

单词 飞黄腾达

See also:


lit. fly upwards swiftly
fig. rapid advance
rapidly developing (situation)

External sources (not reviewed)

非洲即将实现经腾飞,就 像30年前的中国一 样”——世界银行。
Africa could be on the brink of economic take off, much like China was 30 years ago” – The World Bank.
我们的主要目标是确保目前和今后的进展使我 们能够巩固确保和平与稳定的工作,使海地能够一劳 永逸地克服马尔泰利总统所描述的状况,并使该国在 政治和社会经济方面实腾飞。
Our main goal is to ensure that present and future progress allows us to consolidate efforts to ensure stability and peace so that Haiti can overcome the situation described by President Martelly once and for all and so that the country can take off politically and socio-economically.
在之前的一个月里,财政部腾达伊·比提(MDC-T)要求美国将农业银行从名单上 删除,表示此举会支持经济改革。
The previous month, Finance Minister Tendai Biti (MDC-T) had asked the U.S. to delist Agribank and said it would support economic reform.
根据贸易统计数据,专家组在 2011 年的最后报告中估计,2010 年,仅通 过乌达就可能有近 3 吨以违规方式交易的刚果民主共和国 黄 金 进 入阿拉伯联 合酋长国的合法供应链(见 S/2011/738,第 553 段)。
On the basis of trade statistics, the Group in its
final report of 2011
[...] estimated that in 2010 almost 3 tons of fraudulently traded gold from the Democratic Republic of the Congo [...]
may have entered
the legal supply chain of the United Arab Emirates through Uganda alone (see S/2011/738, para. 553).
如今,中国的迅腾飞带动 世界经济的发展,掌握华文华语无疑成为一种优势。
With China’s accelerated pace of growth having spearheaded the development of the global economy, proficiency in Chinese has become a strategic asset.
[...] 医院的重创资源分配 的研究发现直升机极 大地提高了在黄金 小时”内达重创中 心的人数, 同时也 发现美国超过四千六 百万人口无法及时去 [...]
A recent study using the Trauma Resource Allocation Model for Ambulances and Hospitals (TRAMAH) identified that helicopters
significantly increased the number of
[...] persons who can reach a trauma center within the “golden hour,” and [...]
also found that over 46 million
persons in the U.S. cannot reach a trauma center in a timely manner.
[...] 在继续开展涉及铀开采和浓集的活动,并且在阿 达 坎 黄 饼 生产厂和萨甘德铀矿 山正在继续进行建造活动。
Based on satellite imagery, the Agency assesses that activities involving the mining and concentration of uranium are continuing in the area of the Bandar Abbas Uranium Production Plant, and
that construction activities are continuing
[...] at the Ardakan Yellowcake Production Plant [...]
and at the Saghand Uranium Mine.
在全产业链式的大规模自动化的产业集群下,品牌竞争力由此实现了质的飞跃,由知识产权保驾护航,以高科技的不断创新为引领,宏源的战略目标、品牌定位以及营销模式等已全面拉升,宏源跨越 腾飞 的 春 之曲已经全面奏响。
With the industrial cluster of large-scale automation within the whole industrial chain, brand competitiveness achieves a new breakthrough; with the safeguard of intellectual property right and the guidance of continuous technical innovation, the strategic goals, brand positioning and marketing model of Hongyuan have fully been upgraded and Hongyuan will take off miraculously.
这方面的支持包括向海军提供海洋监视 达 、 巡 逻艇黄道带强击艇、望远镜、监控摄像机和用于确保检查站安全的车辆。
Support in this area would include
providing naval forces with maritime
[...] surveillance radars, patrol boats, Zodiac boats, binoculars, [...]
surveillance cameras and
vehicles to ensure security at checkpoints.
1992 年 1 月 28 日,一飞行在阿格达姆至舒沙沿线上的民用直升机在阿塞 拜疆达赫利戈卡拉巴赫地区的舒沙市上空被恐怖分子击落,导致 [...]
41 名乘客(其中 大多数为妇女和儿童)和机组人员身亡。
On 28 January 1992, a
[...] civilian helicopter flying on the Aghdam-Shusha route [...]
was shot down by terrorists over the Azerbaijani
town of Shusha in the Daghlyq Garabagh region, killing 41 passengers, most of them women and children, as well as the crew.
公开会议,并且达了委员会黄冠 华教授招待这次会 议的感激之情。
The Chairman of Section I friendly welcomed all members and observers to this public session and expressed the Board’s gratitude to Prof. Guanhua Huang for hosting the meeting.
埃及军官雷达斯(黄绍伟 饰)被安排和埃及法老王的女儿安妮瑞斯公主(赵炫柱饰)结婚,但雷姆达斯在遇见美丽的努比亚公主阿依达之后(Rebecca Mort饰)却深深爱上了她,一段三角恋自此产生。
The captain of the Egyptian army Radames (played by Russell Ng) is set to marry the Egyptian pharaoh’s daughter, Princess Amneris (played by Jessica Cho), until he captures the beautiful Nubian Princess Aida (played by Rebecca Mort) and a love triangle ensues.
他们不只做每一行前传递和获取帮助,如果有延误,但航空公司的工作人员发现他们的孩子最好的位子在码头看 飞 机 腾飞
They do not only pass in front of each row and get
help if there are delays, but airline staff find their children the best seats at the
[...] terminal to watch planes take off.
孟买自1991年解放后,先后见证了多次经 腾飞 : 90年代中期金融业蓬勃发展,以及21世纪信息科技、出口、服务及外包业务如雨后春笋般兴起。
The city witnessed an economic boom since the liberalization of 1991, with a finance boom in the mid 90s and the IT, export, services and outsourcing boom in 2000s.
近半 个世纪以来,世界上增长速度最快的几个经济体都是从冲突的废墟中开 腾飞 的。
Several of the world’s economies that have grown the
[...] fastest during the past half-century began their ascent from [...]
the ashes of conflict.
本地著名企业,如和美集团、世邦魏理仕有限公司 腾飞 私 人有限公司、集永成建筑工程 (1988) 私人有限公司、集永隆发展私人有限公司、星金融发展有限公司、星展银行、傅长春储运有限公司等来自房地产、建筑业、金融与商业服务、物流与货运服务行业的领先企业均派出代表参加这次的访问。
Among the delegates are leading players in the property and construction sector, financial and business services, logistics and freight services, including Ho Bee Holdings, CB Richard Ellis, Ascendas, Chip Eng Seng Contractors, CEL Development, Sing Investments & Finance, DBS Bank, and Poh Tiong Choon Logistics.
学生的反叛、国外妇女运动的风起云涌和由于经 腾飞 扩 大 了对妇女劳动力的需求,使挪威妇女争取平等权利的愿望重新觉醒,并由此产生了比以往更加有力的运动。
The student rebellions, the burgeoning women’s rights movement abroad and
[...] the economic upswing, which increased [...]
the need for women on the workforce, renewed
the interest of Norwegian women in gender equality and led to a movement more potent than ever before.
结果表明: 方法在2~500
[...] μg/L的范围内线性关系良好(相关系数大于0.995),其对黄酒和葡萄酒的检出限为1.7 μg/L,定量限为5.0 μg/L,可达到黄酒和葡萄酒中氨基甲酸乙酯的检测要求。
The calibration curve showed good linearity in the range of 2~500 μg/L with the correlation coefficient greater than 0.995. The limit of detection (LOD) was 1.7 μg/L and the limit of quantification
(LOQ) was 5.0 μg/L. The recoveries of the ethyl
[...] carbamate in Chinese rice wine and grape wine [...]
was in the range of 90%~102%.
此外,除了伊瓦图-塔那那利飞机场 和图阿马西纳港之外, 达 加 斯 加国飞机场和港口的安全程度,尚达 到 打击恐怖主义所需。
Other than the Antananarivo-Ivato Airport and the Port of Toamasina, Madagascar’s international airports and ports do not have a sufficient [...]
level of security in terms of counter-terrorism.
结果提示,黄颡鱼口须味蕾的数量、形态及其分布模式是其适应底栖生活习性的结果;α-gustducin在各种口须味蕾中的强烈 达 说 明 α-gustduc in 在 黄 颡 鱼 味觉感知与信息传导过程中有重要意义,也意味着脊椎动物味觉信号转导存在着共同路径 [动物学报52(1): 190– 195,2006 ]。
The present paper demonstrated that the distribution pattern and morphological variability of taste buds along barbels are closely related with environment, and the existence of a-gustducin strong expression is essential for the taste perception and signal transduction of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, it is suggested that the tastant-induced signal transduction in taste cells is common to vertebrate[Acta Zoologica Sinica 52(1):190 –195 ,2006].
(a) 2010 年 12 月 10 日,一架注册号为 TU-TCV 的索非亚航空公飞机,从 阿比让达洛亚飞行了两次。
(a) On 10 December 2010, a Sophia
[...] Airlines aircraft, registered TU-TCV, made two flights from Abidjan to Daloa.
29. 根据卫星图像,原子能机构评定认为,在班达尔阿巴斯铀生产厂区域正在继 续开展涉及铀矿开采和铀浓集的活动,并且在阿 达 坎 黄 饼 生产厂和萨甘德铀矿 山正在继续进行建造活动。
I enclose herewith the report requested by the Security Council in its resolution 1929 (2010), which I have submitted today to the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (see enclosure).
作为表演艺术,这件熟悉的作品具有强烈的视觉冲击力,在颠覆原型的基础上重新精心设计,经多层面抽象和提炼,塑造出这一 达 2 0 米 的 图 腾 柱。
In performance, this familiar figure is visually exploded, subverted
and elaborated through various levels of
[...] abstraction until it reaches its final form: an organic 20-meter-tall totem pole.
蒲公英来见埃利纳并告诉她,有些妖精麻 飞 行 , 黄 玉 走 了,最近的监护人是Azura的,和她距离很远,在Fairytown。
Dandelion comes to see Elina and
tells her that some of the fairies are
[...] having trouble flying, and Topaz is gone; the [...]
closest guardian is Azura, and she is far away, in Fairytown.
中国的这 场经腾飞,两 大动力功不可没:一是高水平的投资,二是强大的出口导向型制造 业—受惠于农村人口向沿海城市迁移而产生的数亿劳动力大军。
At the heart of this transformation has been a massive wave of investment and an unprecedented migration from countryside to city in support of export-led manufacturing.
美国航天局达德空间飞行中 心开发的监测和预测系统自 1999 年投入运行以来,依赖对降雨的解读和对归一化植被比差指数异常现象的 [...]
In operation since 1999, the monitoring and prediction system developed
[...] by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center relies on [...]
interpretation of rainfall and analysis
of normalized difference vegetation index anomalies to map areas showing conditions that would support the emergence, production and propagation of Rift Valley fever vectors.
我们今天在这里是要突出不为人知的故 事——3 000
万个不为人知的故事所构成的“活遗产”; 受到非人对待的非洲人及其后裔的故事;他们中途所经
[...] 历的恐怖的记忆;他们遭受压制、很少能够甚至无法得 到达的文化和腾;他们在历经磨难之时从中寻求安 慰和支撑的信仰;以及他们被彻底抹杀的历史和特性。
We are here today to focus on the untold stories — the living legacy of 30 million untold stories; the stories of the Africans and their descendants who were treated as less than human; the memories brought with
them through the terror of the
[...] middle passage; their culture and totems suppressed and [...]
given little or no room for expression;
their beliefs, to which they turned for solace and sustenance during a harrowing ordeal; and their history and their very identity, systematically erased.




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