

单词 首都经贸大学



Capital University of Economics and Business (Beijing)

See also:

首都 n

capital n
capitals pl


capital (city)

大学 n

universities pl
college n

External sources (not reviewed)

参加此次论坛的除了有来自中国经济体制改革研究会、国家发展与改革委员会、国务院研究室、国家行政学院、中国行政体制改革研究会、中国社会科学院、中央财 大学 、 首都经贸大 学 以 及中国劳动关系学院的代表,还有部分省市研究机构和大学的代表。
Forum participants included persons from: China Society of Economic Reform; National Development and Reform Commission; Research Office of the State Council; Chinese Academy of Governance; China Society of Administrative Reform; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Central University of Finance and Economics; Capital University of Economics and Business; China Institute of Industrial Relations.
在过去的20年中,北京作为中华人民共和国 首都 , 已 经 发 展 成为现代化 大都 市 , 是国家的政治、经济 贸 易 、教育和文化中心。
In the past 20 years, Beijing, the capital of the People's
[...] Republic of China, has developed into a modern metropolis and is the nation's political, economic and cultural centre.
英语经成为学术界和国贸易中 使用的主要语言,这使 得很多科学、工程和商业专业的学 都 期 望 接受英语授 课。
The emergence of English as the primary language for academic discourse as well as international trade, resulting in a desire to receive instruction in [...]
among many science, engineering, and business students.
2011 年,非经委会首次举办非贸易论坛,审视了非 大 陆 的 贸易便利化 问题,还举办了一次关于东非共同体国际谈判和贸易便利化的讲习班。
In 2011, ECA organized the first Africa Trade Forum, at which trade facilitation issues [...]
on the continent were examined and
a workshop was organized on international negotiations and trade facilitation in the East African Community.
设在布鲁塞尔的高级联络干事(P-4)将负责加强和 大 与 欧盟成员国在各 首都 及 在 布鲁 塞尔的欧盟总部一级的关系;建立与欧盟地区的联系;使人们进一步认可、认识和了解工 程处的任务、工作性质和对本地区的作用;帮助:㈠ 确保欧盟成员国提供适经费;㈡ 增 加可持续性和可预测性;㈢ 扩大工程处的资金来源。
Senior Liaison Officer (P-4) located in Brussels will be
responsible for strengthening
[...] and broadening relations with the European Union Member States at the level of capitals and European Union headquarters in Brussels; establishing contacts with European Union regions; enhancing recognition, awareness and appreciation of the UNRWA mandate, the nature of its work and role in the region; contributing to: (i) securing appropriate levels of funding [...]
from European Union Member
States; (ii) increasing sustainability and predictability; and (iii) widening UNRWA funding sources.
另外还支持了: (i) 在摩洛哥首都拉巴特举办的关于中小报业管理问题的分地区讲习班 (2003 年 5 月),培训对象包括来自摩洛哥、突尼斯、毛里塔尼亚、阿尔及利亚和黎巴嫩的 20 多位女新闻工作者;(ii) 在约首都安曼 举办的先进桌面出版技术讲习班(2003 年 5 月)学员包 括来自埃及、约旦、黎巴嫩、也门和叙利亚的 20 名女新闻工作者,培训内容 涉及报经营中使用信息与传播技术的知识和技能; (iii) 在乌干首都坎帕 拉举办的如何 利用信息与传播技术采访报道有关爱滋病毒/爱滋病的科学进展讲习班(2003 年 4 月),来 自埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、马拉维、坦桑尼亚、乌干达、赞比亚的 16 名女新闻工作者参加了 讲习班;(iv) 对 25 [...]
Similar support was given for (i) a subregional workshop involving over 20 women journalists from Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania, Algeria and Lebanon held in Rabat, Morocco (May 2003), on the management of small- and medium-sized newspaper enterprises; (ii) a workshop on
advanced desktop publishing
[...] techniques in Amman, Jordan (May 2003) for 20 women journalists from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen and Syria with the aim of helping them to acquire knowledge and skills in the use of ICTs in newspaper operations; (iii) a workshop for 16 African women journalists from Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia held [...]
in Kampala, Uganda (April
2003) on how to use ICTs to source and report on scientific developments in HIV/AIDS; and (iv) the training of 25 media professionals in Cambodia on sourcing information from the Internet.
训研所已与 30 多个实体建立了伙伴关系,其中包括联合国系统各组织(联合 国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)、人道主义事务协调厅(人道协调厅)、联合国人权 事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)、联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)、联合国 开发署(开发署)、联合国环境规划署(环境署)和亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会 (亚经社会 ))、非政府组织(国际贸易与发展研究所、南方中心)、学术机构(洛 桑联邦理工学院、尼日利亚法律高级研究所、开 大 学 、 哥德 大学 、 世 界 贸易 研 究所)和私营部门(Lalive 公司和威利雅环境公司),积极推动电子学习以及更 广泛的技术强化学习迅速发展。
Partnerships with more than 30 entities, including a range of organizations of the United Nations system (e.g., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United
Nations Environment
[...] Programme (UNEP) and Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), non-governmental organizations (e.g., International Institute for Trade and Development, South Centre), academia (e.g., École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Nigerian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, Open University, University of Gothenburg, World Trade Institute) and the private sector (e.g., Lalive, Veolia Environnement) have contributed [...]
to this impressive growth
in e-learning and, more broadly, in technology-enhanced learning.
其最近的出版物包括《可持续发展的贸易与环境议程之展望》(与 Najam和 Halle合著,Palgrave Macmillan出版社,2007年),《重建全球贸易:构建一个更公平和更可持续之未来的提案》(与 Deere共同编辑,牛津大学和国贸易 和 可持续发展中心出版,2009),《WTO绿箱中的农业补贴:确保与可持续发展目标相符》(剑桥大学出版社,2009),《知识产权与可持续发展:变动世界中的发展议程》(Edward Elgar出版社,2010年),《世界贸易组织中的争端解决:发展中国家 经 验 》 (剑 大学 出 版 社,2010年11月)。
Some of his recent publications include “Envisioning a Sustainable Development Agenda for Trade and Environment” (co‐authored with A. Najam and M. Halle, Palgrave Macmillan,
2007) and as co‐editor
[...] of “Rebuilding Global Trade: Proposals for A Fairer, More Sustainable Future”(with C. Deere, Global Economic Governance Programme at Oxford U. and ICTSD, 2009); “Agricultural Subsidies in the WTO Green Box: Ensuring Coherence with Sustainable Development Goals” (Cambridge U. Press, 2009); “Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development: Development Agendas in a Changing World” (Edward Elgar, 2010); and, “Dispute Settlement at the WTO: The Developing Country Experience (Cambridge U. Press, November 2010).
2010 年贸易和发展报告》。《2010 年世界投资报告》的推出
[...] 地点分别为:孟加拉国,在该国的投资局;萨格勒布,在克罗地亚的贸易和投资 促进局;布拉格,在捷克投资局总部;德黑兰,在伊朗伊斯兰共和国的外国投资 办公室;罗马,在大利外贸研究所 ; 首 尔 , 在韩国的知 经 济 部 ;利雅得,在 沙特阿拉伯的工商会理事会;在加拉加斯,在委内瑞拉投资促进委员会;卢萨 卡,在赞比亚发展署。
World Investment Report 2010 was launched in Bangladesh at the country’s Board of Investment, in Zagreb at Croatia’s Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, in Prague at the headquarters of CzechInvest, in Tehran at the Islamic Republic of Iran’s
Foreign Investment Office,
[...] in Rome at the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade, in Seoul at the Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Knowledge Economy, in Riyadh at Saudi [...]
Arabia’s Council of
Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in Caracas at the Venezuelan Council for Investment Promotion, and in Lusaka at the Zambia Development Agency.
由于挪威通过执行支助股提供的大力支持,米 雷德王子大韩民 国、汤加和图瓦卢三 首都 进 行 了访问。
Thanks to enhanced support provided by Norway
through the Implementation Support Unit (ISU),
[...] Prince Mired visited the capitals of the Republic of Korea, Tonga and Tuvalu.
安全理事会将通过的关于停止对加沙的侵略和 战争的决议必须重申,必须在真正和有效的国际监 督下继续推动政治进程,以确保将在 1967 年边界内 建立以圣城首都的独 立巴勒斯坦国,根据 1948 年大会第194(III)号决议找到巴勒斯坦难民问题 的公正和商定解决办法,并释放所有被关押者和囚 犯。
The resolution to be adopted by the Security Council on the cessation of aggression and war against Gaza must reiterate the need for the political process to continue under genuine and effective international supervision in order to ensure that an independent Palestinian State will be created within the 1967 borders and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital; that a just and agreed solution will be found to the issue of Palestinian refugees in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) of 1948; and that all detainees and prisoners will be released.
我们并不怀疑基督徒受逼迫事件的真实性或 其严重性,然而值得注意的是每天有多少基督徒活动在进行,而这些活动在技术上来说应该是不被允许的,但是却没有受到检查......在每一个礼拜里,在中 国的某地都市的 信徒在租来的办公室建筑内聚会,数以百计的非官方 经学 校 提供课程,儿童上主日学和少年聚会,内含各种基督教内容的书籍在全国各地的书店 公开贩售,企业为员工举行教堂敬拜,学生参加校园里的研经班,基督徒经营的地方性非政府组织为具有多样化需要的个人和家庭提 大 量 的 服务──参与这些活动 的基督徒完全没有受到政府的逼迫。
Without discounting either the reality of incidences of Christian
persecution or their
[...] seriousness, it is remarkable how much Christian activity takes place on a daily basis that is technically not allowed yet goes unchecked... In any given week, somewhere in China, urban believers hold services in rented office buildings, hundreds of unofficial Bible schools offer classes, children attend Sunday schools and youth meetings, books containing all kinds of Christian content are sold openly in bookstores across [...]
the country, businesses
conduct chapel services for their employees, students meet for campus Bible studies, local Christian-run NGOs offer a host of services to individuals and families with various needs - and those involved in these activities suffer no repercussions at the hands of authorities.
作为这一专题讨论会的组成部分,下列高级官员在会上作了介绍 性发言:Muhammad Faruk Khan 先生、Dalrai Davaasambuu 先生(蒙 古)、国际事务局,泰国投资委员会国际事务司执行主任 Vasana Mututanont
女士、泰国绿点组织执行主任兼商业咨询理事会副主席和 2011
[...] 年亚洲及太平洋商务论坛主席 Chote Sophonpanich 先生、圣加大学国际贸易和经济发展系教授 Simon Evenett 先生、以及美国加州 [...]
大学戴维斯分校经济学教授 Wing Thye Woo 先生。
The following senior officials made presentations as part of the panel: Mr. Muhammad Faruk Khan (Bangladesh); Mr. Dalrai Davaasambuu (Mongolia); Ms. Vasana Mututanont (Thailand); Mr. Chote Sophonpanich, Executive Chairman, Greenspot (Thailand), Vice Chairperson of the Business Advisory Council and Chair of the Asia-Pacific Business Forum 2011; Mr.
Simon Evenett, Professor
[...] of International Trade and Economic Development, University of St. Gallen; [...]
and Mr. Wing Thye Woo,
Professor of Economics, University of California, Davis.
1957年9月生,籍贯江苏,北京中国对 经 济 贸 易 大学 ( 原 北京外贸学院)外贸英语系毕业,后获中欧国际商学院EMBA学位。
Born in Jiangsu province in 1957, Zhang Jianwei graduated from the Foreign Trade English Department of UIBE and obtained an EMBA diploma from ECIBC.
对于工作队所确认的将发展权由政治承诺转换为发展实践方面的障碍,另 一材料提供方呼吁学术专家、政策拟定者和政府( 尤其是政府首席经济学家)开 展更多的国际对话,以便注意实现发展权所涉“经济正义”和“结构障碍”的性 质,对于从“发展权观点”重新思 贸 易 和贷款在道德、政治和经济方面所面临 的压力,以及“全球伙伴关系”概念的模糊不清。
With regard to the obstacles identified by the task force for moving the right to development from political commitment to development practice, another contributor called for
greater international
[...] dialogue between academic experts, policy-shapers and Governments, particularly their chief economists, to take note of the nature of “economic justice” and “structural impediments” to its realization, the moral, political and economic pressures against rethinking trade and lending from the [...]
“right to development
perspective”, and the “ambiguity of global partnerships.
日本是一个自然资源贫乏、国土狭小的国家,经济发展的强劲推动力必须来自对外贸易,日本的进口额很高,但出口额更高,每 都 有 钜 额的 贸 顺 差 ,是世界第 大 进 口国及出口国,日 经 济 近 年来一直保持很高的增长速度,1951-1973年国民生产总值平均增加率高达10.1%,在众多西方国家中屈居一指,1968年日本国民生产总值已达到1428亿美元,仅次于美国,居世界第二位。
Japan is a lack of natural resources, land and small countries, strong driving force for economic development must come from foreign trade,
Japan's high imports,
[...] higher exports, every year the huge foreign trade surplus, is the world's third Largest importer and exporter, in recent years, Japan's economy has maintained [...]
a high growth rate in
1951-1973 GDP grew at an average rate of increase as high as 10.1 percent, in many Western countries, refers to a place, Japan in 1968 gross national product Has reached 142,800,000,000 U.S. dollars, second only to the United States, ranking second in the world.
也门回 顾了以色列最 近 对 加沙地带 的 攻 击 ,并指 出,以色列无 视 自 1948 年以来提出的各项建议,所以它也将无 大 量 的 普遍定期审议建议,特别是 与结束 对被占所有巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯领土的占领、承认巴勒斯坦人民有权自 决、 有权建立 一 个 以以色列耶路撒冷首都 的 独立的主权国家 、巴勒斯坦难 民有权回 到自己 的 家 园 、有权得到赔偿并有权收 复财产的建议,这 一 点 也不奇 怪 。
Yemen recalled the recent Israeli attack
against the Gaza strip
[...] and indicated that Israel has ignored recommendations since 1948 and so it is not surprising that it will ignore the largest number of UPR recommendations, specially those related to putting an end to the occupation in all occupied Palestinian [...]
and Arab territories
and to recognizing the right of Palestinian people to self-determination, to an independent sovereign state with Jerusalem as a capital, and to the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland and their right to compensation and restitution of their properties.
该方案尤其对弱势群体带来了不利影响 大大 增 加了生活在不稳定状况下的 人口数量,同时,农村地区和城市地区之间 首都 和 其 他城市之间出现了严重的 不平等。
The effects of the structural adjustment programme were particularly disastrous for vulnerable groups and significantly increased the number of people living in hardship; huge inequalities appeared between the rural and urban populations, and between the capital and the other towns.
其他与会嘉宾包括永丰银行董事长邱正雄、中国投资公司监事长金立群、清 大学经 管 学院Freeman 讲席教授李稻葵、中国原外贸部副 部长龙永图,以及泰丰资本创始人 首 席 执 行官史若天。
Other panel speakers were Chairman of SinoPac Paul Chiu, Chairman of the Board of
Supervisors of China Investment
[...] Corporation Jing Liqun, Professor of Tsinghua University Li Daokui, Former Vice Minister of MOFTEC Long Yongtu, and Founder & CEO of Terra Firma Tim Pryce.
这场灾难也造成了一种前所未有的局面,同时影响了人口高度密集地区 经 济中 心以首都和部分省城的行政中心。
The disaster also created an unprecedented situation by simultaneously affecting
areas with a high
[...] population density, economic centres and the administrative centres of the capital and [...]
in certain provincial towns.
[...] 公务员、决策者和学术人员组织的培训会上,初级商品特别股提供了初级商品生 产贸易经济学的模 块,特别涉及到价格周期驱动因素、赔偿机制、农业初级商 品的市场结构、采矿和对资源承租管理的影响和宏观经济管理以及对粮食危机和 [...] [...]
At this training organized for African civil servants, policymakers and academics involved in trade and development policy research and analysis, the Special Unit
on Commodities presented
[...] modules on the Economics of Commodity Production and Trade, particularly [...]
regarding the price-cycle
drivers, compensation mechanisms, market structures in agricultural commodities, mining and implications for resource rents governance and macro-economic management, as well implications of the food crisis and Africa’s food security.
8月13日,上海——历经四个多月的激烈角逐,来自 都 电 子 科技大学的"智能插线板"项目、对 经贸大学 的 "快 停100"手机App项目,以及北京大学的"答题捐赠"微公益项目在2012"博世创新挑战赛"中胜出,分别获得了"科技创新"、"商业创新"、"慈善创新"三个组别的大奖。
August 13th, Shanghai – After series of fierce competitions over four months, three innovative champion teams stood out in the final of Bosch "Thinking
Ahead" Innovation
[...] Competition 2012: "Smart Socket" from Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology, "Quick [...]
Parking 100" App
from University of International Business and Economics and "Donation by Answering" from Peking University won the awards respectively for "Technology Innovations", "Business Innovations" and "Charity Innovations".
刘方先生于2002年获得对经贸大学MBA 学 位,同年8月加入中国家乐福并任家乐福大北区百货采购总监,负责黄河以北所有门店百货的采购工作(百货在家乐福里叫BAZAAR DIVISION)。
Mr. Liu Fang
[...] graduated from University of China International Business and Economics with an MBA degree [...]
in 2002 and during the
same year, he joined Carrefour China as the Purchasing Director of Northern China with BAZAAR Division.
贸易便利化、基础设施发展、信通技术和数字鸿沟、环境和气候 变化经济影响、反托拉斯和反竞争以及贸易援助等 都 是 需 要 贸 发 十 三 大 进行 深刻和综合思考并作出决定的领域。
Trade facilitation, infrastructure
development, ICT and the
[...] digital divide, economic impacts of environment and climate change, anti-trust and anti-competition and Aid for Trade are all areas that require deep and coherent thinking and decisions for UNCTAD XIII.
犹太法典经取得 了此广泛分枝文学,一直是其研究引起的智力活动的产物大部分主题或出发点,并以这在技术意义上的字, 都学 者 一个好学犹太俗 大 量 贡 献。
The Talmud has been made the subject or the starting-point of a large portion of this widely ramified
[...] [...] literature, which has been the product of the intellectual activity induced by its study, and to which both scholars in the technical sense of the word and also a large number of the studious Jewish laity have contributed.
贸发会议支持发展中国家在日内瓦和在各 首都 的 贸 易 谈 判人员和决策 者 进 行参加 世 贸组织多哈谈判的 准备工作,根据请求,应弱经济体关切的发展 问题提 供了专家咨询。
Through its support to Geneva- and capital- based trade negotiators and policymakers in developing
countries in their preparations for
[...] participation in the WTO Doha negotiations, UNCTAD provides expert advice, upon request, on the specific developmental concerns of weak, vulnerable and small economies.
鹿儿岛大学、东北大学、茨大学、 首都大学 东 京 、日本原子力研究开发机构的研究小组,针对从岐阜县坂祝(Sakahogi)町的木曾川河床采集的岩石试验材料,使用ICP质量分析装置或者多重伽玛线检测装置等进行了分析。
The research group consisting of Kagoshima University, Tohoku University, Ibaraki University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, and Japan Atomic Energy Agency collected rock samples from the bottom of the Kisogawa riverbed in Sakahogi-machi, Gifu Prefecture and analyzed them using Inductive Coupled Plasma (ICP) Mass Spectrometers and Multiplex Gamma Ray Sensing devices.
会确保以色列结束其对自 1967 年以来所占领的所有
[...] 叙利亚领土以及在同一年所占领的其余黎巴嫩领土 的占领,确保建立一个以东耶路撒冷 首都 的 独立的 巴勒斯坦国;此外也因为这将保证达成协议,根大 会第 194(III)号决议解决巴勒斯坦难民问题;并且将 确保以色列同所有阿拉伯国家缔结和平协议,同其他 [...]
35 个伊斯兰国家建立正常关系。
That is because Israel’s acceptance of the Arab Peace Initiative would guarantee the end of its occupation of all Syrian territories occupied since 1967 and the remaining Lebanese territories occupied in the same year and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital, and because it would
guarantee an agreed
[...] resolution of the issue of Palestine refugees in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) and would secure [...]
for Israel peace agreements
with all Arab States and normal relations with 35 other Islamic States.




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