

单词 飞快看一眼

See also:


at lightning speed
very fast


a glance
a glimpse
a quick look


in a moment

看看 v

see v
look at v

External sources (not reviewed)

看見食物被呈上我面前的一刻 , 我 快 掉 下 了 眼 淚。
When the food was served, I nearly dropped my tears.
考虑到一 系统 有不断改进的需要,还考虑到信息技术领域 飞快 发 展,决定首先巩固系统,然后再考 虑重大的和全面的改进和调整。
[...] the need for continuous improvement, and given the fast evolution in the informatics-related fields, it [...]
has been decided
to focus on consolidating the system before contemplating significant systemic adjustments and changes.
但是,我一眼就可以看出, 实际上往往都是对所有改革问题的 系统对抗和歪曲事实的情况。
But what we have seen, without becoming involved, [...]
are in many cases systematic confrontation and disinformation about virtually all reform issues.
一方面, 我們看 一 看 如 何 能以快 的時間 解 決此問 題 , 另 一方面, 我們亦要保 證這些錢 是 用得適當的 。
On the one hand, we have to see how this problem can be solved as soon as possible, [...]
but on the other hand, we have to make
sure that money is properly used.
看了以上的數字,政府是否可以大 一 點 、 加 快一 點 , 推出有關的 資助計劃呢?
Having considered the
[...] above figures, can the Government be more generous and implement the support scheme concerned at a faster pace?
MosOblBank在索契不超過兩年銀行,但 快 獲 得 用戶端可以通過可靠性,友善的員工,真的有利銀行提供銀行服務的法人和自然人, 一眼看 , 銀行服務,所有銀行都是相同的但有都很多銀行、 自動化系統和服務,速快的組 織過程中的差異的照顧和工作人員的回應能力。
MosOblBank in Sochi no more than two years Bank , but quickly acquired clients through reliability, friendly staff, really beneficial Banking offers banking services to legal entities and natural persons, at first glance, banking services, all Banks are the same, but there [...]
are lots of differences in the organizational
processes of banking, automation systems and speed of service, care and responsiveness of the staff.
他只是这里摸一下,那里一下,然 后 看 了 我早 上 飞 往 基 督城的机票,就放我走了。
Luckily he didn’t. He just pressed on my backpack, here and there.
我们担心 的问题一—— 尽管我没有提出这方面的指控—— 当然是发生危机的邻国很容易成为塞拉利昂犯罪分 子潜逃的地点,正如我们看到的扣 押 飞 机 以 及新的 海盗问题,许多人认为这些问题产生于不如塞拉利昂 稳定的邻近地区。
One of the worries we have — although I make no accusations in this regard — is, of course, that neighbouring countries that experience a crisis very easily become the point of flight for criminals in Sierra Leone, as we saw with the seizure of the plane and the new problem [...]
of piracy, which
many believe comes from areas in the neighbourhood that are less stable than Sierra Leone.
也就是说,在当前任务期间,有看 到 一 架 米 - 29 飞机停在 法希尔机场并在达尔富尔上空飞行。
That is to say, a MIG-29 aircraft was sighted at El Fasher airport and in flight over Darfur during the current mandate.
眼下,中国商飞机有 限责任公司(中国 飞 , CO MAC)也正在运用 一 策 略 ,有消息称其将参与美国东方航空的恢复运营计划。
Now it seems that aspiring Chinese commercial aircraft maker COMAC is also trying out the strategy, with news [...]
that the company
will participate in the revival of storied but now defunct US carrier Eastern Air Lines.
用户只要简单按下控制器上的“开火”按钮,便可以朝着对方 飞 行 器 发射 眼看 不 见 的红外线光束,只要对方的Bladestar飞行器总共被击中三次便会被击落。
A simple press of the "fire" button on the controller enables users to fire invisible infrared beams at an opponent's flyer - a total of three hits will knock the player's Bladestar flyer from the skies.
或者看看搭载 了有史以来最高效引擎的新空 飞 机 , 还有伦 眼?
Try to find a car without a single Schaeffler
[...] component, or have a look at the newest Airbus with the most efficient aircraft engine ever built.
因为LCD电快门式眼镜会在一半的 时间内遮住所有光线,即使光线通过,只有少量光线到达 看 者 眼 睛,会有短暂黑屏时间。
Because the LCD shutter glasses are shutting out light half of the time, and are slightly dark even when letting light through, less light [...]
reaches the viewers eyes from the display.
父親從來是不怒自威,現在狠狠看 了 兒 子 一眼 , 冷冷地教訓他:如果他不懂限價為兩鎊的指令和限價為六鎊的指令有甚麼不同,他是最應該改行的;而他姑且還 快 點 學 習怎麼遵循本美術館的老板的指示。
It was pointed out that if he could not tell
the difference between an instruction to
[...] buy something up to two pounds and one to buy it up to six pounds, he was in the wrong business, and, that since that business belonged to his father, he had better quickly learn to follow instructions.
他邀请特别委员会派代表团访问波多黎各,眼看看该岛 严峻的殖民局势,请求将波多黎各案作 为大会议程上一个项目进行审议。
Inviting the Special Committee to send
a delegation to
[...] Puerto Rico to see for itself the critical colonial situation of the island, he demanded that the case of Puerto Rico be considered as an item on the [...]
agenda of the General Assembly.
就以前的法例,我現在要翻一些字眼 ─ 我很快便可 找到,主席女 士,我可一面發言,一面翻閱的 ─ 有關的字眼是:管理人須在各個禁止 吸煙區或公共交通工具設置一個中英文標誌,清楚地表明禁止在吸煙區或公 [...]
I have to refer to some of
[...] the wordings of previous legislation ― I can find it very quickly for, Madam Chairman, [...]
I can browse it while
delivering my speech ― the relevant wordings are: The manager shall place in each no smoking area or public transport carrier a sign in English and Chinese to indicate clearly that smoking is prohibited in the no smoking area or the public transport carrier.
據一些 傳媒的 報道一 些 選 民的投訴,以 及 我們區 裏 的 街 坊眼看到的 情 況 , 這 次 立法會選 舉 的 不當和混亂大 致 可分為兩 類 。
On the basis of media reports, complaints from the voters and actual events witnessed by residents, [...]
the irregularities and general confusion
of the Legislative Council Election can be divided into two categories generally.
但是, 随着这些地区人口数量飞快增长 ,洪水与干旱的威胁 也在增加,盐碱地也会在更广泛的地区发生。
However, with rapid population growth [...]
in such regions, the risks of floods and droughts are increasing, and salt water intrusion
is expected to occur more widely.
看,从雪中飞驰而过,速度越来快 , 你 会觉得雪橇真的要飞起来,飞上夜空中了。
As you swoosh through the snow, gaining speed, you might wonder if you really are going to take off into the night sky.
时间正飞快地流逝,对 正如 2010 年 3 月 19 日在莫斯科发表的中东问题四方 [...]
声明所设想的在 24 个月之内实现两国解决方案的信 念正在逐渐削弱。
Time is fast running out, and faith [...]
in the hope of attaining a twoState solution within 24 months, as envisaged by the Middle
East Quartet statement of 19 March 2010 in Moscow, is gradually eroding.
国际水文地质学家协会最近开展一 项 “向 前 看 、 快 行 动 ”的“IAH 2020”评估,目的是设想协 会如何根据未来 10 年的需要不断演变和发展。
IAH has recently
[...] conducted a “Forward Look – Forward Action” assessment for “IAH 2020”, a look ahead to how the [...]
Association will evolve
and develop in the next 10 years in response to the needs of the future.
目前食品价飞涨进一步 恶化了他们的处境,迫使贫困人口购买价格较低和营养较低的食物。
Their situation is further compounded by the current spike in food prices, which is forcing [...]
those living in poverty to buy
even less expensive and less nutritious food.
(d) 从恩塔甘达在 Runyoni 的据点投降的一名前 M23 军官告诉专家组说, 他眼看到, 在刚果(金)武装部队直升机轰炸兵变人员据点之后,卢旺达国防军 的一个营前来增援兵变人员。
(d) Another ex-M23 officer who surrendered from Ntaganda’s position at Runyoni told the Group that he personally witnessed how one RDF battalion came to reinforce the mutineers after a FARDC helicopter bombarded their positions.
NVIDIA 3D Vision Pro 集无线主快门式眼镜、 射频通信中心以及先进的软件 一 身 ,可自动将各种面向商用的应用程序自动转化为完全立体的 3D 形式,从而可提高应用程序的实际使用价值、产生更佳的结果、提高生产率。
NVIDIA 3D Vision
[...] Pro is a combination of wireless active shutter glasses, and RF communication hub, and advanced [...]
software, which automatically
transforms various business-oriented applications into full stereoscopic 3D to improve the usefulness of the application, deliver better results, and increase productivity.
眼看一看世界 上一些有競爭力的企業,也是以創新的產品來佔領市場,而不是以剝削 工人的工資來增加企業盈利。
Some competitive
[...] enterprises in the world boost their profits by [...]
developing innovative products to expand their market share
rather than exploiting the wage of their workers.
大家得知,2000年時,各個政黨一同爭取2007年及2008年雙普選; 但亦快看見本會內一些政 黨很快改變了主意,2004年後告訴我們,香 港人不成熟、政黨不成熟,於是他們轉為支持在2012年實行;他們(包 [...]
括民建聯和自由黨)轉瞬間指我們不成熟,所以在2012年也不應有雙普 選。
We all know that in 2000, all political parties had fought for dual
universal suffrage in 2007
[...] and 2008, but we soon saw that some political parties in this Council had quickly changed their [...]
minds. We were told
after 2004 that Hong Kong people were not mature enough and political parties were not mature enough, so they supported the implementation of dual universal suffrage in 2012 instead; and they (including the DAB and the Liberal Party) could also suddenly say that we are immature, and thus should not have dual universal suffrage in 2012 as well.
工作组还一致认为,拟于 2011-2012
年期间进行的 闭会期间工作可包括那些在行动小组主持下举行的讲习班,这些讲习班将使行 动小组所提建议草案(A/AC.105/C.1/L.308,附件)的各个方面的专家汇聚一
[...] 起;并还可包括举行专家会议,这些会议有助于设 一 个 飞 行 任 务规划与运营 小组。
The Working Group further agreed that intersessional work to be carried out in the 2011-2012 period could include workshops held under the auspices of the Action Team that would gather experts on various aspects of the draft recommendations made by the Action Team
(A/AC.105/C.1/L.308, annex), and meetings of experts, which could facilitate
[...] the establishment of a mission planning [...]
and operations group.
最後,我們認為,談到稅務政策組(“稅務組”)的眼界和層次,如果 實質地,稅務政策是由他們主導,或在演繹上完全由他們自己主導的 話,我覺得有時候,局長及問責官員對一些灰色地帶,應該 看一眼。
Finally, in our opinion, as far as the vision and level of the tax policy unit are concerned, if the actual tax policy will be dominated by them or completely dominated by them in terms of interpretation, I think that sometimes, the Secretaries and accountability officials concerned should pay more attention to some grey areas.
在兵变开始时,一名恩杜马保卫 刚果民兵组织前战斗人员眼看到, 恩塔甘达将军的车 一 次 运 送了 60 箱 AK-47 突击步枪弹药和 20 箱 PKM 机枪弹药,此外还有 [...]
4 挺 PKM 机枪和 2 个 RPG-7 火箭筒。
At the outset of the mutiny, one NDC ex-combatant witnessed a delivery of 60 boxes [...]
of AK-47 ammunition and 20 boxes of PKM
ammunition, together with 4 PKMs and 2 RPG-7s, which had been transported in Gen.
一眼看起來 CLS Shooting Brake 是一輛兩門轎跑車,但憑著它出眾的車身設計、修長的引擎罩、無框的車窗 、動感傾斜美態一直延伸至車尾,再細看後便清晰地了解到五門的Shooting Brake能提供更多功能。
The proportions of the CLS Shooting Brake are surprising but clearly those of a coupé, and create a basic stance which makes it look ready for the off: the long bonnet, narrow-look windows with frameless side windows, and dynamic roof sloping back towards the rear.




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