单词 | 香味 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 香味noun—aromanscentnless common: flavorAEn perfumen 香味—fragranceless common: bouquet sweet smell Examples:色香味具全—smell, look and taste great 香味扑鼻—exotic odors assail the nostrils [idiom.] See also:味n—flavorAEn tasten 味—smell 味—classifier for mixture of prescribed Traditional Chinese Medicine
除了它的香味外,广藿香油还具有抗菌作用,被传统中医用于治疗一般性感冒。 clarinsusa.com | Inaddition to its fragrance, Patchouli oil [...] has antimicrobial properties put to use in traditional Chinese medicine to treat the common cold. clarinsusa.com |
接下来NTT将会开发商业版的移动芳香通讯服务,它同样包括香味结合的铃声,音乐和星座,而且还会运用于住房,汽车,消费类电子产品和游戏市场。 labbrand.com | Forthcoming NTT will develop a commercial [...] version of the Mobile Fragrance Communication service which will include also ringtones, music and horoscopes [...] combinedwith fragrances, and applications [...]for housing, automotive, [...]consumer electronics and videogame market. labbrand.com |
它清新的鲜花香气引领女性进入一趟嗅觉的惊喜之旅,感受香味所带来的瞬间陶醉和优雅律动。 aster.com.hk | The aroma of fresh flowers which lead women to enter [...] the surprise trip to [...] trip thesense of smell, and feelthe moment brought aboutbyaroma andelegant rhythm [...]intoxicated. aster.com.hk |
香水的根本是普罗斯旺薰衣草香精,是世界上最为美妙的香味之一。 aster.com.hk | Fragrance raw materials based on the build option of being very [...] demanding.perfumeis lavender essence, is the world's one of the most wonderful aroma. aster.com.hk |
激烈明快 的初感之后,香味变得浓郁,后味属于同种芳香,这反映了颗粒小的葡萄酿出的葡萄酒成熟 的单宁口味。 chateau-olivier.com | After a clean, lively attack, the palatedevelops concentration, and the finish, which continues in the same aromatic vein as the rest, displays ripe, fine-grained tannins. chateau-olivier.com |
甘草是一种耐寒植物,现多生长于地中海盆地和亚洲地区,根茎培植三年后可收获,因其甘甜的茴香味及众多有效成分而闻名。 clarinsusa.com | Liquorice is a hardy plant found around the [...] Mediterranean basin and in Asia and is famous [...] for its sweet, aniseed flavor and the many active [...]principles present in its roots [...]which are collected after three years of cultivation. clarinsusa.com |
清新香橼和娇柔玫瑰与琥珀之间经过仔细调谐的平衡以非凡和完全时尚的方式诠释了经典香味。 hk.eternal.hk | The meticulously tuned balance of fresh [...] citron and feminine may rose with amber reveals an extraordinary and completely modern [...] interpretation of a classic scent. hk.eternal.hk |
显而易见,Marcus喜欢吃甜食,因为他选择的一些香味给这款冠军专属陈酿增加了甜味的顶级修饰。 tipschina.gov.cn | Marcus obviously has a bit of a sweet tooth, as [...] some ofthe flavourshe haschosen [...]have given the Championship Blend a beautifully sweet top dressing. tipschina.gov.cn |
一开始的清纯花果香,在飘散的瞬间扑鼻而来的是由洋梨、香橘与甜桃皮组成的前调,如同摇滚乐瞬间节奏的开场;渐入香调的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉与荷花,带来清新与诱惑的味道,就像旋律由内心释放出来,引领听者到更高的境界;而在香调的一连串音符谱出摇滚的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所组成,雪松木、琥珀与香草,让这首摇滚旋律散发能量,并以最温暖的味道结尾,让香味自己谱出一曲摇滚乐,让聆听者随着乐曲的律动,感受ANNA SUI摇滚天后的摇滚魅力。 hk.eternal.hk | At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock [...] melody distributed energy, [...] and themost warmsmell of ending, letthe fragrance spectrum out of a [...]rock, let the listener with [...]the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm. hk.eternal.hk |
马蒂拉图里 [...] (Maatilatori) 的面包选择是丰富的,新鲜面包香味诱人,也就质优美味。 visitfinland.com | Maatilatori’s selection of breads is [...] abundant, whilethesmell of fresh bread [...]is both tantalising and simply sublime. visitfinland.com |
建议食法 : 芫茜可以用在许多菜肴,以增加菜肴的香味。 sfgourmet.com | Serving suggestion : Coriander is used in [...] many dishes to addfragrance. sfgourmet.com |
其它用途还有捕捉难闻气味、稳定香味和提高活性成分的生物利用率等。 wacker.com | Other applications include [...] masking unpleasantodors,stabilizingaromas andincreasing the [...]solubility of active ingredients. wacker.com |
当一大桶的巧克力从高处降落,除了问到巧克力的香味,也能感觉到巧克力的冲力。 4tern.com | When the chocolate poured down, [...] we immediatelysmelt the chocolate’s fragrance and the power of [...]chocolate. 4tern.com |
小哈瓦那 [...] 在这里您可以看到当地引以为敖的西班牙文化,比如色彩斑斓的壁画,纪念碑,拉丁裔英雄等等,老人们在工作的时候喜欢玩多米诺骨牌和cigar rollers,周围萦绕着古巴咖啡的香味。abgcorp.com | Little Havana boasts a vibrant Hispanic culture that can be seen in colorful murals, monuments to Latino heroes, [...] elderly men playing dominoes, and cigar rollers deeply at work amidst the [...] neighborhood’s ever-presentaroma of Cubancoffee. abgcorp.com |
经济委员会可向本组织提出建议以制订和执行有关优质或有香味可可的生产 和贸易的统计办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Economics Committee may make proposals [...] for the Organization to devise and implement a system of statistics on production of [...] and trade in fineor flavour cocoa. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,他对于香味的天赋渗透到每一件Fresh产品中并且不断积累成一个日益增长的Fresh“香氛图书馆”,可以根据客户的品位,打造单独或具有层次感的香味。 lvmh.cn | In addition, hisgift for fragrancepermeateseach Fresh product and has culminated in an ever-growing library of Freshfragrances that can be worn alone or layered for a customized scent. lvmh.com |
维琪奥港的真正发展因旅游和令人难以置信的是靠近山,辛辣的香味的马基斯和粉红色的村,皮亚纳。 leapfrog-properties.com | Porto-Vecchio has really developed [...] due to tourism and is incredibly well situated close to the [...] mountains, spicyscented maquis andthe pink [...]village of Piana. leapfrog-properties.com |
歌海娜的白色品种,在法国南部和西班牙北部用作酿制酒体饱满的,有桃的香味的白葡萄酒,中等或低酸度。 emw-wines.com | White-skinned version of Grenache, used in southern France and northern Spain for full-bodied peachy whites with medium to low acidity. en.emw-wines.com |
黑烘焙咖啡: 我们的黑烘焙咖啡富有浓浓的蜂蜜香味,来自有名的Chanchamayo地区,针对这种咖啡我们会将它的豆子烘焙到浓厚的油脂浮到表面。 peru.org.tw | Our dark roast has a deep rich honey flavor with exceptional body from the renowned Chanchamayo region, this coffee is roasted until the beans rich oils rise to the surface. peru.org.tw |
8 悦餐厅的专业厨师团队由主厨 Alan Yang亲自操刀领导,开放式厨房为客人精心烹制炒菜、点心、北京烤鸭、蒙古烧烤和面点等各式中国风味现代美食,并配以香味四溢的甜品和国际精选葡萄酒,所有美食均将由费尔蒙训练有素并由经验丰富的餐厅经理 Erica Fan 领导的专业服务人员悉心奉上。 fairmont.cn | Helmed by Chef de Cuisine Alan Yang, Lunar 8’s team of chefs create modern twists on Chinese favorites in the open kitchen’s wok, dim sum, Peking duck, Mongolian barbeque and noodle stations; alongside a luscious array of desserts and an expertly chosen international wine selection; all attentively presented by Fairmont’s talented service professionals led by seasoned Restaurant Manager Erica Fan. fairmont.com |
口感和香味应用于许多不经橡木的白葡萄酒。 emw-wines.com | Mouth-feelandaroma applied tomany [...] non-oaked white wines. en.emw-wines.com |
它有找过很多香味的地中海植物,紫色的悬崖和僻静的岛屿;耶尔例如不依赖于旅游贸易尽可能多的其他一些度假胜地,因此有果园和葡萄园分布在该地区的中世纪山顶的村庄。 leapfrog-properties.com | It has medieval hilltop villages [...] looking over lots of scentedMediterranean vegetation, [...]purple cliffs and secluded islands; [...]Hyeres for instance does not rely on the tourist trade as much as some other resorts and hence has orchards and vineyards spread across the area. leapfrog-properties.com |
真正有机优质有机 Brie 芝士(150 克圆块装) — Brie 芝士是其中一种最着名而且最受欢迎的法式芝 士,经过轻度发酵,口感温软幼滑并带有细致独特的香味—是享受芝士拼盘或你心爱佳酿的最佳配搭。 annafangpr.com | True Organic Premium Organic Brie (150 grams, round) - Softly ripened, deliciously creamy flavour and delicate aroma, Brie is one of the most well-known and popular French style cheeses – a must for every cheese platter and alongside your favourite wine. annafangpr.com |
柑橘類水果生长在芸香科的树木和灌木上,特徵是果皮带有香味和油脂,呈圆形,里面是一瓣瓣多汁的果肉。 cfs.gov.hk | These fruits are characterized by aromatic oily peel, globular form and interior segments of juice-filled vesicles. cfs.gov.hk |
由于使用天然树木,天然精油等成份,香木内包含的天然精油成分(天然植物中抽出的香味成分)在和香表面会有斑点和结晶现象,不影响品质,请放心使用。 jshoppers.com | As this item uses only natural wood and natural oils, the oil (extracted from [...] plants) in the wood may occasionally cause the [...] surfaceof theincense to appear stained [...]or crystallized, but this will not affect its performance. jshoppers.com |
Fraser说:“看到百龄坛调制大师Sandy [...] Hyslop得心应手的手法令他印象深刻,他用他的热情、经验和各种不同香味的知识,综合运用最终调和出来佳品。 tipschina.gov.cn | It is very impressive seeing Ballantine's Master Blender Sandy Hyslop in his element," adds Fraser, "with his [...] enthusiasm, experience and knowledge of all [...] the different flavoursand howthey can [...]be used together to come up with a final product. tipschina.gov.cn |
巴斯马蒂白香米(Basmati)是印/巴旁遮普省出产的一种稻米,原产于该地区的一种带有香味的细长粒的粮食品种,是印巴两国的主要出口粮食作物。 iprcommission.org | The rice is a slender, aromatic long grain variety that originated in this region and is a major export crop for both countries. iprcommission.org |
理事会应在本协定生效后的第一届会议上审查本协定附件C, 如有必要可对 [...] 其加以修改,确定该附件所列全部或部分生产和出口优质或有香味可可国家所占 的比例。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council shall, at its first session following the entry into force of this Agreement, review annex C of this Agreement and, if necessary, revise it determining [...] the proportions in which the countries listed therein produce and export exclusively [...] or partially fine or flavour cocoa. daccess-ods.un.org |
香料、佐料、汤、酱料、沙律、酵母及類似制品、豉油、发酵大 [...] 豆,以及大豆蛋白粉及其混合物 本分類包括加入食物以增加香味及味道的物质(分類12.1—香草及香料、分 [...]類12.2—佐料、分類12.3—醋及分類12.4—芥末)、某些预制食品(分類12.5及 12.6—汤、分類12.7至12.10及12.13—酱料及分類12.11—沙律)、酵母及其類 [...]似品(分類12.12),以及发酵大豆(分類12.14)。 cfs.gov.hk | This is a broad category that includes substances added to food to [...] enhanceits aroma and taste(foodcategory [...]12.1 – herbs and spices; food category [...]12.2 – condiments; food category 12.3 – vinegars; and food category 12.4 – mustards), certain prepared foods (food categories 12.5 and 12.6 – soups; food categories 12.7-12.10 and 12.13 – sauces; and food category 12.11 – salads), yeast and like products (food category 12.12) and fermented soybean products (food category 12.14 – fermented soybeans). cfs.gov.hk |
我们的印度客人比较喜欢香味浓烈的肥皂,例如是「圣诞布甸」(肉桂和小红莓)和「焦糖咖啡」(添加咖啡豆成分可去角质) [...] 两种;最受日本客人欢迎的则是一种含有可舒缓经痛的精油的「梦幻玫瑰」肥皂。 ilovelkf.hk | Our Indian customers tend to [...] like moresensualscents such as the ‘Christmas [...]Pudding’ (cinnamon and cranberry) and Café [...]Caramel soaps (which uses coffee beans to gently exfoliate your skin) and our 'Dreamy Rosa' soap has been a best seller amongst Japanese women, and is very effective for soothing period pains because of the essential oils in the soap,” she reveals. ilovelkf.hk |