties.com | Shui Pang” Shui Pang Garment & [...] Knitting Factory Limited, a 70% [...] owned indirect subsidiary of the Company incorporated in Hong Kong with limited [...]liability. wingtaiproperties.com |
(ii) 由 於 在 香 港 成 立 的 附 屬 公 司 於 兩 個 年度內 均 無 任 何 須 繳 付 香 港 利 得 稅 的 應 課 稅 溢 利 , 因 此 並 無 為 該 附 屬 公 司 就 香 港 利 得 稅 作 出 撥 備 。 haitianhydropower.com | (ii) No provision for Hong Kong Profits Tax has been made for the subsidiary established in Hong Kong as the subsidiary did not have any assessable profits subject to Hong Kong Profits Tax during both years. haitianhydropower.com |
結算所」 指 證券及期貨條例(香港法例第571章) 附 表 一 第一部分及 其當時有效的任何修訂涵義內的認可結算所,或本公司 [...] 股份上市或報價的證券交易所所在的司法管轄區的法例 認可的結算所。 mainland.com.hk | clearing house” a recognised clearing house within the [...] meaning of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Securities and Futures Ordinance [...](Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and any amendments thereto for the time in force or a clearing house recognised by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the shares of the Company are listed or quoted on a stock exchange in such jurisdiction. mainland.com.hk |
我们友好,经验丰富的员工谁是随时准备为您和质量将所有在街道上最好 的 香 格 里 拉酒 店 附 近 马 里斯卡尔那里一切的位置,留在最安全的宿舍,包房,免费上网和Wi - Fi instantworldbooking.com | We have friendly, experienced staff who are always ready for you and a quality place to stay with dorms, private rooms, free internet and Wi-Fi all in the safest location on the best street La Mariscal where everything is nearby. instantworldbooking.com |
大福投資經理是大福證券集團有限公司(「大福」)的全 資 附 屬 公 司, 在 香 港 聯 交所 上市(聯交所股份代號:0665)。 htisec.com | TFIM is a wholly owned subsidiary of Taifook Securities Group Limited (“Taifook”; SEHK Stock Code 0665), which is listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. htisec.com |
附近的“香格里 拉元帅”是所谓的基多粉红区,所有的旅馆,餐馆,旅行社,酒吧,迪斯科舞厅的位置。 instantworldbooking.com | The neighborhood "La mariscal" is called the pink zone of Quito where all the hostels, restaurants, travel agencies, bars, discotheques are located. instantworldbooking.com |
本公司確認其已採納有關董事證券交易的行為守則,其條款不遜於 《 香 港 上 市規則 》 附 錄 十 所載的規定,且本公司董事 於整個期間一直遵照該行為守則。 prudential.co.uk | The Company also confirms that it has adopted a code of conduct regarding securities transactions by [...] directors on terms no less [...] exacting than required by Appendix 10 to the Hong Kong Listing [...]Rules and that the directors of [...]the Company have complied with this code of conduct throughout the period. prudential.co.uk |
(ii) 董事會至少三分之二的董事(不包括大唐提名的董事會成員)依據誠實信 用的原則書面決議認為該權利的行使對本公司及股東作為一個整體並非 為最有利的;及 (b) [...] 若按除上述(a)外的方式發行有關證券,相當於大唐在有關證券發行前實益擁 [...] 有的本公司已發行股本比例的有關證券,但大唐(連同大唐全 資 附 屬 公 司大唐 (香港) )須最少持有本公司總股本1,849,547,150股股份(按任何股份分拆、股 [...] 份綜合、股息、資本重整和其他類似事項而作出適當調整)。 cre8ir.com | (ii) at least two-thirds of the Board (excluding the members of the Board nominated by Datang) in good faith resolves in writing that such exercise is not in the best interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole; and (b) in case of the issue of the Relevant Securities other than (a) above, a pro rata portion of the Relevant Securities equal to the percentage of the issued share capital of the Company then beneficially owned by Datang prior to the issue of the Relevant Securities, [...] provided that Datang (together [...] with Datang (Hong Kong), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Datang) maintains [...]an ownership interest [...]equal to at least 1,849,547,150 Shares (as appropriately adjusted for stock splits, stock consolidation, stock dividends, recapitalizations and the like) of the total nominal share capital of the Company. cre8ir.com |
就本公司細則第103(1)條而言,「附屬 公 司」 指 香 港 聯 合交易所有限公司證券 上市規則第1.01條所賦予之涵義。 soundwill.com.hk | For the purpose of [...] this Bye-law 103(1), “subsidiary” shall have the meaning [...]as defined in Rule 1.01 of the Rules Governing [...]the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. soundwill.com.hk |
於二零零七年六月三十日,本公司附 屬 公司 的 香 港 土地租賃及樓宇的若干預付地價(賬 面 總 值 約 為136,000,000港 元)已 質 押 [...] 予 銀 行,作 為 已 授 予 本 集 團 約26,000,000港 元 之 銀 行 貨 款 及約202,000,000港元之信託收據貸款之抵押。 cre8ir.com | On 30 June 2007, certain prepaid [...] premium for land lease and [...] buildings in Hong Kong of the Company’s subsidiaries, with a total carrying [...]value of approximately [...]HK$136 million were pledged to banks as securities for bank loans of approximately HK$26 million and trust receipt loans of approximately HK$202 million granted to the Group. cre8ir.com |
加長空間座位」設於緊急逃生出口附 近 ,並 受 香 港 民 航處之飛行安全規定限制。 dragonair.com | Extra-legroom Seats [...] are located near the emergency exit doors and are subject to the flight safety guidelines of the Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong. dragonair.com |
3.4.13 香港遊艇會建議書的摘錄已載於附件 I。香港遊 艇會指出, 為籌備其提議,他們集思廣益,廣泛徵詢各有關方面的意 [...] 見,包括灣仔區及東區區議會、非政府組織、體育協會及 香港遊艇會成員。 devb.gov.hk | 3.4.13 An extract from the [...] RHKYC proposal is at Annex I. RHKYC noted that [...]they had brainstormed with and solicited ideas [...]from various stakeholders including Wan Chai District Council and Eastern District Council, NGOs, sports associations and RHKYC members, in deriving their proposal. devb.gov.hk |
本公司 發行的所有優先股,將附帶發行當時 香 港 聯 合交易所有限公司可能規定的表決權。 cre.com.hk | All preference shares issued by the [...] Company will carry such voting rights as may be required at the time of [...] issue by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. cre.com.hk |
英國太古集團有限公司(「太古」)的全 資 附 屬 公 司 香 港 太古集團有限公司(「香港太古集團」)與公司及其若干附屬公司及聯屬公司訂有提供服務的協議(「服務協議」),為該等公司提供太古集團董事及高層人員的意見與專業知識、太古集團員工的全職或兼職服務、其他行政及同類型服務,以及其他或會不時互相協定的服務,並協助公司及其附屬、共同控制及聯屬公司取得太古擁有的相關商標的使用權。 swirepacific.com | There are agreements for services ("Services Agreements"), in respect of which John [...] Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited [...] ("JSSHK"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of John Swire & [...]Sons Limited ("Swire"), provided to the [...]Company and some of its subsidiary and associated companies advice and expertise of the directors and senior officers of the Swire group, full or part time services of members of the staff of the Swire group, other administrative and similar services and such other services as may have been agreed from time to time, and procured for the Company and its subsidiary, jointly controlled and associated companies the use of relevant trademarks owned by Swire. swirepacific.com |
在不影響本客戶協議和本附表的任何其他規定的前提下,於 本 附 表 內 根據 《 香 港 證 監會持牌人或註冊人 操守準則》制定的條款將構成並被詮釋為 本 附 表 之一部分,所有 在 香 港 期 貨交易所進行之交易,均須受 到此等條款之約束。 tanrich.com | Without prejudice and in addition to any other provisions of this Client Agreement of this [...] Schedule, all Transactions [...] entered into HKFE shall be subject to the provisions of this Clause which are prescribed by the Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with SFC and which shall constitute, and be construed as part of, this Schedule and in case [...]of any inconsistency [...]between the other provisions of this Client Agreement or this Schedule and the provisions set out in this Clause, the provisions set out in this Clause shall be prevail. tanrich.com |
免責聲明:創興證券有限公司是創興銀行有限公司全 資 附 屬 公 司,亦 是 香 港 聯合交易所有限公司(下稱"聯交 所")交易所參與者,證監會中央編號: AAA806。 chbank.com | Chong Hing Securities Limited (the “Company”) is [...] the wholly-owned subsidiary of Chong Hing Bank Limited and an exchange participant of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, [...]the SFC Central Entity [...]Number of the Company is AAA806. chbank.com |