

单词 饥寒交迫

See also:


be beleaguered

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 的故事教小孩子同样的道理。故事讲的是有一列火车因为发生故障而停在路边,必须依靠 另一台火车头拉动才能跨越前面的高山 饥寒交迫 的 乘客安全地送回家。
It is a story of hungry and cold passengers in a broken down train stranded on
a side track and in need of a train engine to pull them up and over a mountain
[...] in order to get home to warmth and food.
当氩气在针尖内急速释放时,可在十几秒内冷冻肿瘤病变组织至零下120℃~零下165℃形成冰球,冰球内的肿瘤组织 饥寒交迫 ” , 既处于缺血缺氧的“饥饿”状态,又处于零下165℃的超低温,造成肿瘤组织凝固性坏死;当氦气在针尖急速释放时,将急速升温到20℃~40℃,快速将坚硬的冰球解冻爆破,从而达到摧毁肿瘤组织的作用,可防止损伤正常组织。
When argon is released rapidly from the tip of needle, in ten seconds tumor tissue can be frozen to - 120℃~ - 165℃, forming
an ice ball, thus tumor tissue within
[...] ice ball will be "hungry and cold"( hunger [...]
because it is lack of blood supply and
oxygen, while coldness comes from the super low temperature) causing coagulation and then necrosis of the tumor tissue.
這個例子只是冰山一角,以往亦曾經有年近80歲的老伯因社署斷 絕給予綜援,在寒交迫下被 迫打劫、坐牢吃“皇家飯”。
This example is only a tip of the iceberg and there was a case in the past in which
a nearly 80 year-old elderly
[...] man, suffering from cold and hunger, was forced to commit an [...]
act of robbery, in the hope of
enjoying a "government-paid meal" in prison because the SWD stopped his CSSA payments.
(d) 因饥饿而被迫背井离乡的人民的食物权,及关于其法律保护的指南。
(d) The right to
[...] food of people forced to leave their [...]
homes and land because of hunger, and guidelines on their legal protection.
千年发展目标(MDGs),尤其是那些有关环境可持续性和减 饥 饿 的目 标 迫 切 需 要会 员国解决水资源管理和全球气候变化问题。
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), in particular those
related to environmental sustainability
[...] and the reduction of hunger, require that Member [...]
States address water resources management
and global change with utmost urgency.
与此类似的一则中国谚语也告诉人们应当每日进食“三四五顿,七八成饱”,还有一种中医养生的说法则认为“三 饥寒 保 平 安”。
In line with these recommendations, a Chinese proverb states “People should have three, four, or five meals a day, eating only until they are 70% to 80% full.
事实上,阿德南承受的痛苦不仅仅是烧伤,其中还包 饥 饿 、 寒 冷 的天气和基本需求无法得到满足。
The pain goes, indeed, beyond his
[...] burns and includes hunger, cold weather and immense [...]
lack of basic needs.
联合国大会关于食物权的第 62/164 号决议中确认对因饥饿被迫离开家园 和土地的人加强保护的必要性。
The need to strengthen
[...] protection for people forced to leave their homes and land because of hunger was recognized [...]
by the General Assembly
in its resolution 62/164 on the right to food.
張超雄議員: 主席,據報,早前一名剛出獄的刑釋人士,疑因周末期間
[...] 未能與協助釋囚的慈善團體接觸,又與家人失去聯絡,在無家可歸和 寒交 迫的情 況下,在便利店偷取飯盒充飢,當場被捕。
DR FERNANDO CHEUNG (in Cantonese): President, it has been reported that earlier, a newly discharged offender, allegedly because he was unable to contact over the weekend the charity organization which assisted discharged offenders, and had lost
contact with his family, and in a state
[...] of being homeless, cold and hungry, stole a [...]
meal pack in a convenience store to satisfy
his hunger and was caught on the spot.
由于许 多土地仍然淹没在水中,我们看到显然存在疾病传播 以及更大规饥荒迫在眉睫的危险。
As much land remains submerged in water, we see the clear danger of disease spreading as
[...] well as of impending hunger on a larger scale.
委员会建议缔约国采取有效的迫措 施 ,消 饥 饿 和 营养不良、尤其是儿童的营 养不良现象;采取紧急措施,消除食品价格上升对家庭预算的负面影响,尤其考 [...]
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt
[...] effective and urgent measures to combat hunger and malnutrition, [...]
especially child malnutrition,
and take urgent measures to offset the negative impact of rising food prices on family budgets, especially in the case of disadvantaged and marginalized individuals and families.
今年的冬季异寒冷,孩子迫切 需要 御 寒 用 的 衣物、毛毯、取暖用的燃料及鞋子。
Because winter has been exceptionally cold this year, there has been an [...]
acute need to provide children with warm clothes,
blankets and fuel for heating.
(i) 全球在粮食安全方面的支出每年应至少增加 400 亿美元,以解决迫的 饥饿问题。
(i) Global spending on food security should be increased by at least $40 billion per
[...] year to tackle urgent hunger needs.
从这些迫交往中 产生了一些新的文化、宗 教、语言和社会表现形式,其中许多内容如今仍存在于有关国家的文化之中。
These involuntary encounters gave [...]
rise to new cultural, religious, linguistic and social expressions, numerous elements
of which remain to this day in the cultures of the countries concerned.
认知到裁军事项咨询委员会对恐怖主义和大规模毁灭性武器所涉问题进行 的审议,4
表示注意到国际原子能机构大会第五十四届常会通过的相关决议,5 又表示注意到 2005 年 9 月联合国大会高级别全体会议通过的《2005 年世界
[...] 首脑会议成果》6 和 2006 年 9 月 8 日通过的《联合国全球反恐战略》,7 还表示注意到秘书长根据第 64/38 号决议第 5 段交的报告,8 念迫切需要在联合国框架内,通过国际合作处理对人类的这一威胁
Acknowledging the consideration of issues relating to terrorism and weapons of mass destruction by the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters,4 Taking note of the relevant resolutions adopted by the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency at its fifty-fourth regular session,5 Taking note also of the 2005 World Summit Outcome adopted at the high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly in September 20056 and the adoption of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy on 8 September 2006,7 Taking note further of
the report of the
[...] Secretary-General, submitted pursuant to paragraph 5 of resolution 64/38,8 Mindful of the urgent need for addressing, [...]
within the United
Nations framework and through international cooperation, this threat to humanity
我們相信作為經寒暑表 的 隧交 通 , 未 來 會 隨 更 多 經 濟活動而有收入 保 證 , 尤 其 是 大 嶼 山 多項經 濟 旗艦項 目 等 , 未 [...]
來 均 會 為“五 隧 一 橋 " 提 供 可 觀 收 入 的 支持理據。
We believe that
[...] the tunnel traffic, which is like a "thermometer" for economic robustness, will have [...]
guarantees for revenue
following increased economic activities in the future, particularly in view of a number of flagship projects on Lantau, which are justifications for sizeable revenues from the five tunnels and one bridge in the future.
對已是貧交迫的病㆟來說,還要他們 乞求可憐嗎?
Do we require the destitute and sick to beg for assistance?
大批饥民逃离他们的国家,非出于情愿,而 迫 不 得 已,因 饥 饿威 胁着他们和家人的生命,根据 1951 年的《关于难民地位的公约》和 1967 年 《 关于难 民地位 的议定书》, 这 些人可 能 无法满足传统的 “难民”定义对难民的要求,因而也无法得到不驱回的保护
(d) An increasing
[...] number of hunger refugees fleeing their countries, as a matter of necessity rather than choice, because hunger threatens their [...]
lives and those of
their families, and who may not qualify as refugees within the traditional definition of “refugee”, under the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 1951 and the protocol thereto in 1967, and may not be afforded non-refoulement protection
以色列继续对巴勒斯坦人民推行侵略政策,采 取的方式有杀戮饥饿、压迫、集 体惩罚、征用土 地和关闭过境点,从而将加沙变成了世界上最大的 [...]
监狱,那里的居民得不到基本的生活必需品,如食 品、电力、药品、水和燃料。
Israel had continued its aggressive policies against
the Palestinian people in the
[...] form of killings, starvation, oppression, collective punishments, [...]
the expropriation of land
and the closure of border crossings, thus transforming Gaza into the largest prison in the world in which the population was denied basic necessities such as food, electrical power, medicines, water and fuel.
代表们认识到,缓解灾害风险及灾害风险管理应被视为本区域减 饥 饿 及贫 困工作中不可分割的组成部分。
Delegates recognized that disaster risk reduction and
disaster risk management should be considered
[...] integral components of hunger and poverty alleviation [...]
efforts in the region.
2004 年 12 月 24 日通过的《摩尔多瓦共和国法庭判决适用法》(第 443 号) 第 114-148 条规定了与住房诉讼相关的判决适用范围,其中涉及迁居的问题:提
[...] 供其他住所的迁居和不提供其他住所的迁居、移居安置和转入其他住所(其他独 立房间)或迫交换住所(房间)等。
The court decisions application Code of the Republic of Moldova, No. 443 from 24.12.2004 provides for in articles 114–148 the application of decisions related to housing litigation, among which evacuation, evacuation with offering of another living space, evacuation without the offer of another living space, placement into living
space and transferral to another living space (in another
[...] separate room) or forced exchange of the living space (room).
自2012年4月开始,“3月23日运动”叛乱组织(M23)与刚果军队(FARDC)之间 交 战 迫 使 众多家庭逃离家乡,来到北基伍省首府戈马市内及周边的临时避难所中寻求庇护。
Since April 2012, fighting between the 23 of March
Movement rebel group (M23) and the Congolese
[...] Army (FARDC) has forced families to flee [...]
their homes and seek refuge in makeshift
shelters in and around North  Kivu’s provincial capital city of Goma.
一些成員認為應該就所有合適的產品及服務設立冷靜期,避 免消費者受到不公平對待及被迫進 行 交 易 ,而服務供應商 應向消費者詳細說明合約條款及賠償方法。
Some members considered that cooling-off period should be
introduced for all products and services as appropriate, so that unfair
[...] treatment and coerced transactions could be avoided.
[...] 杀伤人员地雷,残害、杀害、恐吓无辜平民;不让他们下地耕种、制 饥 荒, 迫使他 们逃离,最终导致人口衰减,并阻止平民返回原居住地。
to deplore the use, in contravention of international humanitarian law of anti-personnel mines in conflict situations aimed at maiming, killing and terrorising innocent
civilians, denying them access to
[...] farmland, causing famine and forcing them to flee [...]
their homes eventually leading to de-population
and preventing the return of civilians to their place of original residence.
[...] 死亡;有害习俗造成的死亡;与贩毒、有组织犯罪和团伙活动相关的死亡;仅仅 因忽视饥饿或 虐待造成女孩或妇女的死亡;以及国家蓄意的行为或不行为造成 [...]
The indirect category includes: deaths due to poorly conducted or clandestine abortions; maternal mortality; deaths from harmful practices; deaths linked to human trafficking, drug dealing, organized crime and gangrelated activities;
the death of girls or women from simple
[...] neglect, through starvation or illtreatment; [...]
and deliberate acts or omissions by the State.
贫穷饥饿是多层面的问题,对最不发达国家在人类发展和社会发展方面的 进步构成重大的制约,因为人们得不到基本服务,如教育、卫生、水和环卫,也 [...]
Poverty and hunger are multidimensional [...]
problems that pose serious constraints to least developed countries’ efforts to
make progress in human and social development owing to inability to access essential services such as education, health, water and sanitation and to access productive resources to participate in social, economic and political life and benefit from economic growth.




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