

单词 首倡

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关于整体方法,一个会员国提议 35 C/5 继续坚持 34 C/5 首倡的以综合性和注重目标的 方法来安排重大计划 V。
Concerning the overall approach, one Member State suggested that the comprehensive and goal-oriented conception of MP V initiated in document 34 C/5 be pursued in document 35 C/5.
发展权的现代表首倡于塞 内加尔的凯巴·姆巴耶法官,他于1972年提 出,发展应视为一种权利。
The primary inspiration for the modern articulation of the right to development comes from Judge Keba M’Baye of Senegal, who in 1972 argued that development should be viewed as a right.
纳杰菲先生(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)(以英语发言): 作为在 1974 年首倡建立中东无核武器区的国家,伊 朗高度重视该问题。
We note with satisfaction that 155 States, including all the nuclear-capable countries of Europe and Latin America, have ratified the CTBT.
1995年4月,安全理事会五个常任理事 首倡 一 项 决议,旨在提供安全保证,不对《不扩散核武器条约》的无核武器缔约国使用核武器。
In April 1995, for the first time, the five permanent [...]
members of the Security Council sponsored a resolution providing security
assurances against the use of nuclear weapons to non-nuclear-weapon States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
尼泊尔大会党已故领导人、4 次担任总理的吉里贾·普拉萨德·柯伊拉腊是 和平进程的主要设计师,首倡并协 调了高级别政治机制。
The high-level political mechanism was initiated and coordinated by the late Nepali Congress leader and four-time Prime Minister, Girija Prasad Koirala, one of the main architects of the peace process.
作为"陶瓷时装化"的首倡者和 实践者,欧神诺陶瓷2005年创造性地提出了 "天下无砖" 的经营理念,以不懈精神,切实地阐释着"天下无砖"的内涵--元素、空间、服务,以此为每一位客户提供美化人居环境的解决之道;2010欧神诺陶瓷的经营理念升华为"奢瓷主义 精英生活",为精英阶层提供一种低调奢华的、用陶瓷创造的生活方式,再度创领潮流,以欧神诺所提供的上上珍品之奢瓷为起点,一种新奢华生活方式袭卷中国。
As a "ceramic fashion" of the initiator and practitioners, Ou Shennuo ceramic creatively put forward in 2005, "A world without bricks" business philosophy, to tireless spirit, earnestly to explain the "world without bricks," meaning - elements , space, services, thereby providing landscaping for each residential environment of the solution; 2010 Ou Shennuo sublimation ceramic business philosophy of "luxury porcelain Marxist elite life" for the elite to provide a low-key luxury, ceramic to create the lifestyle, once again leading the trend of innovation in order to Ou Shennuo provided on the treasures of luxury porcelain as a starting point, a new luxury lifestyle rushing China.
AmartyaSen和 MarthaNussbaum 首倡的“ 能力” 发展方法,这是在对这一领域曾占主导地位的纯粹经济发展模式的受到对反弹的 背景下产生的。
In particular, the human development, or “capabilities” approach to development pioneered by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum appeared against the backdrop of the relative backlash against purely economic models of development that previously dominated this arena.
[...] 十四届会议期间积极参与关于该问题的进一步讨 论,同首先倡导在 履行现有承诺方面不断取得进 步,倡导将资源使用在能够产生直接效果的行动上。
However, his delegation looked forward to engaging actively in further discussions on that topic during the
sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly
[...] and, above all, advocated continued progress [...]
towards the fulfilment of existing commitments
and the expenditure of resources on actions that directly produced results.
同年出版的阿贝Chiarini在巴黎大量的工作,题为“Théorie杜Judaïsme,”他在其中宣布了对犹太法典的翻译 首 次 倡 导 的 版本,应该使工作一般访问,从而为攻击服务在犹太教。
In the same year the Abbé Chiarini published at Paris a voluminous work entitled "Théorie du Judaïsme," in
which he announced a translation
[...] of the Talmud, advocating for the first time a version which [...]
should make the work generally
accessible, and thus serve for attacks on Judaism.
首 先,我 倡 議 設 立 全 面 及 即 時 的 “一站 式”緊 [...]
急 支 援 服 務,並且加 強 專 業 人士的培訓。
First of all, I call for the provision [...]
of a comprehensive and timely "onestop" emergency support service, and enhancing
the training of relevant professionals.
这是利用整体方法调查黄河水资 源受气候变化影响首批技术倡议之 一。
This is one of the first technical initiatives that investigate the impact of climate change on water resources in the Yellow River through a holistic approach.
背 景 千年发展目标(MDG)以及教科文组织向信息社会世 首 脑 会 议 倡 议 的 各项原则 可以作为宣传上述信息的背景资料。
Context The Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) and the principles advanced by
[...] UNESCO to the World Summit on the Information [...]
Society (WSIS) provide a context for
the promotion of these messages.
非洲进程 是可持续发展问首脑会议倡导和 鼓励的第 II 类 伙伴关系的范例,而且这一点已得到认 可。
The African Process is a model of the dynamic Type II Partnerships that WSSD is seeking to promote and encourage, and has been recognized as such.
印度也欢迎奥巴马总统有关作为东道国于下月 召开核安首脑会议的倡议,以应对这一全球挑战。
India has also
[...] welcomed the initiative of President Obama to host the Nuclear Security Summit next month [...]
to address this global challenge.
届时首尔绿色增倡议网 络》将能更好地成为绿色增长区域合作 的强有力的框架。
The Seoul Initiative Network on Green Growth [...]
would then better serve as a strong framework for regional cooperation on green growth.
[...] 行第15次不结盟运动首脑会议的背景下举行不结盟运动第一夫 首 脑 会议 的倡 议,会议的主题是“妇女在危机管理中的作用”,并与2009年11月15日在罗马 [...]
主题是“粮食保障和妇女获得资源”,体现了不结盟运动极其重视妇女积极和 平等地参与解决当前的国际危机和挑战。
The Ministers welcomed the initiative by the Arab Republic of Egypt for holding the NAM First
Ladies Summit, in the context of the XV
[...] Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Sharm El Sheikh [...]
on 15thand 16th July 2009, under the
theme of “The Role of Women in Crisis Management”, and for holding the Second NAM First Ladies Summit, in conjunction with the World Food Summit in Rome on 15th November 2009, under the theme of “ Food Security and Women’s access to Resources”, which reflected the great importance attached by the Movement to the active and equal participation of women in addressing the current global crises and challenges.
[...] 的关于在 2012 年再次召开可持续发展问首脑会倡议; 中国政府非常重视可持续发展,制订了以 [...]
人为本、全面、均衡和可持续的发展战略,与自然 和谐共处。
The Chinese Government supported the proposal of
[...] Brazil to host a further summit on the subject in 2012; [...]
it attached great importance to
sustainable development and had itself adopted a people-centred, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development strategy, in harmony with nature.
在 40 多年前成立了宗座宗教间对话委员会, 而最近,通过 138 名穆斯林代表签署“你我之间的共 同语言”这份文件,又启动了一首 创 性 的 倡 议。
The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue was set up more than 40 years ago and, more recently, an initiative that is the first of its kind was launched with the signing by 138 Muslim representatives of the document “A Common Word Between Us and You”.
此外,在 2003 年 9 月的方案问题高级别委员会(HLCP)第六届会议上,“批准在海洋
[...] 和沿海地区分委员会建立海洋与沿海地区网络,以响应行 首 长 委 员会 倡 议 的 建立更有力 的机制以便非联合国有关各方为实现可持续发展世界首脑会议实施计划的目标作贡献。
In addition, at its sixth session, in September 2003, the High Level Commission on Programs (HLCP) “approved the creation of an Ocean and
Coastal Areas Network (…), building on
[...] SOCA and in line with the CEB’s call for a more dynamic [...]
arrangement which would enable nonUnited
Nations actors to contribute to the achievement of JPOI targets” (Ref. CEB/2003/7).
该倡议 得到了所有阿拉伯国家第一夫人的支持和加强,召开 两届不结盟运动第一夫首脑会议的 倡 议 也 是如此。 后者是一个先例,强调了埃及和不结盟运动成员国重 视两性平等、妇女赋权、妇女毫无区别地充分享有所 [...]
有人权和提高妇女在一切领域无论是政治、经济还是 社会领域的地位。
This initiative was supported and
[...] strengthened by the first ladies of every Arab States, as was the initiative of convening [...]
two NAM summits for first
ladies, a precedent that stressed the importance that Egypt and NAM member States attach to gender equality, the empowerment of women, the full enjoyment by women of all their human rights without distinction and their advancement in all areas, whether political, economic or social.
基于言论自由、普遍利用信息和知识、保护文化多样性、平等享有优质教育的原则, 教科文组织与信息社会问题世首脑 会 议联 倡 导 了 “知识社会”的概念。
In connection with WSIS, UNESCO has advocated the concept of “knowledge societies” which offers a holistic and comprehensive vision cutting across all of UNESCO’s domains, based on the principles of freedom of expression, universal access to information and knowledge, preservation of cultural diversity, and equal access to quality education.
主席,我覺得很諷刺和荒謬的是,這項法例與政策是由一個小圈子 選舉,而且無認受性的首的政府所 倡 議 制 訂的。
President, what I find most ironic and absurd is that this legislation and policy are advocated and formulated by the Administration led by the Chief Executive who is returned by a coterie election and commands no legitimacy.
他援引大会第 43/222 B 号决议规定的会议委员
[...] 会的职权范围,表示希望知道秘书长在宣布邀请八国 集团在联合国总部举首脑会议的倡 议 之 前是否曾 将其提交会议委员会。
Citing the terms of reference of the Committee on Conferences, set out in General Assembly resolution 43/222 B, he wished to know whether the
SecretaryGeneral’s initiative to invite the Group
[...] of Eight to hold a summit meeting at United Nations [...]
Headquarters had been submitted
to that Committee before being announced.
乌兹别克斯坦总统管辖的现行法律监督学院是科学鉴定和调查机构,对法 律进行监督,并且还对通过的法律进行法律评估,促进落实国家 首 的 立 法 倡议 权
The Institute for Monitoring Current Legislation is a research arm of the Office of the President that monitors
legislation and carries out technical review of the laws enacted in order to
[...] further the Head of State’s legislative initiatives.
教科文组织世界 高等教育会议(2009 年)是首先提出该倡议的 国际论坛之一,而提出该倡议的 目的就是吸引作为重要民间社会资源的高等教育和研究机构为实现联合国 [...]
The UNESCO World Conference on
Higher Education (2009)
[...] was among the first international forums to which the initiative was presented [...]
as an endeavour to involve
institutions of higher education and research as a vital civil society resource that contributes to the realization of the United Nations mission and mandates.
注意到作为国际山年的总结活动,于 2002 年 10 月 28 日至 11 月 1 日在比什 凯克召开的比什凯克全球山区问题首脑会议通过的成果文件《比什凯克山区问题 纲要》,3 又注意到在可持续发展问题世界首脑会议期间发起的有 50 个国家、16 个政 府间组织和 96 个主要群体组织坚决支持的山区可持续发展国际伙伴关系(“山区 伙伴关系”),这是多个利益攸关方参与的处理山区可持续发展各类相互关联问 题的一个重要办法, 还注意到分别于 2003 年 10 月在意大利梅拉诺和 2004 年 10 月在秘鲁库斯科 召开的山区伙伴关系成员全球会议以及 2007 年 9 月在阿根廷图库曼圣米格尔召 开的安第倡议首次安第斯会议的结论
Noting also the International Partnership for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (“Mountain Partnership”), launched during the World Summit on Sustainable Development, with benefits from the committed support of fift y countries, sixteen intergovernmental organizations and ninety-six organizations from major groups, as an important multi-stakeholder approach to addressing the various interrelated dimensions of sustainable development in mountain regions
本组织是一个有环境意识的重量级纸张消费者,在 2010 年发出了“减少用纸倡议,首 先把 重点放在了减少对理事机构届会打印文件的依赖上,通过电子手段提供文件。
The Organization being an environmentally conscious major paper consumer, a
[...] “less paper” initiative was launched in [...]
2010 with an initial focus on the reduced
reliance on printed documents for governing bodies’ sessions and making them available by electronic means.
[...] 组织《社会保障(最低标准)公约》(第 102 号)和“体面工作议程”、“供资促进保倡议”以及行首长协 调会最低程度社会保 倡 议 (由 劳工组织和世卫组织共 同牵头)都是提倡协调行动以促进社会健康保护的范例。
In support of global health, the ILO Global Campaign on Social Security and Coverage for All, the ILO Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention (No. 102) and the Decent
Work Agenda, the
[...] Providing for Health Initiative, and the CEB Social Protection Floor Initiative (jointly led by [...]
ILO and WHO) are some
examples of addressing coordinated action on social health protection.




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