

单词 食入

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,亦無事例證明人食入納米 材料有損 健康。
Moreover, there was no evidence of
[...] instances where ingested NMs had harmed [...]
human health.
這些放射 性物質被動植物攝取後,最終可 食入 途 徑 為㆟體吸收。
Some of these particles, after uptake by plants and animals,
[...] eventually enter the human body via ingestion.
2010年,他们以其代表性的法国食入 驻 上海世博会法国馆。
In 2010, they were indeed selected to represent the French gastronomy in the French Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo.
小麥依賴運動誘發的過敏性休克 (WDEIA)
[...] 是一種嚴重的 IgE 媒介型過敏反應,會食入小麥 或小麥粉後的數小時內進行高強度運動而引發。
Wheat dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (WDEIA) is a severe IgE-mediated allergic
reaction provoked by the combination of wheat or
[...] wheat flour ingestion and intense [...]
physical exercise during the next few hours.
幸好卓璋不偏食,也喜歡吃蔬菜水果,莫太於是先從 食入 手 ,每餐多菜少肉,並減少煎炸食物,改以蒸煮為主。
Once she understood the problem, Mrs Mok began to alter his diet, giving Cheuk-cheung more vegetables and less meat.
世界粮食计划署一直在为 34 400 名 5 岁以下儿童以及 19 500
[...] 名孕妇和 哺乳期妇女提供营养和卫生保健服务,3 500 名儿童护理人员入食疗中心。
The World Food Programme has been providing nutrition and health services for 34,400 children
under five, 19,500 pregnant and lactating women, and 3,500 caretakers of children
[...] admitted to therapeutic feeding centres.
daccess-ods.un.org 指示牌
[...] 在食堂的显著位置及食堂出口张贴指示牌,张贴以适当语言建议员工在 入食 品 加 工区前洗手的指示牌。
sqfi.com Protective clothing shall be effectively, [...]
maintained, stored, laundered and worn so as to protect product from risk of contamination.
由於有關的修訂建議參照了食品法典委員 會的標準,當局計劃把食品法典委員會將於二零零七年七 月會議上正式公布的《食品添加劑通用標準》(《添加劑標 準》) 的新版本,入《食物內 防腐劑規例》。
As the proposed amendment was making reference to Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex) standards, it was planned to incorporate any new
version of CODEX GENERAL
[...] STANDARD FOR FOOD ADDDITIVES (GSFA) that would be formally released in the Codex meeting held [...]
in July 2007.
秘书长还概述了在口粮管理领域正在实施的新的增强效率的举措,即:(a) 综 合食品管理培训;(b) 实施口粮管理系统;(c) 审查在合同招标中入食品标 准和 食品安全的机制;以及(d) 改进特遣队外地伙食供应能力的措施(A/65/715,第 66 段)。
The Secretary-General further outlines a number of additional initiatives to enhance efficiency being implemented in the area of rations management, namely: (a) comprehensive food management training; (b) the implementation of a rations management
system; (c) a review of
[...] mechanisms for inclusion in contract solicitations with respect to food standards and food safety; and [...]
(d) measures to improve
the field catering operations capacity of contingents (A/65/715, para. 66).
如无现行的商品委员会,则应由成员国直接将新添加剂规定或 入食 品 添加剂通用 标准中的现行规定的修正的建议转交给食品添加剂法典委员会。
When no active commodity committee exists, proposals for new additive provisions or
amendment of existing
[...] provisions for inclusion in the General Standard for Food Additives should [...]
be forwarded directly by
Codex members to the Codex Committee on Food Additives .
一些代表团表示,食典标准和相关文本都是自愿的,须有政府来决定哪些标准的 规定必须纳入国家立法;所以将这一声明 入食 典 文 件是多余的,应予以删除。
Some delegations indicated that Codex standards and related texts were of voluntary nature and that it was up to governments to decide which provisions of the
standards should be
[...] mandatory for inclusion in national legislation and therefore the inclusion of such a statement in Codex documents was [...]
redundant and should be deleted.
四)已入《食品容 器、包装材料用添加剂使用卫生标准》 (GB 9685)或卫生部公告名单的添加剂,但需要扩大使用范围或使 [...]
The additives listed in the Hygienic standards for
[...] uses of additives in food containers and packaging [...]
materials(GB 9685)
or in the List of Notice of the Ministry of Health, but requiring expansion of the use scope or increase of the use frequency.
該《條例》入食物追 蹤機制,包括設立食物進口商和 分銷商登記制度;以及規定食物商須妥為備存交易紀錄(零售商 則只須備存入貨紀錄),藉以提高食物溯源能力,保障食物安全。
It introduces a food tracing mechanism which includes a registration scheme for food importers [...]
and food distributors as well as a requirement
for food traders to maintain proper transaction records (retailers are required to keep food acquisition records only) to enhance food traceability and ensure food safety.
较高的酸度及DOC水平增强 了环境中汞的流动性,从而使其更有可能 入食 物 链 (USGS 2000)。
Higher acidity and DOC levels enhance the mobility of mercury in the environment, thus making it
[...] more likely to enter the food chain (USGS 2000).
[...] 反醉酒驾驶法;促进充分的母乳喂养和补充喂养;限制销售高盐高脂高糖食品和 饮料,特别要限制向儿童销售;以及 入食 品 税和食品补贴,以促进健康饮食。
They include nicotine dependency treatment, enforcing drunken driving laws, promotion of adequate breastfeeding and complementary feeding, restrictions on the marketing of foods and beverages that are high in
salt, fats and sugar, especially to children, and the
[...] introduction of food taxes and subsidies to promote a healthy diet.
巴西代表团将继续开展工作,在第二委员会今 后的决议中入食物权
Her delegation would continue to work
[...] to have the right to food introduced into future [...]
resolutions of the Second Committee.
六)未入《食品用 消毒剂原料名单》的、用于食品、食品生 产经营工具和设备、食品包装材料和容器的消毒剂新原料。
New disinfectant
[...] materials used to the foods, tools and equipments for food production [...]
and business and food packaging materials
and containers that are not listed in the List of Disinfectant Raw Materials Used for Foods.
這個構想是要善用社區內過剩/多餘的食材,結合地圖與擴增實境, 入食 譜 所 需材料後,應用程式會標明社區裡哪些地方可能找得到,由於一般家庭浪費食材比例約三成,這也是種串聯社區的好方法,到幾戶人家聯絡感情,順帶借幾顆多餘的馬鈴薯、一杯麵粉、幾顆蛋(我忽然想起最近播出的雀巢糖粉廣告,「熱愛食物、痛恨浪費」這句廣告詞變得更有意義!),評審對這項概念能否落實存疑,而且想下廚時,也得確定鄰居在家才行。
(It made me wonder what else it could lead to, with Nescafe’s sugar ad springing to mind, and lending a whole new dimension to the phrase ‘Love food, hate waste’!
同时,贪​​食症是一种疾病,如厌食症,但是各个循环形成大量 入食 品 和 其他补偿或清除的阶段:系统上电或呕吐食用起来的泻药和/或利尿剂消除的食物。
Meanwhile, the bulimic is a disease
[...] like anorexia, however follows the individual cycles formed by a stage of large intake of food and other compensation [...]
or Purge: power
up or vomiting ingests up laxatives and / or diuretics to eliminate the food.
废物和化 学材料不仅浪费了传统的生存资源,而且还 入食 物 系 统。
Waste and chemical materials have not only dissipated traditional survival resources but have found
[...] their way into the food systems.
减肥的关键是要注重入食物的 能量密度,而不是其脂肪的含量。
The key is to focus on the energy
[...] density of the foods you eat rather [...]
than fat in them.
a) 就“除害劑”和其他相關詞彚採用與食品法典委員會一致的定義; b) 制定最高殘餘限量和再殘餘限量名單,以食品法典委員會建議的最高殘餘限量 /再殘餘限量為骨幹,並採納食品法典委員會的食物分類方法; c) 對於沒有訂明最高殘餘限量/再殘餘限量的除害劑,除非食環署署長信納檢測 到的除害劑殘餘水平不會危害或損害公眾健康,否則不容許 入 和 售 賣含有這 類除害劑食物; d) 制定獲豁免物質名單; e) 接受增加/修訂最高殘餘限量和獲豁免物質的申請; f) 讓擬議規例與《除害劑條例》(第133章)下用於糧食作物的除害劑註冊作出配 合;以及 g) 擬議規例會在兩年寬限期屆滿後生效。
a) To define “pesticide” and other related terms in a way consistent with Codex; b) To provide a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs), to adopt MRLs/EMRLs recommended by Codex as the backbone as well as the Codex’s classification of foods; c) To prohibit the import and sale of the concerned food for which no MRL/EMRL had been specified, unless DFEH was satisfied that the detected level would not be dangerous or prejudicial to health; d) To provide a list of exempted substances; e) To accept applications for adding / revising MRLs and exempted substances; f) To dovetail the proposed Regulation with the registration of pesticides for use on food crops under the PO, Cap. 133; and g) To commence the proposed Regulation after a two-year grace period.
因應當局入《食物業 規例》所指的綜合食物店牌照,第 59號法律公告修訂《奶業規例》(第 [...]
132章,附屬法例AQ)("主體規 例 "),容許任何人根據並按照綜合食物店牌照售賣任何奶類或奶類 飲品以供人飲用。
In connection with the
[...] introduction of the composite food shop licence under [...]
FBR, L.N. 59 amends the Milk Regulation (Cap.
132 sub. leg. AQ) (the principal Regulation) to allow a person to sell any milk or milk beverage for human consumption under and in accordance with a composite food shop licence.
由于病人的恐惧心理和胃镜通过咽部 入食 管 时 的反射,多数病人会暂时憋气,这就像一个不会游泳的人掉在水里一样,会不自主憋气。
Due to the patient's fear and reflection
[...] when endoscope inserts into esophagus through pharynx, [...]
the majority of patients will temporarily
hold their breath, which is like a person who can't swim dropping into water pool, will stop breathing spontaneously.
這些疾病或為傳染性,或本身具毒 性,且是透過人體入食物所引起。
These diseases are either infectious or toxic in nature and are caused by
[...] agents that enter the body through the ingestion of food.
减肥者并不需要关注自己每天入食 物 的 份数或份量,记住以下的基本原则通常会让减肥变得更容易些:您的正餐和零食的核心部分应包括全天然的或微加工的低能量密度的食物。
Rather than focusing on numbers of
[...] servings or ounces of food per day, it is often [...]
easier to remember this basic guideline:
The central portion of your daily meals and snacks should consist of whole or minimally processed low-energy-density foods.
y 除了從廣東省入食水外,海水化淡是另一個為香港市民提供淡水的方 法。
districts without a clean and safe water supply. y Desalination is an alternative means of providing fresh water to the Hong Kong people rather than importing water from the Guangdong province. y Mining and extraction of chemicals from the earth should be regulated to conserve the environment. y Products obtained by the electrolysis of sea water are beneficial to our society.
发言人 提到了委员会提出的通过实施相关法律建立具有包
[...] 容性的所有权体系,使贫困人口去边缘化的建议,并 询问特别报告员将怎样把该建议 入食 物 权 和土地 使用权的相关工作中。
He wondered how the recommendation of the Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor to establish inclusive
property rights systems would be applied in initiatives
[...] involving the right to food and rights related [...]
to the use of land.




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