

单词 首府城市

See also:


capital city of an autonomous region


prefectural seat

城市 n

city n
cities pl
town n

External sources (not reviewed)

本网站提供的各州/市指南中有澳大利亚 首府城市 最 佳 餐饮地推荐,敬请查看。
See the individual state/city guides on this website for recommendations of some of the best places to eat and drink in Australia's capital cities.
我们的留学生能更快地适应异国留学生活,这是因为班里的学生人数远低于澳洲其 首府城市 的 大学,方便学生求教老师并获得成功所需的支持。
Our international students adjust more quickly to studying in a foreign country because the number of students in their classes is
much less than in other universities in
[...] Australian capital cities; it is easy to approach [...]
their teachers and get the support they need to be successful.
According to city authorities, Opolskie [...]
voivodship’s capital offers a relatively high quality of life with reduced living costs, such as rental prices.
因此各州的适用最高税 率差异明显 (州首府城市12%-30%)。
The maximum applicable cantonal tax rates hence vary significantly from canton to
[...] canton (principal town of the canton about [...]
12 % to 30 %).
布里斯本是澳洲東部沿海地區中最接近亞洲 首府城市 , 最 近並獲《London Financial Times [...]
fDi Magazine》評為亞洲十大未來城市之一。
We are the closest
[...] Australian state capital city on the eastern [...]
seaboard to Asia and were recently named one of the Top
10 Asian Cities of the Future by the London Financial Times fDi Magazine.
查尔斯•达尔文大学(Charles Darwin
[...] University,英文简称CDU)是一所综合性研究密集型大学,大学位于澳大利亚最北端 首府城市 达 尔 文。
Charles Darwin University (CDU) is a research-intensive comprehensive university located in Darwin, the
[...] most northerly capital city in Australia.
作为最靠近赤道的澳大利首府城市 , 达尔文也常被誉为通往亚洲的门户。
As the closest
[...] Australian capital city to the equator, Darwin [...]
is often referred to as the gateway to Asia.
澳大利亚的主要城镇首府城市均设 有世界一流的购物设施,其中大多每周 7 天营业,时间一般为每天上午 9:00 [...]
至下午 5:30,周四或周五的夜间购物可延至晚上 9:00。
Australia’s major town centres and capital cities have world-class [...]
shopping facilities. Hours are generally 9.00am to 5.30pm
seven days a week, with late night shopping until 9.00pm on Thursdays or Fridays.
与澳大利亚其他任首府城市相比 ,这里更靠近亚洲很多大城市。
We are closer to many major Asian cities than to any Australian capital city.
该组织的主要目的和宗旨是鼓励同属伊比利亚美洲各地首府联盟成员 首府和 城市建立 联系和关系;审议与其附属市政当局有关的所有事项;促进睦邻权利; 促进拉丁美洲和伊比利亚半 首府城市 的 均 衡和协调发展;组织会议及其他有关 促进交流最佳做法的活动。
The main aims and purposes of the organization are to encourage
links and relationships among the
[...] capitals and cities that are members of UCCI; to consider all matters relating to its affiliated municipalities; to promote the rights of neighbourhoods; to promote the balanced and harmonic development of the capital cities of Latin America [...]
and the Iberian peninsula;
to organize meetings and other activities promoting exchange of best practices.
内城区交错纵横着很多韵味独特的小巷与拱廊,不过这座“花园之州” 首府城市 也 拥 有宽敞的公共绿地与别致的花园景观。
The inner-city is criss-crossed with intriguing laneways and arcades, but the capital of ‘the garden state’ also has expansive parkland and exquisite gardens.
NSW’s capital city, Sydney, is Australia’s largest and oldest city and is home to the iconic Sydney [...]
Harbour Bridge and the
World Heritage-listed Sydney Opera House.
自 去年十二月起,这栋位于巴 伐利首府城市中心 Dienerstraße 区的建筑,其 [...]
历史悠久的正立面采用了完全创新的LED 照明。
Since last December the historic facade of the building in Dienerstraße, at
[...] the heart of the city in Bavaria, has had [...]
truly innovative LED lighting.
蒙特雷是新莱昂州首府城市,最 早于1956年在靠近东马德雷山脉的山谷中建市,周围环绕的是著名的“马鞍山”。
Monterrey, the capital city of the state of [...]
Nuevo Leon, was founded in 1596 in a valley near the Sierra Madre Oriental,
surrounded by the famous “Cerro de la Silla” (‘Saddle Hill,’ for its similar-looking shape).
该项目是这座区域首府城市的一 个现代地标性酒店建筑,位于该市的黄金地带,从该处可饱览Gomti河流域的美景。
The project is a landmark modern hotel in this
[...] major regional capital city in a prime location [...]
with views over the Gomti River.
作为布宜诺斯艾利斯省首府城市, 拉 普拉塔是一个行政、商业、娱乐和文化中心,拥有大厦、广场和大道等宏伟建筑,居民总数达60万。
Capital of the province of Buenos Aires, La Plata is an administrative, commercial, recreational and cultural center that possesses a magnificent architecture expressed in its foundational buildings, plazas, avenues and paths that are home to 600,000 inhabitants.
学生生活本身就是一次融汇知识力量与生活方式的令人艳羡的经历,感受国际 首府城市 、 田 园风光和碧波荡漾海滨生活的不同魅力。
Student life itself is an enviable mix of intellectual
rigour and lifestyle opportunities in
[...] cosmopolitan capital cities, upon bucolic [...]
landscapes and against shimmering coastlines.
正式成 员:安哥拉、巴西、佛得角、几内亚比绍、莫桑比克、葡萄牙、圣多美和普林西 比以及东帝汶此前和当前的葡 首府城市。
(Full members: former and present Portuguese-speaking capital cities in Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tome and Principe and Timor-Leste.
随后,专家组在达尔富尔继续逗留,直至 2010 年 8 月中旬,并经常在法希 尔、尼亚拉和朱奈纳三首府城市停 留
The Panel subsequently maintained a continual
presence in Darfur until mid-August 2010 and frequently stayed
[...] in the three capital cities, El Fasher, Nyala [...]
and El Geneina.
Cardiff has
[...] all you would expect from a capital city.
我們建議辦事處由一首席政府城市 規 劃 師掌管, 並由一名政府建築師作為副手襄助。
We propose that the KEDO will be headed by a
[...] Principal Government Town Planner (PGTP), and complemented by a Government Architect [...]
(GA) as the deputy head.
土地、住房及城市发展部与坎帕首 都 城市 管 理 局在比利时和法国 府 的支 持下,正在分别执行坎帕拉综合环境管理项目和坎帕拉城市卫生项目。
The Ministry of Lands,
[...] Housing and Urban Development and Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), with support from the Governments of Belgium and [...]
France, are embarking
on the Kampala Integrated Environment Management Project, and the Kampala Urban Sanitation Project respectively.
[...] 員簡介下列事宜:透過落實起動九龍東政策措施加 快把九龍東(包括啟德發展區、九龍灣和觀塘)轉型 為本港另一核心商業區的進展;以及有關延長起動 九龍東辦事處兩個首長級編外職位( 一首席政府 城市規劃師及一個政府建築師職位) 的任期4 年至 2017年 6月 30日的人手編制建議,以繼續專責就推 行上述措施提供專業支援。
With the aid of a powerpoint presentation, Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office, Development Bureau ("Head/EKEO/DEVB") briefed members on the progress made under the policy initiative of Energizing Kowloon East ("EKE") to expedite the transformation of Kowloon East, including the Kai Tak Development ("KTD") Kowloon Bay and Kwun Tong, into an alternative Central
Business District
[...] ("CBD") of Hong Kong, as well as a staffing proposal to extend two supernumerary directorate posts (one Principal Government Town Planner and one Government Architect) [...]
at the Energizing Kowloon
East Office ("EKEO") for four years up to 30 June 2017 to continue to provide dedicated professional support in taking forward the initiative.
2012 年 2 月 15 日 [EC(2011- 12)20 號文件] ,我們再向小組委 員會建議初步成立九龍東發展辦事處( 現稱起動九龍東辦事處),為期 1 年,並由 2012 年 7 月 1 日起開設 2 個首長級編外職位,首席政府城 市規劃師( 首長級薪級第 3 點 ) 及政府建築師( 首長級薪級第 2 點 ),為期 1 年,以掌管九龍東發展辦事處。
On 15 February 2012 [EC(2011-12)20], we gained the support of ESC for the setting up of an initial KEDO (now known as EKEO) for one year and the creation of two supernumerary directorate posts of PGTP (D3) and GA (D2) for one year with effect from 1 July 2012 to head the KEDO.
籌備工作小組包括 1 個首席政府城市規劃師編外職位和 1 個政府建築師編外職位,並有 3 名高級專業人員提供支援,包括 1 名高 級城市規劃師、1 名高級建築師和 1 名高級工程師。
The preparatory team comprises a supernumerary PGTP post and a supernumerary GA post with support from 3 senior professional officers including a Senior Town Planner, a Senior Architect and a Senior Engineer.
起動九龍東辦事處現時設於發展局( 工務科) 之下,首席政府城市 規劃師( 首長級 薪級第 3 點 )(職銜定為起動九龍東專員) 領導,並由政府 建築師( 首長級薪級第 2 點 )(職銜定為起動九龍東副專員) 支援,其下有 一支由 18 名公務員/非公務員合約僱員組成的隊伍,當中包括城市規 劃師、建築師、園境師和工程師等不同界別的專業人士,以及技術和 行政支援人員。
Currently, EKEO is put under DEVB(WB); it is headed by a PGTP (D3) (designated as Head of EKEO) who is assisted by a GA (D2) (designated as Deputy Head of EKEO). They are underpinned by 18 civil servants/non-civil service contract staff forming a multi-disciplinary team of town planners, architects, landscape architects, engineers as well as technical and administrative support staff.
我們曾審慎考慮策發會秘書處另外 2 名首長級人員,即策發會秘 書 ( 首長級乙級政務官( 首長級薪級第 3 點 ))和府城市規劃師( 首長級 薪級第 2 點 ) 能否兼顧職級屬首長級丙級政務官( 首長級薪級第 2 點 ) 的 策發會助理秘書的職務。
We have critically considered whether the other two directorate staff within the CSD Secretariat, i.e. the Secretary to the CSD (AOSGB (D3)) and the GTP (D2), can absorb the duties of the Assistant Secretary to the CSD at the rank of AOSGC (D2).
職級屬首長級乙級 政務官( 首長級薪級第 3 點 ) 的策發會秘書負責領導該組專責人員,並由 2 名首長級人員,包括策發會助理秘書(
[...] 首長級丙級政務官的編外人 員 )(首長級薪級第 2 點 ) 和府城市規劃師( 首長級薪級第 2 點 ) 協助工 作。
The CSD is currently served by a dedicated team led by the Secretary to the CSD at the rank of Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (AOSGB) (D3) with support at the
directorate level by the Assistant Secretary to the CSD (supernumerary
[...] AOSGC) (D2) and a Government Town Planner (GTP) (D2).
2009-10 年度的預算已預留撥款, 以開設 6 個職位,分別是 1 個首長級丙級政務官、1 個府城市規劃師、1 個政 務主任、1 個高級城市規劃師及 2 個一級私人秘書職位。
Provision has been included in the 2009-10 Estimates for the creation of six posts viz one
Administrative Officer Staff
[...] Grade C, one Government Town Planner, one Administrative Officer, one Senior Town Planner, and [...]
two Personal Secretaries I.
我们阿拉伯国家元首和府首脑在 2011 年 1 月 19 日聚集于埃城市沙姆 沙 伊赫,一起出席阿拉伯经济、发展和社会首脑会议第二届会议,谨此重申,我们 完全承诺实施 2009 年 1 月 19 日和 20 日科威特首脑会议核可的发展战略,并申 明我们将推进阿拉伯社会的人力、经济、社会和技术发展,并在阿拉伯国家联盟 [...] [...]
的主持下,激活和发展我们的阿拉伯联合行动机制,以便确保我们的人民和子孙 后代有更美好的未来。
We, the Heads of Arab States and Governments who, on 19 January 2011, are gathered together in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh [...]
at the second session
of the Arab Economic, Development and Social Summit, hereby renew our complete commitment to the development strategies that were approved at the Kuwait Summit on 19 and 20 January 2009, and affirm that we will advance the human, economic, social and technological development of our Arab societies and will activate and develop our joint Arab action mechanisms, under the aegis of the League of Arab States, with a view to ensuring a better future for our peoples and for future generations.




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