

单词 食补



the benefits of medicine are not as great as those of good nutrition

See also:

fill (a vacancy)
make up for

External sources (not reviewed)

吃一顿含有碳水化 合物、蛋白质和脂肪的平衡食,补 充 运 动中身 体消耗的能量。
Give your body back all the
[...] energy it lost by eating a balanced meal [...]
filled with carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
埃及政府已请求粮食署帮助改进该国 食补 贴 方案 的供应链。
The Government of Egypt has requested WFP support in improving the supply
[...] chain of its food subsidy programme.
限制或取消食补贴的 政 策将严重威胁各国确保享有经济、社会和文化权利的最起码水平的能力,特别是 就最弱势群体而言。
Policies that
[...] limit or eliminate food subsidies would seriously [...]
threaten the ability of States to ensure minimum levels
of enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, particularly for the most vulnerable.
发达国家必须取 消导致发展中国家在过去 20 年中成为粮食净进口国 的保护主义措施以及食补贴。
Developed countries must eliminate
protectionist measures, as
[...] well as the food subsidies that had made developing countries net food importers over [...]
the past 20 years.
Natural supplements that may help [...]
include black cohosh, isoflavones, krill oil and soy.
特别报告员还强调,通过一项 关于农民和其他农村地区劳动者权利的宣言,将使各方进一步了解国际法已经承
[...] 认的各项权利,推动承认土地权、种子权和其他国家农民的 食补 贴 所 致损失获 得赔偿的权利等各项新权利。
The Special Rapporteur also underlined that the adoption of a declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas would increase visibility on the rights that are already recognized in international law, and help to recognize new rights, such as
the rights to land, to seeds and to compensation
[...] for the losses due to food subsidies given to farmers [...]
in other countries.
智利向 40%的最贫穷人口支付了 一次性现金补助,印度增加了食补 贴 , 南非增加了对食物一揽子方案的支出, 纳米比亚实施了帮助贫穷和弱势家庭的食物发放方案。
Chile made a one-off cash bonus payment to the
poorest 40 per cent,
[...] India increased food subsidies, South Africa increased spending on the food package programme [...]
and Namibia implemented
a food distribution programme targeting poor and vulnerable households.
全体食补助(PGA),根据业务率计算的 1 000 人总给养费用为 [...]
61 200 000 非郎。
Food and general subsistence [...]
allowances for a force of 1,000, calculated on the basis of operating rates, amount to CFAF 61,200,000.
这对于采购用于开展发展活动和(或)产生项目效 果所需的医药、医疗设备、化肥、 食补 养 品 、化验设备、农用机械、计算机、 办公用品、车辆、发电机和其他基本设备都产生了影响。
This affects the purchase of inputs such as medicines, medical
[...] equipment, fertilizers, food supplements, laboratory equipment, [...]
agricultural implements, computers,
office supplies, vehicles, electric generators and other basic equipment necessary for development activities and/or project impact.
它也是非常受欢迎的食补充剂 ,可提高肌肉力量和机体能力。
It is also a popular dietary supplement for improving [...]
muscle strength and body composition.
为寻求解决僵局,解除武装、复员和重返社会指导委员会决定使宣传运动与 建立地方解除武装、复员和重返社会委员会和支付 食补 贴 脱 节。
In a bid to resolve the impasse, the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Steering Committee decided to delink the sensitization campaign
from the establishment of local disarmament, demobilization and reintegration committees
[...] and the payment of food stipends.
工人越有组织,社会都市化程度越高,政府就 越有可能受到压力而补主食价格(如玉米面),而且更不愿意撤销 食补 贴 , 即 使在受到严重预算限制和执行世界银行结构调整方案的情况下也不愿意这样做。
The better organized workers are, and the more urbanized a society is, the more likely it is
that Governments will
[...] be pressured to supplement the price of staple foods (such as maize flour) and be less reluctant to withdraw food subsidies, even when [...]
they are under severe
budgetary constraints and World Bank structural adjustment programmes.
某些Carbopol聚合物可用于口服药物和 食补 充 剂
Some of the Carbopol polymers are used in orally ingested
[...] drugs and dietary supplements.
从 USP–NF 官方版本衍生出来的标准获得《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法》和《1994 年食补充剂健康和教育法案》(DSHEA) 的认可。
Standards derived from the official edition of
USP–NF are recognized
[...] by the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act per the Dietary Supplement Health and [...]
Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA).
本展会也设有一个成品区,专门为有意在亚洲市场上推出产品的 食补 充 品生产商而设立。
The show will also feature a Finished Products
Zone, which will be set up as a
[...] dedicated area for dietary supplement manufacturers [...]
seeking to launch products in markets across Asia.
乌兹 别克斯坦实行了有针对性的食补贴 及 儿童和产妇营养方案。
Uzbekistan has
[...] introduced targeted food benefits and child and [...]
maternity nutrition programmes.
提高农业生产率和 更实惠的食品价格仍然需要与针对穷人的有效 食补 贴 齐 头并进。
Increased agricultural productivity and more
[...] affordable food prices still need to go hand in hand with effective food subsidy for the poor.21 32.
该中心将提供生物技术方面的高级教学和研究,重点关注粮食安全和热带疾病问题; 提供服务和研究机会及这些领域的培训,并推动公私伙伴关系的发展;成为生物技术研究、 政策与实践的示范中心,为该中心开展生物技术领域的前沿研究提供便利;提供生物材料 “库存”设施,并制定生物技术方法和协议,包括本土药用植物的快速筛选、植物品种的大 量繁殖、试管培育技术以及粮食生产加工和 食补 给 的 尖端生物技术工艺等工作;致力于新 技术的开发、技术改良和技术商品化,以促进粮食安全和热带疾病的控制。
It will serve as a centre of excellence in biotechnology research, policy and practice, providing facilities to conduct cuttingedge research in the areas of biotechnology covered by the centre. The centre will provide “banking” facilities for biological material and will develop methodologies and protocols in biotechnology including work on rapid screening of indigenous medicinal plants, mass propagation of the plant species, in vitro culture techniques and cutting edge biotechnology processes in the production and processing of food and food supplements.
成品展区还将包括一些正在寻找功能食品、功能饮料和 食补 充 剂经销商的生产商。
The Finished Product Zone will also include manufacturers looking for distributors
[...] for functional foods, functional drinks and dietary supplements.
蒺藜就是其中之一,但本身是更多比简单的 食补 充 剂 ,是在各级,特别是在实现良好的性能,当我们去训练时的助推器。
Tribulus is one of them, but in itself is more
[...] than a simple dietary supplement, is a booster [...]
at various levels, especially in achieving
good performance when we went to train.
是活性原植物成分组成的食补充剂, 结合维生素, 必需脂肪酸, 胱氨酸和抗氧化成分, 促进头发健康生长, 强健指甲, 透亮肌肤, 强化睫毛。
Comprised of active natural elements, each daily dose provides all the nourishing vitamins, essential fatty acids and antioxidants needed to promote healthy hair growth, strengthen nails, illuminate skin, and fortify lashes.
2009 年,USP 推出了《USP 膳食补充剂 药典》, DSC) - 一种以行业为导向的资源,其包括之前只能从 [...]
USP–NF 和 FCC 药典中获取的相关文件标准以及行业监管指导文件、补充信息和参考工具。
In 2009, USP
[...] introduced the USP Dietary Supplements Compendium (DSC)—an [...]
industry-directed resource featuring relevant documentary
standards previously only accessible through the USP–NF and FCC compendia, along with industry and regulatory guidance documents, supplemental information, and reference tools.
自从1992年布鲁塞尔办事处设立以来,在欧盟趋向协调的过程中,公司在欧盟也有数十年的代理经验,向客户提供有关影响食品、 食补 充 剂 、化妆品、药品和医疗器械产品在欧洲市场之资讯,起到了更加积极的作用。
Keller and Heckman also has represented clients in the EU for several decades. Since 1992, with the opening of its Brussels office, the firm takes an even more active role in providing input and advising clients
regarding changes that will affect
[...] the marketing of food, dietary supplement, cosmetic, [...]
drug, and device products in Europe
as the EU moves towards harmonization.
另一个例子是担 心保留社区和农村经济的需要,需要平衡燃 补 贴 、 当地 食 安 全 、向更广的市 场供应以及与避免社会崩溃有关的机会成本。
Another example would concern the need to retain communities and rural economies, where it
would be necessary to strike a balance
[...] between fuel subsidy, local food security, supply [...]
into wider markets, and opportunity
costs associated with avoiding social breakdown.
一个代表团表示,面对私营标准的挑战,食典委必须证明其有能力履行职责制定 以科学为依据的国际食品标准,否则私营标准就会 补食 典 留 下的空白。
One Delegation stated that, in the face of the challenge of private standards, Codex had to show that it was capable to fulfil its role
to set science-based
[...] international food standards, otherwise private standards would quickly fill the gap left by Codex.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时补 所有 工作地点现有和未来的语文员额空缺,表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员竞争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时补所有 工作地点 现有和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to
seek a more effective
[...] strategy to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language [...]
post vacancies at
all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
但在制订减少风险战 略;与信息和通信技术厅共同开展业务影响分析以切实优先落实部门业 务流程、培训管理人员和关键工作人员以确保他们能够继续开展关键业
[...] 务流程;以及测试业务连续性计划和确保其继续运作等方面,还有一些 工作要做(另见补编 A/64/7/Add.9 号文件,第 [...]
42 至 45 段)。
However, work remains to be done in setting up mitigation strategies; carrying out a business impact analysis, together with the Office of Information and Communications Technology, to validate the prioritization of business processes at departmental level, train managers and critical staff to ensure they are able to continue critical business processes, and testing the business continuity
plans and ensuring their maintenance (see also paragraphs 42 to 45 of document
[...] A/64/7/Add.9 in the present supplement).
然而,其中一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该
[...] 到预防大流行病规划和其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和补 编第A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而引起迁移的情 [...]
况下建立 1 个新的二级数据中心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。
However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address business continuity issues on a broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other non-information and communications technology aspects
(see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8
[...] in the present supplement), as well as the [...]
requirement for a new secondary data
centre in the context of the relocations due to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1).
为了在近期解决多国办事补充人 力资源方面的困难,确保工作人员的能力与其岗位 职责,应发挥的作用和总部、地区办事处、多国/国家办事处及上述机构之间协同完成任务 的要求相适应,向本国执行局会议提交了长期人事战略(本文件 B 部分),在制定这一战略 时考虑到负责审查非集中化情况的特设小组的工作。
In order to offset the difficulty in filling resource gaps in cluster offices in the near future, and so as to ensure that staff skillsets are in line with the profiles, roles and task-sharing between Headquarters, regional bureaux, cluster/national offices and institutes referred to above, the overall long-term staffing strategy submitted to the Executive Board at this same session (Part IB of this document) has been elaborated taking into account inter alia the work of the Decentralization Review Task Force.




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