单词 | 风雨飘摇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 风雨飘摇 —(of a situation) unstabletossed about by the wind and rain [idiom.]See also:风雨 n—wind and rain n 风雨—the elements • trials and hardships 飘摇—unstable • swaying • tottering • floating in the wind 飘风—whirlwind • stormy wind
他的牺牲反而激化了对政府的批评,使政 府境况更加风雨飘摇。 crisisgroup.org | His scalp only bolstered criticism of the government, further destabilising it. crisisgroup.org |
中国的太阳能厂商,因为产能过剩和需求不足,在刚刚过去的全球金融危机中本 就 风雨飘摇 , 其股价不断创下史上新低,像无锡尚德(NYSE: STP)、天合光能(NYSE: TSL)和英利(NYSE: YGE)周三在纽交所都下跌了6-9%。 youngchinabiz.com | (complaint announcement) Chinese solar firms, already suffering in the global sector’s worst-ever downturn due to overcapacity and weak demand, saw their shares plunge to near new all-time lows on the news, with Suntech (NYSE: STP), Trina Solar (NYSE: TSL) and Yingli Green Energy (NYSE: YGE) all down 6-9 percent in New York trading on Wednesday. youngchinabiz.com |
这种形式 的贫铀很容易通过风雨飘散,使广大地区受到污染。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this form it can be easily [...] carried by the wind and rain, and vast areas become [...]contaminated. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本报告所述期间大部分时间里,黎巴嫩都处于无政府状态,而阿拉伯 世界的政治骚乱使已经动荡的局势更 加 飘摇。 daccess-ods.un.org | The absence of a Government in Lebanon during [...] most of the reporting period and the political tumult in the Arab world have contributed to an [...] already volatile climate. daccess-ods.un.org |
从常理而言,由于气候变化,未来随着 暴 风雨 的频度和强度的增加,这些意外释放情形可望增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | These unintended releases can reasonably be expected to [...] increase following the anticipated increase in the frequency and [...] intensity of storms in the future, [...]due to climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然三十多年来乍得一直在制度和政治危机 中 飘摇 , 但 是乍得人民建立一个庄 严、自由、和平和繁荣的国家的决心是不会动摇的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite this institutional and political crisis that has shaken [...] Chad for over three decades, the Chadian [...] people have not wavered in their determination [...]to build a worthy, free, peaceful and prosperous nation. daccess-ods.un.org |
西湖公园入口处的柳树郁郁葱葱,随 风摇 曳 , 是公园的另一道美丽风景线。 shangri-la.com | There are many willow trees and they also adorn the entrance of the West Lake Park. shangri-la.com |
当 肆虐的暴风雨和洪 水更加频繁地冲击海岸线和蹂躏 百姓之时,气候变化能对稀缺的资源造成更大的压 [...] 力,使脆弱的社区处于更大的不稳。 daccess-ods.un.org | As more powerful [...] and frequent storms and floods lash [...]coastlines and uproot populations, climatic changes can put even more [...]pressure on scarce resources and expose vulnerable communities to greater instability. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他国家也遭受日益频繁的龙卷风、 暴 风雨 和 飓 风 等 与 气候变化有关的 灾害的影响,使其社会经济发展遭受重大挫折。 daccess-ods.un.org | Others are also experiencing the effects of increasing frequency of cyclones, storms and hurricanes associated with climate change, causing major set-backs to their socio-economic development. daccess-ods.un.org |
为确保与建筑空间的和谐性和景观的连续性,我们以“十符之里”的土地历史为基础,以被称为“心象风景”的水边草甸景观为题材,并以水的流动 、 风 的 飘摇 为 主题来塑造轻快而洒脱的空间构造。 todafu.co.jp | With continuity and harmonization with this architecture, based on the local history of Tofu no sato, the landscape has been composed with lilt and [...] stretch as a motif of grass landscape on the shore, a so-called imagescape, under a [...] theme of streaming water and blowing wind. todafu.co.jp |
委员会注意到,气候变化通过各种过程造成的负面影响波及世界各个区 [...] 域,如全球变暖、海冰覆盖面和冰体缩减、海平面升高、大规模洋流系统发生 变化、不稳定的天气条件,以及更强烈或更极端的天气事件,如 暴 风雨 、 热带 气旋、洪水和旱灾。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee noted that climate change had been adversely affecting all regions of the world through a variety of processes such as global warming, reduction in the sea ice coverage and ice masses, sea-level rise, changes in large-scale current systems in oceans, [...] unstable weather conditions and more intense or extreme weather [...] events such as storms, tropical cyclones, floods and [...]droughts. daccess-ods.un.org |
云彩在头顶上飞过,大风摇动着旋翼塔,刮走了一切不稳定的东西。 voith.com | Clouds rush overhead, strong winds shake the rotor towers. voith.com |
客户和广告代理因为他的风格和 能量选择了Sam参与这个项目,最后毫无疑问的营造了 “ 飘 逸 长发和炫目阳光”。 ba-repsasia.com | The client and agency chose Sam for the project because of his style and energy, which was decidedly built around “flowing hair and sun flare. ba-repsasia.com |
2013年1月13日,上海旭宝会员月例赛新赛季的第一场在淅淅沥沥的雨中如期举行,44位会员如约而至,从12日晚上到13日早上一 直 飘 落 的 小 雨 并 未 影响到会员们参赛的好心情,反而让参赛选手们享受着湿润清新的空气,整场比赛在轻快的节奏中进行,而幸运之神悄然降临,就在西区第8洞,石松和臣先生击出一杆进洞,获得了All [...] [...] in One赞助的8000元礼券,点燃了全场的气氛。 silport.com.cn | A grand fortune ¨CHole in One on west 8 hole by Mr. ISHIMATSU KAZUOMI fired the whole match, and got 8000RMB Coupons sponsored by All in one. silport.com.cn |
正如检察官报告第 13 段提到(见 S/2010/270,附 件二)的那样,我谨强调指出,克罗地亚已经开始就 1995 年“暴风雨行动 ”之后在格鲁波里村据称犯下的 罪行,对特别警察部队几名成员开始刑事诉讼程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | As referred to in paragraph 13 of the Prosecutor’s report (see S/2010/270, annex II), I should like to highlight that criminal proceedings have been initiated in Croatia against several members of the special police forces for crimes allegedly committed in the village of Grubori in 1995 in the aftermath of Operation Storm. daccess-ods.un.org |
15日,住宿在有着至今仍保留完整的库房以及武士宅邸,四 处 飘 荡 着旧 日 风 味 情 趣满溢的上山温泉一宿。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | On the 15th, I stayed in Kaminoyama-onsen famous for Samurai houses and old-fashioned atmosphere. en.tohokukanko.jp |
最终的名称“清扬”囊括了表示“清洁”和“飞扬”,或 “随风飘散”的中文词语。 labbrand.com | The ultimate choice, Qing Yang, combines the Chinese words for “clear” and for [...] “flying,” or “scattering to the wind. labbrand.com |
Filtre 不仅是舒畅的空间、不仅是让灵魂 飘摇 或 融入大自然之中的空间,来到这里还是因为融入美景同时欣赏美好的音乐,女歌手庆璃的不朽歌声在喧哗的音乐市场上好像显得更新鲜、更有魅力。 filtrecafe.vnnavi.com.vn | Filtre is not just a relaxing space [...] for the untold stories or just to let the souls freely flow but it [...]sometimes is strangely simple [...]when here goes the space bar and over there, sightseeing with high quality music of Khanh Ly old but seemingly new in this lifeline. filtrecafe.vnnavi.com.vn |
在一张图片中,只有模特的头发和裙子随着 微 风飘 动。 ba-repsasia.com | In one image, just the model’s hair and [...] dress move gently to a breeze. ba-repsasia.com |
竹林,从空气的流动产生风,其滤过的光影再 因 风 而 摇 弋 ,成为另一个空气和光的介质角色。 chinese-architects.com | Both mediums enhance and mediate the relationship of the construction with the [...] perception of light and shadow, the coming [...] and going of the wind, as well as that [...]of man with his natural surroundings. chinese-architects.com |
1月23日在愚公移山,最具爆发力的本土朋克鼻祖乐队脑浊、生命力最旺盛的流行金属乐队面孔、 台 风 犀 利 的说 唱 摇 滚 领 军者CMCB、备受瞩目dance punk新贵钢铁的心同台,2010年的最火爆的现场之争即将揭幕。 yugongyishan.com | Come and find your own answer on January 23rd at Yugongyishan with the local punk scene originator Brain Failure, the most devilish pop metal band The Face, the cutting edge hip-hop rocker CMCB and the rising dance punk star Steely Heart on the same stage, witness the most explosive live music battle in 2010. yugongyishan.com |
上海:11月18日,来自上海的百余位酒店精英共同参加了由上海国际品牌酒店协会俱乐部主办的一年一度的慈善联谊赛,虽然当 天 飘 落 小 雨 , 但 是选手们热情不减,开球合影后,一场激烈的角逐展开了,本次比赛设置团队奖项,Scramble并配合最佳球位:并且在球赛过程中,主办方在每隔三四个球洞的距离都精心准备了由各家酒店提供的美食,随时为球员补给打气和抵御雨天的寒气。 silport.com.cn | Shanghai: 18th of November, about a hundred of elites from Hotels of Shanghai area came to Silport to participant the 8th IBHS Charity Golf tournament organized by the Shanghai International Brand Hotels Association, although it was a little rainy but all the players felt excited and after the opening ceremony the match began under the format of Scramble and the best ball. silport.com.cn |
近期,Lee Jeans邀请了亚洲当红演员阮经天为其代言2010秋冬时装,此次广告以性感、热辣 的 摇 滚 风 呈 现,在中国大陆和亚太地区使用。 ba-repsasia.com | Lee Jeans goes for the sultry rocker look this season across the Asia Pacific region with actor Ruan Jing Tian (Ethan Ruan) as their headlining model for China. ba-repsasia.com |
在沙漠中随风飘扬的是阿布扎比国旗,国旗将穆斯林酋长国的传统红色与白色相结合,白色是英国根据 1820 [...] 年《海上合约》(General Maritime Treaty),要求停战诸国(当时的酋长国)加上的,表明各国的和平意愿。 wdl.org | Seen flying in the desert breeze is the flag of Abu [...] Dhabi, which combines the traditional red of the Muslim emirates with [...]white, which Great Britain, under the General Maritime Treaty of 1820, asked the Trucial States, as the emirates became known, to add to their flags as a sign of their peaceful intentions. wdl.org |
黑蛇”乐队是由几位住在挪威德拉门市的密友共同成立,其音乐具有 硬 摇 滚 的 风 格 , 并且同时结合了上世纪60年代摇滚音乐、朋克音乐和强力流行音乐的元素。 norway.org.cn | Black Snakes, founded by a group of friends from Drammen, play rock with a hard twist, combining elements from 60s rock with punk and a dash of power pop. norway.cn |
目前有一个 P-3 员额专门负责支助关于 [...] 水的研究、供应和养护,评估非洲各特派团的水资源并支助特派团管理这些资源; 评估地下水和雨水容 量,就恢复技术提供咨询意见,以满足特派团要求,还就环 [...] 境行动提供咨询意见,以养护、回收和补给资源,同时不对当地人口产生不利影 响。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is currently one post (P-3) dedicated to supporting water research, supply and conservation, assessing water resources in African missions and supporting missions [...] in the management of these resources; [...] assessing ground and rain water capacities and [...]providing advice on recovery techniques [...]to meet mission requirements and environmental action to conserve, recycle and replenish resources without adversely affecting the local population. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过气候变化对世界遗产影响的政策文件以及特定的世界遗产地适应气候变化的试点 [...] 项目,在世界自然遗产科学知识方面取得了进步,并为热 带 雨 林 遗 产适应性森林管理项目筹 资。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Progress in scientific knowledge for the benefit of World Natural Heritage was obtained through a policy document on the Impact of Climate Change on World Heritage Properties, pilot projects for climate change [...] adaptation at specific World Heritage sites, and fundraising for adaptive forest management in [...] the Tropical Rainforest Heritage. unesdoc.unesco.org |
有關這個集水區的雨水排 放系統全 面評估所得的結論是,必須改善現有的系統,以減低有關地區出現水 浸的風險,並滿足市民在改進防洪設施方面不斷提高的期望。 legco.gov.hk | A comprehensive assessment of the drainage systems in this catchment area concluded that the existing drainage systems require improvement to alleviate the flooding risks in the districts and to meet the community’s increasing expectation for better flood protection. legco.gov.hk |