

单词 飞机

飞机 noun, plural ()

aircrafts pl


直升飞机 n

helicopter n

飞机场 n

airport n


jet aircraft

See also:


flying n

External sources (not reviewed)

菲律宾军方立即派 遣了两艘船和两架 OV-10 飞机向地 震勘测船提供援助, 但它们到达时中国巡逻舰已经离开了当地。
The Philippine military immediately dispatched two
[...] ships and two OV-10 planes in support of the [...]
seismic vessel, but arrived only after
the Chinese patrol vessels had left the area.
此外,任何人(作为欧洲联盟居民并为某成员国国民的任何自然人;在欧洲联盟 注册的任何法人;在欧洲联盟以外定居的任何成员国国民和在欧洲联盟以外设立而由
[...] 包括在其领海和领空以及由某成员国管辖或控制的任 飞机 或 任何船只从事职业活 动的任何其他自然人)不得遵守任何直接或间接基于或产生于“1996 [...]
年古巴自由和民 主团结法”或在该法基础上或由其产生的行动的规定或禁令,包括外国法院的命令。
Furthermore, no person (any natural person being a resident in the European Union and a national of a member state; any legal person incorporated within the European Union; any national of the member states established outside the European Union and shipping company established outside the European Union and controlled by national of a member state; any other natural person being a resident in the European Union; any other natural person within the European Union,
including its territorial waters and air
[...] space and in any aircraft or on any vessel [...]
under the jurisdiction or control of a
member state, acting in professional capacity) shall comply with any requirement or prohibition, including requests of foreign courts, based on or resulting, directly or indirectly, from the “Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996” or from actions based thereon or resulting therefrom.
安理会第 1970(2011)号决议决定,旅行禁令和资产冻结应适用于被委员会指 认的以下个人和实体:(a) 参与或合谋下令、掌控或以其他方式指挥对阿拉伯利 比亚民众国境内的人施行重大侵犯人权行为,包括参与或合谋计划、指挥、下 令或进行违反国际法的针对平民和民用设施的袭击,包括 飞机 进 行轰炸者; 或(b) 为(a)分段所述个人或实体或代表他们或按他们的指示行事者。
In its resolution 1970 (2011), the Council decided that the travel ban and asset freeze should apply to the individuals and entities designated by the Committee (a) involved in or complicit in ordering, controlling or otherwise directing, the commission of serious human rights abuses against persons in Libya, including by being involved in or complicit in planning, commanding, ordering or conducting attacks, in violation of international law, including aerial bombardments, on civilian populations and facilities, or (b) acting for or on behalf of or at the direction of individuals or entities identified in subparagraph (a).
伊朗不得从本国领土,或由本国国民,或使用 悬挂本国国旗的船只飞机,直 接或间接地提 供、销售或转让武器或有关材料,所有国家都应 禁止本国国民,或使用悬挂本国国旗的船只飞 机,从伊朗购置这些物项”。
Iran shall not supply, sell or transfer directly or indirectly from its territory or by its nationals or using its
[...] flag vessels or aircraft any arms or related materiel, and that all States shall prohibit the procurement of such items from Iran by their nationals, or using their flag vessels or aircraft”.
编写这两项文书草案是为了涵盖民用航空面临的新的和现有的威胁, 尤其包括将以下行为定为刑事罪:使用服役中的民 飞机 作 为武器的行为,和从 民飞机上使 用某些危险物质袭击地面上的民 飞机 或 其他目标的行为。
The draft instruments had been prepared in order to cover new and existing threats to civil aviation, notably including the
criminalization of the act
[...] of using a civil aircraft in service as a weapon, and of the act of using certain dangerous materials from civil aircraft to attack such aircraft or other targets [...]
on the ground.
该理事会决定后经 2011/178/CFSP 号理事会决定修订,添加了禁止在利比亚 空域飞行、禁止利比飞机在欧洲联盟空域飞行、以及要求欧洲联盟成员国国民、 受欧洲联盟成员国管辖者、在欧洲联盟成员国境内成立或受欧洲联盟成员国管辖 的公司在与利比亚实体做生意时保持警惕的规定。
The Council decision was later amended by Council decision 2011/178/CFSP by adding a ban on flights in the airspace of Libya, a ban on flights of Libyan aircraft in the airspace of the European Union and a requirement that nationals of European Union member States, persons subject to their jurisdiction and firms incorporated in their territories or subject to their jurisdiction should exercise vigilance when doing business with Libyan entities.
国家调查得出结论,中途停留仅仅是出于技术目的,没有证据 证飞机上有被拘留者。
The national investigations concluded
that the stopovers were merely for technical purposes and there was no proof that
[...] detainees were on board the aircraft.
在有理由怀疑对《国防法》第 L.1521-1 条所述的船只,已 经或正在实施或正在筹备实施第
[...] 1.二条所述一项或多项犯罪时,负责海上监督的 政府船只飞机指挥 员应有权实施或已实施国际法、《防卫法》第一编第五部标 [...]
II have been or are being perpetrated, or are being prepared, on or against the vessels mentioned in article L.1521-1
of the Defence Code, commanders of
[...] Government vessels or aircraft responsible for [...]
maritime surveillance shall be entitled
to conduct or have conducted inspection and coercion measures as provided for under international law, under the first part, book V, title II of the Defence Code, and under this Act.
空中观察策略以及有机构和飞机操作 员的详细联系信息应是相关应急 计划中的关键条目。
The strategy for aerial observation and contact details of
[...] appropriate agencies and aircraft operators should [...]
be key entries in relevant contingency plans.
除西班牙加入的四项联合国外层空间条约及相关的多边国际文书外,西班 牙缔结了关于在空间领域进行合作的许多双边协定,包括:与俄罗斯联邦缔结 的《合作探索及和平利用外层空间协定》,该《协定》于 2006 年 2 月 9 日在马 德里签订,并于 2010 年 3 月 17
日生效;2003 年 1 月 28 日与美利坚合众国缔结
[...] 的《科学技术合作协定》,其中规定在西班牙领土上建立一个空间跟踪站;以 及 1991 年 7 月 11 日与美国签订的《空间合作协定》,其中规定在紧急情况下美 国的航飞机可在 西班牙某些机场着陆。
In addition to the four United Nations treaties on outer space and related multilateral international instruments to which it is a party, Spain has concluded a number of bilateral agreements on cooperation in the field of space, including: the Agreement on Cooperation in the Exploration and Peaceful Use of Outer Space, concluded with the Russian Federation, which was signed in Madrid on 9 February 2006 and entered into force on 17 March 2010; the Scientific and Technical Cooperation Agreement with the United States of America of 28 January 2003, which provides for the establishment of a space-tracking station on Spanish territory; and the Space Cooperation
Agreement, signed on 11 July
[...] 1991 with the United States, which provides for the landing of the United States [...]
space shuttle at certain
Spanish airports in cases of emergency.
不过,可以使用手持式 FLIR 照相机,这类照相机可以提供不受专飞 机限制的便携式遥感系统。
However, handheld FLIR cameras are available which can provide a portable remote sensing
[...] system that is not limited to dedicated aircraft.
同年,103 名移民在事
[...] 前被用氟哌丁苯使之冷静的情况下,离开一些官员喜称的“卡普奇诺斯旅馆”, 被用五架军飞机运至马里、塞内加尔、喀麦隆和几内亚科纳克里。
In the same year, 103 immigrants, after being tranquillized with haloperidol, left “Hotel
Capuchinos”, as some officials liked to
[...] call it, and were flown in five military aircraft to [...]
Mali, Senegal, Cameroon and Guinea Conakry.
禁止直接或间接向朝鲜民主主义人民共和国提供、销售或转让下列物 项,不论它们是否源于圣马力诺:《联合国常规武器登记册》所界定的 任何作战坦克、装甲战斗车、作 飞机 、 攻击直升机、军舰、导弹或导 弹系统,以及包括零部件在内的相关材料,或安全理事会或第 1718 (2006)号决议第 12 段所设委员会(委员会)认定的物项。
Prohibition of the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, whether or not originating from San Marino’s territory, of any battle
tanks, armoured combat
[...] vehicles, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles and missile systems as defined for the purpose of the United Nations Register [...]
on Conventional
Arms, and related materiel, including spare parts, or items as determined by the Security Council or by the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 12 of resolution 1718 (2006).
GeneSiC 还制造高性价比硅产品,是硅分立器件和模块的领先供应商,支持许许多多的市场:AC、DC 和伺服驱动器(低和中等电压) 飞机 ( 电 液致动器,功率发生器)、替代能源(风能、光伏)和分布式电源(飞轮,燃料电池,微型燃气轮机)、电动汽车、感应加热、工业泵控制、医用电源(CT、磁共振、X [...] [...]
光)、发电和配电、脉冲功率、运输(轨道牵引和辅助电源,船上应用),不间断电源 (UPS)、焊接、白色家电和 HVAC。
GeneSiC also manufactures cost-effective silicon products and is a leading supplier of silicon discrete devices, and modules , supporting many
markets, AC, DC and Servo Drives (Low and
[...] Medium Voltage), Aircraft (Electro-Hydrostatic [...]
Actuators, Power Generators)Alternative
Energy (Wind, Photovoltaic) and Distributed Power (Flywheel, Fuel Cell, Micro turbine), Electric Vehicles, Induction Heating, Industrial Pump Controls, Medical Power Supplies (CT, MRI, X-Ray), Power Generation and Distribution, Pulsed Power, Transportation (Propulsion and Auxiliary Power for Rail, Shipboard), Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), Welding, and White Goods and HVAC.
中国坚称航海自由仅适用于“和平目的”,并称“很 难将美国军舰飞机在离中国如此近距离范围内执行任 务视为和平行为” 。
China maintains that freedom of navigation only applies to “peaceful
purposes”, and has “difficulty in seeing the missions conducted by U.S.
[...] military ships and planes so close to China [...]
as peaceful”.
(c) 各国政府必须确保负责保护国家空中边界、空域和机场的执法当局具
[...] 备适当技术,并就这些技术的使用对其进行培训,使他们能够有效应对贩毒分 子使用日益复杂的技术通过商用、私用及轻 飞机 运 输 非法药物这一现象。
(c) Governments must ensure that law enforcement authorities responsible for protecting national air borders, airspace and airports are equipped with and trained to use suitable technologies to enable them to be effective
against the increasing sophistication of traffickers using commercial,
[...] private and light aircraft to transport illicit drugs.
此外,一些非工业来源,例如汽车、 铁路飞机尾气 ,住宅中 杀虫剂的应用或使用其他住户或院子里的产品,或烤或家庭供暖的灰烬还可能导致检测到化学药 [...]
In addition, a number of non-industrial sources, such as
[...] car, railroad and airplane exhaust, residential [...]
application of pesticides or use of
other household or yard products, or ashes from grilling or home heating could also have contributed to the detected chemicals of potential concern.
Verdonik 先生对调查结果进 行了总结,指出一些国家表明其服务国内和国际市场的航空公司是通过国外供 应商提供的哈龙来填充它飞机上的灭火器,并且一些国家未发现其国内有任 何公司为航空灭火器回收利用哈龙,因此根据初步的回复情况可得出的结论 是,很多国家并不是依赖自己国内的哈龙储备,而是依赖某几个向全球航空业 提供哈龙的国家的哈龙供应来满足民用航空的需求。
Mr. Verdonik summarized the survey results, noting that some States had indicated that their airlines, which serviced both domestic and international markets, said that foreign suppliers provided the halon to fill the fire extinguishers in their fleets and that some States were unaware of any company that recycled halon for aviation fire extinguishers within their country, and therefore, on the basis of those initial replies, it was likely that many States depended on the availability of halon in the few countries that supplied the aviation industry as a whole, and not on stocks within their own States.
[...] 除了“设置”秘密拘留地或提供代理拘留服务等做法之外,还有许多其他形式的 共谋行为,包括准飞机降落 加油、在移交“嫌疑犯”之前短期剥夺其自由、掩 [...]
Practices such as “hosting” secret detention sites or providing proxy detention have, however, been supplemented by numerous other
facets of complicity, including authorizing
[...] the landing of airplanes for refuelling, [...]
short-term deprivation of liberty before
handing over the “suspect”, the covering up of kidnappings, and so on.
巴林国有航空公司海湾航空公司为六架A3 21 型 飞机 选 择 了国际航空发动机公司(IAE)的发动机,成为IAE公司新型V2500 [...]
Gulf Air, the national carrier of Bahrain, has
selected International Aero Engines AG to
[...] power six A321 aircraft, becoming a [...]
launch customer for IAE's new V2500 SelectTwo(TM)engine.
[...] 施的清洁和拆除费用低于编入预算的成本;固定飞 机和直升机的飞行时数低于计划值;运费和有关费用 低于预算值。
The main causes of variance were lower than budgeted costs for cleaning and dismantling the majority of the sites and United
Nations facilities; lower than planned
[...] number of hours flown by fixedwing aircraft and helicopters; [...]
and lower than budgeted freight and related costs.
典型的应用实例是高速火车的门、 手指保护和墙壁用型材,
[...] 火车和铰接式公共汽车的车厢连接处的折棚以 飞机、 火车和轮船上的防火隔音层等。
Typical applications include door, finger-guard and wall profiles for high-speed trains, bellows for
connecting carriages in trains and articulated buses, and fire-proof, acoustic
[...] insulation mats for planes, trains and ships.
在欧洲,约有50万家高度创新企业在十 个不同行业(医药飞机和航 天器、化学 品、机械和设备等)开展业务,享有诸 [...]
多关键优势,如高技能的劳动力、完整 的供应链和高效的分销网络。
Around 500,000 highly-innovative companies already operate in
Europe, in ten different industries
[...] (pharmaceuticals, aircraft and spacecraft, chemical, [...]
machinery and equipment, etc.), enjoying
essential advantages like a highly skilled workforce, an entire supply chain and an efficient distribution network.
我们的目标是在该地区提供世界 飞机 M R O 服 务,现在这个计划得到了海航的支持,它也想将航空MRO服务引进世界发展速度最快的航空市场。
Our aim to
[...] provide world-class aircraft MRO services [...]
in the region is now supported by HNA and its vision to bring aviation
MRO service excellence closer to the world's fastest growing aviation markets.
我们的耳麦采用先进的降噪和数字语音增强技术,无论是 飞机 发 动 机的轰鸣声中还是在同事们交谈的嗡嗡声中,您的员工都能听清楚通话对方的声音。
Our headsets feature advanced noise-cancellation and digital voice enhancement technology,
enabling your employees to be heard, whether
[...] over the roar of airplane engines or the [...]
buzz of their colleagues’ conversations.
(c) 阻止从本国境内、或境外本国国民、或使用悬挂本国国旗的船只 飞机 向这 些个人、团体、企业和实体直接或间接供应、销售或转让军火和各种有关物 资,包括武器和弹药、军用车辆和装备、准军事装备及上述物资的备件,以及与 军事活动有关的技术咨询、援助或培训; (b) 为其供应、销售或转让军火和有关物资; (c) 为其招募人员;或
(c) Prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale, or transfer to these individuals, groups, undertakings and entities from their territories or by their nationals outside their territories, or using their flag vessels or aircraft, of arms and related materiel of all types including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, and technical advice, assistance, or training related to military activities
2011 年联阿援助团所需经费估计为 270 010 400
美元,比 2010 年核定预算净增 19.0%,这主要是因为:
[...] 需要加强安保措施和建造新的工作人员住宿和办公 设施;增加了一架固定飞机,以 提升人员疏散计划; 在科威特支援办公室执行了通信设备更换计划和灾 [...]
The resource requirements for UNAMA for 2011 were estimated at $270,010,400, reflecting a net increase of 19.0 per cent over the approved budget for 2010, which was mainly attributable to the required enhancement of security measures and the construction of new staff
accommodation and office space; the addition
[...] of one fixed-wing aircraft to enhance personnel [...]
evacuation plans; the implementation
of the communications equipment replacement programme and the disaster recovery and business continuity project in the Support Office in Kuwait; and the increasing rates for local staff salaries and hazardous duty station allowances.
法令还禁止在提供 货物、服务或设施方面存在不公正的歧视,这些包括通过银行或保险方式或者捐
[...] 款、贷款、信贷或金融提供的设施;在公众有权或者允许进入或使用的任何地 方、车辆、船只飞机或直升飞机等 的 公共场所方面;在土地、住房或其他住宿 的提供方面;在获得和参与教育方面。
It also prohibits unfair discrimination in the provision of goods, services or facilities, including facilities by way of banking or insurance or for grants, loans, credit or finance; access by the
public to any place,
[...] vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft which members of the public are entitled or allowed [...]
to enter or use; the
provision of land, housing or other accommodation; access to, and participation in, education.
多数情况下是飞机旅行 ,但有些线路的旅行,特别是去日内瓦、伦敦和 布鲁塞尔,还提供了铁路旅行的报价,通常选择这种交通方式。
In the majority of cases travel is undertaken by air, but in case of travel for particular itineraries such as Geneva, London and Brussels, quotations are provided also for travel by rail and this mode of transportation is usually chosen.
[...] 国政府为加强对私人航空飞行的管制而采取的步骤,办法有:加强雷达监视以 及对私飞机登记、飞机维修中心和私人机场登记进行有系统的审查。
Several representatives outlined steps taken by their Governments to tighten controls over private aviation through increased radar
surveillance and the systematic review
[...] of private aircraft registrations, aircraft servicing [...]
and repair centres and the registration of private airstrips.




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