

单词 飞鹰走马

See also:


at the gallop


ride (a horse)
go on horseback

External sources (not reviewed)

Grimble然后牺牲自己,让猫鹰飞走寻 求 “大树的Ga'Hoole”关于纯问鼎“计划对他们发出警告神秘的守护者,他们所看到的东西。
Grimble then sacrifices himself
[...] to allow the owls to fly away seeking [...]
the ‘Great Tree of Ga’Hoole’ to warn the mythical
Guardians about the Pure Ones’ plan against them, and what they saw.
观众看到鹰飞了起 来,因为他在云形状 马。
Viewers then see the eagle as he flies up into clouds shaped like horses.
4 月 23 日星期四凌晨 3 时 30 分许,该机离开阿马拉机场直飞摩 加 迪沙 K50 简易机场。
On Thursday 23 April at approximately 3.30 a.m., the aircraft left Asmara airport and flew directly to Mogadishu, K50 airstrip.
走马疳儿童患者是事实上在食物权方 面的歧视行为的受害者。
Children with noma are victims of de facto discrimination in the context of the right to food.
影片刚开始在19th世纪美国西部特色的 鹰 滑 翔了 野 马 的 故乡,美国西部的几个国家公园进行了简要介绍。
The film starts with a brief introduction in the 19th century American
[...] West featuring a bald eagle gliding over the homeland [...]
of the mustangs, showing several western US National Parks.
2007 年,Shlomo
[...] Freund 和 Yori Freund 都参与了企图马里毛坯钻走 私到以色列的活动(见 S/2008/598,第 [...]
153-161 段)。
Both Shlomo Freund and Yori Freund were involved in
[...] attempts to smuggle rough diamonds from Mali to Israel in [...]
2007 (see S/2008/598, paras. 153-161).
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸走廊 ; 加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起马六甲 海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural
gas pipelines that will create
[...] an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
19 名囚犯遭狱警枪击, 他走到马累街 上进行抗议,烧毁政府建筑物。
Nineteen inmates were shot by prison guards and protests were taken to the streets of Male’, where official buildings were burnt.
同年,103 名移民在事
[...] 前被用氟哌丁苯使之冷静的情况下,离开一些官员喜称的“卡普奇诺斯旅馆”, 被用五架军飞机运至马里、塞内加尔、喀麦隆和几内亚科纳克里。
In the same year, 103 immigrants, after being tranquillized with haloperidol, left “Hotel Capuchinos”, as
some officials liked to
[...] call it, and were flown in five military aircraft to Mali, Senegal, Cameroon [...]
and Guinea Conakry.
鹰 50 飞机案 被移送到共和国总检察长办公室。
The Falcon 50 jet case had [...]
been referred to the office of the Prosecutor General of the Republic.
在野生环境中观赏鹰和篦鹭;马 重 演 匈牙利武士的雄姿;品尝陶佳怡甜酒奶酪卷;浸泡温泉;参观匈牙利著名的巴洛克式宫殿 走 进 气氛非凡的教堂 走 进 匈牙利的森林、湖泊和沼泽地;感受丰富多彩的民俗风情;享受遍布80多个城镇的温泉浴场;拜访欧洲最好的葡萄园和酿酒场。
Watch eagles and spoonbills in the wild; ride a horse in the land of the Magyar equestrian warriors; drink Tokaji Azu dessert wine with strudel; relax in thermal waters. Hungary boasts Baroque palaces; stunning [...]
churches; landscapes of forests,
lakes and wetlands; colourful folk traditions that are very much alive; hot springs and spas in more than 80 towns; and some of the finest vineyards of Eastern Europe.
此外,除了伊瓦图-塔那那利飞机场 和图 马 西 纳 港之外 马 达 加 斯加国飞机场 和港口的安全程度,尚未达到打击恐怖主义所需。
Other than the Antananarivo-Ivato Airport and the Port of Toamasina, Madagascar’s international airports and ports do not have a sufficient level of security in terms of counter-terrorism.
详细讨论见《缅甸的电力供应:缺 失的发展前提》(Electricity in Myanmar: The missing prerequisite for development),哈佛肯尼 迪学院飞鹰基金为 Proximity Designs 公司准备的文 件,2012 年 5 月。
For a detailed discussion, see “Electricity in Myanmar: The missing prerequisite for development”, paper prepared for Proximity Designs by Harvard Kennedy School and Rajwali Foundation, May 2012.
管理教育计划的副助理总干事已于 2007 年走马上任
The Deputy Assistant Director-General for Education Programme Management has taken up her function as of the beginning of 2007.
我们试图通过"从走到飞"这一 游戏般的动作虚拟,探索并启发空间和时间设计中的无限可能.
Through a playful imitation of stepping
through an evolution process, in which
[...] "from walking to flying", we try to inspire [...]
explorations of the infinite potentials
of defining the relationship between the space and time.
在 1 区(下、中谢贝利),在夺取了战略要镇阿弗戈耶和容有大量国内流离失 所者的阿夫戈走廊后,索马里和 非索特派团部队把 Esaley 简易机场和 Elma'an 港弄到了手,这两个地方位于摩加迪沙东北部超过 [...]
37 公里。
In Sector 1 (Lower and Middle Shabelle), following the capture of the
strategic town of Afgoye and
[...] of the Afgoye corridor, which hosts a large number of internally displaced persons, the Somali and AMISOM [...]
forces secured the Esaley
airstrip and the Elma’an port, both over 37 kms north-east of Mogadishu.
Fida 一从本古里安机走下飞机就被拘押。
Fida was incarcerated from the moment he
[...] stepped off the aircraft in Ben Gurion [...]
它宣称,自然法则就是大自然教导 所有动物的法则,即它不单单涉及人类,也涉及所有动物,不论是地 走 的 ,飞的,还是水里游的。
The Justinian Code, the first body of law relating to the environment, asserted that the law of nature is that which nature teaches to all animals, that is, it does not pertain exclusively to the human race, but to all life forms, whether of the earth, the air or the water.
如果您走马上 任 后并未干出骄人的业绩,它就不会为您的研究事业起到很好的 宣传作用。
Accepting the position and not doing a proficient job is not good advertising for your research career.
而且,正如我们大家在科 特迪瓦看到的那样,离开的人也许 走马 上 任 的人更 值得赞扬。
And as we all see in Côte d’Ivoire, the people who are leaving probably deserve more credit than the people who are coming in.
[...] 一案正在等待过渡期司法建立起来;出售鹰 50 型飞机一案,一些议员要求延 期,以便能够重新审阅该案的报告。
No progress has been made in the other cases for the following reasons: in the case concerning the Banyamulenge refugees massacred in Gatumba, transitional justice
mechanisms are yet to be established,
[...] while in that of the Falcon 50 jet sale, some [...]
members of parliament have asked for more time to review the case.
Project Name: From Walking to Flying
梅西埃公司是赛峰集团飞机刹车领域的专家,是波音和空客的合作伙伴,为100座以上商用飞机、军用运输机(C-17, A400M, KC-135)、战斗机(幻影2000和阵风战斗机)、支线飞机及公务机(ATR72通勤者涡 飞 机 、 猎 鹰 公 务 机及 Learjet 85公务机)和直升机提供机轮及碳刹车。
Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, the Safran group’s aircraft braking specialist, Airbus and Boeing partner, provides wheels and carbon brakes for mainline commercial jets (over 100 seats), as well as military tankers (C-17, A400M, KC-135) and combat aircraft (Mirage 2000 and Rafale fighters), and also regional and business aircraft (ATR 72 turboprop commuter, Falcon and Learjet 85 bizjets), and helicopters.
他与阿布扎比统治者谢赫·扎耶德·本·苏尔坦·阿勒纳哈扬(Shaykh Zayed bin Sultan
[...] Al Nahyan,1918–2004 年)私交甚笃,经常一起分享鹰和 马 术 运 动的乐趣。
He was a personal friend of the ruler of
Abu Dhabi, Shaykh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (1918–2004), with whom he shared
[...] interests in falconry and horseback riding.
百年灵喷气机特技飞行队的飞行员们对所到之处受到热烈欢迎而倍感荣幸,很高兴借此机会与当地的飞行同行见面交流,其中包括希腊空军(Hellenic Air Force)和土耳其之星飞行表演队(Turkish
[...] Stars)等,甚至在最后一场表演中与约旦皇家空军 鹰飞 行 队 (Royal Jordanian Falcons)同台献艺。
The team felt honoured by the warm welcome they received at each stage and were also happy to meet some of their aviation colleagues along the way including;
the Hellenic Air Force, the Turkish Stars and even sharing the skies at the final event
[...] with the Royal Jordanian Falcons.
一气儿我们就跑出了五六公里,当时喊也喊不住他,他跑我也不敢停下,我怕把他累坏就加紧跑到他前边截住了他,刚坐到路边一棵大松树下想休息,没想到我们惊动了另一个在此休息的“人”——树上的一只飞龙,当飞龙“唋噜”一 飞走 的 时 候,我旁边坐着的张宁也“蹭”的一下又开始了特殊的逃亡,我因心里发虚也就在喊他停住的声音中开始了尾随逃亡,这次我们又接着跑了五六公里,也就到了检查站附近,这时我们俩也就累得再也跑不动了,躺倒在路旁的草地上就是两个多小时。
We ran out of the stretch five or six children km, was unable to call also call him, he ran I could not stop, I am afraid to step up his tired to go to him stopped in front of him, just sat down street I wanted to rest under a large pine tree, did not think we alerted the other in the rest of the
"people" - a dragon tree, when the dragon
[...] "Tu chatter" soon fly away, sitting next [...]
to me Zhang Ning also "rub" and click again
a special flight, I was crying my heart that he made false will stop the sound in the start of the trailing flight, we went on the run five or six kilometers to the checkpoint will nearby, then we both will not run too tired, and lying on the grass by the roadside is more than two hours.
它建议哥伦比亚政府(a) 深 化 与公民社会组织、人权捍卫者和少 数群体的联系 和对他们 的 支持, 确保其人 身 安 全 , 必 要时建立具 体机制,包括发表公开声 明 肯 定他们 在民主中的 重 要作用; (b) 努 力解决 贫困问题,关 注 社会最弱势群体,包括土著 群 体;(c) 继 续采取措 施 , 消 除 哥伦比亚革命武装力量和哥伦比亚民族解放 军 等非法武装团体以及“鹰 ” 等 新 的准武装军事团体的影响, 并 在这样做时 遵守国际人道 主义法。
It recommended that the Government (a) deepen its engagement with and support for civil society actors, human rights defenders and minority groups, and ensure their safety, with specific mechanisms in place if necessary, including through supportive public statements on the important role they play in democracy; (b) increase its efforts to tackle poverty and give its attention to the most vulnerable groups in society, including indigenous groups; (c) continue to take measures to tackle the influence of illegal groups, including FARC, ELN and new and reforming armed paramilitary groups such as the Aguilas Negras, and that it does so while conforming to international humanitarian law.




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