

单词 首份

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该公约首份普遍 和具有法律约 束力的文书,从而认识到强迫失踪能构成危害人类罪 并重申受害者拥有获得赔偿、公正和获悉真相的权 利。
The Convention was the first universal, legally [...]
binding instrument to recognize that enforced disappearance could constitute
a crime against humanity and to reaffirm the right of victims to reparation, justice and truth.
会议的主要成果是为编制非首份课 程 提出了路线 图,为研究如下问题提供了重要框架:信息隐私权、所有权和版权;获取知识和跨文化伦 理。
The main outcome was a roadmap
[...] for developing the first-ever curriculum for [...]
Africa to provide a critical framework for considering
issues such as information privacy, ownership and copyright; access to knowledge and intercultural ethics.
特别报告员向大会提交首份报 告 主要介绍了他在履行任务中希望采用的方法。
His first report to the General Assembly [...]
mainly presented the broad methodology that he wished to adopt in carrying out his mandate.
去年,秘书长就联合国为加强对国内和国际法治 工作的参与所作努力提交首份年度报告(A/64/ 298)。
Last year, the Secretary-General presented his first annual report on United Nations efforts to strengthen engagement on the rule of law at the national and international levels (A/64/298).
如果建議新的第二份技術備忘錄可在二零 一零年底前生效,則自二零一五年一月一日起的每一排放年度的排放限額可於二零一 五年一月一日起生效,以符合條例第 26G(4)條的規定,即:首份技術備忘錄外,根 據技術備忘錄就某排放年度所分配的排放限額,在該技術備忘錄生效後不少於 4 年後 具有效力。
If the proposed new Second TM commences to have effect before the end of 2010, the new emission allowances in relation to the emission years from 1 January 2015 would take effect starting from 1 January 2015, having regard to the statutory requirement in section 26G(4) of the APCO that an allocation of emission allowances made by the TM in relation to an emission year (other than an allocation made under the First TM) could only take effect at least four years after the commencement of the TM making the allocation.
香港律師會已分階段將不同類別的律師 納入教育規則的適用範圍:擔任主管的律師(2005年第146及 154號 法律公告);並非擔任主管而在2001年 1月 1日之前獲認許為高等法
院律師的律師(2006年第187號法律公告);在2001年 1月 1日或以後
[...] 獲認許為高等法院律師且並非擔任主管的律師(2007年第174號法 律公告);以及實習律師(限於首份 實 習 律師合約在2008年 11月 1 日或之後生效者)(2008年第212號法律公告)。
The Law Society of Hong Kong has applied the RME Rules to different categories of lawyers by different phases: to solicitors who are principals (L.N. 146 and L.N. 154 of 2005); solicitors who are not principals and who were admitted as solicitors of the High Court before 1 January 2001 (L.N. 187 of 2006); solicitors who are not principals and who were admitted as solicitors of the High Court on or after 1
January 2001 (L.N. 174 of 2007); and trainee
[...] solicitors whose first trainee solicitor contracts [...]
commence on or after 1 November 2008 (L.N. 212 of 2008).
2010/11 年度,公共部门 会计准则小组将继续领导筹备工作,以确定符合会计准则 首份 状 况 报告,包括 外地特派团资产、车间和设备的结余及库存情况,继续开展和部署与会计准则有 关的培训,并制订与会计准则有关的政策,为编制符合会计准则的财务报表提供 支助。
During 2010/11, the IPSAS team will continue to lead the preparatory work for the determination of IPSAS-compliant opening statements of position, including balances for items of property, plant and equipment, and inventories in field missions, to continue the development and deployment of IPSAS-related training and to formulate IPSAS-related policies that will support IPSAS-compliant financial statements.
该处听取了工作组于 2009 年 5 月 27
[...] 日在联合国总部向会员国所作的情况介绍,并协助拟定 首份技 术 参考指南,其中涉及以下问题:国家反恐法律中的合法性原则、人员拦截和 [...]
The Branch participated in a working group briefing for Member States at United Nations Headquarters on 27
May 2009 and has contributed to the
[...] elaboration of the first basic technical reference [...]
guides, which address the following
issues: the principle of legality in national counter-terrorism law, stopping and searching of persons, designing security infrastructure and the proscription of terrorist organizations under domestic legislation.
我还要欢迎非洲联盟和平与安全事务专员拉姆 丹·拉马姆拉大使,并欢迎最近发表的非盟关于联合 国-非盟合作问题首份报告
I also recognize Ambassador Ramtane Lamamra, Commissioner for
Peace and Security of the African Union, and
[...] welcome the recent and first-ever AU report on [...]
United Nations-AU cooperation.
首份用于与行政和预算问题资金委员会进行讨论的完 全报告计划将在 [...]
2013 年和以后提供,其中将载有先期计划的列表和阐述,至少 覆盖三年的时间,将在 2012 年秋季的某个时候进行。
The first full programme of reports [...]
for discussion with the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
would be delivered in 2013 and onward, with the tabling and discussion of the forward programme, covering at least three years, taking place sometime in the fall of 2012.
首份 后续报告 (E/CN.4/2006/53/Add.2) [...]
涉及前任任务负责人阿斯玛·贾汉吉尔访问巴西、洪都拉 斯、牙买加和苏丹所提建议。
The first follow-up report (E/CN.4/2006/53/Add.2) [...]
concerned recommendations made by the previous mandate holder’s predecessor,
Asma Jahangir, on her visits to Brazil, Honduras, Jamaica and the Sudan.
如輸入在表格 G 第 4/13/13A 頁或表格 S 第 4/8/8A
[...] 頁的銀行帳戶是在 1.4.2013 或以後才開設,請提供存摺首頁/ 首份 月 結 單的副本,以識別帳戶持有人姓 名及號碼,並同時提供帳戶存摺的第一內頁副本,以便本處查看開戶的日期。
If the bank account given in Page 4 / 13 / 13A of Form G or Page 4 / 8 / 8A of Form S were opened on or
after 1.4.2013, you will need to
[...] photocopy the first page of the passbook / first set of bank [...]
statement to identify the account
holder's name and the account number and the first inner page of the passbook to show the opening date.
财政司司长今天发表了一份关顾社会、务实审慎的财政预算案,此乃由行政长官梁振英先生领导的新一届政府 首份 预 算 案。
The Financial Secretary today delivered a compassionate, pragmatic and
[...] cautious budget, the first under the new [...]
government led by Chief Executive Leung Chun-Ying.
在落实教科文组织外部独立评估的框架内,根据执行局的要求,将向执行局第一九 0 届会议提首份教科 文组织全面伙伴关系战略,以及与之相配合的促进非政府组织、议会议 [...]
的单独战略(见 190 EX/21 号文件第 II 部分和 190 EX/INF.7 号文件)。
Within the framework of the follow up to the UNESCO’s Independent
External Evaluation and as requested by the
[...] Executive Board, a first comprehensive [...]
partnership strategy for UNESCO is submitted
to the Executive Board at this 190th session, complemented by distinct strategies for engagement with NGOs, parliamentarians, Associated Schools, UNESCO Clubs, UNESCO Chairs, media companies, the private sector and other partners (see documents 190 EX/21 Part II and 190 EX/INF.7).
联合国相关行为体编写和散发上帝军问题区域年度人权报告 首份 报告 将在 6 个月内发布。
Relevant United Nations actors prepare and disseminate annual regional human rights LRA
[...] reports, with the first one issued within [...]
six months.
此 乃Kingsrich
[...] Group自 其 註 冊 成 立 以 來 唯 一 編 製 的 財 務 資 料 並首 份 香 港 財 務 報 告 準 則 財務 資料,其 中 已採 用香 港 財務 [...]
報告 準 則第1號「首次 採 納 香 港財 務 報 告 準則」。
This is the only Financial
[...] Information prepared by Kingsrich Group since incorporation and it is the first HKFRS Financial [...]
Information of Kingsrich
Group and HKFRS 1 “First-time Adoption of Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards” has been applied.
她 特别指出该委员会关于老年人经济、生活和文化权利的第
[...] 6 号一般性意见(1995), 该意见是条约机首份具体涉及老年人权利的文件。
She noted in particular general comment No. 6 of the Committee, on the economic, social and
cultural rights of older persons (1995), which
[...] constituted the first treaty-body document [...]
specifically addressing the rights of older persons.
首份研究報告取得良好成效,我們都感到相當高 興,亦期望這份研究報告同樣可以得到香港和廣東省兩 地商界和政策制訂機構的積極回應。
While we are delighted with these positive developments, we hope the new study report will be equally well received by the business community and policy makers of Hong Kong and Guangdong as the first one.
我們明白,首份進度 報告中,研 發工作可能尚未取得重大進展,但我們希望所有準備工作都已就緒(例如聘 [...]
We note that for the first report, there may not [...]
be significant progress in terms of R&D deliverables but we hope all preparatory
work has been completed (e.g. recruitment of staff, procurement of equipment, etc.).
董事會須從首屆股東週年大會起安排編製該期間的損益表(若 首份 帳 目, 則自本公司註冊成立日期起的期間,及在任何其他情況下,自上一份帳目起 的期間)連同截至損益表編製日期的資產負債表、董事就本公司損益表涵蓋 期間的損益及本公司截至該期間止的業務狀況的報告、核數師就根據章程第 206 條編製的該等帳目的報告,以及法律可能規定的其他帳目及報告,並在 每屆股東週年大會向本公司股東呈報。
203 The Board shall, commencing with the first annual general meeting cause to be prepared and to be laid before the members of the Company at every annual general meeting a profit and loss account for the period, in the case of the first account, since the incorporation of the Company and, in any other case, since the preceding account, together with a balance sheet as at the date to which the profit and loss account is made up and a Directors' report with respect to the profit or loss of the Company for the period covered by the profit and loss account and the state of the Company's affairs as at the end of such period, an Auditors' report on such accounts prepared pursuant to Article 206 and such other reports and accounts as may be required by law.
首 份 報 告 須 在 項 目 完 成 後 一 年 的 當 [...]
日 提 交 , 其 後 報 告 則 須 在 每 年 該 日 提 交 。
The first report should be submitted [...]
on the date one year after project completion and subsequent reports should be submitted
on each anniversary of the project completion.
綜觀市民對董建華過往五份施政報告評價的趨勢(可參考五年來按月計算圖表),滿意數字由九七年十月董建華剛公 首份 施 政 報告時的四成半相對高位輾轉下跌,至近年來在一至二成之間窄幅徘徊,期間每每受到施政報告及財政預算案的刺激而短暫上升,然後回落。
On a macro level (please see the chart with monthly average figures for the past five years), the satisfaction figure has decreased from a relatively
high level of 45% registered soon after
[...] CE announced his first policy address [...]
in October 1997, to the narrow gap between
10% to 20% recorded in recent years.
全球战略》首份明确 和协调现有努力、履行新承诺、以及建立成就责任 框架的蓝图。
The Global Strategy is the first blueprint of its kind to [...]
intensify and coordinate existing efforts, build new commitments
and establish an accountability framework for delivering results.
在 編 製 執 行
[...] 企 業 會 計 準 則 後首 份 報 表 時,按 照 企 業 會 [...]
計 準 則 對 少 數 股 東 權 益 的 列 報 要 求 調 整 上 年 度 的 比 較 合 併 財 務 報 表。
With first adoption of ASBE, the comparative [...]
figures of prior year’s minority interests were adjusted in accordance with ASBE.
此报告会纳入中华人民共和国首份 报 告
It constitutes Part 2 of the initial report of the People’s Republic of China under the Convention.
美國地質調查局(USGS)最近公佈了30多年來 首份 國 家 地熱資源評估報告。
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has
[...] recently announced the first national geothermal [...]
resource estimate in more than 30 years.
此外,中心推出一系列與資訊及通訊科技有關的項目給本港的視障人士,包括閃亮計劃、電腦再生閃亮共融計劃、設立香港首個為視障人士而設的視障人士電腦支援熱線服務、建立首個視障人士網絡共享入門網站、提供每週消費情報服務、製 首份 電 子點字雜誌(Hi-Tech Weekly)、協助政府資訊科技總監辦公室進行「香港一站通」網站測試、發展首個具備三種語言的語音點按地圖及發聲地球儀等。
Besides, IAC carried out a series of ICT-related projects such as “Scan to Light Project”, “Compu-light Project”, setting up of the first hotline for computer support for the visually impaired in Hong Kong, establishing the first netshare for the blind, providing members Weekly Special Offer Services, producing the first electronic braille IT magazine (Hi-Tech Weekly), conducting one-stop portal
test project for OGCIO of HKSAR
[...] Government, developing the first audible-touch China map [...]
in 3 languages and Smart Globe etc.
The purpose of these projects are to advance members’ ICT capabilities that may help them mainstream into information society.
香港特 区政府就此采取的措施已于香港特区就联合国《残疾人权利公约 首份 报 告 的第 八条中阐述。
The measures taken by the HKSAR Government in this respect were elaborated under article 8 of the initial report of the HKSAR under the UNCRPD.
深入分析顯示,18至29歲人士對特首梁振 首份 施 政報告的滿意程度、對報告及特首的評分都明顯較低,同時最反對其出任特首,亦最少人因為施政報告而增加對香港前途的信心。
Further analysis shows that those of age 18 to 29 are significantly less satisfied with the address, they give significantly lower rating to the address and to CE, their opposition against him as CE is the highest, and their confidence in Hong Kong increased the least because of the address.
2009年,瓦克向欧洲化学品管理局递交 首份 注 册 档案,并于2010年成功完成了REACH规定的物质注册第一阶段的工作:欧洲化学品管理局向我们确认了85份档案,并为全部物质颁发了注册号。
In the following year, we
[...] successfully completed the first phase of substance [...]
registration in accordance with REACH requirements.
The ECHA confirmed receipt of 85 dossiers and issued registration numbers for all the substances.




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