

单词 食荼卧棘

External sources (not reviewed)

这个大家庭一起吃着一个大盘中食 物。
The large family eat together from [...]
one big platter.
克萊頓法》由聯邦貿易委員會及司法部轄下的反壟斷 部門兩機構負責執行。
The Clayton Act is enforced by both the Federal Trade Commission and the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice.
此外卧底職務並非所 有紀律部隊人員都要執行的正常職務;有關人員都是經過挑選,具備 合適的特質和才能。
These duties are not part of the normal duties expected of disciplined services officers, and are performed by selected officers with suitable attributes and skills only.
靜電式除煙機除了有一食肆的橫卧 式 外 ,本公司更提供直立式的安裝方法,節省空間,深受茶餐³廳歡迎。
Apart from the horizontal installation style , we also provide vertical style which saves space.
欧盟/禁毒办的短期方案假定将会使用 Ukonga 监狱,并在此基础上设想翻 修和改造牢房,培训监狱工作人员,提供必要设备、包括医疗用品和文娱设施, 提供囚犯衣物材料,购置盘子、杯子、上饭菜的用具 卧 具 、 毯子和床垫,提供 监狱管理和将囚犯从监狱运往法院的车辆,并提供无线电通信设备以人道监禁用 具。
Based on the assumption that Ukonga Prison would be used, the short-term European Union/UNODC programme envisages refurbishment and rehabilitation of prison cells, training of prison staff, provision of essential equipment, including medical supplies and recreational resources, provision of material for prisoner clothing, purchase of plates, cups, serving utensils, bedding, blankets and mattresses, provision of vehicles for prison management and transport of inmates from prison to court and provision of radio communications equipment and humane restraints.
食典委还注意到,将继续食典联 络点发送以下出版物的印刷版本(或电子媒 体)食典文本和数字标准光盘以 食 典 录 像带和多媒体演示等宣传材料;程序手册; 部食典文本的 A5 格式手册食典委的报告。
The Commission noted further that the following publications would continue to be sent as
[...] [...] hardcopies (or electronic media) to Codex Contact Points: Codex CD-ROMs of text-based and numerical standards as well as advocacy material such as Codex video and multimedia presentation; the Procedural Manual; A5 format booklets of selected Codex texts; and the Reports of the [...]
Big Pan 330 是被广泛认可的自由食的料盘,Big pan plus 可理想地适用于控制饲喂的肉鸡。
Big Pan 330 is the proven feed pan for the so called ad libitum feeding and Big Pan Plus is ideally suited for controlled feeding of broilers.
根據該協議項下Topstart將透過俊豐向皮爾布萊特墊支股東貸款金額,並假設在認 購期權完成前俊豐並無償還任何部分股東貸款予Topstart,則認購期權行使價將為200美 元(相當於1,560港元)及約人民幣170,080,000元(相當於約175,180,000港元)。
Based on the amount of the Shareholder Loan to be advanced by Topstart to Pearl Bright through Wise Plenty under the Agreement and assuming that no part of the Shareholder Loan will be repaid by Wise Plenty to Topstart prior to the completion of the Call Option, the Call Option Exercise Price will amount to US$200 (equivalent to HK$1,560) and approximately RMB170.08 million (equivalent to approximately HK$175.18 million).
各个餐柜供应不同系列的食,从 冷盘、海鲜、西式餐点到亚洲 食 和 甜 点应有尽有,不一而足。
Each station features its own selection of specialties, ranging from cold appetisers to seafood, Western cuisine to Asian cuisines, and desserts.
由于在 2004 年执行了成本节约措施,因此尽管费用上涨, 2006/07 两年度非职员费用(3,833,000 美元)比 2004/05 两年度(3,974,000 美元)有所 下降,这些措施包括停止印刷和分 食 品 法 典工作文件的打印稿,采用以光盘形式出食品法典电子版,以取食品法 典的纸质版。
The expenditure in non-staff costs (3,833,000 USD) in the 2006-07 biennium was smaller than that in the 2004-05 biennium (3,974,000 USD) despite cost increases, thanks to the cost saving measures implemented in 2004, such as
discontinuation of printing
[...] and dispatch of Codex working documents in hardcopy, and adoption of electronic publication of the Codex Alimentarius on CD-ROM, instead of on paper in Codex Alimentarius [...]
食盘中用一个圆代表奶制品,表示可以与其它任食 物搭配食用。
Dairy is shown as a
[...] circle in the middle of your plate to remind you it can be added to other food groups in your meal.
她可能認為 葉先生和鄭教授發表的意荼毒教育界其他人士,因而有礙當局推行 教育改革或教育政策,而且更廣泛而言不利於教育界。
She might have felt that Mr Ip’s and Professor Cheng’s published views were corrupting the rest of the education sector and thereby obstructing the implementation of the Education Reforms and education policy, and more generally, doing a disservice to the education sector.
她在一位经验丰富的主厨手下工作,负责切菜、拌沙拉和 食 物 托 盘放入一个巨大微波炉。
Working alongside an experienced chef, she chops vegetables, mixes sauces
[...] and puts trays of food in an industrial-sized [...]
The cage should be equipped with a
[...] small litter box, food dish, water bowl and [...]
a towel or your clothes for the cat to sleep on.
本次赛会共分为四大类,即马来西亚本土风味拼盘,公 食 品 类 别,新进厨师4道主菜套餐菜单及 食。
This competition was divided into four categories: Truly
[...] Malaysia Platter, Open Plate Dish, Apprentice 4-Course Set Menu and Hot Cooking.
本机床是 NHX 系列 X 级卧式 加工中心最新和最大型号的机床。
This machine is the latest and largest model in the NHX Series, the X-class horizontal machining centers.
在 2000年 5月,政府當局發表有關" 保護青少年免受淫褻及不 雅物荼毒: 2000年《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》檢討"的諮詢文件, 當中提出多項建議,包括把發布淫褻物品( 第 III類 ) 的最高罰款額增至 200萬元,以及把發布不雅物品( 第 II類 ) 的刑罰提高,使初犯者最高可 被判處罰款80萬元,而第二次或其後再犯者,最高可判罰160萬元及監 禁兩年,藉以加強阻嚇作用。
In May 2000, the Administration published a consultation paper on "Protection of Youth from Obscene and Indecent Materials: The 2000 Review of the COIAO", and proposed to, inter alia, raise the maximum fine on publication of obscene articles (Class III) to $2 million and the publication of indecent articles (Class II) to a maximum fine of $800,000 on first conviction and a maximum fine of $1.6 million and imprisonment for two years on a second or subsequent conviction with a view to enhancing deterrent effect.
继续自然的食与躺卧,乳 房存奶量逐渐上升。
Natural feeding and resting continues, udder [...]
milk level rising.
美 國科學協會 在 回 應香港科 學協會及香港學 者 協 會 給 克 林 頓 的 公開信 時,援 引 該 會的科學 自由與責任委 員會主席萊 斯 先生(I.A.LERCH)刊 登 在《科 學 》 雜 誌 上 的文章稱: “ 自 麥 卡 錫 年 代 以 來 , 我 們 的政府從未像 今 天 這樣, 嚴 厲 禁 制來自與美 國 外 交政策 不 咬弦的國家的科學 家 訪 問 , 或防止美 國科學 家 訪 問這些 國家。
In response to the letter of the Hong Kong Scientific Association and the Association of Hong Kong Academics to President CLINTON, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, cited the words in the article of Mr I.A. LERCH, Chairman of its Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility, published in the Science magazine, "Never since the McCarthy era has our government so severely restricted visits by scientists from countries that do not see eye to eye with the United States over foreign affairs, or prevented American scientists from visiting such countries, as it is doing today.
奶牛的自然行为,卧,采食,回 到休息区域,并进行反刍。
Natural cow
[...] behaviour, resting, feeding, returning to rest [...]
and ruminate.
2)    简单的改变:清空家里的饼干,存放健康的 食 ; 卧 室 里 不放电视,但有运动器械。
2) Make it easier – don’t keep cookies in the
house, but do have
[...] healthy snacks available; don’t have a television in the bedroom, but do have sports [...]
equipment available.
You will be filling your plate with healthier calories that way.
据了解,必须获得“QS”证书的39种包装包括商品零售包装袋、液体包装用聚乙烯吹塑薄膜、夹链自封袋、包装用镀铝薄膜、液 食 品 无菌包装用纸基复合材料、榨菜包装用复合膜袋、编织袋、用于包 食 品 的 多层复 食 品 包 装袋、复合塑料编织袋、塑料防盗瓶盖、塑料奶瓶、塑料饮水杯(壶)、塑料瓶(坯)、塑料菜板,饭盒、碗、盘、碟、杯 食 品 用工具等产品(不包括筷子、刀、叉、勺、托、吸管、果冻杯、酸奶杯等产品)。
Must obtain a certificate of "QS" It is understood that 39 kinds of packaging including retail bags, liquid packaging polyethylene blown film clip chain ziplock packaging
aluminum film, aseptic
[...] packaging of liquid food, paper-based composites, mustard packaging composite film bags, woven bags, for the multilayer composite food packaging food bags, compound plastic woven bag, plastic anti-theft caps, plastic bottles, plastic drinking cup (pot), plastic bottles (blanks), plastic dishes plates, lunch boxes, bowls, plates, plates, cups and other food tools and other products [...]
(not including
chopsticks, knives, forks, spoons, child care, straws, jelly cups, yogurt cups and other products).
尼泊尔赞扬挪威以一种务实 的方式应对我们所在的时代面临的一些迫切 棘 手 的 问题。
It commended its efforts to develop a pragmatic approach to several pressing and difficult issues of our time.
用于放食品的 托盘必须保持在良好的适用状态, 毫无裂痕,凸显的钉子以 及出现木刺之类损坏的情况。
Pallets used
[...] for the storage of food products are in good [...]
usable condition and free from damages such as cracks, protrusion
of nails and wooden splinters.
这不是基督应该由该monophysites否认天主教神学家谁最好攻击的理论,对已行使人类活动,将人类行为,人类的认知行为,显然是错误的确认为男子 卧 在 没 有区分人类或混合(theandric的)活动基督,而纯粹是神圣的活动,将知识,而儿子已在共同与父亲和圣灵,并其实神性。
It was not supposed by the best Catholic theologians who attacked the doctrine that the Monophysites denied Christ to have exercised human activities, human acts of the will, human acts of cognition; the error was clearly recognized as lying in the failure to distinguish between the human or the mixed (theandric) activity of Christ as Man, and the purely Divine activity, will, knowledge, which the Son has in common with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and which are in fact the Divine Nature.
相机的控制布局与尼康过去专业数码单镜反光相机保持了合理统一,但又进行了改进,比如具有 5 度倾斜的指令拨盘使您能食指进 行自然转动,顶部控制面板朝眼睛倾斜 5.5 度,按钮的间距和形状均经过人体工程学设计,握柄形状确保舒适和稳定握持。
The layout shares the same logical consistency as Nikon’s previous professional D-SLRs, along with further improvements, such as command dials with a 5-degree inclination for natural rotation using your index finger, top control panel that is inclined 5.5-degree toward your eyes, buttons whose intervals and shapes have been ergonomically designed, and a grip shape that ensures comfortable and stable holding.
4 个员额中,将通过以下员额的调任设立其中三个员额: 财产管理科一个现有的财产管制和盘存干事(P-4)员额以及现有通信和信息技术 科一个现有区域协调员(P-3)员额和账单助理(外勤)。
Three of the four posts would be established through the reassignment of an existing post of Property Control and Inventory Officer (P-4) from the Property Management Section and the reassignment of an existing post of Regional Coordinator (P-3) and an existing post of Billing Assistant (Field Service) from the existing Communications and Information Technology Section.
[...] GARDEN,座落于佐敦闹市中,供应各地的冰冻啤酒、醇酒,更有多种精彩特饮如Mojitos、西瓜杂饮及一系列美味的 食 拼 盘 ,是您生活的写意空间。
Your oasis in the middle of Jordan offering ice cold local
[...] and imported beers, seasonal crisp [...]
rose, white and red wines.




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