单词 | 风起潮涌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 风起潮涌—violent development [idiom.]less common: turbulent times lit. wind rises, tide bubbles up See also:风潮—tempest craze or fad wave (of popular sentiment etc) 潮涌—surge like the tide 涌起—bubble forth spurt well up boil out 风潮n—groundswelln
联合国争议法庭面临着‘在其真正运行起来之前’被涌入的新案件‘淹没’的威胁,这一威胁 将‘严重损害新系统的实施’”。 daccess-ods.un.org | the threat of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal [...] being ‘swamped’ bythe influx ofnew cases ‘before it [...]has really got up and running’ would [...]’severely prejudice the implementation of the new system’”. daccess-ods.un.org |
近年来,全球掀起华语文学习风潮,中文在未来的世界,可谓占有举足轻重的重要性。 hwahsia.org.nz | In recent years, the world set off a wave of Chinese language learning and Chinese can be said to occupy a pivotal importance in the future world. hwahsia.org.nz |
到迪斯科舞池中体验人潮涌动,在我们富有魅力的夜店中尽情歌舞到深夜。 msccruises.com.cn | Dance the night away in our glamorous nightclubs and join the crowds on the disco dance-floor. msccruises.com.eg |
巴黎的新进DJ二人组Jidax,由两位年轻艺人Axel Stylmon及Le Jide组成,出道不久即於欧洲的电子舞曲界掀起一阵风潮。 yp.mo | Comprising the young and energetic Axel Stylmon and Le Jide, the Paris DJpairing of Jidax has already brought a new wave to European electronic music circles. yp.mo |
这项概念并非基於消费主义,亦非预测未来,而是重新想像事物运作的方式,以另类角度看待未来休闲及旅游,缓慢风潮正在快速兴起。 thisbigcity.net | This is a re-imagining of how things could be – an alternative take on future leisure and travel, in which slowis the new fast. thisbigcity.net |
霍姆斯目前人潮涌动,人们随着暴力的跌宕起伏而来来去去。 unicef.org | Homs is in a state of [...] flux, with people leaving and arriving with the ebb and flow of violence. unicef.org |
我们很快就意识到,都市农园并非唯一令人想说的故事,於是决定在底特律住满一年,唯有如此,身为外国人和记者/导演,才能用新鲜角度忠实呈现底特律,同时一起推动改革风潮。 thisbigcity.net | We decided to stay a full year in Detroit because we felt that was the only way for us, as foreigners and journalists/filmmakers, to produce a faithful report on Detroit with a fresh perspective, while contributing to that unique wind of change. thisbigcity.net |
另一方面,随着更多呈男性化尺寸和款式的金表大量涌现,引领潮流的时尚女孩也对黄金手表青睐有加。 hk.ashford.com | On the flip side, front row style savvy girls, are gravitating to yellow gold watches as the timepiece of choice in more masculine sizes and shapes. ashford.com |
因着值得注意的乐队不断涌现,芬兰流行音乐乐坛可说是风起云涌。 visitfinland.com | The Finnish pop music scene is [...] buzzing withan influx of noteworthy groups. visitfinland.com |
且回顾2000年后如潮水般大量涌现的男 子/女子组合。跟随着社会主流审美观,于 是 造 就 了 一 大 班 打 着 可 爱 旗 号 的 男 子 / 女 子组合,朗朗上口的卡拉OK曲调(或更甚 以 前 ) 其 销 量 通 常 就 可 以 轻 易 登 上 O r i con排行榜高位(日本Oricon排行榜的地 位相当于美国Billboards排行榜)。 nipponproject.com | Looking at the vast majority of boy/girl bands in Japan appearing after 2000, taste in mainstream society has turned to cute boys and girls singing catchy karaoke -style tunes (more so than before) that sell and often make Oricon Chart rankings (equivalent to the Billboards). nipponproject.com |
二十世纪初目睹了南亚次大陆上的相互激励的 独立运动风起云涌和在非洲为自由而开展的斗争。 daccess-ods.un.org | The early twentieth century witnessed mutually inspiring independence movements in the South Asian subcontinent and the freedom struggle in Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
购物中心最初引起风潮,是因为美国人口逐渐向郊区迁移,以开车为主的社会文化追求便利所致,郊区购物中心通常能免费停车,再加上空旷广大的露天停车场,如同「死亡地带」(dead [...] zone),令最勇敢的行人也提心吊胆,故多数购物民众只能驾车前往。 thisbigcity.net | Shopping [...] malls first rose to popularity asthe American [...]population shifted to the suburbs, becoming an increasingly autocentric [...]culture seeking greater efficiency and convenience in their lives. thisbigcity.net |
选取该等程序取决於 [...] 核数师的判断,包括评估财务报表出现重大错误陈述(不论是否因欺诈或错误引起)的风险。asiasat.com | The procedures selected depend on [...] the auditor’s judgment, including the [...] assessment of the risksofmaterial misstatement [...]of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. asiasat.com |
联合来文3 声明,在巴布亚新几内亚,气候变化将威胁享有粮食、健康、 生存方式的权利,威胁个人维持其适足生活水准的能力,因为气候变化将有限的 [...] 淡水资源盐渍化、加剧飓风、海平面上升导致在潮涌时发生水灾和土地被淹没、 并使海岸线和低洼地区遭到侵蚀。 daccess-ods.un.org | Joint Submission 3 (JS3) stated that in Papua New Guinea, climate change would threaten the enjoyment of the rights to food, health, means of subsistence, and the ability of individuals to maintain an adequate standard of living as it would cause salinification of limited freshwater sources, worsened [...] cyclones, sea level rise resulting in flooding and [...] overwash during tidesurges, and erosion [...]of coastlines and low-lying areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
参加幼儿保育和教育的热潮正在兴起,初等教育的性别差距日渐缩小,扫盲运动方兴未艾。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Participation in early childhood care and education is rising, the gender gap in primary education is narrowing and literacy is on the increase. unesdoc.unesco.org |
自二零零七年十二月三十一日起,长期信贷风险以短期准备作为补充,以处理评级机构可能会调低 信贷评级及短期违约可能高於长期假设的关注。 prudential.co.uk | Thislong-termcreditrisk was supplemented by a [...] short-term allowance from 31 December 2007 to allow for the concern that [...]credit ratings applied by the rating agencies may be downgraded and defaults in the short term might be higher than the long-term assumptions. prudential.co.uk |
沿岸涨潮通常是高潮、涌浪和波浪相结合的结果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Permanent archival of all data is an essential component of data management. unesdoc.unesco.org |
虽然这些措施有助于减轻对 [...] Dadaab 难民营设施和服务的压力,但不断涌入的难民潮给执行国际公认的保护和援助标准带来了挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | While these measures have helped to alleviate the pressure on [...] facilities and services in the [...] Dadaab camps, the ongoing influx continues to pose a [...]challenge to meeting internationally [...]accepted protection and assistance standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
堤岸被毁之后,洪水随着潮汐的涨落涌入然后退去。 unicef.org | With the embankments destroyed, the [...] water comes and goes with the high and low tides. unicef.org |
今年TED大奖主题为「城市2.0」的新构想,结合游戏、群众外包和地方参与,或许能形成超完美风暴,掀起都市设计革命,培养新一代热情、主动的都市公民。 thisbigcity.net | With this year’s TED Prize looking for new ideas on City 2.0, this combination of gaming, crowd sourcing, and local participation may be the perfect storm tostart a revolution in urban design to create a new active populace of passionate urban citizens. thisbigcity.net |
在即将举行的2012年伦敦奥运、2014年FIFA世界盃足球赛、甚至2016年奥运等世界级运动赛事的带动下,预期全球爱好健康人士的运动风潮仍会延续、也为台湾运动器材厂商带来无限商机。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | As buyers from the US, UK, Japan and China flock in Taiwan for the latest exercise innovations, world-class sporting events such as 2012 London Olympics, the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympics all pose incredible new opportunities for Taiwanese makers to take advantage of the increasing heat. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
埃及注意到制定了关于难民潮涌入问题的法律和政策,并询问塞浦路斯是否制定了深入的政策和条例,以 [...] 维护移民,特别是工人权利,以及非法移民权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | It noted the laws and policies [...] dealingwith influx of migrants and [...]asked Cyprus to elaborate further on policies and regulations [...]adopted to safeguard the rights of migrants, particularly workers, and those of irregular immigrants. daccess-ods.un.org |