单词 | 首字母拚音词 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 首字母拚音词 —acronymSee also:首字母 n—first letter n 首字母—initial letters 字母 n—letter n • alphabet n • alphanumeric n 字母—letter (of the alphabet)
请注意首字母缩略词和简称必 须在首次出现时标出全称:当有大量 首字母 缩 略 词 和 简 称时,应当在文件开头附 上缩略词和简称表。 daccess-ods.un.org | Please note that acronyms and abbreviations must always be spelled out the first time they appear: in cases where a large [...] number of acronyms [...]and abbreviations are used, they should be presented in a list at the beginning of the document. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界知识产权组织成立于 [...] 1893 年,当时被称为 BIRPI(国际联合工业产权保护局的法 语首字母缩写词)。 iprcommission.org | WIPO began life in 1893 as BIRPI (the French acronym [...] for the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Industrial Property). iprcommission.org |
政改和西九引發的民意爭論和民調比 拚 , 若 果處理得宜,其實可以提升香港社會的民智程度和公民意識。 hkupop.hku.hk | If the public opinion debates [...] and comparisons of different poll [...]findings on constitutional development and the West Kowloon [...]proposals are dealt appropriately, this in fact can raise Hong Kong's social intelligence and public awareness. hkupop.hku.hk |
否则,教师很可 能以不切实际或不符合教学实践为由 而 拚 弃 新 的方法;同样,他们也会以不相关性为 由而抛弃新的内容。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Without such engagement, teachers are likely to dismiss new strategies as unrealistic and inappropriate for their particular practice contexts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在有些事情上,動用的雖是公帑,但 當局偏偏拚死也不肯支付。 legco.gov.hk | Even though public money was involved in these cases, the authorities were reluctant to pay. legco.gov.hk |
除了提到一 处细小的编辑上的修改之外,她还说,在英文本序 言部分第十三段中,“large marine [...] ecosystems(大 型海洋生态系统)”短语各词的 首字母 应 当大写;另 外,英文本序言部分第二十段中的“wider [...]Caribbean Sea region(大加勒比海区域)”短语以及第 [...]12 段中 的“wider Caribbean region(大加勒比区域)”短语 应替换为“Wider Caribbean Region(大加勒比区 域)”,以体现该区域的正式名称。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to noting a minor drafting change, she [...] said that in the thirteenth [...] preambular paragraph, the first letter of each word [...]in the phrase “large marine ecosystems” [...]should be capitalized; furthermore, the phrase “wider Caribbean Sea region” in the twentieth preambular paragraph and the phrase “wider Caribbean region” in paragraph 12 should be replaced with “Wider Caribbean Region” to reflect the official name of the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
请访问词汇表页面查看本网站上出现的缩 写 词 、 首字母 缩 略 词和行业术语,它们同时也是航空业内常用的词汇。 zs.orlandoairports.net | Please see the Glossary page of our web site for an explanation of many of the abbreviations, acronyms and jargon used throughout this web site and the aviation industry in general. orlandoairports.net |
设保人的姓名为相关身份识别 [...] 特征并且准确的姓名为登记处所用语文以外的另外一种语文的,规则应当澄清 究竟如何对构成姓名的字母及字母上 的 任何 重 音 加 以 调整或翻译以便与登记处 的语文相符。 daccess-ods.un.org | Where the grantor’s name is the relevant identifier and the correct name is in a language other than that used by the [...] registry, the rules should [...] clarify how the characters and any accents on characters that form the [...]name are to be adjusted or [...]translated to conform to the language of the registry. daccess-ods.un.org |
本报告采用的首字母缩写词和专 门术语词汇表 unesdoc.unesco.org | GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND SPECIAL TERMS USED IN THIS REPORT unesdoc.unesco.org |
不過,倘若不是因為海嘯,民主派取消了原先發起的「反對官商勾結、消除貧富懸殊、爭取07、08年普選」遊行,則傳媒的報導焦點,又可能變成遊行人數的 比 拚 , 甚 至是兩派人士出現的衝突。 hkupop.hku.hk | Yet, had it not been for the tsunami disaster and hence the democrats had cancelled the "Against Government-Business Collusion, Removing Disparity between the Rich and the Poor, Fighting for Universal Suffrage in 07/08 Rally" as originally scheduled, the focus of [...] the media would possibly be a race of headcounts between [...] the two rallies, or even the conflicts [...]between the two parties. hkupop.hku.hk |
还可尝试利用一首歌曲或诗歌中的每 个 词首字母 作 为 密码。 moneybookers.com | Alternatively you could [...] try using the first letter of each word from a line [...]of a song or poem. moneybookers.com |
使用在字符上下为发音符或下行字母 留 有大量空间的字体时,这些属性可 用于获取更好的视觉居中显示效果。 redlion.net | They can be useful in achieving better visual [...] centering when working with fonts that have lots of space [...]above or below their characters, [...]either for diacriticals or descenders. redlion.net |
a. 短訊服務指流動無線電話客戶透過手機、個人數碼助理、電腦及其他任何終端機發出或終接包 含字母數字字元、聲音及圖 像等的訊息。 ofca.gov.hk | a. Short message service refers to the [...] origination or termination of [...] messages containing alphanumeric characters, sound, images etc. [...]by the mobile service customers [...]with their handsets, PDA, computer and any other terminals. ofca.gov.hk |
确保公平的法律环境的首要任 务就是能取得“中间力量” 的 有 效 配 合 ,这 包 括 像 广 告 商 、网 络 服 务 提 供 商 、搜 索 引 擎 及 支 付 提 供 商 等 公 司 和 行 业 ,它 们 对 合 法 的 数 字 音 乐 市 场 的 形 成 举足轻重。 ifpi.org | the top priority in securing a fair legal environment is to have the effective cooperation of “intermediaries” – companies and industries such as advertisers, internet service providers, search engines and payment providers whose activities have a decisive influence in shaping a legitimate digital music business. ifpi.org |
此外,Adams 先生曾创办了四家公司并担任首席执 行官,其中三家公司分属于无线网络、 数 字音 乐及 IPTV 领域,另一个则是直接在印度尼西亚进行投资的风险投资基金。 equinix.cn | In addition, Mr. Adams has founded and been CEO of [...] four companies in wireless networking, digital music, IPTV, and a venture capital fund for direct [...]investment in Indonesia. equinix.ch |
全新的设计可以直接通过拼音首字母 输 入 汉字,避免了由于非汉字输入可能造成的目的地混淆。 life.bosch.com.cn | The use of phonetic [...] notation for Chinese characters means that it is easy [...]to enter a destination in Chinese too, one of [...]the new innovations designed specially for navigation in China, with the aim of eliminating the confusion between destinations that have marred previous attempts at developing China-specific navigation systems. life.bosch.com.cn |
你可以听的正确发音的单词和短 语从本课程(记录由以英语 为 母 语 的 人)。 langmaster.com | You can listen to the correct pronunciation of the words and phrases from the course [...] (recorded by native speakers). langmaster.com |
简称也可以由其它语言全称 的首字母组成。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It may be written in any characters. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这份书法作品包括很多上下组合使用的斜对 单 词 和 字母。 wdl.org | This calligraphic sheet includes a number [...] of diagonal words and letters used [...]in combinations facing upwards and downwards on the folio. wdl.org |
扩展的首字母缩写 :女性的乌托邦陷阱的尽情释放应受严厉谴责邪恶的Numbuh 4得知他被送到一所寄宿学校 - 但他并不担心,因为他总是从他们逃脱之前。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Expanded Acronym: Female's Utopian Trap Unleashes Reprehensible Evil Numbuh 4 learns he is to be sent to a boarding school – but he isn't worried, as he's always escaped from them before. seekcartoon.com |
以 任 何 一 个 歌 手 名 加 上“mp3 ”为关键词进行搜索后,首 页的 搜索结果中仍然有大量的非法链接 。 音 乐 产 业继续敦促谷 歌有效地落实其措施,同时也鼓励其它搜索服务提供商出台有 效措施。 ifpi.org | a search for the name of any artist followed by the term “mp3” [...] still returns a vast number of illegal links on the first page of results. the industry continues to urge Google [...]to implement the policy effectively, while encouraging other search providers to enact meaningful policies. ifpi.org |
如果启用,会忽略所有字母均为大写 的 词 语。 providesupport.cn | When enabled, any words containing all capital letters are [...] ignored. providesupport.com |
音像遗产”一词具有 广泛的含义,主要 包括各种形式的活动影像、录音和广播(一起的或单独的),并可扩展到有关文件和手工艺 品。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The term “audiovisual heritage” has a [...] broad evocation, inclusive of all forms of moving image, recorded sound and broadcasting [...]– together or separately – at its core, and extending to related documents and artefacts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
字的选 择很重要:“太紫”就是它的一个 同 音 异 形 词。 labbrand.com | (Characters are important: the same sound written differently could mean [...] “too purple. labbrand.com |
1937年,美国社会学家卢瑟·古利克(Luther [...] [...] Gulick)在其与英国管理学权威林德尔·厄威克(Lyndall.Urwick)合编的《管理科学论文集》(Papers on the Science of Administration)一书中,提出了有名的管理七职能论, 并取其每项职能英文单词的首字母而 称 作POSDCORB,其后,POSDCORB就被用来指称管理七项职能。 12manage.com | In 1937, social [...] scientists Luther Gulick and L. Urwick (Papers on the Science of Administration) describe seven "major activities and duties of any chief executive". 12manage.com |
1954 年,大会批准了本组织的徽标和特殊标记,并请“各会员国采取必要的立法或其 [...] 它适当的措施,防止在未经总干事批准的情况下,特别是为商业目的,以商标或商业标记的 形式使用本组织的徽标、正式印章和名称,以及该名称的拉丁文或其他 文 字首字母 简 称” (16)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In 1954 the General Conference approved the emblem and distinctive sign of the Organization and invited Member States “to take such legislative or other appropriate measures as are necessary to prevent the use, without authorization by the Director-General, and in particular for commercial purposes by means of trademarks or commercial labels, of the emblem, the official seal and the name of the [...] Organization, and of abbreviations of that name through the use of its [...] initial letters in Latin or other characters” (16). unesdoc.unesco.org |
联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)在其区域规划中 主要侧重于涉及发展中国家的从业者网络和第三世界科学院(仍因其 前 首字母缩 写 TWAS 称为第三世界科学院)等机构的知识传输过程。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), in its regional programming, is predominantly focused on knowledge-transmission processes involving networks of developing-country practitioners and institutions such as the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (still known by its former acronym, TWAS, for Third World Academy of Sciences). daccess-ods.un.org |
凡与各知识领域有关的学习型玩具均适合他们使用:颜色、认 字 母和 声音、字母书写 、认数字、数数、数量与数字对应、形状、比较、方向(前后、上下、里 外等概念)和空间或生物等科学思维。 cpsc.gov | Learning toys that pertain to various domains of knowledge are [...] appropriate: colors, [...] letter and sound recognition, letter writing, number identification, counting, matching quantities to numerals, shapes, comparison, [...]directionality [...](concepts such as back/front, over/under, and in/on) and scientific thought such as space or biology. cpsc.gov |