

单词 首付



down payment

External sources (not reviewed)

通常要求提前全额付款,不过,有时 首付 80%,剩余 20%是货到付 款。
However, in some cases, an initial instalment of 80 per cent was made, with the remaining 20 per cent payable on delivery.
[...] 年,军政权通过一家新加坡银行清洗了 4 亿美元,以此作为购买中国武器 首付 款。
In 1991, for example, the regime laundered $400 million through a Singapore bank which it
[...] used as a down payment for Chinese arms.
今天的活动和未来的纪念活动是对 这笔历史债务的微不足道首付。
Today’s event and future remembrances represent the
[...] tiniest of down payments on that historical debt.
例如, 有人提出将贸易便利化当作首付” 来 予以收获,因为海关手续方面的简化、统 一和合作会降低交易成本(例如,海关单一窗口)。
For instance, trade facilitation was proposed for
[...] harvest as a “down-payment” as simplification, [...]
harmonization and cooperation on customs
procedures would reduce transaction costs (e.g., a single window for customs).
年轻的买家通常倾向支付一个较少首付,因 为他们还有很长的时间来偿还贷款。
Younger buyers usually
[...] prefer a low down payment because they [...]
have a lifetime to pay off the debt.
消费者可以灵活选首付 25% 免尾款利息或首付 50 % 享受利率优惠的一年期贷款购车方案,提前晋升百万级豪华 SUV 车主行列,实现自己的征服豪情。
The exhibition theme for this year’s Volvo stand that will reflect the Volvo heritage is “Volvo cars – 80 years of serving society”.
作为MINI 金融服务客户,一般情况下,你可以享受高度的灵活性,通过确定合同条款 首付 款 、期限等),从而确定月供额度。
As a MINI Financial Services customer, you generally enjoy a high degree of
flexibility in defining your
[...] contract terms (down payment, term, etc.) and therefore in determining your monthly payment.
尼尔森调查了不同类型消费者对于汽车贷款和租车服务的考虑度,接受和拒绝的原因,以及对于贷款渠道 首付 比 例 和增值服务的期望。
Nielsen researched different kinds of consumers’ attitudes toward auto loans and rental service, as well as the reasons they choose these options.
这些项目在施行期间向符合条件的人提供援助,这 些人在自己提首付款后 ,可从特设基金获得无息贷款以及税务和准财政利益, [...]
In addition to their contribution
[...] made as a down payment, they benefit from [...]
an interest-free loan granted by specially-created
funds, tax and quasi-fiscal benefits during the implementation and operational phase of the project as well as interest-rate subsidies if necessary.
如果每月的月末供款$150,首付$1,500,那么你最多能 买价值为多少的新车?
If you can make payments of $150 at the end of each month and your down payment will be $1,500, [...]
what is the maximum price you can pay for the car?
(i) 按揭貸款額不可超逾付首期付款後 的樓價餘款或現時按揭 之餘額。
(i) The loan amount shall not exceed the balance of
[...] purchase price for first mortgage or principal [...]
outstanding under the existing mortgage.
据中国船舶信息中心副主任李彦庆介绍,2010年,如果以英国克拉克松研究公司的统计数据为基准,按照国际金融危机前所签合同 首付 款 比 例达到70%,危机 首付 款 比 例为20%,汇改前所接订单面临3%的升值损失,汇改后所接订单面临1.5%的升值损失等假定条件测算,我国造船企业因人民币升值损失80亿元,其中手持订单隐形损失70亿元,交工船舶损失10亿元。
According to Chinese shipping information center, deputy director of LiYanQing introduction, 2010, if with British carat eriksson research company statistics for the datum, according to the international financial crisis before signing a contract head proportion reached 70 percent, crisis after fixing ratio for 20%, yuan reform facing receive orders before loss due to appreciation of 3%, which will change after receive orders facing the 1.5% appreciation such as the loss of assumptions, China shipbuilding enterprises for measuring 80 billion yuan RMB appreciation loss, including hand-held order invisible loss 70 billion yuan, nineteen eighty-four ship loss 10 billion yuan.
该情形下,您授权本公司使用分期付款工具(例如您的信用卡或银行账号) 为您付首笔付款和后期定期付款。
In this case you authorise us to debit the payment instrument (e.g. your credit card or bank account) which you used to make the original payment also for each subsequent payment.
同意该国政府提出的建议,即大会第二十九届会议批准的付款计划尚未缴清的分期付款部 分以及 1998--1999
年财务期至 2006--2007 年财务期的待缴会费共 241,896
[...] 美元按以下方法 付清:2007 年年首付 5 000 美元,随后于 2008--2013 [...]
年分六次支付:2008 年一次支付 35,316 美元,2009-2013 年分五次每次均付
40,316 美元,每年 6 月 30 日前支付。
Accepts the proposal as set forth by the Government that the balance of the instalments remaining due for the payment plan approved at the 29th session and the contributions due for the financial
periods 1998-1999 to 2006-2007, totalling
[...] $241,896 shall be paid by an amount [...]
of $5,000 by the end of 2007, followed by six
instalments from 2008 to 2013, one instalment of $35,316 in 2008 and five equal instalments of $40,316 from 2009 to 2013, all payable by 30 June of each year
根据第 28/2
[...] 号决定,履行效绩指标包括淘汰的 ODP、资金付、首次给付速度、完 成速度、 由于延迟执行产生的净排放量以及完成的项目数目。
Implementation performance indicators include ODP phased
[...] out, funds disbursed, speed of first disbursement, [...]
speed of completion, net emission due
to delays, and project completion pursuant to Decision 28/2.
委托人因而受到付首份见 索即付保函和使用 L 公司(承受抵押人)为确保履 行委托人义务发放的土地抵押证书的威胁。
The principal was thus
[...] menaced by the payment of the first demand guarantee [...]
and the utilization of a land mortgage issued
by the Company L (mortgagee) to secure implementation of the principal’s obligations.
分銷銀行將會以港元付首筆款 項及進一步款項,但如有關迷你債券系列以美元計 值,分銷銀行會以美元付款。
The Initial Payment and any Further Payment will be made [...]
in Hong Kong dollars except that for those series of Minibonds
denominated in US dollars, the Distributing Bank will make the 17.
我們亦在此澄清,向香港海關登記的規定, 並不適用於買賣已付首次登記稅的㆓手車的分銷商。
We also clarify that the requirement for registration with the Customs and
Excise Department does not extend to distributors dealing with second-hand vehicles on
[...] which FRT has previously been paid.
這些規定是要防止分銷商及買家將合約的 日期改為比實際日期早或偽造合約,試圖避免 付首 次 登 記稅。
These requirements seek to guard against possible abuses by distributors and purchasers through back-dating the contracts or making false contracts for the purpose of avoiding FRT.
保單持有人可於投保時選擇以預付保費方式 付首 3 個 保 單年度的保費,大都會人壽保險有限公司會於保險生效日從預付保費之結餘扣除相等於每年保費的金額,及於其後每年從預付保費結餘扣除相等於每年保費的金額,但不會就預付保費結餘派發利息。
The policyowner may choose to
[...] make an advance payment of the first 3 years’ annual premium [...]
at the time of policy application.
MetLife Limited shall deduct an amount equivalent to an annual premium from the balance of the advance premium payment on the Commencement Date of Insurance and from the balance of the advance premium payment annually thereafter, but no interest will be credited for the balance of the advance premium payment.
賣 方 已 告 知 貴 公 司,Kingsrich及 江 蘇 南 通 總 公 司 與 江 蘇 省 南 通 工 商 行 政 管
[...] 理 局 已 進 行 商 討,藉 以 將付 首 期 江 蘇 遠 通 紙 業 註 冊 資 本20%的時限延長, [...]
(Administration for Industry and Commerce of Nantong, Jiangsu
Province) for an extension of the time
[...] limit for the payment the first 20% of the registered [...]
capital of JYTP, which will be
settled by the Group’s internal resources and bank borrowings after Completion.
Kingsrich管 理 層 與 江 蘇 省 南 通 工 商 行 政
[...] 管 理 局 已 進 行 商 討,藉 以 將付 首 期 江 蘇 遠 通 紙 業 註 冊 資 本20%的 [...]
時 限 延 長。
Kingsrich management have been in discussion with 江蘇省南通工商行政管理局 (Administration for Industry and Commerce of
Nantong, Jiangsu Province) for an extension of the
[...] time limit for payment of the first 20% of the registered [...]
capital of JYTP.
買 方 已 於 簽 訂
[...] Fung臨 時 協 議付 首 筆 訂 金 1,000,000 港 [...]
元 , 並 預 期 於 2012年 5月 4日 或 之 前 簽 訂 正 式 物 業 買 賣 協 議 時 支 付 進 一 步 訂 金 1,800,000港 元 。
An initial deposit of
[...] HK$1,000,000 was paid by the Purchaser [...]
upon signing the Lee Provisional Agreement and 5 a further
deposit of HK$1,800,000 will be payable by the Purchaser upon singing of the formal agreement on or before 4 May 2012.
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本
[...] 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事 會可於首張股票以外每張股票付 董 事 會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 [...] [...]
額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情遵照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may,
if it thinks fit, comply with
[...] such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, [...]
in the case of any share capital
listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
截至二零一二年九月三十日止九個月期 間融資活動提供的現金淨額亦包括購回及註銷所有已發行及尚未行使的認股權證及購回普 通股付款分別為 6,890 萬加元及 3,170
[...] 萬加元及股份發行成本 2,540 萬元(包括付首次公 開發售顧問費 50 萬)抵銷。
Net cash provided by financing activities for the nine month period ended September 30, 2012, also included $68.9 million and $31.7 million for the payment to repurchase and cancel all warrants issued and outstanding and the repurchase of common
shares, respectively, and $25.4 million for share issue costs,
[...] which included a payment of $0.5 million [...]
for IPO advisory fee.
[...] 含在其他應付款項及應計費用內之 付首 長 國 際附屬公司款項結餘39,616,000 [...]
In addition, as at 30 June 2010,
the balance of HK$39,616,000 (30 June 2009 :
[...] Nil) due to Shougang International [...]
Subsidiary included in other payables and
accruals was related to receipt in advance payment for future sales.
作為交換,Glencore a)有責任提供資金付首400百 萬美元的開發相關開支(如有,且於產生此 [...]
In exchange, Glencore has a) an
[...] obligation to finance the first $  400  million [...]
of development related expenditures, if
any, as and when such expenditure is incurred, b) the right to operate the operations and c) a life of mine off­take agreement for all copper and cobalt produced by Kansuki.
客戶只須付首年保 費中的九個月保費,即可 享首年十二個月保障。倘若新客戶凡於優惠期內成功投保任何由 AIA 香港繕發的全新個人保 單(「保費回贈–意外住院入息保障」計劃除外),同一受保人可免費獲享十二個月「每日住院 償金(意外)計劃」,每日住院償金(意外) $300 港元/澳門幣。
New customers who successfully apply for any new individual insurance policy issued by AIA Hong Kong (other than a Premium Refund – Accidental HI plan) within the promotion period will be entitled to receive a free Daily Hospital Income Benefit (for Accidental Injuries) Scheme (12 months) covering the same Insured, with a Daily Hospital Income Benefit (for Accidental Injuries) of HK$/MOP300.
当您选定有意购买的NISSAN车,也了解了贷款买车的条款和程序,并且获得了银行的认可,银行会通知您 付首 期 购 车款,一般占车总款额的20%左右,并为您办理银行户头和银行信用卡。
If you have decided an objective NISSAN car, been aware of purchase clauses and procedures and
approved by the bank, the bank will
[...] inform you to pay initial payment which covers 20% [...]
of the total generally and transact
bank account and credit car for you.




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