

单词 食肉寝皮

See also:

肉食 n

meat n




skin and flesh
physical (suffering)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] Khaled)和东部贝卡谷地的农村及非正规安置点的难民,难民目前的生活条件令 寝食 难 安
She said she had been emotionally affected by the conditions the refugees
were facing in villages and informal
[...] settlements she’d visited in Wadi Khaled [...]
in the north and in the eastern Bekaa Valley.
由於多溴聯苯醚通常積聚在脂肪內,故市民應 食 低 脂 食 品,肉類和肉類製品的脂肪,減少使用動物脂肪配製食物,以及採用低脂的烹調方法。
As PBDEs tended to accumulate in
fat, the public should
[...] consume low fat food, discard fat from meat and meat product, reduce the use of food made from [...]
animal fat and adopt low fat cooking methods.
在它寿终寝之后 , 它还可能作为一种心态,在受害者及其后代的心中、在实行奴隶制的继承者 的心中冥顽不灵。
It can persist as a state of mind — among victims and their descendants and among the inheritors of those who practised it — long after it has formally ended.
对国际社会来说,统治利比亚 40 多年之久的这 个政权由于利比亚人民的意愿已寿终 寝。
For the international community, the regime that has ruled Libya for more than 40 years has come to an end by the will of the Libyan people.
他們多進食高脂食物如排骨、牛腩及雞翼等食物;而不少被訪者在 食 雞 肉 時 , 往往 皮 吃下 -- 這些食物同樣含高飽和脂肪,對心臟健康構成極大威脅。
They enjoy eating
[...] high fat food including spare ribs, beef briskets, and chicken wings with skin -- all contained [...]
high saturated fat and
are not healthy for the heart.
在欧盟,作为2000年食品安全白皮书的 结果,在立法中采取的步骤是分离食 品卫生和动物健康,并在欧盟成员国中协调食品控制。
In the European Union, as the
[...] result of a white paper on food safety in 2000, the [...]
approach taken in the legislation is to
separate aspects of food hygiene from animal health and to harmonize food control across the European Union member countries.
农业收成的副产品作 为动物的饲料或草垫进入牲畜系统,转而生产肉、牛奶、蛋和皮,在 某些情况下还可转化为畜 力。
By-products of the agricultural harvest enter the livestock
system as fodder or bedding for animals
[...] which in turn produce meat, milk, eggs and fur, and in some [...]
cases, draught power.
禁令涵蓋食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜; b) 所有奶類、奶類飲品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷凍或冷藏野味肉類和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷凍或冷藏水產品,除 非附有日本主管當局所簽發的證明書證明有 食 物 的 輻射水平並沒有超食 品法典委員會的標準。
Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all fruits and vegetables; b) all milk, milk beverages and dried milk; and c) all chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products unless accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex.
肉和猪肉为去皮;家 禽和鱼为去毛和去内脏。
Beef and pork on a dressed-weight basis; [...]
poultry and fish on an eviscerated basis.
应用领域包 括汽车座椅、室内装潢寝具泡 沫、高性能弹性体、用于 建筑和冷藏货物的各种隔热材料、包装、电气和电子设 备、鞋底、休闲和运动设备、工业和办公设备的辊轮等。
These include automotive seating, upholstery and bedding foam, high performance elastomers, various insulation material for buildings and refrigerated goods, packaging, electrical and electronic equipment, shoe soles in footwear, leisure and sports equipment and rollers in industrial and office equipment.
倘若農食品與獸醫局有理 由 相信在持牌 加工場所 加工處 理 的 任肉類製品或魚類製品經 攙雜、受 污染或 因其他理由 不適宜供食用,農業食品與獸醫局可 向該加工場所 的持牌 人 發出書面指示,要求該持牌人即 時回收有肉類製品或魚 類製品的所 有 存 貨 ,以及停 止售賣、供應或分銷該肉類製品 或魚類製品。
Where AVA has reason to believe that any meat product or fish product which has been processed in a licensed processing establishment is adulterated, contaminated or otherwise unfit for human consumption, AVA may issue a written directive to the licensee of the processing establishment requiring the licensee to forthwith recall [...]
all stocks and to cease
the sale, supply or distribution, of the meat product or fish product.
施工时间的安排对于学校项目而言非常关键,因 寝 室 、 教室和公共生活及学习区域一年当中只在特定的时期使用,如果在这些期间的任何其他时间关闭这些场所,承包商将会因为无法按时完工而增加成本,同时也会给教育机构和学生带来很大的不便。
Timing is crucial in school projects as dormitories, classrooms and common living and learning spaces are only occupied for certain spans of time during the year, and any other closures of the space can mean that plumbing contractors lose money for missing their goals, and educational institutions and their students can be majorly inconvenienced.
这 种植物的在灌溉区的繁殖泛滥减少了可耕种的土 地,塞阻了河道,食肉鸟类 提供了栖息地。
This plant colonizes the flood plains,
reduces the available cropland in the irrigated areas, impedes river traffic, and
[...] provides habitat for carnivorous birds.
种族隔离在欺 骗与暴力之中孕育成形,但却在真理与和解之中寿终寝。
Apartheid was conceived in deceit and violence, but it ended in truth and reconciliation.
图8给出了一个上下铺的实例,其寝 空 间 、面积以及通风条件都符 合最低标准,并且可以从一侧上床。
Figure 7 gives an example of bunk beds which conform to minimum standards in terms of the size of sleeping space, floor space and ventilation, and which allow lateral access.
雖然這次研究及之前兩次研究已顯示多種食物的反式脂肪酸含量偏 高,更多的研究可再進行,以檢測其他可能含大量反式脂肪酸的非預先 包裝食物,例如忌廉∕奶油蛋糕、 皮食 物 及 餡餅( 批∕撻) 。
of foods with high TFA content, further studies are warranted to examine other non-prepackaged foods that may be high in TFA, such as creamy cakes, puff pastry products and pies/tarts.
(e) 减少用于制作鱼粉目的鱼类的比例,包括通过促进人类直接消费某些小
[...] 鱼和营养丰富的鱼;同时遏制富裕消费者对从处于食物链高端的鱼类(例如金枪 鱼和鲑鱼或养殖食肉物种如大虾)索取鱼类蛋白的需求,因为这种需求导致世 界各地过度开发海洋资源,以及考虑对可用于鱼粉目的的鱼类比例实行限制。
Reduce the proportion of fish used for fishmeal purposes, including by promoting direct human consumption of some small and nutritious fish, curbing demand for
fish proteins from fish
[...] higher up the food chain (such as tuna and salmon or farmed carnivorous species such [...]
as prawns) by affluent
consumers, which leads to overexploitation of marine resources worldwide, and considering imposing restrictions on the proportion of fish that can be used for reduction purposes.
這 些措施包括:規肉 食 攤檔檔主在攤檔裝設 展 示 式冷凍機, 展 示出售的豬 肉 [...]
、禽肉 、 牛 肉 及 羊 肉;規定所有處理食 物 人 員 必 須 修 讀基本的食物衞生課 程並通 過考試 、 接 受 傷寒疫苗注 射 ,以及年屆 45歲
時接受 肺 病 檢查;以及實 施 分 級制,讓 市民知悉光 顧 的 熟 食 檔 的衞生水平 。
These include
[...] the requirement for meat stallholders to equip [...]
their stalls with display chillers for the sale of pork, poultry,
beef and mutton, for all food handlers to attend basic food hygiene course and pass examination, be vaccinated against typhoid, and go for tuberculosis screening for those age 45 and above, and the adoption of a grading system to let the public know the hygiene standards of the cooked food stalls they patronise.
[...] 殖的目标物种质量,据预测水产养殖中鱼油的整体用量将增加,尽管在不同肉 食性鱼 类和甲壳类物种饲料中鱼油含量预计减少。
The objective should be to maintain the quality of farmed target species in respect of HUFAs in the final products, as it is projected that the overall total usage of fish oil in aquaculture will
increase although the fish-oil inclusion
[...] level in various carnivorous fish and crustacean [...]
species is expected to decrease.
[...] 赏物种(动物和植物)和装饰品(珍珠和贝壳);(ii)用于特 肉食 性 养殖物种 饲料的养殖的鱼类;(iii)用于水产养殖孵化场和养成阶段饵料的许多物种的养殖 [...]
Global statistics are still lacking on: (i) non-food aquaculture production, including live bait for fishing, live ornamental species (animals and plants) and ornamental products (pearls
and shells); (ii) fishes cultured as feed
[...] for certain carnivorous farmed species; [...]
(iii) culture of biomass of many species
(such as plankton, Artemia and marine worms) for use as feed in aquaculture hatcheries and grow-out operations; (iv) aquaculture hatchery and nursery outputs for ongrowing in captivity or stocking to the wild; and (v) inputs in terms of captured wild fish ongrown in captivity.
过敏症是一种夸张的免疫系统的反应,导致过敏的物质,如霉菌,灰尘,花粉,宠 皮 屑 或某 些 食 物 过 敏原。
Allergies are an exaggerated immune system
response to an allergen, causing hypersensitivity to substances such as
[...] mold, dust, pollen, pet dander or certain foods.
胶原蛋白是一种物质,是从动物皮 肤 , 骨骼或 肉 提 取,然后加工成一种类型的明胶。
Collagen is a substance which is extracted
[...] from the skin, bones or muscles of animals, and then processed [...]
into a type of gelatin.
拟建中心总部将设在位于萨瓦王寝 宫 内 雄伟的维纳里亚王宫城堡群中,后者于 1997 年被列入《世界遗产名录》。
The headquarters of the proposed Centre will be hosted in the monumental Venaria Reale castle complex, located within the Residences of the Royal House of Savoy, which were inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1997.
如果没有持续停止暴力,联合国工 作人员没有完全的行动自由,在其它方面——六点计 划的所有其它方面没有取得迅速和有效进展的话,那 么我们就必须作出结论,监督团将寿终 寝。
If there is not a sustained cessation of violence, full freedom of movement for United Nations personnel and rapid, meaningful progress on other aspects — all other aspects — of the six-point plan, then we must all conclude that the Mission will have run its course.
这里曾先后充当过图卢兹伯爵、图卢兹伯爵夫人、阿德莱德夫人以及小夫人们的第二候见厅,1767年成为了索菲夫人 寝 宫 , 1769年又变成了维克多尔夫人 寝 宫。
It was the second antechamber of the Count of Toulouse, then the Countess of Toulouse, followed by Madame Adelaide and lastly the youngest Mesdames, in 1767 it became the bedroom of Madame Sophie and in 1769 that of Madame Victoire.
主要产品 绮丽物语 特美龙物语 产品 儿童、青少年特美龙内衣系列 男性特美龙内衣系列 女性特美龙内衣系列 典雅內衣系列 雪之恋系列 特美龙贴身系列 特美龙贴心系列 特美龙内裤、束裤系列 特美龙手套、裤袜系列 特美龙袜子系列 特美龙配饰系列 特美龙护具系列 特美寝具系列 外出服系列 居家休闲系列 - 限量 饰品系列 - 限量 关于特美龙 检测报告下载 元气生活物语 妮菲达物语 认证专区 辅销品 网络订单查询 产品须知 洗涤保养 订购须知 产品明细下载(PDF) 缺货明细 电子目录
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摇篮或者小床的尺寸不应该太大,床垫的尺寸要合适且不能太 软;甚至要注意小孩的脚部能触到摇篮或小床的底部,不使孩子寝时滑动。
Accordingly, the bassinette or cot must not be too big and the mattress must be the same size, and not too soft; also you must lay the baby in a way that his feet touch the bottom of the bassinette or cot so that he cannot slide down.
发生于瞬膜呈局限性的癌变,可从瞬膜根部进行全摘除手术;发生于结膜尚未侵入深部组织的,要将其周围组织进行大面积的切除,接近瞬膜的部位也要切除;发生在眼球表面时,必须进行认真会诊后,才能进行眼球的全摘除术;浸润到眼球及眼窝内时,有必要将眼睑缘和其周 皮 肤 、 肌 肉 及 结缔组织等眼窝内全部组织都摘除。
If canceration is limited to the nictitating membrane, full extraction operation from the root of nictitating membrane shall be carried out; if canceration is occurred in the conjunctiva and has not yet invaded into deep tissues, then wide scale excision shall still cover the surrounding tissues, meanwhile, the part closed to the nictitating membrane area is also removed; if canceration occurs in the surface of eyeball, then careful consultation shall firstly be carried out and then decide the operation of full
eyeball excision; if
[...] canceration has invaded into eyeball and the orbit, it is necessary to remove all tissues including margo palpebrae and its surrounding skins, muscles and connective [...]
tissues, etc.




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