

单词 饵线

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专用线分 配允许使用饵料的钩线小船捕鱼,而不是使用网捕捞超过16%分配的单个可转让 配额(ITQ),不发生任何违规行为。
The special line of dispensation allows small
[...] vessels to fish with baited hooks and lines rather than nets to [...]
catch 16 percent more than their
allocated individual transferable quota (ITq) limit without incurring any penalty.
这些鱼种的下述共同特点加剧了脆弱性:喜欢聚集,因此很容易被发 现和捕获,或显示出易受多钩线诱 饵 吸 引 的强烈倾向。
Those species forming aggregations that can be readily detected and captured or showing a strong tendency to be attracted to longline bait share characteristics that enhance vulnerability.
无论芬兰人或外地游客,单是用钓 线 和 鱼勾去钓鱼是不收费的;若用上 饵 , 便 要付些钱申请许可证。
Angling with a hook and line does not require a licence in Finland, while a permit for fishing with a lure can be obtained for a small fee.
牡蛎、贻贝、蛤、扇贝和其他双 壳贝类物种在海里和泻湖中的养殖环境以天 饵 料 为 食生长。
Oysters, mussels, clams, scallops and other
bivalve species are grown with food materials that
[...] occur naturally in their culture [...]
environment in the sea and lagoons.
布托女士旅行时会在两部主 车中选择一部,另外一部作为饵和 备 用车随行。
She would choose one of the main vehicles for a trip, and the other would
[...] accompany as the decoy and back-up [...]
2011 年 4 月 4 日 20 时 30 分 一架以色列敌机在海洋上空从北向南飞行过程中,在 Naqurah 联黎部队总部对面海线以外大约 2 公里的地方发射了大约 10 个饵弹。
An Israeli enemy warplane released approximately 10 decoy flares some two kilometres off the coast opposite the UNIFIL headquarters in Naqurah while flying from north to south over the sea.
DWDM的成功在很大程度上归功于饵光 纤放大器(EDFA)的发展,EDFA使用从激光泵浦获得的能量,在其以1550 nm为中心的通带内,对输入端口接收到的各种波长的信号进行光学放大,无需将这些信号转化为电信号,然后再转化回光信号(光-电-光转化)。
The success of DWDM is largely due to the development of the EDFA, which uses energy from a laser pump to optically amplify all the signal wavelengths presented to its input (within its narrow bandpass centered at 1550 nm) without requiring that they be converted into electrical signals and back again into optical signals (O-E-O conversion).
具 体的落实行动包括组织召开具体培训届会,旨在激励决策者和政策制定者授予 线 普 及 利用 公共记录和政府持有的记录的权利,确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存并使其可供全 [...]
Concrete follow-up initiatives have included the organization of specific training sessions with a view to stimulating
decision- and policy-makers to enact the
[...] right of universal online access to public and [...]
government-held records, to identify
and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them accessible to all, as well as to undertake the preservation and digitization of public domain information held by governments.
滤食性鱼类(例如鲢鱼和鳙鱼)通过池塘或其他水体 的天然生产力和/或施肥获得浮游植物和浮游动物作 饵 料。
Filterfeeding finfishes (e.g. silver carp and bighead carp) receive their food, primarily in the form of phytoplankton and zooplankton, in the pond or other waterbody through natural productivity and/or through fertilization.
Marine Box从以这样的大鱼为目标的饵钓鱼开始,到美洲红树林种的小生物的垂钓和附加 饵 钓 鱼 体验的独木舟摩托车旅行等体会西表岛丰富的自然。
At Marine Box from trolling to aim the big fishes to fish small ones at mangroves as lure fishing and canoe touring, enables you to enjoy the nature of Iriomote Island.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第
[...] [...] 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“线”得 到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“ 线 ” 和 利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 [...] [...]
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense
Forces, ensuring respect
[...] for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani [...]
River is free of any
unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
全球统计依然缺少:(i)非食用水产养殖产量,包括钓鱼的 饵 料 、 活的观 赏物种(动物和植物)和装饰品(珍珠和贝壳);(ii)用于特定肉食性养殖物种 饲料的养殖的鱼类;(iii)用于水产养殖孵化场和养成阶 饵 料 的 许多物种的养殖 生物量(例如浮游动物、卤虫和海洋蠕虫);(iv)用于继续养殖或野外投放的水 产养殖孵化场和育苗场的产量;以及(v)用于养殖的捕捞野生鱼的投入量。
Global statistics are still lacking on: (i) non-food aquaculture
production, including
[...] live bait for fishing, live ornamental species (animals and plants) and ornamental products (pearls and shells); (ii) fishes cultured as feed for certain carnivorous farmed species; (iii) culture of biomass of many species (such as plankton, Artemia and marine worms) for use as feed in aquaculture [...]
hatcheries and
grow-out operations; (iv) aquaculture hatchery and nursery outputs for ongrowing in captivity or stocking to the wild; and (v) inputs in terms of captured wild fish ongrown in captivity.
通过流量控制混淆算法,在程序集中的IL代码将被打乱,在保护代码时还会插入 饵 指 示
The Control Flow obfuscation algorithm distorts and reorders the IL code in the assembly, inserting bait branch instructions while preserving code semantics.
大型的野生动物种类(如鹰、海豹)捕 食同为捕食者的鱼类,如鳟鱼和鲑鱼,而小型的食鱼野生动物(如翠鸟)则倾向于捕食较小 饵 料 鱼, 一项研究已经发现这饵料鱼 中汞的组织水平更高(US EPA,1997)。
The larger wildlife species (such as eagles, seals) prey on fish that are also predators, such as trout and salmon, whereas smaller fish-eating wildlife (such as kingfishers) tend to feed on the smaller forage fish, which have been found in a study to have higher tissue levels of mercury (US EPA, 1997).
一组鱼喂含40%酪蛋白饵料( H组),一组鱼喂含20%酪蛋白 饵 料 ( L组) 饵 料 的 总能量相同;另一组鱼先饥饿32天再投喂含40%酪蛋白 饵 料。
One group of fish was fed with food containing 40% Casein (H group); another group was fed with food containing 20% Casein (L group).
海洋底栖生物在海洋食物链中起着重要的作 用,并为渔业提供重要饵料来源。
In this regard, it is highly unlikely that every organization will choose to use the same database software to manage their data, so standard protocols for data exchange will be needed which can be overlaid on both existing and future software packages.
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童,例如难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫线 以 下 家庭的儿童接受教育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those from marginalized communities, such as refugee children and children whose families live in rural areas or below the poverty line.
与此同时,FBI使用珥(瑞纳水梨)的黑色组织为 饵 的 计 划。
Meanwhile, the FBI plan on using Kir (Rena Mizunashi) as bait for the black organization.
联合国驻利比里亚特派团部队将合并地点和基地,转为更机动的态势,并在 特派团军事部门减员的情况下开展工作,以便为该国各地提供安全防护,支持国 家安全部队,与新组建的军队举行联合演习,按照联合国军火禁运豁免规定检查 政府获得的武器和弹药库存,供国家警察使用,开展警戒和搜查行动以收回非法 武器,保护联合国和政府所在地点和设施,并定期进行空中和地面巡逻,特别是 对边界沿线和其 他高风险地区进行巡逻。
The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve illegal weapons, protect key United Nations and Government locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas.
[...] 全国性的远程教育课程和接受其它阿拉伯语的 线 内 容 ,开发多语种教学内容,通过提供不 [...]
UNESCO was also urged to increase action with respect to the introduction and use of ICTs at all levels of education, especially through the development of
national distance education courses and
[...] access to other online content to be made [...]
available in Arabic, multilingual content
development, and enhancing lifelong learning opportunities through access to diversified delivery systems.
饵钓鱼 中很可能会遇到叫做GT的大型Rouninaji,地下之梦的旗鱼金枪鱼,美丽的青色Aotibiki等星级大鱼。
At lure fishing the GT fishes such as horse mackerel and the dream of under grounders marlin, and beautiful blue apron, star class fishes.
请各国及区域渔业管理组织和安排酌情紧急执行联合国粮食及农业组 织 2004 年《关于在捕捞作业中减少海龟死亡的准则》19 和《减少延绳捕捞误捕 海鸟国际行动计划》7
[...] 的存活率,防止海龟和海鸟种群在捕捞过程中减少,包括为此研究和开发替代渔 具和饵,提 倡使用现有的减少副渔获物的技术,并制订和加强数据收集方案, [...]
Requests States and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements to urgently implement, as appropriate, the measures recommended in the 2004 Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in Fishing Operations19and the International Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations7 in order to prevent the decline of sea turtles and
seabird populations by minimizing by-catch
[...] and increasing post-release survival [...]
in their fisheries, including through research
and development of gear and bait alternatives, promoting the use of available by-catch mitigation technology, and establishing and strengthening data-collection programmes to obtain standardized information to develop reliable estimates of the by-catch of these species
does not attract interns with vague promises of a full-time post subsequently.
这些影响包括:养殖集中造成的 废物使水质退化;由于引入外来物种、改变物种基因或清除作为食物 饵 料 鱼 类(例如 大麻哈鱼的网箱养殖)而导致海洋食物链发生改变;生境的消失或改变(例如,为养殖虾 类而砍伐红树林);疾病的蔓延以及有害藻类水华影响范围的扩大等(NRC,1992,1996a, 1996b;Chamberlain,1997;Folke 和 Kautsky,1992)。
By establishing relationships between chemical exposure and toxicity in the laboratory, toxicity thresholds, concentrations at which 50% of the test population dies, etc. can be predicted and used with appropriate safety factors for environmental legislation.
该型机可能配备有电传操纵系统,其他系统包括头盔瞄准具和平视显示器,光电装置和前视红外系统、雷达和激光警告接收器,红外干扰机和 饵 弹 发 射系统。
This helicopter may be fitted with a fly-by-wire control, helmet-mounted sight for head-up display,
television and forward-looking infrared sensors, radar and laser warning receivers,
[...] infrared jammer and decoy dispensers.




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