

单词 香口胶

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例如, 即使不额外添加弹性体或松香树脂(松香), CAPIVA® S仍能确口香糖胶基的柔性和弹性。
For instance, CAPIVA® S renders the gumbase flexible and elastic even without additional elastomers or colophony resins (rosins).
总部位于德国慕尼黑的化工集团瓦克开发出了一种可提 口香 糖 胶 基 生 产效率的新型固体树脂。
WACKER, the Munich-based chemical group, has developed a new solid resin that increases the efficiency of gumbase manufacturing.
凭借VINNAPAS®威耐实固体树脂, 瓦克已经成口香糖胶基用 聚醋酸乙烯均聚物和共聚物的全球市场领导者。
With its VINNAPAS® solid resins, WACKER
is already the world’s market leader for polyvinyl acetate-based homopolymers
[...] and copolymers used in producing gumbase.
口香糖胶基是现代口香糖 的非水溶性成分, 也是糖、 甜味剂(多羟基化合物)和香精的载体。
Gumbase is the water-insoluble constituent of modern chewing gum and the carrier [...]
for sugar, sugar substitutes (polyols), sweeteners and flavorings.
作为广受青睐的VINNAPAS® 威耐实产品的有力补充, CAPIVA®产品系列进一步拓展了瓦克的高品 口香 糖 胶 基 用多功能产品组合。
Supplementing the successful VINNAPAS® range, the CAPIVA® product family expands WACKER’s versatile portfolio for high-quality gumbase products.
此外,中国政府 免除了来自缅甸北部和老挝人民民主共和国的 921,400 吨替代产品,如甘蔗、玉 米、胶、香蕉和稻米的关税和口 环 节 增值税。
In addition, the Government of China has waived tariffs and import VAT for 921,400
tons of alternative products
[...] such as sugar cane, corn, rubber, bananas and rice from the north of [...]
Myanmar and the Laos People’s Democratic Republic.
而瓦克生产口香糖胶基, 很早就开始只使用可回收利用的纸袋进行包装运输。
What’s more, WACKER has been transporting all its gumbase output in recyclable paper bags for quite some time.
有了新型CAPIVA® S固体树脂, 可以节省配方中配料的使用, 从而极大地简化口香糖胶基的 生产工艺。
The new CAPIVA® S considerably simplifies the process of manufacturing gumbase, as fewer ingredients are required during formulation.
新型CAPIVA® S是为简口香糖胶基生产并提高其生产效率而专门开发的固体树脂。
The innovative CAPIVA® S solid resin was specifically developed to simplify gumbase manufacturing and to make it more efficient.
卸下罩 时,口止回阀组件 (R)应滑落到填料活塞柱 (24)上;如果滑动困难,用胶锤 重 敲罩 (19) 的顶部以松开。
Intake check valve assembly (R) should slide down priming piston
[...] rod (24) as you remove housing; if it does not slide easily, firmly tap on top of housing (19) with a rubber mallet to loosen.
建成之后,瓦克南京生产基地的总投资额将达一亿欧元,可再分散乳胶粉年生产能力达3万吨,VAE乳液年生产能力达12万吨,PVAc固体树脂年生产能力达2万吨,在中国同类工厂中规模最大,将进一步巩固瓦克作为全球领先的聚合物胶粉、乳液 口香 糖 胶 基 生产厂家的地位。
Their completion will boost total investment in WACKER’s Nanjing production base to 100 million euros, with annual production capacity of 30,000
metric tons of dispersible polymer powder, 120,000 metric tons of VAE dispersion, and
[...] 20,000 metric tons of PVAc solid resin.
甜點 包括所有可可及朱古力製品(分類5.1)、其他甜點(分類5. 2) 、 香口 膠 (分類 5.3),以及裝飾材料及糖霜(分類5.4)。
Includes all cocoa and chocolate products (food category 5.1), other confectionery products (food category 5.2), chewing gum (food category 5.3) and decorations and icings (food category 5.4).
胶废料进口须具 备国际贸易及工业部(MITI)的进口执照。
The importation of plastic wastes [...]
is subject to Import Licence to be issued by Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).
助理法律顧問2察悉,根據進口強 制性特許口香港的專利藥劑製 品須透過特別的包裝等,使它與有 [...]
關專利的所有人製造的或根據該 所有人的授權而製造的同一產品 有所區別,他詢問根據擬議第72H 條,如任何專利藥劑製品按照任何 進口強制性特許被處置而轉予任
何人,則該人可否為銷售的目的更 改該製品的包裝而不會導致受到 任何制裁。
Noting that the patented
[...] pharmaceutical product imported to Hong Kong under the [...]
import compulsory licence should be distinguished
from the same product made by or under authorization of the proprietor of the patent concerned through, inter alia, special packaging, ALA2 enquired whether the person to whom a patented pharmaceutical product was disposed of in accordance with an import compulsory licence under proposed section 72H could change the packaging of the product for the purpose of sale without entailing any sanctions to be imposed on them.
常见的医疗用品有纱布、糖尿病用 品、敷胶带、造口用品和垫料等。
Some examples of medical supplies are gauze pads, diabetic
[...] supplies, dressing tape, ostomy supplies, underpads, etc.
一般情况下,承插口应 采胶圈密封的柔性口技术 ,金属管内壁采用涂水泥沙浆或树脂的防腐技术;焊 接、粘接的管道应考虑涨缩性问题,采用相应的施工技术,如适当距离安装柔性接 [...]
口、伸缩器或 U 形弯管。
As for welded or glued pipes, adopt relative construction technologies [...]
such as proper distance installing flexible interfaces,
expansion pipes or U-typed pipes in consideration of pipe harmomegathus.
(a) 放寬對擬用於尼古丁替代療法而每片含有超過2 毫克但不多 於 4 毫克尼古丁口香糖及錠劑( 至於每片含有不多於2 毫克 尼古丁口香糖及 錠劑,現行規例已放寬對有關產品的管 制 );以及擬用於尼古丁替代療法的外用貼片的管制,把這些 產品從《毒藥表規例》附表第I部毒藥剔除。
(a) relax the control on chewing gum and lozenges intended to be used in nicotine replacement therapy and containing more than 2 mg and not more than 4 mg (as opposed to those of not more than 2 mg the control of which is already relaxed under the existing Regulations) of Nicotine per piece; and patches for external application, also intended to be used in nicotine replacement therapy by removing them from Part I Poisons in the Schedule to the Poisons List Regulations.
开口锥套的口是由胶垫保 护的,胶垫防止了切屑的进入。
The slitting part of taper sleeve (one place) is protected with lever plate to prevent invasion of cutting powder.
胶锤轻敲出口罩 (2)的下侧,从缸体 (17)上 松开外罩。
Tap underside
[...] of outlet housing (2) with a rubber mallet to loosen [...]
housing from cylinder (17).
(vi) 图表或公告栏展示   在启动会设立展示无烟行动的信息平台和开展特殊的推广活动(例如条幅、按钮、贴纸、带有无烟标志 或者符号的气球、无糖薄荷糖、糖果 口香 糖 等 )。
Set up displays featuring information about the tobacco-free initiative and special promotional items (e.g. lanyards, buttons, stickers and balloons featuring an initiative logo or symbol, sugar-free mints, candy and gum) on the day of the launch.
此外, 这种新型固体树脂可确保香精更快释放, 从而只需较少的香精即可获得十足风味, 并且即使经过长时间咀嚼口香糖也不会变得苦涩。
What’s more, the new solid resin ensures a faster release of flavor so that fewer flavorings are needed for a full flavor and so that the gum does not become bitter even after it has been chewed for some time.
可以在行李中携带有限数量的其他常用物品(最多总重 70 盎司),包括医疗用品或盥洗用品,如 胶 、 香 水 以 及乘客在旅行期间需要使用的特定医疗用品。
Other common items which, in limited quantities (up to 70 ounces total), may be carried within
baggage include medicinal or toilet
[...] articles such as hairspray, perfume and certain medicines [...]
which are necessary for customer use during their journey.
尼古口香 糖、尼古丁贴片和尼古丁含片等产品能够帮助你对付烟瘾和戒断症状。
Products such as nicotine chewing gum, patches or tablets can help with cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
也可用于糖果业 (口香糖,糖果等等)。
Is also used in the
[...] confectionery industry (candy and chewing gums etc.).
为了使事件对环境、食物安全及人体健康的影响减至最低,政府在处理散落 香 港 水域 的 胶 粒 时 ,采取了三管齐下的部署,分别为(一)清理海滩、海上及养鱼区 胶 粒 ; (二)风险评估,包括对 香 港 的水质及海洋生态,以至鱼类及食物的安全;以及(三)密切留意事件可能对养鱼户造成的影响。
To minimise the impact of the scattering plastic pellets on the environment, food safety and human health, the Government has adopted a three-pronged approach in handling the incident, namely (i) cleaning up plastic pellets on beaches, at sea and in fish culture zones; (ii) conducting risk assessment on the impact on water quality, the marine ecology, fish and food safety; and (iii) monitoring closely the possible impact on mariculturists.
居家護理可以做的是每天至少用含氟牙膏刷牙兩次並使用牙線,進餐的時候飲用水或是不含糖的飲料,吃無糖薄荷糖或 口香 糖 來 刺激唾液流動以及盡量不用嘴呼吸。
Home remedies may include brushing the teeth at least twice daily with  a fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, drinking water
or unsweetened fluids with
[...] meals, using sugar-free mints or gum to stimulate saliva flow and trying not to mouth breathe.
為 進 一 步 預 防 及 控 制 禽 流 感 爆 發 , 食 物 環 境 衞 生 署 與 國 家 質 量 監 督 檢 驗 檢 疫 總 局 就 落 實 進 口 活 家 禽 接 種 禽 流 感 疫 苗 的 措 施 達 成 協 議 : 由 2004 年 1 月
15 日 開 始 , 所 有 進 口 活 家 禽 ( 鴿 子 及 水 禽 除 外 ) , 必 須 接 種 農 業 部 批 准 生
[...] 產 和 使 用 的 H5 禽 流 感 滅 活 疫 苗 , 才 可 以口 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 。
To strengthen the prevention and control against the outbreak of avian flu, FEHD and the State General Administration of the People's Republic of China for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine have agreed that with effect from 15 January 2004, all live poultry (except pigeons and waterfowls) must be vaccinated against H5 avian flu with deactivated vaccine authorized for
production and use by the State Ministry of
[...] Agriculture before importing to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.




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