单词 | 饭後一支烟,赛过活神仙 | ||||||||||||||
释义 | 饭后一支烟,赛过活神仙—have a smoke after each meal and you will surpass the immortals (proverb)
此 项活动鼓励人们从今天开始,着手缓解水资源危机;在他们所在的城市举办一场赛跑/竞走活动,或通过LiveEarth 好友会自行组织本地的赛跑/竞走活动;在家庭或社区范围内实施保护举 措,拯救水资源;通过资助的方式进行奉献,支援发展中国家的洁净、安全水资源专案;畅所 欲言并在 Live Earth 请愿书上签字,将水资源作为一项基本的人权,添加至《联合国人权宣 言》。 liveearth.org | People are encouraged to START solving the problem [...] today, RUN in a run/walk in [...] their city or organize their own run/walk through the Friends of LiveEarth program, SAVE water in their home and local community through conservation efforts, GIVEmoney to supportclean, safewater projects in developing nations, and [...]SPEAK UP and [...]sign the Live Earth petition to add water as a basic human right to the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights. liveearth.org |
晚饭後避免饮咖啡、可 樂、茶、朱古力、酒精 和吸烟。 psychosissucks.ca | Avoid coffee, cola, tea, chocolate, alcohol, and tobacco after supper. psychosissucks.ca |
现场运用大量的金属风格以及战士个人海报,现场烽烟弥漫加上钢铁防护措施,更营造出浓浓的格斗气息,让来到现场观战的民众,一同感受充满刺激、一触即发的紧绷气氛!下午的活动由身高250公分的LED钢铁机器人炫目开场後,更邀请到台湾目前最受瞩目的超人气偶像女星郭雪芙出席担任钢铁女王,与微星科技执行副总暨桌上型平台事业处总经理江胜昌共同启动开幕仪式,并率领网路票选前五名钢铁情人现场进行趣味竞赛,一同为超频战将加油打气。 tw.msi.com | The afternoon session kicked off with a 250cm-tall LED Steel Robot, followed by anofficial opening ceremony by pop singer and Steel Goddess Puff Guo and MSI Corp. msi.com |
我们为100名未能与亲生家庭生活的儿童及年青人提供一个家,希望他们可以过着一般孩子的生活:愉快的校园学习、一个可以称为家的温暖舒适地方、与关心自己的人一起吃晚饭、在遇到困难时得到支持与谅解,并透过趣味的活动及特别的经验让孩子得以发挥最大潜能。 motherschoice.com | We provide a home for 100 children and young people who cannot live with their birth families. We strive to give the children in our care everything that a normal [...] child’s life should be: a good day at [...] school, a warm and comfortable place to come home to, dinner together with the people who carefor you, supportforthedifficult times, and fun activitiesand specialexperiences that develop each child’s potential and talents. motherschoice.com |
所有缔约国均应以妥协和灵活的精神开展合作,这 样就能够在该条约三个相辅相成、同样重要的主要支柱问题上取得具有建设性意义的成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | All States parties should work [...] together in a spirit of [...] compromise and flexibility so that a constructive outcome could be reached on the Treaty’s three mutually reinforcing and equally important main pillars. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 除非已与有关「会员」、「团体经理」或「主管合股人」另行协议,否则「「生」将按月及日期向每一「信用卡户口」、「赛马团体户口」及「合股人户口」提供「信用卡结单」,在该等结单上列出有关结单期间内「信用卡户口」、「赛马团体户口」及「合股 人户口」账项进支之详细资料(由「「生」於谘询「马会」後不时决定)。 bank.hangseng.com | (a) Unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Cardmember, Syndicate Treasurer or Managing Partner, Hang Seng will supply Card Account Statements in respect of each Credit Card Account, each Syndicate Account and each Partnership Account at monthly intervals on such date and setting out such details (as Hang Seng in consultation of the Club may from time to timedetermine) of all sums debited and credited to the Credit Card Account, The Syndicate Account and the Partnership Account respectively during the relevant statementperiod. bank.hangseng.com |
一些重要的课程计划包括:资优教育计划(GATE) 、特殊教育计划(SPED)、英语学习生计划(ELL)、辅导服务、户外教育活动(为期一周,前往优山美 地国家公园及奥林匹克国家公园)、Richmond Village Beacon/青年会(YMCA) 主办活动、多元的选修课、午间校内比赛及课後体育活动、各类学会,以及积极的家长师生联会(PTSA)和校务决策委员会(SSC)等等。 sfusd.edu | The key programs include: Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), Special Education (SPED), English Language Learners (ELL), counseling services, week-long Outdoor Education trips to Yosemite and Olympic National Parks, the Richmond [...] Village Beacon/YMCA, rich and diverse [...] electives, including band, orchestra, choir, dance, art, and drama, lunchtime intramuralandafter-schoolsports, various clubs, andan active Parent-Teacher-Student Association and School Site Council (PTSA and SSC). sfusd.edu |