单词 | 飞机场 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 飞机场 noun —airport n飞机场 —(slang) flat chestSee also:飞机 n—aircraft n • planes pl • helicopter n • plane n • jet n 飞 n—flying n
此外,除了伊瓦图-塔那那利佛飞机场 和 图阿马西纳港之外,马达加斯加国 际飞机场和港 口的安全程度,尚未达到打击恐怖主义所需。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other than the Antananarivo-Ivato Airport and the [...] Port of Toamasina, Madagascar’s international airports and ports do not have a sufficient level of security [...]in terms of counter-terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
调查团同意这种反对意见,认为将乘客持续拘留在阿什杜德、比尔谢瓦 和飞 机场构成 了士兵拦截船队后在船上实施的非法拘留的继续。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Mission shared this objection and is of the view that the continued [...] detention of the passengers at Ashdod, [...] Beersheva and at the airport constituted a continuation [...]of their unlawful detention initiated [...]by the soldiers on the vessels after the interception daccess-ods.un.org |
徐汇航空会所局部下沉于地底的设计形式,掩饰了它庞大的体积,同时也隐秘了其与直 升 飞机场 和 主路相邻近的现状。 chinese-architects.com | A partially buried enclosure, the Xuhui Aviation club conceals its volume and camouflages its proximity to the helicopter landing site and adjacent main road. chinese-architects.com |
该区域的26个飞机场设施 是交通运输网络不可或缺的组成部分,它们在经济中心蒙特利尔和魁北克城与北部资源丰 富地区之间提供了方便高效的联系。 dwpv.com | The region’s 26 airport facilities are an essential cog in the transportation network as they facilitate [...] efficient links between [...]the economic centers of Montréal and Québec City with the northern resource rich regions. dwpv.com |
飞机场 hihostels.com | Airport hihostels.com |
受威胁的土著人民协会通报说,2009年11月18 [...] 日,“世界阿马齐格人大 会”副主席在的黎波里飞机场被禁 止进入阿拉伯利比亚民众国。 daccess-ods.un.org | STP informed that, on 18 November 2009, the [...] Vice-President of the “World Amazigh Congress” was prohibited from entering the Libyan [...] Arab Jamahiriya at Tripoli’s airport. daccess-ods.un.org |
波利萨里奥阵线对摩洛哥皇家陆军提出指控涉及在缓冲区修建铁丝网围栏、在限 制区建造一座飞机场和一 个仓库、增加护堤高度、挖掘新的反坦克壕沟、坦克调 [...] 动和爆炸声、无人驾驶飞行器(无人机)进行侦查飞行以及以机械方式改善和加固 护堤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Frente Polisario allegations against the Royal Moroccan Army related to the construction of a [...] barbed-wire fence in the buffer strip, the [...] construction of an airfield and a warehouse in [...]the restricted area, the raising of [...]the height of the berm, the digging of new anti-tank trenches, sounds of tank movements and explosions, reconnaissance overflights by unmanned aerial vehicles and the improving and reinforcing of the berm by mechanical means. daccess-ods.un.org |
原因是码头的租车柜台是飞机场的两倍,竞争较强。 4tern.com | There are twice of the amount of booths at Kuah Jetty, compare to airport. 4tern.com |
飞机场的租 车行,大家站在同一阵线,问到的价钱都一样,比较难压价。 4tern.com | Due to the low competition for the airport car agencies, a same price goes for every agencies. 4tern.com |
最后,摩洛哥皇家陆军通过在限制区建 造一座新的飞机场进行 战术增援;沿护堤修筑维护性石墙,并两度增加护堤高度; 在三个不同地区使用多用途轮式 Atlas 车辆以及用中远型重型坦克(M-48 型)取 代若干轻型坦克,也违反了第一号军事协定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, the tactical reinforcement of the Royal Moroccan Army through the construction of a new airfield in the restricted [...] area; the building of [...]supportive stone walls along the berm, in two cases raising the height of the berm; the introduction of multi-purpose wheeled Atlas vehicles in three areas; and the replacement of a number of light tanks by heavier, longer-range ones (M-48) also contravene military agreement No. 1. daccess-ods.un.org |
经西撒特派团调查,波利萨里奥阵线提出的 4 项指控被证实为违规行为: 在缓冲地带置放 [...] 200 米长的有刺铁丝网围栏、在限制区建造一 座 飞机场 以 及 通过 修建一堵新的石墙增加护堤高度。 daccess-ods.un.org | After investigation by MINURSO, four Frente Polisario allegations were confirmed as violations: the placement of a 200-metre [...] barbed-wire fence in the buffer strip, the [...] construction of an airfield in the restricted [...]area, and the raising of the height of [...]the berm through the construction of a new stone wall. daccess-ods.un.org |
选择飞入兰卡威/浮罗交怡(Langkawi)的旅人,虽然 在 飞机场 有 租车服务,但说到便宜还是Kuah Jetty(码头)的比较便宜。 4tern.com | If you choose to fly in Langkawi like me, you will encounter many car rental booths at the exit of the airport. 4tern.com |
它拥有一个私人码头、一个直升 飞机场 和 家 供应出色佳肴的餐厅。 visitfinland.com | It has its own small harbour, a helipad and gourmet restaurant offering outstanding cuisine. visitfinland.com |
秘书长在预算报告第 51 段中指出,如果没有这些 人员,各飞机场就无法维持可接受的最低安全水平。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General indicates in paragraph 51 [...] of the budget report that without [...] those personnel, the airfields will not be maintained [...]to acceptable minimum safety levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国工程部队已完成了多个基础设施工程,包括, 钻井,建造管道解决所在地区缺水问题,在尼亚拉建 造了一个直升飞机场,建造了一个营地,以便利联合 国-非盟混合部队的部署。 crisisgroup.org | Chinese engineering troops have completed various infrastructure projects, including digging wells, constructing pipelines to address water shortages in the region, constructing a helipad in Nyala, and building a base camp to facilitate the deployment of AU-UN troops. crisisgroup.org |
车子在Sevilla附近的飞机场分开 拍摄,之后合成到Granada机场夜景图像中。 ba-repsasia.com | The cars were shot [...] separately on an airfield near Sevilla and [...]later on put in the setting of the nocturnal airport of Granada. ba-repsasia.com |
业务费用项下净支出节余为 29 659 700 美元,相当于 9.9%,这主要是由于: 设施和基础设施项下所需经费减少(44 135 000 美元),主要是由于未能就建造部 [...] 队营地同建筑承包商达成协助通知书安排,未能建造航空车间和阿贝 歇 飞机场 (见 A/64/556,第 38 和 39 段);空运项下所需资源减少(4 [...] 066 600 美元),因为 仍在与乍得当局就恩贾梅纳和阿贝歇机场设施的使用费进行谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | The net underexpenditure of $29,659,700, or 9.9 per cent, under operational costs was attributable mainly to reduced requirements for facilities and infrastructure ($44,135,000), due primarily to the failure to conclude letter-of-assist arrangements with the contractor for the construction of camps for troops and the non-construction of the [...] aviation workshop and the Abeche airfield (see A/64/556, paras. 38 and 39); and reduced requirements for air transportation ($4,066,600) [...] owing to the fact that airfield facilities usage charges [...]in N’Djamena and Abeche were still being negotiated with Chadian [...]authorities, offset by additional requirements with respect to the rental and operation of helicopters owing to higher than budgeted costs (ibid., paras. 41 and 42). daccess-ods.un.org |
它替代原位于飞机场设施 的旧中 心,这个旧中心在 2002 年因被拘留人环境恶劣受到人权观察强烈谴责。 daccess-ods.un.org | It replaced the former centre [...] located at the airport, which was severely [...]criticized by Human Rights Watch, among others, [...]in 2002 because of the terrible conditions experienced by the detainees.524 “According to the report on the visit by European Parliamentarians, the Centre resembles a real prison, the situation is appalling and the immigrants complained of not getting enough food. daccess-ods.un.org |
提供关于索马里中南部 45 [...] 个重要地点的详细地貌分析,包括附带天气、地貌和土壤等基础信息 的桥梁和飞机场地貌分析 daccess-ods.un.org | Provision of detailed terrain analysis of 45 key [...] locations in south central Somalia [...] including bridges and airfields incorporating infrastructure [...]information on weather, terrain and soil daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书长建议在航空科共设 8 个新的国际联合国志愿人员职位,负责向各州首 府提供支助,因为这些地方需要经验丰富、获得国际认证的消防人员每日对驻扎 在各飞机场的现 有南苏丹消防队人员以及各州首府的本国消防人员进行监督、辅 导、质量保证、指导和培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General is proposing a total of eight new international United Nations Volunteer positions for the Aviation Section to support the state capitals, where experienced, internationally qualified firefighters are required to provide dayto-day monitoring, mentoring, quality assurance, guidance and training for both the existing South Sudan fire brigade personnel positioned at airfields and national firefighters based in state capitals. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,伊加特建议对索马里的某些方面, 包括在青年党和其他消极因素手中的 飞机场 实 行定 向制裁,并对作为青年党主要供给线的基斯马尤港实 [...] 行封锁。 daccess-ods.un.org | For instance, IGAD recommended the imposition of [...] targeted sanctions on certain aspects of [...] Somalia, including airfields in the hands of Al-Shabaab [...]and other negative elements [...]and the blockade of the port of Kismaayo, which is the main supply line for Al-Shabaab. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国在世界上垄断着商用飞机和零配件的生产以 及 飞机 、 机场 和 飞机 服 务 设 备技术,并在欧洲等其他商业航空业集团的生产和业务中占有重要份额,使得古 [...] 巴航空公司不仅无法采购美国飞机、设备和零件,而且无法从欧洲航空业等购买 此类产品。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States’ global monopoly of the production of commercial aircraft [...] and components, parts and [...] technology for aircraft, airports and aeroplane servicing equipment, [...]as well as its involvement [...]in production and its significant percentage of shares in other commercial aviation industry partnerships, for example in Europe, makes it prohibitive for Cuban airlines to acquire aeroplanes, equipment and parts, not only from the United States but also from other aeronautical industries, including Europe. daccess-ods.un.org |
格林尼治平时 0730-0830 时 阿比让国际机场 飞机停靠在阿比让机场货物装卸 设施旁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Abidjan International Airport Aircraft was stationed [...] next to Abidjan Airport cargo-handling facility. daccess-ods.un.org |
泰国素万那普国际机场执行长官绅差•沙瓦地盆先生(Somchai Sawaddeepol)向记者透露了本次活动的相关详情:“由于素万那普国 际 机场飞 行 区 跑道是机场全体工作人员执行工作的主要场地,其包括:跑道及升降带、滑行道、停机坪等相关场地,因此泰国素万那普国际机场每天均会定期展开飞行区安全须知等相关培训活动,以加强机场工作人员们的防范意识。 suvarnabhumiairport.com | Mr. Somchai Sawasdeepon, Director of Suvarnabhumi Airport, Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) disclosed about the details of the Safety Week Project in the aviation zone for the Year 2555 that Suvarnabhumi Airport gives precedence to the safety of the staff working in the broaden aviation zone, where many staff are working each day on the runways, aircraft parking yards and aviation related areas. suvarnabhumiairport.com |
法令还禁止在提供 货物、服务或设施方面存在不公正的歧视,这些包括通过银行或保险方式或者捐 [...] 款、贷款、信贷或金融提供的设施;在公众有权或者允许进入或使用的任何地 方、车辆、船只、飞机或直升飞机等 的公 共 场 所 方 面;在土地、住房或其他住宿 的提供方面;在获得和参与教育方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also prohibits unfair discrimination in the provision of goods, services or facilities, including facilities by way of banking or insurance or for grants, loans, credit or finance; access by the [...] public to any place, [...] vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft which members of the public are entitled or allowed [...]to enter or use; the [...]provision of land, housing or other accommodation; access to, and participation in, education. daccess-ods.un.org |
除西班牙加入的四项联合国外层空间条约及相关的多边国际文书外,西班 牙缔结了关于在空间领域进行合作的许多双边协定,包括:与俄罗斯联邦缔结 的《合作探索及和平利用外层空间协定》,该《协定》于 [...] 2006 年 2 月 9 日在马 德里签订,并于 [...] 2010 年 3 月 17 日生效;2003 年 1 月 28 日与美利坚合众国缔结 的《科学技术合作协定》,其中规定在西班牙领土上建立一个空间跟踪站;以 及 1991 年 7 月 11 日与美国签订的《空间合作协定》,其中规定在紧急情况下美 国的航天飞机可在西班牙某些机场着 陆。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the four United Nations treaties on outer space and related multilateral international instruments to which it is a party, Spain has concluded a number of bilateral agreements on cooperation in the field of space, including: the Agreement on Cooperation in the Exploration and Peaceful Use of Outer Space, concluded with the Russian Federation, which was signed in Madrid on 9 February 2006 and entered into force on 17 March 2010; the Scientific and Technical Cooperation Agreement with the United States of America of 28 January 2003, which provides for the establishment of a space-tracking station on Spanish territory; and the Space Cooperation [...] Agreement, signed on 11 July [...] 1991 with the United States, which provides for the landing of the United States space shuttle at certain Spanish airports in cases of emergency. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国民航总局颁发的《民用机场飞行 区 技术标准(MH5001-2006)》,和国际民航组织颁发的《国际标准和建设措施-机场》附件十四及中华人民共和国民用航空行业标准《航空障碍灯(MH/T6012-1999)》等有关标准规定而研制、生产的新标准、全系列、长寿命障碍灯。 cslight.com | The civil aviation administration of [...] China to issue "of the airfield civil technical standard [...](MH5001-2006)," and the international [...]civil aviation organization to issue "international standard and construction measures-airport" appendix 14 of the People's Republic of China and the civil aviation industry standard "aviation obstruction light (MH/t6012-1999)" and so on the related standard and the development, the production of the new standard, and the series, the long life obstacle lights. cslight.com |
(c) 各国政府必须确保负责保护国家空中边界、空域 和 机场 的 执 法当局具 备适当技术,并就这些技术的使用对其进行培训,使他们能够有效应对贩毒分 子使用日益复杂的技术通过商用、私用及轻 型 飞机 运 输 非法药物这一现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Governments must ensure that law enforcement authorities responsible for [...] protecting national air [...] borders, airspace and airports are equipped with and trained to use suitable technologies to enable them to be effective against the increasing sophistication of traffickers using commercial, private and light aircraft to transport illicit drugs. daccess-ods.un.org |
任职者将负责指导对 地勤辅助设备的各项要求的规划和提供工作,以支助特派团 的 飞机 运 行 、加油、 旅客上下、货物装卸、机场和空港安全标准和设备、坠机紧急救援车辆和设备, 包括对工作人员职等、资格和经验的要求,为此向特派团提供指导意见、起草 [...] 工作说明、编写对承包商的招标书和编写部队派遣国提供的飞机支助单位的工 [...] 作说明,确定设备规格,与其他部门密切联系,以拟定设备和车辆的预算和系 统合同,并就培训要求提供指导。 daccess-ods.un.org | The incumbent would be responsible for directing the planning and provision of aerospace ground [...] support equipment [...] requirements to support aircraft handling, refuelling, passenger handling, cargo handling, airfield and air terminal [...]security standards and [...]equipment, emergency crash rescue vehicles and equipment in missions, including requirements for staff levels, qualifications and experience by providing guidance to missions, drafting statements of work, developing requests for proposals for contractors, preparing the statements of work for aircraft support units of troop-contributing countries, determining equipment specifications, liaising closely with other sections to establish budgets and systems contracts for equipment and vehicles, and providing guidance on training requirements. daccess-ods.un.org |