单词 | 香氛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 香氛 noun —fragrance n香氛 noun, plural —fragrances plSee also:氛—miasma
著名护理香氛能为 肌肤注入活力,使肌肤快速复原,同时带来柔软滋润的肤质,并散发幽幽芳香。 clarinsusa.com | The famous Treatment Fragrance that energizes, [...] revitalizes and leaves skin soft, hydrated and delicately-scented. clarinsusa.com |
夢境成真”帶領我們一同闖進Anna Sui的奇幻世界,穿過神奇的魔鏡,揭開浪漫粉紅 的 香氛 世 界。 hk.eternal.hk | Dreams come true" lead us into the Anna Sui fantasy world, through the magic mirror, and romantic pink in the world. hk.eternal.hk |
清新的茉莉調子,配以柚子、佛手柑等果味,猶如美人魚歌聲般扣人心弦的氣味,是今個夏天最出眾的女 士 香氛。 aster.com.hk | Fresh jasmine tone, together with the grapefruit, [...] bergamot and other fruit, like a mermaid singing exciting as the smell, is this the most [...] outstanding women in summer fragrance. aster.com.hk |
不止是香氛,令人身心振奋的香氛护 理 ,运用香薰和植物疗法技术让肌肤从密集植物精华中得到完美护理。 clarinsusa.com | More than a fragrance, this uplifting treatment fragrance has skin care [...] benefits derived from powerful and highly concentrated [...]plant extracts, using aroma and phytotherapy techniques. clarinsusa.com |
此款便于使用的滚珠香氛能令 您免去携带大瓶香水或在喷洒香水时影响身边他人的困扰。 cn.lubrizol.com | This convenient roll-on perfume will free you from carrying large bottles of perfume and disturbing [...] bystanders with haphazard spray. lubrizol.com |
此款香水由法国时尚设计师Coco Chanel和一位香水制造商Ernest Beaux共同创造,而此款香氛也因 在5月5号上市而称之为第5号。 oris.ch | Created by French fashion designer Coco Chanel with chemist Ernest Beaux, the fragrance is called No. 5 because it was launched on the fifth day of the fifth month. oris.ch |
品牌于2012年米兰国际家具展期间,将展出两大全新家具组别、现有家具种类的丰富新品,以及一款独特而充满暖意的家 居 香氛。 bottegaveneta.com | For Salone del Mobile 2012, there are two [...] new furniture groups, numerous new styles added to existing groups, and the introduction of a [...] warm, unique home fragrance. bottegaveneta.com |
而今年,該標籤的認受性更擴大至整個歐洲,由P.D.O. 標籤所取代;採用生長在普羅旺斯高地最純淨的狹葉薰衣草(Lavandula [...] Angustifolia),又名《純薰衣草》,配合傳統蒸餾法,調配出全新的薰衣 草 香氛 及 身體護理系列,散發出比經典薰衣草系列更獨特的草本花香,讓您時刻放鬆心情。 hk.loccitane.com | This year, the label is upgraded for a European recognition and become the P.D.O. label by using the traditional distillation methods and Haute-Provence ‘s purest Lavender, Lavandula [...] Angustifolia, also known as “Fine Lavender” for a [...] new Lavender Fragrance and Bodycare [...]Collection with an exceptional quality and distinctive [...]floral, aromatic scent which help you truly relax. hk.loccitane.com |
產品簡介 植物性乳蛋白(杏仁萃取物),穀類和酵母萃取物成份能有效補給肌膚於清潔後易產生的不適與緊繃感,恬適宜人的淡 雅 香氛 , 不刺激的質地,為乾性肌膚溫和地啟動之後保養品吸收的前導準備。 aster.com.hk | Product Description Plant-derived milk protein (almond extract), cereals and yeast extract components can effectively supply the skin easy to clean after the discomfort and tension generated, does not stimulate the texture of the skin, Dry and gently skin care products after the start of pre-prepared to absorb. aster.com.hk |
這是一款明快而感性的香氛,就像使用它的女性一樣 , 香氛 透 過 充滿活力而令人垂涎的水果以及微妙的花香來表現女性的柔媚氣息,升華了從她身上散發出的東方情調以及迷人魅力。 hk.eternal.hk | This bright and sensual scent, like the woman who wears it, defines the essence [...] of femininity through the vibration of mouth-watering [...]fruits and delicate flowers, which sublimate the oriental and gourmand whispers that have been left on her skin. hk.eternal.hk |
Prada香氛由世界頂尖的調香師以最佳的材料調和而成,敏感而細緻,令使用者擁有感性而獨特的氣質。 sogo.com.hk | The Prada Fragrance is highly personal, [...] subtle yet meticulous, made from the highest quality ingredients and blended by the world's leading noses. sogo.com.hk |
Skin Activator 煥膚精華系列 Radiant C 活膚系列 蘆薈保養系列 深層保養系列 香氛系列 同系列產品 對賀寶芙產品有興趣嗎? products.herbalife.com.tw | Nourifusion® Radiant C Skin Activator Personal Care Range Product Information Guide PDF File Flipbook products.herbalife.com.au |
说到时尚界,ELLE杂志刊登了一则题为“Fragrance by Design”(设计的香氛)的 文章,文章分析了时尚产业中嗅觉品牌塑造的存在意义。 labbrand.com | In terms of the fashion industry, ELLE magazine featured an [...] article titled “Fragrance by Design” where [...]they investigate the presence of olfactory [...]branding within the fashion industry. labbrand.com |
终极香氛护理: 用护肤泥帮乘客做一次紧致肌肤、保湿滋润的身体面膜 msccruises.com.cn | Ultimate dry & wet aroma cell: firming, moisturizing [...] and protective clay body mask, with toning effects. msccruises.com.eg |
這種木材近年更成為香氛精油的主要來源。designo的高級原材料均配合精湛工藝妥善處理。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Cinnamora wood trim, for example, is made from camphor wood (cinnamomum camphora), which, until a few years ago, was used chiefly as a source of essential oils. designo treats all of these high-quality raw materials with the respect of a craftsman. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
此外,他对于香味的天赋渗透到每一件Fresh产品中并且不断积累成一个日益增长的Fre sh “ 香氛 图 书 馆”,可以根据客户的品位,打造单独或具有层次感的香味。 lvmh.cn | In addition, his gift for fragrance permeates each Fresh product and has culminated in an ever-growing library of Fresh fragrances that [...] can be worn alone or layered for a customized scent. lvmh.com |
全新的Prada香氛將傳統的香氛事業 推進一步,運用創新的香氣調和手法帶 回 香氛 調 製 的技術至更現代化的發展。 sogo.com.hk | The new Prada Fragrance brings forward the tradition of perfumery by updating this craftsmanship with an innovative approach [...] to scent blending. sogo.com.hk |
准备起飞,展开香味感官之旅! DKNY 全球知名的苹果香氛,推出最新「DKNY Be Delicious 苹果淡香精 (最爱城市系列)」,让您透过喷洒 香氛 就 像是置身于全球各地最时尚的城市。 cosme-de.com | From the romance of the City of [...] Lights to the unrelenting energy of the Big Apple, the DKNY Be Delicious I Heart Collection takes you on a scented journey around the world. cosme-de.com |
Magnifique…Lancôme兰蔻最新创作的珍稀 香氛 , 重 新诠释了法国高级香水的真谛,倾力展现女性特质中至情至性的动人一面。 bcia-shopping.com | Lancome Magnifique Lancôme fragrance latest creations of rare, re-interpretation of the essence of French haute perfume, effort to [...] show the feminine side in the moving Emotion. en.bcia-shopping.com |
传统的香水气味是采用金字塔式的 香氛 结 构,将香调整齐的排列,带出前味、中味、后味。 cosme-de.com | The dark accord includes poisonous flower [...] Belladonna and incense, which evolve [...]into the sensual and opulent wave of honey drops, saffron and apricot. cosme-de.com |
將草本生命精華液施於頭、臉、背、胸、手背、腳底或風濕、疼痛等部位,透過經穴理療按摩的方式活絡神經末稍,即能透過其中天然的植 物 香氛 , 感受大自然的能量,緩和緊張的情緒與壓力,減輕身體的失調及病痛,令人徹底的放鬆,消除疲勞,舒筋活絡,進而調節身體氣機,提昇生命能量,讓身心達到平衡,有益於身心靈的保健與護理。 trade-taiwan.org | This herbal essence has the abundance in natural energy. trade-taiwan.org |
這是我們品牌期望帶來的:由我們產 品 香氛 及 質 地令客人如同前往普羅旺斯及地中海地區。 tw.loccitane.com | This is also what our brand evokes: a journey to Provence and the [...] Mediterranean coasts, pleasure for the [...] senses thanks to the scents and textures of [...]our products, and the feeling of wonder [...]that our customers experience when they step into our stores. pl.loccitane.com |
由2012年6月11至17日, 凡選購任何BVLGARI香氛或肌膚護理產品滿HK$500, 即可免費獲贈BVLGARI [...] MAN 鑰匙扣乙個; 或選購滿HK$1,000, 可免費獲贈BVLGARI 圍巾乙條. blog.harveynichols.com.hk | From June 11 to 17, 2012, upon purchase of any [...] BVLGARI beauty or fragrance products of HK$500 [...]or more, you will receive a BVLGARI [...]Man key holder; or top up your purchase to HK$1,000 or more to receive a BVLGARI scarf! blog.harveynichols.com.hk |
比Nuit Étoilée的香气更圆浑更感性,带来清新脱俗、掺杂芳香和 木 香 的 香氛。 joyce.com | A rounder, more sensual version of Nuit Étoilée, giving a fresh, aromatic [...] and woody fragrance with stronger [...]notes of iris and amber. joyce.com |
按捺不住的英倫躁動是BURBERRY的新近主題 — 由描述樂團Joy Division的電影《Control》而引發的F/W 2008廣告(包括沿用扮演Ian Curtis的Sam Riley作為模特兒);「The Beat」Fragrance的「The Beat [...] Girl」是炙手可熱的Agyness Deyn,主題音樂是新一代掘起樂團The [...] Fratellis的粗糙搖滾之音;直至最新推出的男 士 香氛 「 Th e Beat For Men」,同樣找來多位別緻男生如獨立樂隊主音 [...](來自Yorkshire「One Night Only」的George [...] Craig及「Last Gang」的Kristian Walker),又或是年輕演員(曾主演《Stormbreaker》的Alex Pettyfer)拍攝造型照,為這個存在了一百五十多年的英國老品牌重新注入新生命,成為Fashion Phenomenon。 think-silly.com | Agyness Deyn stepped in for ‘The [...] Beat Girl’ fragrance campaign, carrying [...]the theme inspired by raw rock ‘n’ roll sound of The Fratellis. think-silly.com |
應用乳油木果脂、夏威夷堅果油及玻尿酸水合因子的密集式強化柔嫩保濕雙手,在與草本植物沒藥、紫藤花的萃取調理下,預防肌膚鬆弛乾裂,使用後更飄散英國氣質生活風 的 香氛。 bonjourhk.com | Contains ceramides that help hands retain moisture for exceptional softness with each use, along with conditioning shea butter and wisteria, peony, elderflower, and magnolia extracts, and moisturising macadamia nut oil. bonjourhk.com |
草本生命精華液是源自於獅子國(斯里蘭卡古名)古代宮廷的尊貴御方,這珍奇的配方中,運用了數十種原生草本植物與花卉,遵循五百年來所傳承的古法,一點一滴精心煉製出高山花草的精粹,形成蘊含陽光氣息、能量具足的草本生命精華液,隨著體溫散發出多層次的心 靈 香氛 , 可緩緩地滌淨繁雜的喧囂與疲憊。 trade-taiwan.org | Vivacious organic herbal essence was the secret [...] recipe for the noble family in Ancient Kingdom of Lion. trade-taiwan.org |
规格:100ml原装密封(有原装盒内附喷头) 产地:美国 包装:全新有原装盒有塑封 2009年新上市 香调: [...] 木质清新调 前味: 海洋风味 、 胡荽 、 新鲜西瓜 中味: 欧铃兰 、 白松香 、 东洋茴香 后味: 红琥珀 、 雪松 、 广藿香 Calvin Klein全新推出的2009年永恒夏季男性 香氛 , 是 一款清新木 蕨 香 调 香氛 , 这 款夏季限量版对香充满了生气蓬勃的清新感以及宁静感。 kitaitorg.ru | Specifications: 100ml original sealed (with original box containing a nozzle) Origin: United States Packaging: Original box has a new plastic New listings in 2009 Xiang stressed: wood taste fresh tune before: the ocean flavor, coriander, fresh taste of watermelon in: lily of the valley, white rosin, Toyo after fennel flavor: red amber, cedar, patchouli Calvin Klein launched [...] in 2009 a new [...] eternal summer fragrance for men, is a transfer of fresh wood fern incense fragrance, this limited edition summer of incense filled with fresh [...]and vibrant feel, [...]as well as a sense of tranquility. kitaitorg.ru |