单词 | 首季 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 首季 —first quarter (often used)less common: first season See also:季—surname Ji • the last month of a season • fourth or youngest amongst brothers
中國方面,根據中國國家統計局刊發的資料,二零零六的國內生產總值錄得10.7%增長, 而踏入二 零零七年首季度,有關增長更進一步上升至11.1% 。 cre8ir.com | As for the PRC, a 10.7% GDP growth was reported for the calendar [...] year of 2006 and an 11.1% growth was [...] recorded in the first quarter of 2007 according [...]to the publication from National Bureau of Statistics of China. cre8ir.com |
第三方採 購的材料接收量減少及品位降低導致二零一二 年 首季 的 電 解銅總產量較二零一一年同期減少3%。 glencore.com | Lower receipts and grades of third party purchased material resulted in total copper cathode production decreasing in Q1 2012 by 3% compared to the equivalent period in 2011. glencore.com |
新業務價值強勁增長 25%,是歷來最高的首季數字 ,反映我們成功執行有效的增長策略和 持續的業務動力。 aia.com | The strong growth in value of new business of 25 per cent to [...] our highest ever first-quarter figure demonstrates [...]the successful execution of our proven [...]growth strategy and our continuing momentum. aia.com |
黃惠英醫生說,「業界資訊天地」將在今 年 首季 推 出 ,並再次感謝參加專題小組會 議的業界代表提供寶貴意見。 cfs.gov.hk | Dr. Ada WONG advised that the Trade Webzone would be [...] rolled out in the first quarter of 2010 and thanked [...]again for the valuable contributions [...]of trade representatives who attended the focus group meeting. cfs.gov.hk |
公 司 須 向 秘 書 處 提 供 從 等 額 資 金 支 付 的 開 支 證 明 後 , 方 會 獲 發 首 季 的 撥 款 。 itf.gov.hk | The first instalment will only be effected upon receipt of the necessary proof of project expenditure using the matching fund. itf.gov.hk |
如承建商在合約期 內 曾接獲不合格 的 表 現 評 核報 告,當合約大致完成後,評 核 部門應在首 季度檢 討㆗進行 全 面 檢 討,決 定是否應向工務局局長提出 建議,把承建商 所 屬 的資格/組別降低或 從 認可名冊㆗ 除名。 legco.gov.hk | At the first quarterly review after substantial completion of a contract for which any adverse reports have been received, an overall review should be carried out by the reporting department to decide whether or not a recommendation should be made to the Secretary for Works to downgrade, demote or remove the contractor from the Approved List. legco.gov.hk |
據我們所知,九廣鐵 路公司可於㆒九九㆔年首季公布 該公司會作出哪些服務表現承諾;為此,他們將會進 行世界性的服務標準調查,將該公司與全球同業提供最佳服務者作㆒比較。 legco.gov.hk | We understand that KCRC will be in a position to advise what [...] might be included in their [...] performance pledges in the first quarter of 1993 and to this [...]end they will be conducting worldwide [...]benchmarking exercises to measure itself against the best practice in operating functions elsewhere. legco.gov.hk |
根 據 中 國 海 關 的 數 [...] 據 顯 示,紙 品出口量 於二零零七年首季上升 53.6%至1,100,000公噸。 cre8ir.com | According to the Customs Bureau of [...] the PRC, export of paper products had increased by 53.6% to reach 1.1 million [...] metric tons in the first quarter of 2007. cre8ir.com |
公司於首季開始 經 銷福士輕型商用車,初期業績令人鼓舞。 swirepacific.com | The company commenced distribution of VW light [...] commercial vehicles in the first quarter and initial results [...]are encouraging. swirepacific.com |
我們位於香港大埔之亞洲衛星地面站擴建工程,預計將於二零一二 年 首季 度 末完成, 讓亞洲衛星可以向客戶提供更多不同的增值服務,並為本公司帶來未來增長機會。 asiasat.com | Our project to expand AsiaSat’s earth station at Tai [...] Po in Hong Kong, scheduled for [...] completion by end of the first quarter 2012, will enable [...]AsiaSat to offer a greater array of [...]value-added services to customers, while providing the Company with future growth opportunities. asiasat.com |
此項目之樓面總面積約 952,000 平方呎,已出售約 75%, 預期可於二零零七年首季交付予買家。 wingtaiproperties.com | About 75% of the units have been pre-sold and handover to purchasers is [...] scheduled for the first quarter of the year 2007. wingtaiproperties.com |
以將軍澳新都 城二期商場為例,集團於二零一二年 首季 完 成 首 期 翻新工程,多家著名時裝品牌亦緊 隨近期開業之 Zara 及 H&M 陸續進駐,兩者皆有助該商場建立別樹一幟之鮮明形象。 hld.com | For instance, at Metro City Phase II in [...] Tseung Kwan O, the Group [...] completed the first phase of its revamp in the first quarter of 2012, and the [...]recent opening of Zara [...]and H&M has attracted a number of well-known fashion brands to join the mall. hld.com |
2012 年首季,全 球市場對新興地區產品的需求依然低迷,新出口業務量略有下降。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Demand for goods produced by emerging market manufacturers on global markets remained muted in Q1, with new export business falling marginally. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
招標工作會根據有關法例規定 完成所需的法定程序,之後,於 2008 年首季結束,然後計劃於 2008 年第二 季批出標書。 devb.gov.hk | Invitation for tenders [...] will be closed in the first quarter of 2008 upon completion [...]of the necessary statutory procedures under relevant Ordinances with tender award scheduled for the second quarter of 2008. devb.gov.hk |
此舉將顯著利淡歐元/美元;若歐債危機 在2012年首季惡化,歐元/美元將挑戰2010年的1.1877低位。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | This move could be a strong negative driver for EUR/USD. The low of 1.1877 in 2010 could be challenged if the eurozone crisis gets any worse in Q1 2012. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
二零一二年首季,我 們主要金屬的基礎價格及現貨溢價普遍穩健,但若干金屬的現貨溢價在經合組織與中國市場的情況則截然相反,體現 了不同的短期庫存狀況。 glencore.com | Flat prices and physical premia for our core metals were generally healthy during Q1 2012 although, in some metals, the latter moved in opposite directions in OECD versus Chinese markets, reflecting differing short-term inventory conditions. glencore.com |
按固定范畴及汇率计算,总经营收入较20 09 年 首季 上 升 5.0%,反映集团各个业务单位的杰出营运表现。 bnpparibas.com.cn | At constant scope and exchange rates, it was up 5.0% [...] compared to the first quarter 2009, reflecting [...]the good operating performance of all the Group's business units. bnpparibas.pt |
為了貫徹公司一貫政策,Amkor不會提供20 02 年 首季 最 新 指引,但公司表示,根據該公司客戶對未來六個月預測出現穩定的增長,因此2002年第二季度在組裝及測試的營業額比第一季度出現兩位數字的增長,情況繼續樂觀。 ipress.com.hk | However the company will say that based on the steady growth in many of its customers' six-month forecasts, there is increasing optimism that the second quarter of 2002 could show a double-digit increase in assembly & test revenue from the first quarter of 2002. ipress.com.hk |
國 泰 航 空 首 季 的 累 積 客 運 量 較 去 年 同 期 上 升 17.1% [...] , 較 以 可 用 座 位 千 米 數 計 算 的 可 載 客 量 的 12.8% 增 幅 為 高 。 swirepacific.com | Cumulatively over the quarter, the airline recorded [...] a 17.1 percent increase in the number of passengers carried - ahead [...]of a corresponding 12.8 percent increase in capacity measured in terms of Available Seat Kilometres. swirepacific.com |
今年首季臨近尾 聲之際,投資者憂慮塞浦路斯銀行危機,拖累環球股 市下滑。 citibank.com.hk | Towards the end of the first quarter, global equities [...] fell on concerns over a banking crisis in Cyprus. citibank.com.hk |
過去六個月曾遭受買家延付貨款的企業 當中,有 22.3%曾被延付貨款 31 至 60 日,比 2010 年首季錄得的 24.8%為低;同時,有 48.5%在 2010 年第二季曾被延付貨款 15 至 30 日,比 2010 年首季度錄得的 40.3%為高。 coface.com.cn | Among respondents that experienced delayed payments in the past six months, 48.5 percent experienced payments that [...] were 15 to 30 days [...] late in the second quarter of 2010 – up from 40.3 percent in first quarter of 2010; while 22.3 percent of respondents experienced payments delayed by 31 to 60 days – down from 24.8 percent in the first quarter of 2010. coface.com.hk |
十年期國庫債券息率於首季回升,隨後於第二季度有所下跌,而公司 AA 息差則較 二零一零年年末水平有所上升。 prudential.co.uk | Rates on 10-year Treasuries [...] rose during the first quarter and then declined [...]during the second quarter, while AA corporate spreads increased from year-end 2010 levels. prudential.co.uk |
服務業的第二季活動量增長低於平均值,整體擴張度屬過去3 [...] 年來最小,反映巴西、印度和俄羅斯增長放緩,其中巴西增長為3 季以來最弱,俄羅斯增速是2011 年首季以來最慢。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Service sector activity grew at a sub-par rate in the second quarter, with the overall expansion among the weakest recorded in the past [...] three years. This reflected slower growth in Brazil [...] (weakest in three quarters), India and Russia [...](slowest since Q1 2011). commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
保障業務的業務額和利潤率於首 季內均有所上升。 aia.com | Volumes and margins of protection [...] business increased over the quarter. aia.com |
雖然美國經濟面對的風險增加,內地經濟增長去年卻持續強勁,並 於首 3 季平均錄得 11.5%的按年增長。 hkbea.com | While the US economy is facing increasing [...] risk, the Mainland economy continued to grow briskly in 2007 with average growth [...] of 11.5% over the first three quarters. hkbea.com |
儘管我們並無設定數額或市場份額的目標,但 這些獨特的市場條件令 Jackson 的變額年金銷售額由二零一零年首季 的 排 名第四位(市場份額 10.0%)上升至二零一一年首季第 三位(新業務銷售佔市場份額 11.8%)1。 prudential.co.uk | Although we do not target volume or market share, these unique market conditions resulted in Jackson ranking third in variable annuity sales with a market share of [...] new business sales of 11.8 [...] per cent in the first quarter of 2011, up from fourth and a market share of 10.0 per cent in the first quarter of 20101. prudential.co.uk |
集团业务单位的营运表现出众,加上富通银行整合计划的影响及风险成本下降,集团录得38.4亿欧元的税前收入,较20 09 年 首季 增 加 67.7%(按固定范畴及汇率计算则上升55.4%)。 bnpparibas.com.cn | The good operating performance of all the Group's business units, combined with the effects of the integration of BNP Paribas Fortis and the drop in the cost of risk, helped generate 3,840 [...] million euros in pre-tax income, up [...] 67.7% compared to the first quarter 2009 (+55.4% at constant [...]scope and exchange rates). bnpparibas.pt |
据安哥拉通讯社Angop报道,将在今年 首季 完 成重建(以列车到达卢奥站为准)的本格拉铁路(CFB)预计将令安哥拉政府花费总共1,800亿宽扎(18.7亿美元)。 angolahub.com | Reconstruction of the Benguela Railroad (CFB), which is due to [...] be concluded in the first quarter of this year after [...]trains arrive at Luau station, is [...]expected to cost the Angolan government a total of 180 billion kwanzas (US$1.87 billion), according to Angolan news agency Angop. angolahub.com |