单词 | 馈 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 馈noun—foodn馈—make a presentExamples:回馈—feedback give back 馈赠pl—giftspl 馈赠n—giftn
此外,通过安装一个双频和双极馈源喇叭,您便能同时接收C和Ku波段,以及垂直和水平极化的讯号。 asiasat.com | Furthermore, by installing a dual-band [...] and dual-pol feedhorn, you can receive [...]signals from both C and Ku bands and each [...]band having signals from both vertical and horizontal polarisations simultaneously. asiasat.com |
馈源喇叭是一个用以收集聚於卫星碟盘的讯号和将其传输至LNB之装置。 asiasat.com | The feedhorn isadevice [...] that collects the signals at the focus of the satellite dish and channels them to the LNB (Low Noise Block Down Converter). asiasat.com |
股 权 激 励 计 划 储 备 是 因 本 集 团 於 本 年 推 行 的 股 权 激 励 计 划 而 衍 生 的,用 於 激 励及馈赠公司 及 附 属 公 司 之 员 工(激 励 对 象 )。 zte.com.cn | The share incentive scheme reserve was created for the share incentive scheme launched by the Company to provide incentive and reward to certain employees of the Company and its subsidiaries. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
在审计过程中,审计委员会与主要项目负责人员进行了沟通,了解审计工作进展和会计师关注的问题, 并 及 时反馈给公司 有 关 部 门,同 时 审 计 委 员 会 以 函 件 的 形 式,两 次 发 函 给 会 计 师 事 务 所,要 求 项 目 审 计 人 员 按 照 原 定 的 时 间 表 及 时 推 进 审 计 工 作。 zte.com.cn | The Audit Committee also issued two letters to the accountants’ firms requesting auditors in charge of the assignment to expedite their work in accordance with the original timetable. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
校内评估提供丰富的资料,让教师能在学生的学习上给予持续而有针对性 的回馈。 3890.com.hk | Internal assessment provides a rich source of data for providing evidence-based feedback on learning in a formative manner. 3890.com.hk |
解除方」单独和统指原告和「和解团体成员」,包括他们本人或者透过他们声称 爲继承人、管理人员、接受馈赠者、前任者、继任者、母公司、子公司、任何形式 的代表、股东、合夥人、董事、任何形式的所有人、关联公司、受让人、代理商、 雇员、承包商、代理律师或者保险公司的的任何个人和组织,这些人和组织未按照 下列规定之方式和时间及时有效地退出诉讼案,此外还包括团体辩护律师团,团体 辩护律师团代表他们本人和透过他们声称爲继承人、管理人员、接受馈赠者、前任 者、继任者、母公司、子公司、任何形式的代表、股东、合夥人、董事、任何形式的 所有人、关联公司、受让人、代理商、雇员、承包商、代理律师或者保险公司的任何 个人和组织。 aircargosettlement.com | Releasing Parties” means, individually and collectively, the Plaintiffs and the Settlement Class Members, on behalf of themselves and any person or entity claiming by or through them as an heir, administrator, devisee, predecessor, successor, parent, subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partner, director, owner of any kind, affiliate, assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer, who do not validly and timely opt out of the Actions in the manner and time prescribed below, and Class Counsel, on behalf of themselves and any person or entity claiming by or through them as an heir, administrator, devisee, predecessor, successor, parent, subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partner, director, owner of any kind, affiliate, assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer. aircargosettlement.com |
回馈不应只评定等级,还应给予学生在强项和弱项上较全面的资 讯,让学生可以改善自己的学习。 3890.com.hk | Feedback should not be confined to giving a grade, but must also provide students with a wide range of information on strengths and areas where they can improve their learning. 3890.com.hk |
作为对老朋友的回馈,我们将为您提供一个弹性的过渡期(到 2011 年底为止),以便您达到新的级别需求。 acronis.com.tw | And better yet, you’ll be charted favorably and offered a flexible transition until the end of 2011 to meet the new requirements for your level. acronis.eu |
12.1.1 申请机构须遵守《防止贿賂条例》 (第 201 章)的规定,并须告知其雇 员、次承办商、代理和其他以任何形 式參与项目的人员,不得在进行项目 时或因项目的关系向任何人士提供或 索取金钱、馈赠或利益,或接受任何 人士的金钱、馈赠或利益(定义見 《防止贿賂条例》)。 hketa.org.hk | 12.1.1 The project applicant shall observe the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) (PBO) and shall advise their employees, subcontractors, agents and other personnel who are in any way involved in the project that they are not allowed to offer to or solicit or accept from any person any money, gifts or advantage as defined in the PBO in the conduct of or in relation to the project. hketa.org.hk |
针 对APA(高 端 自 动 化)产 品 的 行 业 应 用 特 徵 更 加 明 显 的 发 展 趋 势,本 集 团 研 发 体 系 根 据 营 销 体 系 的 市 场反馈针对不 同 行 业 的 特 点 开 发 相 应 的 解 决 方 案,以 全 面 满 足 不 同 行 业 的 应 用 特 点 对APA(高 端 自 动 化)产 品 提 出 的 差 异 性 设 计 要 求。 evoc.cn | Heeding the more obvious development trend of APA product application industry, the Group’s R&D department developed customized solutions for different industries taking into account of the market feedbacks from the marketing department so as to satisfy different design requirements for APA products based on application features of different industries. evoc.cn |
我们有三大永续发展重点: 促进经济永续成长,成为负责任的 公司和回馈社会。 reports.standardchartered.com | We have three key sustainability priorities: contributing to sustainable economic growth, being a responsible company and investing in communities. standardchartered.com |
本公司生产比较重要的零件如阀体(考克)及比例式水盘下座重要之主要配件,厂内自行加工,有监於此,从1993年采用省力化、合理化自流式输送生产线作业,全厂重新规划整顿,产量能高出原来的一倍,既能利润回馈客户,又能提高品质。 tgas.org.tw | This company produces the quite important components like valve body (cock) and under the proportion type water plate the place important major assembly, in the factory voluntarily processes, used from 1993 reduces effort to melt, the rationalization flows automatically the type transportation production line work, the entire factory replanned the reorganization, the output [...] can outdo an original time, both could [...] the profit back coupling customer, and [...]could improve the quality of the product. tgas.org.tw |
前者透过正式和非正式地评估学生表 现,提供回馈,以改善学与教;而後者则是持续评估学生的学业,但可能 并不提供有助改善学与教的回馈,例如累积每星期的课堂测验成绩而没有 给予学生具建设性的回馈,这既不是良好的进展性评估,亦非有意义的总 结性评估。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | The former refers to the provision of feedback to improve learning and teaching based on formal or informal assessment of student performance, while the latter refers to the assessment of students’ on-going work and may involve no provision of feedback that helps to promote better learning and teaching. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
本着创 新进取的企业理念,公司未来将致力为市民提供更完备的保障方案,积极履行企业社会责任,回馈社会支持。 aia.com | As we strengthen our corporate culture of innovation and performance, we will continue to offer our customers total protection solutions while fulfilling ourcorporate social responsibility. aia.com |
參加学券计划的私立独立幼稚园不得,亦须确保其雇员、代 理人及顾问不得向參加学券计划的私立独立幼稚园学生家长 或其他任何人士,馈赠或提供任何特定的禮物、折扣、回佣 或任何其他优惠或任何形式的财政诱因,从而令该等家长或 人士要求或诱使參加学券计划的私立独立幼稚园学生入讀有 关幼稚园。 applications.edb.gov.hk | The PEVS-PI-KG shall not, and shall ensure that its employees, agents and consultants shall not, make or give any specific gifts, discount, rebates or any other concession or financial inducements of whatsoever form to parents of PEVS-PI-KG-student or any other persons in return for such parents or persons requiring or inducing the PEVS-PI-KG-students enrolling in the PEVS-PI-KG. applications.edb.gov.hk |
各个学院都知道有这些成就指标,而财政预算及资源委员会就各个学院的 学院发展计划提出反馈意見时,也会提醒各学院采用这些指标。 ugc.edu.hk | Faculties are aware of these PIs and have been reminded in the BRC’s feedback on their FDPs to include them. ugc.edu.hk |
本 集 团 亦 会 加 强 研 发 体 系 与 市 场 营 销 的 互 动 融 合,及 时 根 据 市 场反馈调整研 发 策 略 和 方 向,从 而 使 本 集 团 在 产 品 研 发 及 技 术 创 新 上 领 先 於 竞 争 对 手。 evoc.cn | The Group will also strengthen interaction and integration of the R&D and marketing, making timely adjustments to R&D strategies and directions based on market feedbacks so that the Group’s R&D and technology innovation are ahead of our competitors. evoc.cn |
从使用者的反馈来看,我们现在的研 究报告不论在观点、深度还是时效性上都获得了长足的进 步,在高端主流媒体上的曝光率迅速提高。 htisec.com | Judging from the feedback from our users, our research reports have shown considerable improvements in terms of vision, depth and timeliness, and the exposure on the mainstream highend media has also increased rapidly. htisec.com |
低端IGBT开关采用开放射极配置,提供简易的电流回馈及电流过高监察功能,实现高精准度和可靠性控制。 ipress.com.hk | An open emitter configuration of the low-side IGBT switches offer easy current feedback and over-current monitoring for high precision and reliable control. ipress.com.hk |
该尊新蜡像身穿由周杰伦馈赠的华丽银色劲装,包括一袭饰有亮丽宝石的银色外套及型格长裤,充满未来感,是周杰伦2010年「超时代演唱会」的造型之一。 yp.mo | Dressed in a futuristic outfit in silver – including a metallic silver jacket studded with gem stones and a pair of silver trousers, the new Jay Chou wax figure is depicted in one of his many looks at The Era World Concert Tour in 2010, courtesy of the superstar himself. yp.mo |
功课亦可作为教学评价的一种方法,反映授课的效度,为教师提 供回馈,以便为学生设定进一步的学习目标,以及合理地调节教学策略。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Assignments can also help in evaluating the effectiveness of teaching by providing feedback upon which teachers can set further operational targets for students and make reasonable adjustments in their teaching strategies. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
尽管《1911 年大学条例》(1911 年第 10 号)已予废除,大学仍继续以“香港大学”的名义存在,而规 程 IV 不时界定的大学成员须以该名义组成一个永久延续并备有法团印章的政治体及法团,具有全权藉该 名义及以该名义起诉和被起诉、接受他人馈赠或以其他方式取得或购买和持有、批给、批租或以其他方式 处置土地产业或非土地产业,并具有本条例所授予、根据本条例所授予或凭藉本条例所授予的其他权力。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Notwithstanding the repeal of the University Ordinance 1911, the University shall continue in being with the name and style of “The University of Hong Kong”, by which name the members of the University as defined from time to time by Statute IV of the statutes shall constitute one body politic and corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal, and with full power by and in such name to sue and be sued, and to take by gift or otherwise, purchase and hold, grant, demise or otherwise dispose of real or personal estate, and with the other powers conferred by, under or by virtue of this Ordinance. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
此外,新型号强大的输入及输出效能、媒体防卷曲装置、TCRU (受训客户自行替换组件) 服务组件,以及所有单元上的超音速多馈纸检测感应器,都有助增加打印机的运行时间和支援长时间的打印服务。 ipress.com.hk | The generous input and output capacities, media decurler unit, TCRU (Trained Customer Replaceable Units) service components and ultrasonic multi-feed detection sensor on all units increase up-time and enable long runs. ipress.com.hk |
A3.2 以下课程政策在提交教务委员会批准(二零零九年质保局进行核证以後获得通 过)之前,已经考虑学院的反馈意見:检讨校外主考制度的现行政策和规例、推 出对本科和修课式研究生课程的课程检讨、制定关於评核和学术辅导的新的大学 政策。 ugc.edu.hk | A3.2 Formulation of the following curriculum policies (approved since the Audit in 2009) have been informed by Faculty feedback prior to recommendation to Senate for approval: review of existing policies and regulations of the EE system, introduction of curriculum reviews of Ug and TPg curricula, development of new institutional policies on assessment and academic advising. ugc.edu.hk |
这表明本公司尽心尽力以安全、高效及具成本效益之方式经营我们的资产,并始终向 股东提供生产及成本目标之透明反馈。 mmg.com | This demonstrates the Company’s commitment to focus on operating our assets in a safe, efficient and cost effective manner and to consistently provide our shareholders with transparent feedback in relation to our production and cost targets. mmg.com |
根 据 前 期 标 准 化 产 品 的 海 外 市 场 试 销反馈结果,本 集 团 适 时 调 整 并 完 善 海 外 市 场 发展 策 略,并 针 对 性引 进 相 关 专业 人才,全球 化战 略即将 全面 开展。 evoc.com.cn | According to the overseas sales experiment feedback of standardization products, the Group had timely adjusted and improved overseas market development strategy and recruited related specialist. evoc.cn |
为回馈喜爱西洋艺术的爱好者,睿芙奥更特别邀请曾任职於巴黎罗丹美术馆的专业艺术顾问Jerome Le Blay亲临会场,分享世界当代艺术市场脉动及重要趋势。 ravenelart.com | Ms. Clara Kuo, CEO and President of Ravenel Art Group, gave an opening speech titled "Ravenel's unparalleled success over the last 10 years", followed by the address "Market Movements and Trends in Global Contemporary Art" presented by Mr. Jerome Le Blay, world-renowned Parisian art specialist and Auguste Rodin expert. ravenelart.com |
市场推广及技术服务团队成员亦会将客户对本集团 产品所提意见回馈予本集团的研发团队,以便研发团队可改进本集团产品,以满足客 户的期望。 cre8ir.com | Members of the marketing and technical services team also divert the customers’ comments on the Group’s products to the Group’s research and development team so that the research and development team can develop and improve the Group’s products to meet customers’ expectation. cre8ir.com |