

单词 食肉动物

See also:



肉食 n

meat n



动物 n

animals pl
wildlife n
fauna n

External sources (not reviewed)

棕熊(学名Ursus arctos)是欧洲最大食肉动物,亦是象征芬兰的国兽。
The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is the
[...] largest omnivore in Europe and the national animal of Finland.
这 些物种是更高食肉动物的主 要食物来源,重要的 是,它们是全球很大一部分人口特别是一些发展中国 家人口主要的鱼类蛋白质来源。
Those species are a vital food source for higher predators and, importantly, [...]
represent the main source of fish protein for
a substantial part of the global population, particularly in some developing countries.
Jeroen Smaers及其同事收集了数百种现代和已灭绝的蝙蝠 食肉动物 和 灵长类动物的大脑和身体质量数据。
Jeroen Smaers and colleagues gathered data on brain and body mass for hundreds of modern and extinct bats, carnivorans, and primates.
其他独特食肉动物包括 袋食蚁兽、袋鼬和塔斯马尼亚袋獾,但是这些动物的体型都不超过一只普通家猫的大小。
Other unique carnivorous animals include the Numbat, [...]
Quoll and Tasmanian Devil, but none of these are larger than the size of an average house cat.
澳大利亚没有大食肉动物,澳 大利亚野狗(又称野狗)是澳大利亚最大型的食肉性哺乳动物。
Australia doesn’t have large
[...] predatory animals, the dingo, or wild dog, is our largest carnivorous mammal.
他的生 态研究揭示了从太阳向植物进而向食草 物 和 食肉动物 提 供 生命力。
His ecological research
[...] revealed nutritional dependencies that started with the life force provided by the sun to plants, to plant eaters and to carnivores.
他们避免了在陡坡和岩石露头clifs生活 食肉动物。
They avoid predators by living [...]
on steep clifs and rocky outcrops.
在荒野指导员的陪伴下,您可以安全地观察野熊。牠是欧洲最大 食肉动物 , 和 牠邂逅的经验一生难忘。
In Finnish folklore, an element of mystery is associated with Lapland, the country’s northernmost province.
在entando有人说,有一些理由,简单地说“沙丁鱼” - 实际上是一个猎物 - 和大的运营商,食肉动物,而 不是失败主义者的位置。
In entando some say, with some justification, that
simply put as "sardines" -
[...] practically a prey - and see the big operators like predators is a rather [...]
defeatist position.
In Finnish folklore, an element of mystery is associated with Lapland, the country’s northernmost province.
然而,鲑鱼食肉动物,为 了满足这些大批的人工养殖的鱼类的贪婪的食欲,水产业开始越来越多地把他们的注意力放在了一种通常叫做南极磷虾的很小的甲壳纲动物身上。
Salmon are carnivorous, however, and to feed the voracious appetite of these [...]
legions of farm-raised fish, the aquaculture
industry increasingly has turned its attention to a small crustacean commonly known as Antarctic krill.
通过一个令人惊叹的摄影展和三个伟大的纪录片,我们可以看到菲尔(CSI古生物学家恐龙)和他的团队如何使用的方法前所未有的二十一世纪的技术调查的暴龙 食肉动物 之 王 的感觉能力,向新的领域软组织分析。
Through a stunning photographic exhibition and three great documentaries, we can see how Phil (CSI paleontologist dinosaurs) and his team used methods unprecedented twenty-first century technology to
investigate from the sensory capacity of Tyrannosaurus,
[...] the king of the predators, to the new field [...]
of soft tissue analysis.
出席此次“野化”研讨会议的有巴西政 食肉动物 研 究 中心(CMBIO)的P.Crawshaw博士、美国华盛顿州鱼农属是肉动物科学家G.Koehler博士,猎豹保护基金会的L.Marker博士、野生小猫科保护基金会的J.Sanderson博士、卡塔尔大学生物和环境科学部的山口诚之博士、明尼苏达州大学世界著名老虎专家D.Smith博士,南非北开普省自然保护部和中国政府派出的科研代表以及拯救中国虎国际基金会的代表。
The Rewilding workshop included Dr. Peter Crawshaw of Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservacão de Mamiferos Carnivoros, Cenap/ICMBIO, Dr. Gary Koehler, Dr. Laurie Marker of Cheetah Conservation Fund,  Dr. Jim Sanderson of Small Wild Cat Conservation Foundation,  Dr. Nobuyuki Yamaguchi of Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences of Qatar University,  and Dr. David Smith of Minnesota University, Chinese government scientists as well as representatives of SCT.
赤狐或火狐 (vulpes vulpes) 是世界上最常见的陆食肉性哺乳 动物。
The red fox or firefox (vulpes vulpes) is
[...] the most common carnivorous land mammal in the world.
Predator 食肉类 伤害性强,以其动物为食的动物。
Predator an animal that hunts and eats other animals.
由於多溴聯苯醚通常積聚在脂肪內,故市民應進食低脂食品, 切肉類和肉類製品的脂肪,減少使用動物脂肪配 食物 , 以 及採用低脂的烹調方法。
As PBDEs tended to accumulate in fat, the public should
consume low fat food,
[...] discard fat from meat and meat product, reduce the use of food made from animal fat and adopt low [...]
fat cooking methods.
水生食物网的等级比陆生食 物网多,陆生物网中,食肉性野生 动物 很 少 相互为食,因此水生的生物放大作用可代表性地达到更 高的值(UNEP 2002)。
Aquatic food webs tend to have more levels than terrestrial webs, where wildlife predators rarely feed on each other, and therefore the aquatic biomagnification typically [...]
reaches higher values (UNEP 2002).
总的来说,若要吃得健康,大家应时刻注意均衡饮食,多吃膳食纤维丰富的蔬菜, 食 胆 固醇含量较高的 肉 、 动物 内 脏 及海鲜,并尽量少用酱油及调味料。
Overall speaking, we should always maintain a balanced diet, eat
more vegetables with high
[...] dietary fibre and fewer fatty meats, animal offal and seafood, and use [...]
fewer sauces and condiments to ensure healthy eating.
在泵送易燃或 有害流体时,必须将废气排放到安全的区域,要远离人 群动物、食品加工区及所有火源。
When pumping flammable or hazardous fluids,
you must vent the exhaust to a safe place,
[...] away from people, animals, food handling areas, and [...]
all sources of ignition.
需要为对动物组织(如肉、脂 肪或脂肪和皮、腰子、肝),以及源 动物 对象 品种的特食用商 品(如蛋、奶和蜜)确定MRL,对这些品种可能按照良好兽医方法施用兽药。
MRLs have to be established
[...] for target animal tissues (e.g. muscle, fat, or fat and skin, kidney, liver), and specific food commodities (e.g. eggs, milk, honey) originating from the target animals species to [...]
which a veterinary drug
can be administered according to good veterinary practice.
全球统计依然缺少:(i)非食用水产养殖产量,包括钓鱼的活饵料、活的观物种(动物和植物)和装饰品(珍珠和贝壳);(ii)用于特 肉食 性 养 殖 物种 饲料的养殖的鱼类;(iii)用于水产养殖孵化场和养成阶段饵料的许多物种的养殖 生物量(例如浮游动物、卤虫和海洋蠕虫);(iv)用于继续养殖或野外投放的水 产养殖孵化场和育苗场的产量;以及(v)用于养殖的捕捞野生鱼的投入量。
Global statistics are still lacking on: (i) non-food aquaculture production, including live bait for
fishing, live
[...] ornamental species (animals and plants) and ornamental products (pearls and shells); (ii) fishes cultured as feed for certain carnivorous farmed species; (iii) culture of biomass of many species [...]
(such as plankton,
Artemia and marine worms) for use as feed in aquaculture hatcheries and grow-out operations; (iv) aquaculture hatchery and nursery outputs for ongrowing in captivity or stocking to the wild; and (v) inputs in terms of captured wild fish ongrown in captivity.
为了避免污染流体,应使用管道将废气排出流体产品 区之外的地方,并远离人动物或食 品 加 工区域。
To avoid contaminating the fluid, pipe the exhaust air to vent outside of the fluid product area,
[...] away from people, animals, or food-handling areas.
趙卓寧先生總結說,在決定個別產品是否屬於水果/蔬菜 肉 類 / 水中生物和可否 獲豁免遵從營養標籤規定時,應根據以下原則審批:產品是否屬 食物 , 是否已經預先 包裝和是否屬於第132W章附表6所列15項獲豁免項目的其中一項。
Mr. C. L. CHIU summed up that to determine whether certain
products were considered as
[...] fruit / vegetable / meat / aquatic life and whether they could be exempted from the NL requirements, they should be assessed whether it was food, whether it was prepackaged, [...]
and whether
it was one of the 15 exempted items under Schedule 6 of Cap. 132W.
禁令涵蓋的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜; b) 所有奶類、奶類飲品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷凍或冷藏野味肉類和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷凍或冷藏水產品,除 非附有日本主管當局所簽發的證明書證明有 食物 的 輻 射水平並沒有超出食 品法典委員會的標準。
Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all
fruits and
[...] vegetables; b) all milk, milk beverages and dried milk; and c) all chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products unless accompanied [...]
by a certificate
issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex.
尼泊尔代表团要求秘书处帮助最不发达国家和内陆国家:开展关 于主要出口和进口产品的分析;采用单一窗口和开展无纸化贸易,并 推动关于执行贸易和过境便利化措施的公私营部门的对话;提供一个 讨论共同关切问题的平台,尤其将重点放在最不发达和内陆国家;促 进农业和林业产品的价值链,包括诸如“一个村庄一个产品”方案那 样的举措,以及就有食品认证和动 植 物 卫 生 检疫标准领域,传播相 关信息和提供能力建设援助;加入《亚太贸易协定》;以及在总体上 援助制订适当的贸易和投资政策的努力。
The delegation of Nepal requested that the secretariat help least developed and landlocked countries to conduct analyses on key export and import products; introduce single windows and paperless trade and the promotion of public-private sector dialogue on the implementation of trade and transit facilitation measures; provide a platform to discuss issues of common concern, paying particular attention to least developed and landlocked countries; promote
value chains for
[...] agricultural and forestry products, including under initiatives such as “one village one product” programmes; and disseminate information and provide capacity-building assistance on the certification of organic foods and sanitary and [...]
phytosanitary standards,
accession to APTA and overall assistance in the formulation of appropriate trade and investment policies.
目标应当是在最终产品HUFA方面维持养 殖的目标物种质量,据预测水产养殖中鱼油的整体用量将增加,尽管在不同肉 食性鱼类和甲壳物种饲 料中鱼油含量预计减少。
The objective should be to maintain the quality of farmed target species in respect of HUFAs in the final products, as it is projected that the overall total usage of fish oil in aquaculture will
increase although the fish-oil inclusion
[...] level in various carnivorous fish and crustacean species is expected [...]
to decrease.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关食品安动植物健康 问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动物病虫 害和疾病造成 食物 链 危 机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building
(training courses,
[...] projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats [...]
and emergencies, as
well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
为此人们采取了一系列的保护措施, 动物肉 类 及蛋白类物质不再允许作为动物饲料被使用(2000/766/EG),欧盟(2000/418/EG)/(2001/99 9/ E G ) 食 品 生 产中禁止使用可能的风险性物质等。
As a protective
[...] measurement, animal meal / protein as animal feed is no longer allowed (2000/766/EG) and potential risk material has been banned from food production by the EU [...]
(e) 减少用于制作鱼粉目的鱼类的比例,包括通过促进人类直接消费某些小
[...] 鱼和营养丰富的鱼;同时遏制富裕消费者对从处于食物链高端的鱼类(例如金枪 鱼和鲑鱼或养殖食肉物种如大虾)索取鱼类蛋白的需求,因为这种需求导致世 界各地过度开发海洋资源,以及考虑对可用于鱼粉目的的鱼类比例实行限制。
Reduce the proportion of fish used for fishmeal purposes, including by promoting direct human consumption of some small and nutritious fish, curbing demand for
fish proteins from fish
[...] higher up the food chain (such as tuna and salmon or farmed carnivorous species such [...]
as prawns) by affluent consumers,
which leads to overexploitation of marine resources worldwide, and considering imposing restrictions on the proportion of fish that can be used for reduction purposes.




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