

单词 香味扑鼻

See also:

香味 n

aroma n
scent n
flavorAE n
perfume n


sweet smell


assail the nostrils (of fragrance and odours)

External sources (not reviewed)

芬兰南部银装素裹的城市,如赫尔辛基和图尔库,为游客提供了不一样的圣诞体验,比如在市中心溜冰,还有那 香 气 扑鼻 、 令 人垂涎的冬季集市。
Snow-covered cities in the south, such as Helsinki and Turku, offer different Christmas experiences for
visitors, such as ice-skating in the heart of the city and winter markets that lure
[...] you in with their mouth-watering aromas.
爆香洋葱,胡萝卜和芹菜,直香气 扑鼻 , 然后倒入沸水中。
To prepare the stock, sautee onion, carrot,
[...] celery until the aroma released and pour [...]
into boiling water.
濃郁的草香氣縈繞鼻腔, 搭配戀巨峰葡萄濃糖果漿或mon in 百 香 果 糖 漿,可創造出酸甜清爽的口感,彷彿 味 蕾 上演著草莓嘉年華。
The strawberry sweet aroma create easily incredible sweet and tart taste especially mixing with grape syrup or Monin passion fruit syrup.
通过使用多种扑、设备和管理型交换环网,减少网络 数量,从而降低设计的复杂性。
Reduce the complexity of your design with fewer networks by
[...] using multiple topologies, devices and [...]
managed switch rings.
一開始的清純花果香,在飄散的瞬間 鼻 而 來 的是由洋梨 香 橘 與甜桃皮組成的前調,如同搖滾樂瞬間節奏的開場;漸入香調的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉與荷花,帶來清新與誘惑的味道,就像旋律由內心釋放出來,引領聽者到更高的境界;而在香調的一連串音符譜出搖滾的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所組成,雪松木、琥珀與香草,讓這首搖滾旋律散發能量,並以最溫暖的味道結尾, 香味 自 己 譜出一曲搖滾樂,讓聆聽者隨著樂曲的律動,感受ANNA SUI搖滾天后的搖滾魅力。
At the start of the pure fruit,
[...] in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a [...]
rock, let the listener
with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.
葡萄酒因此显现出强烈的香,鼻嗅 初闻会有红 色水果鸡尾酒的味道,入口后草莓和覆盆子 香味 会 占 据主导。
This wine boasts intense aromatic expression with a cocktail of red fruit in the nose, then on the palate where the strawberry and [...]
raspberry stand out.
不得使用芳香類溶液或香精油(如桉樹油 香 精 油 )、漂白劑、酒精或味刺鼻的產 品(如柑橘類)清潔面罩組件。
Do not use aromatic-based
[...] solutions or scented oils (eg, eucalyptus or essential oils), bleach, alcohol or products that smell strongly (eg, citrus) [...]
to clean any of the mask components.
至于菜单,您可以选择从土耳其美食广泛的选择(被认为是世界三大美食之一),其中包括炭火烧烤,羊肉串烤肉,新鲜出炉的土耳其比萨,新鲜 扑 P I D E面 包, 味 的 和不可抗拒的热& 冷开胃菜,包括甜点 果仁蜜饼文化的最爱& [...]
kadayif,新鲜水果和蔬菜 & 饮料,日常食物的选择,多种点菜菜单选择,为您提供良好和充足的选择......我们提供传统的土耳其茶,咖啡 & Ayran。
As for the menu, you can choose from a wide selection of Turkish cuisine (considered to be one of the three main cuisines in the world) that includes charcoal grilled Barbeques, Doner
Kebab, freshly baked Turkish pizza,
[...] fresh puff & pide Bread, delicious and irresistible Hot [...]
& Cold Appetizers, Desserts including
cultural favorites baklava & kadayif, Fresh Fruits & Drinks, Daily Food Choices, and a variety of selections from Ala Carte Menu offers you good and plentiful choices... We serve Traditional Turkish Tea, Coffee & Ayran.
試 想想 當 旅 客 來到維 港 海 旁 , 陣陣由 垃圾造 成的味撲鼻而 來 ; 又 當他們在山 頂俯 瞰 維 多 利 亞 港 的 時 候 , 看到的 只是一 條 因 填海而 曲 成的“ 幼 河 ”香港著 名 港 灣 的英名 , 可 以說是被 破壞得 “一敗塗地 ” 。
When visitors come to the waterfront of the Victoria Harbour, they come right under the spell of foul smell from the refuse.
该酒呈深宝石红色,可感觉其突出的个性,强烈浓郁而不失精炼和优雅、洁净而令人愉悦的芳香,由几许黑樱桃及洋李果酱味开始,带出黑莓、熏烤木质与烟草、甘草、紫罗兰、香子兰、豆寇等芬芳 香味 在 鼻 腔 和口腔间的感应极为和谐而持久,最后以深色成熟莓浆果味结束。
The nose reveals good personality with intense, clean, pleasing, refined and elegant aromas which start with hints of black
cherry jam and plum jam
[...] followed by aromas of blackberry, cinchona, blueberry, toasted wood, tobacco, licorice, violet, vanilla and hints [...]
of nutmeg and menthol.
除了它香味外, 广藿香油还具有抗菌作用,被传统中医用于治疗一般性感冒。
In addition to its fragrance, Patchouli oil [...]
has antimicrobial properties put to use in traditional Chinese medicine to treat the common cold.
根据合同规定,INTRALOT互动将向OLIFEJA提供核心彩民管理平台以及互动游戏,如宾果、基诺以及 味扑 克 等,同时还有40多种电子刮奖和电子即时游戏。
According to the agreement, INTRALOT Interactive will provide OLIFEJA with the core player management platform and interactive games, such as Bingo, Keno and fun-Poker, as well as more than 40 e-Scratch and e-Instant games.
接下来NTT将会开发商业版的移动芳香通讯服务,它同样包 香味 结 合的铃声,音乐和星座,而且还会运用于住房,汽车,消费类电子产品和游戏市场。
Forthcoming NTT will develop a commercial
version of the Mobile Fragrance Communication service which will include also ringtones, music and horoscopes
[...] combined with fragrances, and applications [...]
for housing, automotive,
consumer electronics and videogame market.
尽管一些难民确实通过这样的移 徙成功地改善了他们的命运,然而等待那些移徙到城市的人们的情境往往是艰难 和冷漠的,而出路的寻找往扑朔迷 茫。
While some refugees indeed succeed in improving their lot by such movement, the situation awaiting those who move to cities is, however, frequently harsh and unwelcoming, and the search for solutions often elusive.
大玩町以秘製香料醃製豬扒,更絕不使用任何化學 調 味 料 如 硼砂粉,以人手將豬扒打得酥軟無比,其新鮮出爐的豬扒 香 氣 撲 鼻 , 令 人食指大動。
Specially ground by hand, the pork chop is tender and so very soft; and the fragrant aroma that fills the place when it is taken out fresh from the oven, will make one ready to tuck into a “Pork Chop Dough” at any moment.
反 觀,在有些情況下,位於維景灣畔的電 鼻 所 錄 得的 味 指 紋則 比較單一,此電鼻有約5%的時間錄得與污水有關的氣味相似, 包括來自將軍澳污水處理廠的污水、來自維景灣畔的污水、來自 污水處理廠的污水篩除物及堆填滲濾污水。
On the other hand, on some occasions, the finger-prints
[...] recorded by the E-nose at Ocean Shores were more specific, and about 5% of time recorded by this E-nose was similar to [...]
odour types relating
to wastewater, including sewage from Tseung Kwan O STW, foul waste from Ocean Shores, sewage screening from STWs and landfill leachate.
他 同意當局應制訂具體措施,以消減在 維景灣畔的味,因電子鼻的監察結 果已找到有關源頭。
He agreed that concrete measures should be drawn
[...] up to reduce the odour at Ocean Shores as the source had already been identified by the e-nose monitoring.
隨 全球
[...] 各金融中心之間的競爭不繼加劇,其他地方日漸傾向取消財產繼承稅 項,味 香港可 能會被其他金融中心搶去業務,因而對經濟造成不 [...]
The increasing competition amongst financial centres in the world and the growing
trend in other places to remove
[...] inheritance taxes means that Hong Kong could lose [...]
its business to other financial centres;
and this would have an adverse impact on the economy.
牛肉麵最講究的就是湯頭,台灣菜館的湯頭經燉煮多時,濃而不膩,麵一端上來牛 香 氣 即撽 撲 鼻 而 來 !另一道菜也非常值得一試。
Offering the most authentic taste from Taiwan, the restaurant’s two highlighted dishes, Taiwanese Beef Noodle and Boiled Fish with Pickled Cabbage, are definitely worth trying!
3.1 「公眾諮詢」以及任何由我方在公眾諮詢期間所作的聲明或申述,均不 構成或將不會構成或味香港政府批准或認同我方「材料」、「活動」 或我方「建議書」。
3.1 The Public Consultation and any statements or representations made by us during the Public Consultation do not and will not constitute or imply any approval or endorsement by the Government of our Materials, Activities or our Proposal.
香氣撲鼻及擁 有碧綠色彩的中國茶為前調。
The fresh top is tinged with the
[...] tangy and verdurous aroma of Chinese tea.
(一 ) 甲醛是一種無色氣體,濃度高時有刺 鼻 的 氣 味。
(a) Formaldehyde is a colourless gas
[...] with a pungent odour at high concentrations.
该系统协助这些国家寻 找扑灭野 火,改善土地利用和农业作业,处理疾病爆发、生物多样性和气候 变化等问题,并更迅速地应对自然灾害。
SERVIR helps such countries to track and combat wildfires, improve land use and agricultural practices, address disease outbreaks, biodiversity and climate change, and respond faster to natural disasters.
(三 ) 有 關1994 至 96 年 肺癌、肝癌鼻咽癌在香港的發病 率和肺癌在 加 拿 大 的發病 率 的 數 [...]
字 ,載於 附 表二。
(c) The incidence rates of lung,
[...] liver and nasopharyngeal cancer in Hong Kong during 1994 [...]
to 1996 as well as those of lung
cancer in Canada are at Annex B. Canada registered lower incidence rates of lung cancer than Hong Kong during 1994-96.
黑色压花PVC软板:产品规格:210mm 产品特点:耐腐蚀、易焊接 、无鼻气味产品 能:防滑、耐酸、耐碱、耐油、绝缘等;压花PVC软板可用于宾馆、体育场所、会议厅、机场、港口、船舶、车辆等台面、地面、走道的铺设、装潢等;产品色泽:白色、蓝色、棕色、灰色、黑色;包装方式:编织袋50kg卷、100kg卷或按用户要求长度包装专业生产各种颜色环保型: [...] [...]
pvc透明水晶软板 Pvc软板卷材,防静电台垫,PVC板,pvc硬质板。
Black Embossed PVC soft board: product specifications:
210mm features: corrosion resistance, easy
[...] welding, no pungent odor products: anti-skid, [...]
acid and alkali resistance, oil resistance,
insulation and so on; embossed PVC soft board can be used in hotel, sports venues, conference halls, airports, ports, ships, vehicles and other table, floor, corridor construction, decoration and other products; color: white, blue, brown, gray, black; packaging bags, 100kg 50kg volume: volume or by user request length packaging specializing in the production of various colors and environmental protection type: PVC transparent crystal soft plate Pvc soft plate coiled material, anti-static Taiwan pad, PVC board, PVC hard board.
它清新的鮮花香氣引領女性進入一趟嗅覺的驚喜之旅,感 香味 所 帶 來的瞬間陶醉和優雅律動。
The aroma of fresh flowers which lead women to enter
the surprise trip to
[...] trip the sense of smell, and feel the moment brought about by aroma and elegant rhythm [...]
采用全新的零-交叉失真电路扑结构 ,这款放大器在完全轨至轨输入共模范围内具有高线性度、出色的电源抑制比 [...]
(PSRR) 和共模抑制比 (CMRR) 性能,且不会象传统互补轨至轨输入级那样出现交越失真见。
Compatible with industry-standard nominal voltages of +3.0 V, +3.3 V, +5.0 V, and ±2.5
V. Employing a novel zero-crossover
[...] distortion circuit topology, this amplifier [...]
offers high linearity over the full rail-to-rail
input common-mode range, with excellent power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) and common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) performance without the crossover distortion seen with the traditional complementary rail-to-rail input stage.
我們只是請政 府撥一些款項出來設立種子基金,然後由民間主導,一直慢慢滾存下 去,並須配合政府在發展權轉移方面的政策,而不要一如張宇人議員 剛才所說像扑傻瓜” 般,稍有異動便制訂臨時的“ 發展審批地區 圖 ”(DPA),又或好像張學明議員所說般以圈地當作保育。
We have only requested that the Government make some provisions to set up a seed fund, which will then be led by the community and gradually amassed to a larger amount, and it has to tie in with the policy of the Government on the transfer of development rights, instead of drawing up interim Development Permission Area (DPA) plans at times of some slight irregularities as in the "hit-the-dumb" game illustrated earlier on by Mr Tommy CHEUNG, or fencing off land for conservation as said by Mr CHEUNG Hok-ming.
市場上壁紙花色繁多,但材質也很多,其中紙基 PVC 壁紙 占一大半,原材料成本相對比較低,一些進口 PVC
[...] 壁紙標價很高,所以侃價時不要太客氣,這類壁紙可以通過撕(有明顯的兩層結構,表層有彈性)、燒(有黑色濃煙和 鼻 的 味 道 ) 等方法簡單鑒別出來。
Wallpaper a great variety in the market, but the material there are many, half of which is paper-based PVC wallpaper, raw material costs are relatively low, some imported PVC wallpaper list prices are high, so you don't be too polite kanjia, this type of wallpaper you can tear (there is a clear two-tier
structure, flexible surface), burn (with thick black
[...] smoke and the pungent smell of) simple methods [...]
such as identified.
由2008年8月至2010年4月間,一共有14名 鼻 咽 癌 患者 香 港 瑪 麗醫院(瑪麗醫院是香港大學李嘉誠醫學院的教學醫院)臨床腫瘤學系接受T細胞免疫注射療法,最近研究更伸展至布里斯班的亞莉珊德拉公主醫院 [...]
(Princess Alexandra Hospital)進行。
14 NPC patients were treated at the Department of Clinical
Oncology, Queen Mary Hospital (the
[...] teaching hospital of HKU) in Hong Kong from August 2008 [...]
to April 2010 and the trial has recently
been expanded to the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane.




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