单词 | 飙汗 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 飙汗 —sweating profuselySee also:飙—whirlwind • violent wind 汗—sweat • be speechless (out of helplessness, embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection) 汗 n—perspiration n 獗—rude • unruly
阿富汗还强 调,该国的法律制度重视两性平等以及所有儿童获 得平等的教育机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | As well, Afghanistan stressed the importance [...] of gender equality, as well as equal access to education for all children, embodied in its legal system. daccess-ods.un.org |
特 别重要的是建立有效机制处理价格飙 升 及 农业市场机能失灵问题。 fao.org | It is extremely important to devise effective mechanisms to deal with sudden price hikes and dysfunctions of the agricultural markets. fao.org |
它注意到战争、恐怖主义和极端主义导致暴力和动荡,表示希望,除其他 外,阿富汗将在 不远的将来有能力应对这些问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | It noted that war, terrorism and extremism produced violence [...] and insecurity and expressed the hope [...] that, inter alia, Afghanistan would be able [...]to cope with these problems in the near future. daccess-ods.un.org |
我的埃德的关键:另一项发明“可怕的错误,并结束 与 E d 飙 升 超 碳酸苏打通过空气动力。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Key to My [...] Ed: Another invention goes horribly wrong, and ends with Ed being rocketed through [...]the air powered by ultra-fizzy soda. seekcartoon.com |
中低收入家庭的食物支出减少,儿童和成 年人都被迫减少进餐次数和食物品种,也减少了对营养价值高的食物的食用。20 高收入国家穷人和其他社会群体长期轻度营养不良的比例近 来 飙 升 , 其主要原因 是全球经济衰退导致家庭收入减少。 daccess-ods.un.org | Declines in food expenditures by middle- and low-income households have forced children and adults to eat less frequently and less diverse and nutrient rich foods.20 The recent spike in chronic mild undernutrition among the poor and other social groups in high-income countries is largely attributed to declines in household incomes as a result of the global economic recession. daccess-ods.un.org |
与阿 富汗农村 发展研究所和中央统计局之间签署的合作协议表明该国有一些专家,今 [...] 后可由他们对类似调查进行设计、执行和报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | Partnership [...] agreements with the Afghan Institute for [...]Rural Development and the Central Statistics Office mean that expertise [...]exists in the country to design implement and report on similar surveys in the future. daccess-ods.un.org |
大会第六十四届会议欣见完全由阿富 汗 当 局负责举行了阿 富 汗 的 第 一次选 举;强调联合国在促进阿富汗的和 平与稳定方面发挥不偏不倚的中心作用;请秘 书长在大会第六十四届会议期间每三个月向大会提交一次报告,报告阿 富 汗 的事 态发展以及执行本决议的进展情况(第 64/11 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly, [...] welcoming the first elections in Afghanistan run entirely under the responsibility of the Afghan authorities, stressed the central and impartial [...] role of the United Nations in promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan, and requested the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly every three months during its sixty-fourth session on developments in Afghanistan, as well as on the progress made in the implementation of [...]the resolution (resolution 64/11). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们这样做的背景是当今世界面临的空前 挑战,例如燃料和粮食价格飙升、全球金融危机以及 世界各地一连串无休止的冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have done so against the background of the unprecedented challenges facing [...] our world today, such as the rise in fuel and [...] food prices, the global financial [...]crisis, and the chain of unending conflicts around the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
也可利用区域委员会的召集权力 使联合国系统能在区域层面及早采取步骤 [...] 处理紧迫的新问题,例如,民主运动和食品 价格飙升等。 regionalcommissions.org | The convening power of the Regional Commissions could also be used to allow the UN system to take early steps at [...] the regional level to address urgent and emerging issues such as the movements towards democracy [...] and food price inflation. regionalcommissions.org |
这种贵金属的价值已在近几年内迅速 飙 升。 voith.com | The value of this precious metal has risen dramatically over the last few years. voith.com |
关于妇女权利,它重申阿富汗批准 了《消除对妇 女一切形式歧视公约》,并按照该《公约》,制定了保护妇女免遭暴力的法律, 以使妇女在政府和阿富汗的社会生活中享有适当份额。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding women’s rights, it was [...] reiterated that Afghanistan had ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and had in place a law to protect women from violence, in conformity with the Convention, in order to give women an appropriate share in the Government and social life in Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
近日,雷克萨斯公司为了推广其全新的奢侈混合动力车CT 200h,发布了一段名为“黑暗狂飙”的 12分钟高清互动电影。 labbrand.com | Recently, in order to promote its new luxury compact hybrid, the CT 200h, Lexus launched “Dark Ride," a high-definition 12-minute interactive film. labbrand.com |
机制,吸收群众兆瓦的电力,从附近的电厂,并最终穿过小镇,投篮命中率高 达 飙 升 到 平流层,破坏沙丁鱼土地。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The mechanism absorbs masses of megawatts of electricity from the nearby power plant and ends up rocketing through town and shooting up into the stratosphere, destroying Sardine Land. seekcartoon.com |
在上述状况中面临的社会经济困难使得这个问题雪上加霜——随着失业 率飙升, 无力提供服务,越来越多的人走投无路,导致犯罪率上升,所剩无几的 基础设施也遭到劫掠。 daccess-ods.un.org | The socio-economic difficulties faced in these situations exacerbate the problem — as unemployment levels soar and service delivery fails — an increasing number of people are disenfranchised, resulting in increased crime and the vandalizing of what little infrastructure exists. daccess-ods.un.org |
韩国、台湾和美国取得该类别产品的CB证书 量不断增加,韩国发展尤为迅猛,从2007年的4张证 书,飙升到2011年的163张证书。 tuv.com | Applications from South Korea, Taiwan and the United States increased markedly, especially for South Korea, with the number soaring from 4 to 163 between 2007 and 2011. tuv.com |
失业率下降,工作品质得到改善,同时实际工资增加,但增加率略低于 2009 年(高于十年期中的其它年份的年增长率),原因是通货膨胀从 4.7%飙升至 6.7%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Falling unemployment and improving employment quality were accompanied by an increase in real wages that was somewhat smaller than in 2009 (although greater than the annual increases during the rest of the decade), owing to a jump in inflation — from 4.7% to 6.7% — and greater enforcement of minimum wage policies. daccess-ods.un.org |
3 基本食品价格飙升是 近年来 粮食危机的特征,4 非洲之角近来发生的饥荒5 进一步凸显出从人权角度理解严 重营养不良与儿童疾病之间关系的紧迫性。 daccess-ods.un.org | First, the timeliness of the mandate entrusted by the Council to the Committee should be seen against statistics that show that malnutrition in children remains strikingly high.3 The food crises of recent years, characterized by skyrocketing prices for basic foodstuffs,4 and the recent famine in the Horn of Africa5 add to the urgency of understanding the linkages between severe malnutrition and childhood diseases from a human rights perspective. daccess-ods.un.org |
与此同时,阿里巴巴天猫商城、唯品会(NYSE: VIPS)和凡客诚品等更精通技术的公司才从传统零售商那里夺取了业务,财 富 飙 升。 youngchinabiz.com | Meanwhile, more tech-savvy names like Alibaba’s TMall, Vipshop (NYSE: VIPS) and Vancl have seen their fortunes soar as they steal business from the traditional retailers. youngchinabiz.com |
在随后的几十年中,随着感染率的急 剧 飙 升 , 死亡的速度也同样上升。 un.org | Over the ensuing decades, the rate [...] of infection soared dramatically, [...]as did the rate of fatalities. un.org |
互联网电台的流行性也在飙升, 美国的领先服务Pandora 占到了该国所有电台收听量的8%。 ifpi.org | internet radio is also soaring in popularity, with leading service pandora already accounting for 8 per cent of all radio listening in the us. services such as slacker and iheartradio are also growing in popularity. ifpi.org |
而通过“黑暗狂飙”, 雷克萨斯不仅促销了CT 200h, 并赐予了混合动力车一个全新的整体品牌形象。 labbrand.com | In this way the Dark Ride campaign serves not only to promote the CT 200h, but also gives hybrid cars in general a new brand image. labbrand.com |
2010年12 月,科特迪瓦的政治动荡又使这种趋势逆转,导致价格 飙升。 daccess-ods.un.org | By December 2010, political unrest in Côte d’Ivoire reversed the trend and led to a sharp increase in prices. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,面对当前全球金融危机和由此造成的青年失业 率 飙 升 , 应通过建立战 略联盟更好地为青年提供相关教育机会,进一步满足有技术的就业队伍的需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the current global economic crisis and the related massive unemployment rate for youth requires the building of strategic alliances to improve the supply of relevant education opportunities for youth and the demand for a skilled labour force. daccess-ods.un.org |
据人道主义机构的资料,由于目前影响索马里的干旱是人们最近记忆中最严重的 一次,加上过去二十年索马里经历的冲突、国家结构的崩溃以及全球粮食价格的 飙升, 约有 300 万索马里人,也就是三分之一的索马里人需要人道主义援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to humanitarian agencies, about 3 million Somalis, that is, 1 in 3 Somalis, are in need of humanitarian assistance as a result of the current drought affecting their country, one of the worst in recent memory, compounded by the conflict that Somalia has been experiencing for the past two decades and the resulting collapse of State structures, as well as by soaring global food prices. daccess-ods.un.org |
文章首先引用了Quattroporte总裁系列精英版不 断 飙 升 的销售数字,然后报道了汽车得到的各项改进,包括4.7升V8发动机的采用以及排放的减少。 maserati.com.cn | The article relates the Quattroporte story by quoting the rising sales figures and then goes on to announce the modifications, from the introduction of the 4.7 litre V8 engine to the reduction in emissions. web.maserati.com |
2009 年,在铜、铅、锌等涨价的推动下,矿产品、矿石和金属价格指 数飙 升, 这是对新兴国家复苏势头强于预期的反应。 daccess-ods.un.org | Minerals, ores and metals price indices sharply increased in 2009 with copper, lead and zinc driving the price gains, which were a response to the stronger-than-expected recovery in emerging countries. daccess-ods.un.org |