单词 | 首次公开招股 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 首次公开招股 —initial public offering (IPO)See also:首次 adj—first adj • initial adj • inaugural 首次—first time • for the first time 公开 n—overt n • openness n 招股—share offer
如有任何疑问,您可查阅「常见问题」内的 「 首次 公开招股」部份,或致电(852) 3989-8181 与我们的客户服务主任联系。 hsbc.com.hk | For further [...] details, please refer to the “IPO” page in “FAQ” or contact [...]our Customer Service Representative(s) at (852) 3989-8181. hsbc.com.hk |
在由《中经评论 [...] 》杂志〔插入链接〕主办的2012年中国投资论坛上,玛泽企业融资部合伙人虞巍将发表有 关首次公开招股 中 尽 职调查的重要性的演讲。 chi.mazars.cn | During the 2012 China Investment Conference organized by the China Economic Review , Tim Wei Yu – [...] Corporate Finance Partner at Mazars – will be delivering a speech on the [...] importance of due diligence in the IPO process. mazars.cn |
对于初学者来说,这不是一个IPO( 首次公开招股 )。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | For starters, this is not an IPO (Initial Public Offering). en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
当然,你听说过最近Facebook的 首次公开招股 , 例 如。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Surely you [...] heard of the recent IPO of Facebook, for example. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
玛泽企业融资部合伙人康礼轩和虞巍将于2012年7月17日在重庆举行 的首次公开招股 论 坛 中发表演讲。 chi.mazars.cn | Mazars’ Corporate Finance Partners, Jack Clipsham and [...] Tim Wei Yu, will be delivering a presentation at the PE and IPO Conference [...]in Chonqqing on 17 July 2012. mazars.cn |
最有名的是最近Facebook的 首次公开招股 , 于联交所买卖股份。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | The most famous was the recent IPO of Facebook, which now trade shares on the stock exchange. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
如果我参加的Bovespa指数在 首次公开招股? zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Should I participate in the IPO of Bovespa? en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
在一级市场销售公司股票被称为 首次公开招股 ( IP O)。 youtradefx.com | A sale of company stock in the primary market is called an Initial Public Offering (IPO). youtradefx.com |
他曾参与各种形式的企业活动如 首次公开招股 , 反 向 收购,并购及债务重组。 netrove.com | He has undertaken various corporate exercises in the form of initial public offering, reverse takeover, mergers and acquisitions and debt restructuring. netrove.com |
睿创所管理的风险投资和私募基金投资于初期,天使,夹层 或首次公开招股 前 阶 段的公司。 netrove.com | Netrove manages venture capital [...] and private equity funds that invest in start-up, angel stages, mezzanine or pre-IPO stages companies. netrove.com |
Facebook的,世界上最大的社会网络,与股东和投资者一起有计划,以提高最多至11.8亿在该公司的 首 次公开招股 ( 首次公 开 募 股),是世界上最大的互联网公司首次公开发行(首次公开募股), [...] – 根据提交的文件公司向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的。 optionsbinary.com | Facebook, the world’s largest social [...] network, together with its shareholders and investors are planning [...]to raise up to 11.8 billion, at the company’s IPO (initial public offering),the [...]world’s largest Internet company IPO (initial public offering) – according to documents submitted by the company to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). optionsbinary.com |
过去3年,我们的估值团队已为40多个首次公开招股 上 市 /公开函件项目进行估值,为四家房地产投资信托基金提供重新估值服务,为公司客户提供逾千宗物业的年度估值服务,为175项总值450亿港元的商业和无形资产项目估值,并处理近20,000宗总值约3,000亿港元的按揭估值。 knightfrank.com.cn | In the past 3 years our Valuation team [...] has carried out over 40 valuation exercises for IPO listings/inclusion [...]in public circulars, re-valuations [...]for four REITs clients, annual revaluation of over 1,000 properties for company accounts, 175 business and intangible assets valuations amounting to a total value in the region of CNY45 billion. knightfrank.com.cn |
待建議首次公開招股完成後,倘GM Holdings的股份以有利價格買賣, 則 貴公司可透過出售首次公開招股後權 益變現其投資所得收益。 cre8ir.com | Upon completion of [...] Proposed IPO, if the shares of GM Holdings trade at favourable price, the Company can realise the gain of its investment via disposal of the Post-IPO Interest. cre8ir.com |
然而,倘有條件首次公開招股於24 個月後未能成功進行,則 貴公司應 佔聯營公司溢利將回復至約49.9%及 貴公司應佔聯營公司溢利將回復至其 最初權益。 cre8ir.com | However, if [...] the Qualified IPO is not successful after 24 months, the Company’s share of [...]the Associate’s profits will restore [...]to approximately 49.9% and the Company’s share of profits of the Associate will restore to its initial interests. cre8ir.com |
該 財 務 資 料 乃 摘 自 本 公 司 為 進 行 首 次 公 開 發 行H股 而 發 行 的 招 股 書 (其 日 期 為'00'年''月''日 )之 截止'00'年''月''日財政年度的會計師報告以及本集團按香港財務報告準則編製的截止'007年''月''日的'00'年、 '00'年、'006年 及'007年 四 個 財 政 年 度 財 務 報 表。 zte.com.cn | Set out on page 20 of this annual report are the results and financial position summary of the Group for the five financial years ended 3' December 2007 prepared in accordance with HKFRSs, which have been extracted from the accountants’ report of the Group for the financial year ended 3' December 2003 contained in the prospectus dated 29 November 2004 issued by the Company in connection with its initial public offering of H shares and financial statements of the Group for the years ended 3' December 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 prepared in accordance with HKFRSs. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
礦物儲量增加會使銅的產量增加,與首 次公開發售招股章程 概述的計劃比較,預計利用自有供料的生產,會於二零一二年增加76%及於二零一五年增加230%。 glencore.com | The effect of the higher mineral reserves has been to increase [...] copper production, as compared to [...] the plan outlined in the IPO prospectus, from own mined [...]sources by 76% in 2012 and 230% in 2015. glencore.com |
未來我們將力求在人民幣債券 指數產品、人民幣結算的首次公開 招股 及 人民幣債券交易 等方面早著先機,以進一步鞏固海通國際在香港市場人民 幣產品上的領導地位,以人民幣產品的創新帶動資產管理 [...] 的品牌建設和規模提升。 htisec.com | In the future, we will [...] strive to become the first mover in RMB bond index products, RMBdenominated IPO and RMB bond [...]trading, with an aim [...]to further consolidate our leading position in RMB products in the Hong Kong market, and to promote the brand building and scale of our asset management business. htisec.com |
工作小組認為,公司可因此在首次公 開招股時確 定準買家的意願,或在收購情況或公司行 將分拆時確定準股東的意願,讓公司無須兩次致函買 家或股東。 legco.gov.hk | The Working Group [...] considers that a company can therefore ascertain a potential buyer’s wishes in an initial public offering or the potential shareholders’ wishes in a takeover [...]situation or where the [...]company is going to split, so that the company does not need to write to the buyers or shareholders twice. legco.gov.hk |
此外,我們也將繼續積極參與 人民幣債券承銷、以人民幣結算的 首次公 開 招股 及 債券融 資等活動,發揮本集團在人民幣產品方面的優勢。 htisec.com | In addition, leveraging on our competitive edges in RMB products, we shall continue to actively participate in RMB bond underwriting, RMB-denominated IPO and bond financing. htisec.com |
本基金為投資者提供獨一無二的投資機會,以捕 捉 首次公 開 招股 及 新 近上市 證券的潛在增長,而新增的港元單位為投資者提供多一個投資選擇,讓他們 [...] 可以本地貨幣投資於本基金。 macquarie.hk | The Fund provides a unique opportunity for investors to [...] capture the potential growth of IPO and newly listed [...]securities, and the Hong Kong dollar [...]class offers investors greater choice and the ability to invest in a local currency denominated class of units. macquarie.hk |
担任 Internet Security Systems 公司的副总裁及总经理期间,他曾参与该公司成功进行 的 首次公开 募股 (IPO ) 并为通过托管服务模式进行的企业解决方案的演变提供支持。 equinix.cn | As Vice President and General Manager for Internet Security Systems, he was part of the company's successful IPO and championed the evolution of enterprise solutions through a managed services model. equinix.ch |
海外监管机构认为这种做法蕴含极大风险,因为他们无法得知在中国进行的 审计工作的具体情况。65 通过首次公开发行股票审查进入海外市场的中国公司也同样受到关注。 eisourcebook.org | The process is considered to bear notable risk as overseas regulators feel they have no way of reviewing the audit [...] work done in China.65 Chinese [...] companies that entered overseas markets through traditional IPOs have come under [...]particular scrutiny. eisourcebook.org |
大会第六十五届会议欣见新授权的体育促进发展与和平国际工作组正 在开 展各项工作,该工作组已于 2010 年 5 月 5 日举行首次全体 会议,并且请秘书长 向大会第六十七届会议报告决议的执行情况,包括会员国在执行体育促进发展与 和平国际工作组政策建议方面的进展,以及联合国体育促进发展与和平 办 公 室和 体育促进发展与和平信托基金开展工作的情况,并提出一个关于体育促进发展与 和平的最新行动计划(第 65/4 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly [...] welcomed the ongoing efforts [...] undertaken by the newly mandated Sport for Development and Peace International Working Group, which gathered for its inaugural plenary session on 5 May 2010, and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session on the implementation of the resolution, including progress made by Member States towards implementation of the Sport for Development and Peace International Working Group policy recommendations and on the functioning of the United Nations Office on Sport for [...]Development and Peace [...]and the Trust Fund for Sport for Development and Peace, and to present an updated action plan on sport for development and peace (resolution 65/4). daccess-ods.un.org |
无论是私营还是非盈利性的国际投资者都热烈欢迎 上交所向港交所看齐,要求采掘类公司 在 首次公开 募股(IP O)时公开其国家层面的支付信息,或者类 似于美国和欧盟,采用年报的方式公布公司的支付 信息。 syntao.com | Both private and non-profit international investors warmly welcomed the prospect of [...] the SSE requiring [...] extractive companies to report their payments at a country level at the time of initial public offerings (IPOs), similar [...]to HKEx requirements, [...]or annually, similar to US and EU requirements. syntao.com |
大多数行动“新人”失去IBOVESPA - 金融市场的时候,还给在近年来的 首次公开 募 股 ( IP O,其英文缩写)的国家,这些操作的分析表明,中小投资者在进入交易之前,应谨慎流派。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Most actions of 'newcomers' loses [...] Ibovespa - At a time when the financial market gives back as some of the IPOs (IPO, its acronym [...]in English) in the [...]country, an analysis of these operations in recent years shows that small investors should be cautious before entering into a transaction the genre. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
回报的看涨趋势,下降的形式校正的时刻,是健康的,但我认为今年我们的主要指标要求再次逼近该地区的的70千点,顶部附近的这家历史悠久的2008约73.900坏了,我们会看到一个强势回归的高和广泛的兴奋entre2004 a2007的看法,公布了一系列的IPO( 首次公开 募 股 )。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | With the return of the bullish trend, moments of falling in the form of correction are healthy, but I think this year, our main index seek again approaching the region of 70 thousand points, near the top of this historic 2008 about 73.900 that is broken, we will see a strong return of [...] high and widespread euphoria entre2004 a2007 [...] view, with the announcement of a series of IPOs (initial public offering). en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
审查应在首次拒绝提供 信息时进行,之后再定期开展,以确 保 公 共 当 局援引的拒绝交流的必要性 依然存在。 daccess-ods.un.org | This review should be available at the time of the initial refusal to provide information, and then on a regular basis to ensure that the reason for the necessity that was invoked by the public authority to refuse to communicate, remains present. daccess-ods.un.org |
截至二零零二年三月三十一日止三個月之每股攤薄虧損乃按本公司截至二零 零二年三月三十一日止三個月未經審核合併股東應佔純利、468,620,271 股股份(每股基本盈利則以423,611,111股股份計算),以及假設視為行 使首次公開招股前購股權計劃而無償發行之45,009,160股股份之加權平均 股數計算。 ruifengholdings.com | The calculation of the diluted earnings per share for the three months ended 31 March 2002 is based on the unaudited combined net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company for the three months ended 31 March 2002 and 468,620,271 shares, being 423,611,111 shares as used in the calculation of basic earnings per share, and the weighted average of 45,009,160 shares assumed to have been issued at no consideration on the deemed exercise of the pre-IPO share options. ruifengholdings.com |
本處宣傳及推廣工作的成效,直接見於國際傳媒對香港經濟成就的報道,間接則 反映於在香港經營業務及外來投資、在證券市場上市 及 首次公 開 招股 集 資 的海外 及內地公司數目。 isd.gov.hk | Success of our publicity and promotion work is directly reflected in international media coverage on the city’s economic strengths, and indirectly in the number of overseas and Mainland businesses setting up in Hong Kong, inward investment, stock market listings, initial public offerings etc. isd.gov.hk |
葉慧敏女士為香港、中國內地及海外的客戶提供多項專業服務超過15年,當中包括信息系統審查、信息技術諮詢服務、業務運作流程重整、內部審計 、 首次公 開 招股 前 的 內部監控系統審查、協助客戶進行收購中港公司項目的財務盡職審查工作、財務審計及稅務合規服務。 crowehorwath.net | Ester has more than 15 years of experience in [...] providing various kinds of [...] services to clients in Hong Kong, China and overseas, including IT auditing, IT consulting, workflow re-engineering, internal audit, pre-IPO internal control [...]review, financial [...]due diligence services, financial statements audit and tax compliance. crowehorwath.net |