单词 | 食指 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 食指noun—thumbnindex fingern食指—mouths feed
把大拇指与食指放在Multi-Touch 表面,再向顺时针或逆时针方向旋转就可以转动图像。 mammals.org | With your thumb and index finger onthe Multi-Touch surface, twist clockwise or counterclockwise to rotate an image. mammals.org |
以下是由美国心脏协会(AHA)提出的健康饮食指南。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Thefollowingguidelines areset forth by [...] the American Heart Association (AHA). beijing.ufh.com.cn |
早在 1994 年,有 46 名被拘留人首次威胁绝食,指责中心的条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | As early as 1994, 46 inmates led the firsthunger strike to protest against conditions at the Centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
(3)翻开下唇,观察唇红部与唇内黏膜,用食指与拇指从内向外,从左向右翻开下唇,对上唇做同样检查,触摸是否有肿块,观察是否有创伤。 asiancancer.com | (3) Open lower lip, observe red labial part and inner mucous [...] membrane,useforefinger and thumb to open the [...]lips towards outside as well as from [...]left towards right; do the same to the upper lip to touch lump (if any) and observe if there is trauma. asiancancer.com |
评估乃透过产品的名称作出推論, 并把它们分類到小食指引中所列的三组小食類别内(表 1)。 cheu.gov.hk | Assessment was conducted by inferring from the product names and classified them into three [...] snack groupsspecified inthe Snack Guidelines (Table 1). cheu.gov.hk |
当幼儿能以食指抵着筷子身流畅地做出开关动作时,便可开始第二阶段训练,使用筷子开合控制,训练以适当距离拿握筷子。 combi.com.hk | When baby can keep a correct distance between the chopsticks, then you may use step 2 handle for further improve coordination. combi.com.hk |
Acqua的新菜单有令人食指大动的佳肴,等待您品尝。 shangri-la.com | Tantalizing dishes await your choice [...] in Acqua’s new menu. shangri-la.com |
约到了 19 [...] 个月,小孩的精巧运动灵活性和控制能力均有进一步提高(如懂得用拇指和食指做钳握动作)。 cpsc.gov | Around 19 months, the appeal of dress-up materials starts to increase along with [...] the child’s increase in fine-motor dexterity and control, such as the use of a [...] pincer grasp between thumb and forefinger. cpsc.gov |
澳大利亚拥有优良的新鲜的海鲜,和任何墨尔本美食指南承认,这个城市有一些很棒的海鲜餐馆的新鲜渔获的优势。 zh.melbournehotel.com | Australia has excellent fresh seafood, [...] and any Melbourne foodguide acknowledges [...]that the city has some great seafood restaurants [...]that take advantage of the fresh catch. melbournehotel.com |
为收到最佳效果,请将传感器夹在食指、中指或无名指上,不要夹在小 指或拇指上。 suntechmed.com | For best results, clip the sensor on the index, middle or ring finger, avoiding the little finger or thumb. suntechmed.com |
内视镜是一支可屈曲、末端装有微型摄影机及光源的软管(约食指般大小)。 hksh.com | The endoscope is a long and flexible tube (the [...] size of your little finger) with a tiny video [...]camera and light source at the end. hksh.com |
请记住:如果用水银体温表,测量前用手的拇指和食指拿住体温表, 往下使劲晃动几下,直到水银都回到在底部银柱的地方。 stranieriincampania.it | If you use the mercury thermometer remember to give the [...] thermometer short hard shakes in the air, holding it [...] between the thumband forefinger to bring the [...]mercury down into the bulb. stranieriincampania.it |
芬兰北部拉普兰的荒原溪流里,鳟鱼极为普遍,而明火烤鳟鱼则是令人食指大动的美味。 visitfinland.com | The brook trout is prevalent in northern Finland’s fell landscapes. visitfinland.com |
图 18: 向内滑动喉罩,同时伸展食指。 vitaid.com | Figure 18: Slide the mask inward, [...] extendingthe index finger. vitaid.com |
我的父亲喜欢展示他如何能在他用双手的拇指和食指半圈把大海外壳完全匹配。 luxe-immo.com | My father loved to show how he could exactly match the [...] volume of the shell of a large sea urchin in the half circle described by [...] his thumb andhis index finger withboth hands. luxe-immo.com |
腕管综合症又称为迟发性正中神经麻痹,属于"累积性创伤失调"症,是指人体的正中神经进入手掌部的经络中,受到压迫后产生的食指、中指疼痛、麻木和拇指肌肉无力感等症侯。 cn.iherb.com | The compression can cause tingling and numbness in parts of the hands. iherb.com |
2003年,在他任法国博诺莱Château de Bagnols酒店厨师长期间,获得了米其林星级大厨称号,后来转任法国埃兹Château de la Chèvre [...] d'Or 酒店厨师长 (该酒店餐厅被《米其林美食指南》评为二星餐厅)。 shangri-la.com | Later, as chef of Château de Bagnols (Beaujolais), he won a Michelin star in 2003. Chef Labbé then took [...] over direction of the kitchens at Château de la Chèvre d'Or in Eze where he achieved [...] two red stars in the MichelinGuide. shangri-la.com |
如果患者 前牙缺失,评判标准为张口度少于三指宽(食指,中指及无名指)。 mun-h-center.se | If the front teeth are missing, [...] use a three-fingerwidth (the forefinger, andthe middle and ring fingers) as a measure. mun-h-center.se |
使用 1 到 2½ 号的 LMA [...] ProSeal™ 时,使用专用导引器的插入方法可能比使用拇指/食指技巧更为有效。 vitaid.com | The dedicated Introducer may provide a more useful method of insertion [...] than the thumb/fingertechniques, when [...]using LMA ProSealTM sizes 1 to 2½. vitaid.com |
小吃往往转向,从传统的西班牙食物融合项目,如猪肉酿鱿鱼,红烧牛肉的脸颊,和鞑靼牛排,所以要冒险的,如果你选择从任何墨尔本美食指南的小吃餐厅。 zh.melbournehotel.com | Tapas often veer from traditional Spanish foods to fusion items like pork stuffed calamari, [...] braised beef cheek, and steak tartare, so be adventurous if you select a tapas [...] restaurant from anyMelbourne foodguide. melbournehotel.com |
饮食指南建议每天摄入的盐少于一茶匙(5克)。 world-heart-federation.org | Agood guideline is touse less [...] than 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of salt each day. world-heart-federation.org |
大玩町以秘制香料腌制猪扒,更绝不使用任何化学调味料如硼砂粉,以人手将猪扒打得酥软无比,其新鲜出炉的猪扒包香气扑鼻,令人食指大动。 yp.mo | Specially ground by hand, the pork chop is tender and so very soft; and the fragrant aroma that fills the place when it is taken out fresh from the oven, will make one ready to tuck into a “Pork Chop Dough” at any moment. yp.mo |
对于可重复使用的手指传感器,将患者的手指或足趾(食指最佳)插入传感器。确保指尖接触到后导柱,且 传感器线缆沿患者指尖延伸。 suntechmed.com | For the reusable finger sensor, insert the patient‘s digit, indexmost preferable, into the sensor. suntechmed.com |
相机的控制布局与尼康过去专业数码单镜反光相机保持了合理统一,但又进行了改进,比如具有5度倾斜的指令拨盘使您能用食指进行自然转动,顶部控制面板朝眼睛倾斜5.5度,按键的间距和形状均经过人体工学设计,握柄形状确保舒适和稳定握持。 nikon-asia.com | The layout shares the same logical consistency as Nikon’s previous professional D-SLRs, along with further improvements, such as command dials with [...] a 5-degree inclination for natural rotation [...] using your index finger, top control [...]panel that is inclined 5.5-degree toward [...]your eyes, buttons whose intervals and shapes have been ergonomically designed, and a grip shape that ensures comfortable and stable holding. nikon-asia.com |
相机的控制布局与尼康过去专业数码单镜反光相机保持了合理统一,但又进行了改进,比如具有 5 度倾斜的指令拨盘使您能用食指进行自然转动,顶部控制面板朝眼睛倾斜 [...] 5.5 度,按钮的间距和形状均经过人体工程学设计,握柄形状确保舒适和稳定握持。 nikon-asia.com | The layout shares the same logical consistency as Nikon’s previous professional D-SLRs, along with further improvements, such as command dials with [...] a 5-degree inclination for natural [...] rotation using your index finger, top control [...]panel that is inclined 5.5-degree toward [...]your eyes, buttons whose intervals and shapes have been ergonomically designed, and a grip shape that ensures comfortable and stable holding. nikon-asia.com |
确信在今天的世界,很多人饿死或过着非人的生活,是对人类尊严的侮辱, 考虑到当前的世界粮食危机,其特点是短期价格剧烈浮动,而中长期的食品价 [...] 格则是一路大幅飙升,根据粮农组织的资料,世界粮食指数2008 年 12 月比 2003 年 12 月高出 50 daccess-ods.un.org | Considering that the current world food crisis is characterized by extreme volatility in the short term and consistent massive increases in the food prices over the medium and long term, and that, [...] according to the Food and Agriculture [...] Organization, the world food index is 50 per cent higher [...]in December 2008 than it was in December 2003 daccess-ods.un.org |
新鲜、健康、卫生是我们一直重视的,我们产品使用的食材皆精挑细选,肉品严选自新鲜黑猪後腿肉,口感弹牙富嚼劲,又极有肉香味;卫生把关严谨,且绝不添加人工香精、色素、不含防腐剂,我们相信唯有如此,才能做出令人垂涎三尺、食指大动的优良食品。 taiwantaste.net | Fresh, healthy, health is always attached importance to the ingredients of our products are carefully selected meat strictly selected from fresh black pig hind leg, elastic teeth taste rich chewy, very meat flavor; strict health checks and never add artificial [...] flavors, colors, free of preservatives, we believe that only by so doing, to make a [...] mouth-watering, finefood appetizing. taiwantaste.net |