

单词 飨以闭门羹

See also:


refusal let sb in
lit. closed-door soup [idiom.]


close a door

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管原子能机构真诚开展了外联,然而伊朗却决 意让它闭门羹,而 非给予真正的合作。
In spite of good-faith outreach by the IAEA, Iran has chosen to stonewall it, rather than to offer any real cooperation.
这家纽约香水厂自 2006 年开始制造令人迷醉的定制香水 以飨 最 挑 剔的鼻子,曾荣膺多个奖项。
The New York–based perfume house has been handcrafting head-turning, made-to-order concoctions since 2006, garnering prestigious awards and the devotion of discerning noses.
一旦拉断阀断开连接,来自压缩机的气体瞬时 被一个门所关闭;装 在车辆上的止回阀自动闭,以防止气箱内的燃气喷出。
Upon disconnection of the breakaway, flow from the
compressor is stopped
[...] instantaneously by a valve ; the check valve on the vehicle closes automatically preventing flow [...]
from the tank.
为确保法院诉讼程序参与人及其近亲的安全,法官或主持官员可举 闭门会 议 ,或应证人或检方的请求或自己主动作出裁决或裁断 以 不 公 布证人身份资料 和使用化名的方式约见一名证人,约见方式须排除证人被认出的可能性,且在法 院审理过程中不得有他人观看。
To ensure the safety of participants in court proceedings and their
[...] close relatives, the judge or presiding officer may hold a closed session or may issue a ruling or determination to interview [...] [...]
a witness in response to a motion by the witness or the prosecution or of their own initiative, without releasing information identifying the witness and through the use of a pseudonym; in a manner excluding the possibility of the witness being identified; and without visual observation by others during the court proceedings.
各方战斗人员从矿 产资源财富中获益,而军火商也非常乐意为这些战斗人 员供货,只要他们能从这些财富中分一 羹。
Fighters on all sides benefit from mineral wealth, while arms merchants are only too happy to keep the fighters supplied as long as they partake of that wealth.
今年的預算案得到很多掌聲,特別是那些既得利益集團 以 分 得羹,例 如喜歡飲紅酒的,酒稅減少了,此外,亦可以取回部分薪俸稅、無須 [...]
The Budget this year has won a lot of applause, the more so because the groups
with vested interests can all get
[...] their shares of the pie, for example, for those who [...]
like red wine, the duty on wine will
be reduced, and it will be possible to get back some of the salaries tax and there is no need to pay rates, so they are feeling rather delighted.
此舉是否旨在確保輕鐵的收入能夠在新的道路網㆖ 可分㆒羹?
Is this arrangement actually aimed at ensuring that LRTC will have enough revenue to take its fair share of the new road network business?
(c) 将向参加其闭门/限制性的高级别会议的各会员国、观察员、政府间 组织和专门机构的代表发放出入证 以 便 前 往北草坪大楼的各会议室。
(c) Access cards, if required, will be issued to representatives of Member States, observers, intergovernmental organizations and specialized agencies participating in other closed/restricted high-level meetings for access to conference rooms in the North Lawn Building.
群晖科技首席执行官许格超表示:「DSM 4.2 不仅提供企业用户仰赖的优异架构与灵活管理,也提供令个人用户惊艳不已的多媒 飨 宴。
DSM 4.2 provides the architecture and manageability that enterprises depend upon and amazes individuals with multimedia feast.
四位东南亚现代音乐青年作曲家将与15名来自来自新加坡,马来西亚与泰国的音乐家联合15位来自德国音乐工厂青年室内乐团的学生在总监彼德威尔的率领下,为听众们开设音 飨 宴。
Four acclaimed ASEAN composers and join 15 musicians from Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand as they partner 15 students from Germany (Studio musikFabrik) and their director, Mr. Peter Veale to put contemporary music on stage.
预祝全球性的2012 User Friendly大会在中国成功举办,为中国用户体验从业人员提供一趟完美的精 飨 宴。
Best Wishes for a Successful and spiritually fulfilling global event of User Friendly Conference 2012 to all China UX practitioners.
此次的2011DreamHack冬季赛事,曜越科技Tt eSPORTS再次展现在电子竞技场上的强势计划,当然也带入了一连串的娱 飨 宴 与 活动,玩家及粉丝们的惊叫声不断,因为Tt eSPORTS所带来的电竞激情元素完全融入现场摊位,而这为期四天的赛事,所有玩家皆 以 现 场 体验的方式与Tt eSPORTS进行互动模式,当然也充份掌握到Tt eSPORTS的最新电竞配备。
Tt eSPORTS are pleased to be at our first Dreamhack event and have planned a lot of fun competitions and activities over the next few days to interact with the gamers of the event and to share the “Passion” and “Lifestyle” that we at Tt eSPORTS have for gaming.
为了进一步提高我们期望的透明度,黎巴嫩建议,按 照安理会暂行议事规则第 48 条的规定,增加全体会 议闭门会议 相比较的次数,并且视情况需要,增加 “阿里亚办法”会议和非正式互动会议的次数 以便 加强开放性外交,并且使非安理会成员国也能够有地 方发言权。
With a view to further enhancing the transparency to which we aspire, Lebanon proposes an
increase in the number of open meetings as opposed to closed meetings, in line with rule 48 of the provisional rules of procedure, and, as appropriate, an increase in the number of Arria Formula meetings and informal interactive sessions, so as to enhance open-door diplomacy and allow non-member States to have their say as well.
Oris团队自3月26日起至4月2日,将参与年度钟 飨 宴 - 巴塞尔钟表珠宝展。
From 26th March to 2nd April the Oris team will be in action at the annual watch and jewellery fair Baselworld.
每场演出都座无虚席,有些观众在没有座位的提供下甚至不惜站在席后方欣赏这场难得的音 飨 宴 直 到表演结束。
All seats were filled and many of the audience stood at the back and sides of the concert halls until the end of the show.
在随后闭门磋商 中,安理会成员强调指出 以 色 列和巴勒斯坦双方恢复谈 判的重要性,并谴责单方行动,尤其是在被占领领土建造定居点,损害了四方争 取谈判解决冲突的努力。
At the closed consultations that followed, members of the Council stressed the [...]
importance of resuming Israeli-Palestinian
negotiations and condemned unilateral actions, in particular the construction of settlements in occupied territories, which undermined the Quartet’s efforts towards a negotiable solution of the conflict.
许多石油资源丰富的国家人民收入低, 政府缺乏效率,政治和经济活动的目的都是为了从资源 收入中分一羹,而不是促进全面经济和社会发展,使 得这些国家更容易经历动荡和冲突。
The low incomes and ineffective governments of many oil-rich countries result in political and economic activity focused on acquiring a share of resource revenues rather than promoting general economic and social development, making these countries more prone to internal instability and conflict.
創作人林氏兄弟向政府申請資助, 希望親身到外地參展及交流,結果卻吃了政府的閉 羹 , 當 局 以 該影 片與香港無關,以及並非商業電影為理由,拒絕贊助。
The authorities told them that their film was not related to Hong Kong and refused to sponsor their trip because their film is not a commercial film.
委员会成员随后提出一些问以澄清 申请书涉及的一些事项,然后 举闭门会议,详细审查该申请书。
Members of the Commission then asked
questions to clarify certain
[...] aspects of the application before convening in closed session to examine the application in detail.
注释: 洗枪盒门必须关闭,以使雾 化空气阀打开。
[...] gun flush box door must be closed for the atomizing [...]
air valve to open.
洳舞飨偈惋镲专业憷1991掖沔开设 飨 偈 惋镲专业燮肜躞瞩毕业哝,瞍啶氧渫颌区掬会 飨 偈 悬术煅瞀钴完给朽SOC孙设耖衙瞩耢椹钴是咪。
Established in 1991, our department of civil engineering has been playing important role of supplying civil engineering human resources in the southwest regional community and constructing social overhead capital producing the graduate students.
但希望司長想想,香港這個社會,未必是 老闆賺錢,員工便會得益,財團盈利;“打工仔女”便 以 分 杯 羹。
But it is hoped that the Secretary would consider whether, in Hong Kong, employees are sure to benefit when the bosses make money; if the consortia will share their profits with the working people.
如 果 本 港 漁 民未能 在現階段盡 快 行動, 加 入 捕 撈 的 行 列 , 恐 防 日 後 為 時 已 晚 , 屆 時 便 未 必以 分 到羹 。
If local fishermen fail to take action as soon as possible at this stage and join the capture fishery, I am afraid that they may be too late and may not be able to have a share in future.
工作组会议将包括开放给大会第 60/30 号决议第 79 段所列所有方面参与的 全体会议以及酌 情按照大会会议适用的有关议事规则召开 闭门 会 议
The meetings of the Working Group will include plenary sessions, which will be open to participation by all those listed in paragraph 79 of General Assembly resolution 60/30, and closed sessions, as appropriate, in accordance with the relevant rules of procedure applicable to the meetings of the Assembly.
加 上 自 爆 發 SARS 以來, 不
[...] 少食肆 用 滾 水為顧 客 燙碗羹匙, 以 確 保公 眾  生,這些新 猷 更 [...]
進一步消 耗 能 源 和 食 水。
In addition, since the outbreak of SARS, many
restaurants have taken the initiative to rinse
[...] bowls, chopsticks and spoons for customers [...]
with boiling water to ensure hygiene.
对于氟氯化碳化工生产门,执 行委员会于 2004 年批准了关于闭以下工 厂的、已 获批准的协定的不同阶段:四个国家(中国、印度、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国和墨西哥) 的氟氯化碳化工厂;以及一个国家(印度)的四氯化碳化工厂。
For the CFC production sector, in 2004 the Executive Committee has approved tranches of approved agreements for the closure of: [...]
CFC production plants in four
countries (China, India, Korea DPR and Mexico); and CTC production plants in one country (India).
我们确信,工作人员协会可以对一些涉及安全、短期生病、工作变动、离职问题(其 费用估计数列于审议的文件的表 4 中)的重大决策发挥合作伙伴的作用 以 便 这 些决策不是 完全闭门状态下做出的。
We would like to ensure that the staff associations are able to be partner to the major decisions that will have an impact on issues of security, short-term assignments, redeployment and staff separation, the estimated cost of which is
presented in Table 4 of the document under
[...] consideration, so that these decisions are not made entirely behind closed doors.
根据国际合法性的各项决议、马德里和平会议、 阿拉伯和平倡议和将巴勒斯坦分成两个国家的大会 第 181(II)号决议规定的两国解决方案,以及安全理 事会有关决议,特别是第 242(1967)号和第 338(1973) 号决议,接受巴勒斯坦要求作为正式成员加入联合国 的申请,根本不意味着闭以色列和巴勒斯坦继续和 平谈判的门;相反是支持尽快恢复和平谈判努力的 一个积极步骤。
The United Arab Emirates also hopes that the Council’s deliberations will lead it to take the unanimous decision to recommend to the General Assembly the acceptance of the Palestinian application as soon as possible, and in a manner consistent with the positions of the vast majority of the world’s countries, which have officially recognized an independent State of Palestine based on the 4 June 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and on the basis of the resolutions of international legitimacy, the Madrid Peace Conference, the Arab Peace Initiative and the vision of the two-State solution, as stipulated by the General Assembly in its resolution 181 (II) partitioning Palestine into two States, as well as the relevant Security Council resolutions, especially resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973).
考察团听到 指控说还有仍需证实的第三个理由,那就是庄园主可能已与贩毒者结伙,这以 解释为什么上帕拉佩蒂地区一直被 闭(门 闩 或大门都上着锁)并受到监视(使用 无线电通信系统)。
The mission heard allegations that there is a third reason, which still needs to be proved, namely a possible partnership of the hacienda owners with drug traffickers, which would
explain why the Alto
[...] Parapetí area is kept closed (with padlocks on the bars or gates) and monitored (using [...]
radio communication systems).
如果香港人口有高增長,市民對交通服務需求同步增加,多數條鐵路路 線投入服務也不成問題,因為人口增加帶來更大的交通需求,即使有鐵路, 其他交通工具仍然以分一杯羹。
If the population of Hong Kong is to experience a rapid growth, the public demand for transport services will simultaneously increase, and the commissioning of several more railway lines will not pose a problem because the increased population will bring about a greater transport demand, even though railway services are available, other transport providers will still get a share of the market.




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