

单词 风速计

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第一款以大众化价格推出迷风速计 风量(风量计算0∼99,990 m³/h) ;测量管道内或出风口风速;配管道夹,用於快速固定。
The first thermal anemometer inthis price range which can measure air velocity, volume flow [...]
and temperature: m/s and m³/h
(volume flow calculation 0 to 99,990 m³/h); Meas. in ducts and at duct outlets; duct holder and multi-function clip for quick positioning. please visit www.testo.com.hk!
因为拥有创新的独特市场的权威性,「Thermaltake」的产品 速风DIY电市场及金字塔顶端的玩家族群中,成为DIY电脑的首选品牌。
With innovative design and unique style, Thermaltake products spreadrapidly among the enthusiasts in DIY market [...]
and soon become the number
one choice for PC DIY enthusiasts worldwide.
The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below.
本集团的整焦点集中於金融市场的不可预见事情上,并务求减低对 本集团财务表现所构成之潜在不利影响。
The Group’soverall risk management programme [...]
focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise
potential adverse effects on the Group’s financial performance.
现代高楼带动建筑革命,不过高成本与跳脱框架的景观设计也引来社会反弹,由於新社区的地理位置,再加上与建筑稠密的市中心仍有一段距离,故当地风势较大,楼顶构造也 风速,尽管在原始育方面,有些细节受到忽略,但许多年轻家庭仍很满意新社区,都会建设显然需要厚实的社会基础,才得以发挥功能,让双方紧密结合。
The modern high quarters sparked an architectural revolution, yet the impressive costs and out-of-the-box landscape design stirred a social counter reaction.
排放量时,由於会使用实际的数据, 风速 行时间的影响,以及因而造成的燃料消耗量增减亦内。
We use actual
[...] operating datawhen calculating emissions, so variations caused by the wind effect on flight time - and the resulting impact on fuel consumption - are takeninto account.
风速後,强风保护功能停止运作,风力机本体会自动转回正面 迎风的位置。
When thewind speedslower, theHigh-Wind [...]
Protect function will inactive and turn the turbine back to the heading wind position.
屋 宇 署 拟 委 托 顾 问 进 行 研 究 , 就 有风 速/面 、 风 向 、 地 势 类 型 、 风 动 力 效 应 、 楼 宇 风 荷 载 过 度 反 应 的 峰 值 加 速 度 ( 包 括 人 体 舒 适 度 )、 外 压 力 系 数 等 事 项 , 检 视 海 外 一 些 风 力 守 则 和 已 发 表 文 献 所 载 的 现 行 做 法 ,并 提 供 建 议 ,使「 2004 年 守 则 」 更 切 合 时 代 需 要 和 与 现 代 的 国 际接 轧 , 同 时 配 合 风 力 工 程 和 科 技 的 最 新 发 展 。
The BD intends to commission a consultancy study to review
the current practices in overseas wind
[...] codes and published papers in respect of the wind speed/pressure profiles, wind directionality, terrain types, dynamic effects of wind, peak acceleration for excessive response of building including human comfort, external pressure coefficients, etc., and to make recommendations on modernising the 2004 Code so as to bring it in line with contemporary international design approaches and meet the latest development in wind engineering and technologies.
采用计风时之退货及计提 拨备。
Accumulated experienceis used to estimate [...]
and provide for sales return at the time of sale.
屋 宇 署 拟 委 托 顾 问 进 行 研 究 , 就 有风 速/面 、 风 向 、 地 势 类 型 、 风 动 力 效 应 、 楼 宇 风 荷 载 过 度 反 应 的 峰 值 加 速 度 ( 包 括 人 体 舒 适 度 )、 外 压 力 系 数 等 事 项 , 检 视 海 外 一 些 风 力 守 则 和 已 发 表 文 献 所 载 的 现 行 做 法 ,并 提 供 建 议 ,使「 2004 年 守 则 」 更 切 合 时 代 需 要 和 与 现 代 的 国 际接 轧 , 同 时 配 合 风 力 工 程 和 科 技 的 最 新 发 展 。
This is mainly due to the full-year effect of the increased honoraria for members of the Appeal Tribunal Panel (Buildings) and Appeal Board Panel (Town Planning), as well asthe estimatedincrease in the number of hearings to be handled by these two panels in 2012-13.
屋 宇 署 拟 委 托 顾 问 进 行 研 究 , 就 有风 速/面 、 风 向 、 地 势 类 型 、 风 动 力 效 应 、 楼 宇 风 荷 载 过 度 反 应 的 峰 值 加 速 度 ( 包 括 人 体 舒 适 度 )、 外 压 力 系 数 等 事 项 , 检 视 海 外 一 些 风 力 守 则 和 已 发 表 文 献 所 载 的 现 行 做 法 ,并 提 供 建 议 ,使「 2004 年 守 则 」 更 切 合 时 代 需 要 和 与 现 代 的 国 际接 轨 , 同 时 配 合 风 力 工 程 和 科 技 的 最 新 发 展 。
As regards the 59 new civil service posts to be created in the Buildings Department in 2012-13, they include one directorate post (D1), 26 professional posts (four Senior Building Surveyor/Senior Structural Engineer and 22 Building Surveyor/Structural Engineer posts), 24 technical posts (four Senior Survey Officer (Building)/Senior Technical Officer (Structural) and 20 Survey Officer (Building)/Technical Officer (Structural) posts), as well as eight general grade posts (four Analyst/Programmer posts and four Clerical Officer grade posts).
陈蓉蓉女士說,这估研究的目的,是检测动物源性食物的多溴聯苯醚含量;中学生可能 从这些食物摄入多溴聯苯醚的情况;以及评估多溴聯苯醚对健康带來
Ms Melva CHEN said that
[...] the RA study aimed to measure the levels of PBDEs in food of animal origin, to estimate thepotential dietary exposure to PBDEs of secondary school students in Hong Kong from these foods and to assess the associated health risks.
该公司表示,航机於B机场起飞时常会 风速定之情况发生,当时可能因为「请系安全带指示 [...]
Airline A further explained that the aircraft had
continuously experienced varying wind
[...] directions and wind speeds duringtakeoff from [...]
Airport B. It was possible that the
cockpit crew did not find it necessary to explain the takeoff conditions to the passengers since the fasten seatbelt light of the reported flight had already been illuminated.
Thespeed of thedesignis affected [...]
by the capacity of the computer and the type of design more than by the chosen number of iterations.
这些资料包括温度变化、水蒸气、气压、云量 风速料数据;三维气溶胶量度、 污染物、微量气体、火山灰和火山气体、不稳定气候、雨量和洪水预测、飓风强度、地面 轨迹记录等。
These include profiles of temperature, water vapor, pressure, clouds and wind, three-dimensional fields of aerosols, pollutants, and trace gases, volcanic ash and gases, weather instability, precipitation and flood forecasts, hurricane intensity and ground track, and other data.
BeoLab 12
[...] 扬声器系列是环绕音效配置的理想选择,可用来作为前置与後置扬声器,呈现出客厅整体一致的 计风
The BeoLab 12 family is ideal for surround setups, enabling you to
mix the different family members for front and rear speakers, as well as to maintain
[...] a coherent design in the living room.
连同IWC万国表的特别飞行员腕表和马克11腕表,建立出以驾驶舱为主题的 计风 并一直沿用至今。
Together with the IWC Special Pilot’s Watch and the Mark 11, it established the cockpit-style design that has remained to this day.
将舒肤贴疤痕凝胶涂抹一薄层於皮肤上,可 速风形成一透气、防水的透明保护膜。
Spreading the gel over the
[...] skin, it will dry quickly andform a breathable, [...]
transparent and waterproof layer to prevent
from chemical, physical and microbial invasion.
这两款香水的设计,圆润而富於个性,忠实於原版AGUA DE LOEWE的计风 采用金属瓶盖,象徵着一把钥匙或一只水龙头。
The design of both fragrances, round and with a great personality, is faithful to the original design of AGUA DE LOEWE, sealed with a metal cap, representing a key or a minimalist water faucet.
此软体可以监视合规控制并有效地 其可助IT管理者了解每个远端KVM使用者、内部KVM使用者或IT服务承办人员对伺服器所执行的作业,包含完整的所有动作,并将其储存於安全的系统中,以供日後审计。
The software can help monitor compliance
[...] control and auditing efficiently. It quickly helps ITmanagers [...]
know what every remote KVM user,
internal KVM user, or IT service contractor is doing on the servers, with full coverage of all actions; saved in a bulletproof system for future auditing.
结果表圈显着缩窄,与葡萄牙系列原本的 计风加一致。
As a result, the bezel is considerably narrower and much more in keeping with the original style of the Portuguesedesign.
国际速计询委员会的使命是缩小 速计 (HPC)使用与其潜力之间的差距,将 速计力带给新用户,以实现更好的研究、教育、创新和产品制造,为用户提供操作高速电脑系统所需的专门知识,为应用软体设计人员提供实现平行计算以及加强 速计统产品的监定和整合所需的工具。
The HPC Advisory Council's mission
is to
[...] bridge the gap between high-performance computing (HPC) use and its potential, bring the beneficial capabilities of HPC to new users for better research, education, innovation and product manufacturing, bring users the expertise needed to operate HPC systems, provide application designers with the tools needed to enable parallel computing, and to strengthen [...]
the qualification
and integration of HPC system products.
这些以大学为单位的参赛队伍将在ISC’13展览厅展开激烈角逐,并将展示尖端HPC系统和应用软体的绝佳性能。这些队伍包括:英国的爱丁堡大学(EPCC);德国的开姆尼茨工业大学和卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT);哥斯大黎加的哥斯大黎加科技学院(TEC);美国的科罗拉多大学波尔德分校(CU);台湾的国立清华大学(NTSU);南非的一所大学(具体名单将由 速计心(CHPC)在决赛中确定);以及中国大陆的两支大学队伍(具体名单将由Inspur在2013年初的决赛中确定)。
University-based teams to compete and demonstrate the incredible capabilities of state-of-the-art HPC systems and applications on the ISC'13 show-floor will be the following: The University of Edinburgh (EPCC) from the United Kingdom, Chemnitz University of Technology and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) from Germany, Costa Rica Institute of Technology (TEC) from Costa Rica, University of Colorado Boulder (CU) from the USA, National Tsing Hua University (NTSU) from Taiwan, a university to be
determined in a run-off competition via the
[...] Centre forHighPerformance Computing (CHPC) [...]
from South Africa, and two university
teams from China who will be determined in a run-off competition via Inspur in early 2013.




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