

单词 香子兰

香子兰 ()

Vanilla planifolia

See also:

surname Lan

External sources (not reviewed)

该酒呈深宝石红色,可感觉其突出的个性,强烈浓郁而不失精炼和优雅、洁净而令人愉悦的芳香,由几许黑樱桃及洋李果酱味开始,带出黑莓、熏烤木质与烟草、甘草、紫 兰 、 香子兰 、 豆 寇等芬芳,香味在鼻腔和口腔间的感应极为和谐而持久,最后以深色成熟莓浆果味结束。
The nose reveals good personality with intense, clean, pleasing, refined and elegant aromas which start with hints of black
cherry jam and plum jam
[...] followed by aromas of blackberry, cinchona, blueberry, toasted wood, tobacco, licorice, violet, vanilla and hints [...]
of nutmeg and menthol.
按照这项规定,国家的任务 是确保该资源为斯威兰子孙后 代所享有。
According to this provision, the State is tasked to ensure that the resource remains available for
[...] the future generations of Swaziland.
主席,我以中西區舉一個子,香港 大 學在2004年提交一份報告, 游說當局加快興建西區及南區的地鐵支線。
In 2004,
[...] the University of Hong Kong submitted a [...]
report to lobby the authorities to expedite the construction of MTR extensions
in the Western and Southern Districts.
外国投资者通常不会在兰的 子公司成立监督委员会。
The foreign investors usually do not appoint a
[...] supervisory board in their Polish subsidiaries.
While many occupations share common titles and functions, they are also quite individual in terms of what specific duties a person is responsible for, which can be attributable to the management structure of the business and the services it aims to provide.
下列成员和准成员的代表在会上作了发言:亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、孟 加拉国、文莱达鲁兰国、 柬埔寨、中国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、斐济、 中香港、 印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊 兰 共 和 国、日本、哈萨克斯坦、老 挝人民民主共和国、马来西亚、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、巴布亚新 几内亚、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、新加坡、所罗门群岛、 [...]
Representatives of the following members and associate members made statements:
[...] [...] Armenia; Australia; Bangladesh; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; Fiji; Hong Kong, China; India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic [...]
of); Japan; Kazakhstan; Lao People’s
Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Republic of Korea; Russian Federation; Samoa; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; and Viet Nam.
2009 年 10 月,国际极端子组织伊斯兰解放党的 12 名成员因组织并参与一 个极端分子协会(《刑法》第 282 条第 2 款)、为恐怖分子活动和招募恐怖分子提 供便利(《刑法》第 205 条第 1 款)以及企图暴力夺取权力(《刑法》第 278 条和 第 30 条)被最高法院判定有罪。
In October 2009, the Supreme Court of Tatarstan convicted 12 members of the international extremist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami who were found guilty of organizing and participating in an extremist association (art. 282.2 of the Criminal Code), facilitating terrorist activity and recruitment (art. 205.1 of the Criminal Code) and attempting to seize power by force (arts. 278 and 30 of the Criminal Code).
2008 年,阿
[...] 塞拜疆提出了跨欧亚信息高速公路倡议,旨在通过一 条新的主要过境线路(从兰克福到香 港 ), 产生一条 跨国光纤干线。
In 2008, it had put forward the Trans-Eurasian Information Superhighway initiative
(TEISH) aimed at creating a transnational fibre-optic backbone via a major new
[...] transit route: from Frankfurt to Hong Kong.
(c)  一名替任董事應(除非不在香港,在此情況下,倘若彼已通知秘書表示有意
[...] 於任何期間(包括該日)離開香港,且並無撤回有關通知,則彼應被視為於任何子不在香港) 有權接收董事會會議通告,並有權作為董事出席委任彼為代表之董事 [...]
人作為董事之一切職能;而就於該會議上之程序而言本章程細則之條文將適用,猶 如該替任董事(而非其委任人)為董事。
(c) An alternate Director shall (except when absent from Hong Kong, for which purpose he shall be deemed absent from Hong Kong on any day if he has given to the Secretary notice
of his intention to be
[...] absent from Hong Kong for any period including such day and has not revoked [...]
such notice) be entitled
to receive notices of meeting of the Directors and shall be entitled to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is not personally present and generally at such meeting to perform all the functions of his appointor as a Director, and for the purposes of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these Articles shall apply as if he (instead of his appointor) were a Director.
兰开发的电子数据 库能帮助促进关于诊断医 学得出的人口剂量的全球调查。
Electronic databases developed by Finland could help to [...]
facilitate the global surveys on population doses received from diagnostic medicine.
国际基督教家庭运动联合会在各大洲下述国家拥有附属组织:(a)北美洲,在美 利坚合众国拥有 4 000 个家庭;(b)欧洲,在西班牙、马耳他、葡萄牙、匈牙利、 斯洛伐克、捷克共和国、意大利拥有 3 990 个家庭;(c)在拉丁美洲的墨西哥、 危地马拉、萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯、哥斯达黎加、古巴、秘鲁、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔 共和国、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、多米尼加共和国、巴拿马、乌拉圭、巴西、阿根 廷、玻利维亚、智利、巴拉圭,拥有
80 000 个家庭;(d)在非洲的乌干达、马拉 维、喀麦隆拥有 475
[...] 个家庭;(e)在亚洲的菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、印度、斯兰卡、日本、中香港特 别行政区、大韩民国拥有 4 000 个家庭;(f)在大洋洲 [...]
的澳大利亚拥有 5 个家庭。
ICCFM has affiliated organizations in the following countries, found on each continent: (a) North America, with 4,000 families in the United States of America; (b) Europe, with 3,990 families in Spain, Malta, Portugal, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Italy; (c) Latin America with 80,000 families in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Cuba, Peru, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Panama, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay; (d) Africa, with 475 families in Uganda, Malawi, Cameroon; (e) Asia, with 4,000 families in
the Philippines, Singapore,
[...] Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Hong Kong, Special Administrative [...]
Region of China, the Republic
of Korea; (f) Oceania, with 5 families in Australia.
根 据兰电子通讯 办公室(UKE)的一份调查显 示,固定电话是当地联系的最重要方式。
According to a UKE survey, a fixed-line phone is an important mean of contact for local calls.
昆士兰大学人口健康学院公共卫生政策教授(2006-2010 年);昆兰大学分 子生物 科学研究所公共政策与伦理办公室教授级研究员兼主任(2001-2005 年); 新南威尔士大学国家药物和酒精问题研究中心教授兼执行主任(1994-2001 年); 新南威尔士大学国家药物和酒精问题研究中心副教授兼副主任(1988-1994 年), 新南威尔士大学精神病学学院人类行为高级讲师(1986-1988 年),西澳大利亚大 学精神病学和行为科学系讲师(1983-1986 年);澳大利亚广播委员会和其他客户 的电视节目专家研究员(1982 年);国家健康与医学研究委员会研究员(1979-1981 年);新南威尔士健康委员会卫生服务研究部研究主任(1977-1979 年)。
Professor of Public Health Policy, School of Population Health, University of Queensland (2006-2010); Professorial Research Fellow and Director, Office of Public Policy and Ethics, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland (2001-2005); Professor and Executive Director, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW (1994-2001); Associate Professor and Deputy Director, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW (1988-1994); Senior Lecturer in Human Behaviour, School of Psychiatry, UNSW (1986-1988); Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Science, University of Western Australia (1983-1986); Specialist Researcher, Television Features, Australian Broadcasting Commission and other clients (1982); Research Fellow, National Health and Medical Research Council (1979-1981); Research Officer, Health Services Research, Health Commission of New South Wales (1977-1979).
除上述子外,来自新西兰的典 型研究报告论述了渔民准备实施基于配额的 渔业管理系统承担的风险。
In addition to the above examples, the case report from New Zealand discussed [...]
risks that fishers take in preparation for
implementation of a quota-based fishery management system.
讓我舉幾個子,香 港電 訊在㆒九九㆓年六月成立了 4 個顧客諮詢小組,而㆗華電力有限公司亦在九月後 [...]
設立了㆒個有 10 名成員的顧客諮詢小組。
To cite a few examples, Hong Kong Telecom set [...]
up four customer advisory groups in June 1992; China Light and Power Company
Limited formed a 10-member customer consultative group in September; the MTRC, KCRC, Hong Kong Electric Company Limited and Kowloon Motor Bus Company set up channels for public consultation.
为保证设备的不间断 运行,我们在比利时、中国、法国、德国、中 香 港 、 意大利、 兰 、 瑞 典、阿联酋、英国和美国都设 立 了 分 公 司 [...]
,形 成 了 全 球 服 务 网 。
To keep them running at all times, we operate a worldwide service network with
subsidiaries in Belgium, China,
[...] France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, United [...]
Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the USA.
凡属 巴克莱亚洲有限公司,
瑞士信贷(香港)有限公司, 大和资本市场香港有限公司, 德意志银行香港分行,
[...] 经济通有限公司, 麦格理资本证券股份有限公司,兰 合 作银 行 香 港 分 行,法国兴业证券(香港)有限公司,香港上海汇丰银行有限公司, [...]
By" 之资料(「 资料」),乃由恒生银行有限公司(「本行」)在日常运作过程中再转送予阁下并只供参考之用。
Information (the "information") which is "Powered By" Barclays Capital Asia Limited, Credit Suisse (Hong Kong) Limited, Daiwa Capital Markets Hong Kong Limited, Deutsche Bank AG Hong Kong
Branch, ET Net Limited, Macquarie Capital
[...] Securities Limited, Rabobank International Hong [...]
Kong Branch, SG Securities (HK) Limited,
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V. and UBS AG London Branch re-transmitted by Hang Seng Bank Limited (the "Bank") in the ordinary course of business to you for information and reference purpose only.
索尔维香料及功能化学品事业部是首个获得食品安全系统FSSC 22000认证香兰素和乙基香兰素产 品制造商,位于美国和法国的两个制造基地均荣获了这一全球最高等级的食品安全标准认证。
Aroma Performance is indeed the first vanillin and ethyl-vanillin producer [...]
to have the FSSC 22000 certification for its
two sister production units (US & France), which is the world best-in-class food safety standard.
基地北、东两侧临水,北侧临河有一处船坞;场地东半部是以高 香 樟 和广 玉 兰 为 主 的茂密树林。
On the eastern part of the site grows
[...] a small forest of camphor trees and magnolias.
以下国家和地区的代表作为观察员出席了会议:澳大利亚、孟加拉、 柬埔寨、斐济、中香港、新西兰、 菲 律宾和俄罗斯联邦。
Representatives of the following countries and areas attended the session
as observers: Australia; Bangladesh;
[...] Cambodia; Fiji; Hong Kong, China; New Zealand; Philippines; [...]
and Russian Federation.
例如,位于美国俄勒冈州波兰的 世创 电 子 材 料 生产基地推行的“质量和价值改进系统”(Quality [...]
and Value Improvement System)非常有效。它采用了平衡计分卡和特殊系统等多种监控机制来制定行动计划,进行优先排序和进度追踪。
At Siltronic’s Portland site (Oregon, USA), a [...]
very effective “Quality and Value Improvement System” uses a wide range of
control mechanisms – such as balanced scorecards, and systems for developing, prioritizing and tracking action plans.
通过支持发展中国家和重建中国家的科学家参加高级 国际讨论会、会议和合作科学活动,促进了北/南、东 /西的合作和科学交流;举行了 12 次分子和细胞生物
学网国际会议和讲习班;向青年研究人员提供了 50 份分子和生物学网研究金和支持了 15 个分子和生物
[...] 学网研究项目;通过教科文组织马普托和蒙得维的亚 办事处支持了教科文组织子医学 (华沙, 兰 )、热带医学(马普托,莫桑比克)、生物材料(哈瓦 那,古巴)等教席。
North/South, East/West collaboration and scientific exchange were enhanced through support provided for the participation of scientists from developing and restructuring countries, in high level international symposia, conferences and collaborative scientific activities; Organization of 12 international MCBN Meetings and Workshops; Provision of 50 MCBN research fellowships to young researchers and support to 15 MCBN research projects;
Provision of support for the
[...] UNESCO Chairs in Molecular Medicine (Warsaw, Poland), Tropical Medicine [...]
(Maputo, Mozambique),
Biomaterials (Havana, Cuba), through the UNESCO Offices in Maputo, Montevideo.
红色-青椒,橙色-胡萝卜,黄色-玉米,绿色 - 西 兰 花, 和紫色-茄子。
Red- Peppers, Orange- Carrots, Yellow-
[...] Corn, Green- Broccoli, and Purple- Eggplant.
众所周知的子是,“阿兰 塔” 行动、非索特派团和联合国非索特派团支助办事 处的联合工作,以及欧盟在该框架内对于非盟努力的 支持。
Wellknown examples are the joint efforts of Operation Atalanta, AMISOM and [...]
the United Nations Support Office for AMISOM,
as well as the EU’s support for the AU’s efforts within that framework.
結合兩個因素後,則仍然是以『中國人』的身份投入感最強,然後是『中華民族一 子 』 、 『 香 港 人 』、『亞洲人』和『中華人民共和國國民』,最後才是『世界公民』。
Combining the two factors, people feel most strongly being
'Chinese citizens', followed by 'members
[...] of the Chinese race', 'Hong Kong citizens', [...]
'Asians', 'Citizens of PRC', and finally, 'global citizens'.
对于子香烟是 不是一种有效的戒烟产品的问题,劳格森表示,目前正在准备进行试验来证明 子香 烟 对 戒烟确实有效,但他同时表示,对于想停止吸烟的吸烟者而言,如果使用 子香 烟 可 以有效减少吸烟数量而不至于戒烟太困难,"我们的试验表明,如果从尼古丁摄入量来讲,很多戒烟者表示能够达到控制烟瘾的效果,我们还需要进一步的检验"。
The electronic cigarette is not a valid issue of smoking cessation products, Laugesen said that the current preparations for a test to prove that electronic cigarettes on smoking cessation to be effective, but he also said that smokers who want to stop smoking, the If you use the electronic cigarette smoking can be [...]
effective in reducing
the number of which is not too difficult to quit, "Our results show that, from the nicotine intake, for many smokers that are able to control the effect of smoking, we also need further examination".
亚洲”部分代表孟加拉 国、中国、印度、印度尼西亚(包括直至 1999
[...] 年的东帝汶)、马来西亚、缅甸、尼 泊尔、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、大韩民国、新加坡、斯 兰 卡 、 泰国、中 香 港 、 中国 台湾省。
Asia” corresponds to Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia (including Timor-Leste until 1999), Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the
Philippines, the Republic of Korea,
[...] Singapore, and Sri Lanka, Thailand, Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan [...]
Province of China.
我们通过11个全球业务部门(GBUs)提供增值产品,以高效解决方案应对瞬息万变的市场,其业务领域包括汽车, 子 , 香 精 香 料 , 健康,个人和家庭护理。
We provide added-value products and high-performance solutions to
diversified markets, including
[...] automotive, electronics, flavors and fragrances, health, personal [...]
and home care, consumer
goods and industrial, through our 11 Global Business Units (GBUs).
穆斯林青年中心高度依靠肯尼亚主要伊 兰 极 端 分 子 的 意识形态指导,包括 在肯尼亚蒙巴萨的激进牧师谢赫 [...]
Aboud Rogo,众所周知他是东非基地组织成员的 同伙,主张暴力推翻肯尼亚政府。
Muslim Youth Centre relies heavily on the ideological guidance of
[...] prominent Kenyan Islamist extremists, including [...]
Sheikh Aboud Rogo, a radical cleric
based in Mombasa, Kenya, a known associate of members of Al-Qaida East Africa and an advocate of the violent overthrow of the Government of Kenya.
有 一些成功的事例——子包括斯里兰 卡的 Hatton 国民商业银行,以及印度的几 家私人银行通过国家农业和农村发展银行启动的方案——但尝试发展小额金融 业务的许多商业银行面临很多问题,而没有实现必要程度的扩展。
Although there are
[...] success stories — examples include Hatton National Commercial Bank in Sri Lanka, and [...]
a number of private banks
in India through a programme started by the National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) — many of the commercial banks that have tried to develop microfinance activities have faced considerable problems, and have not achieved the needed levels of outreach.




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