

单词 风湿关节炎



rheumatoid arthritis

See also:

风湿 n

rheumatology n

关节 n

joint n
articular n
cartilage n


joint (physiology)
critical phase
key point

External sources (not reviewed)

整形外科和创伤服务因得不到双手关节修复假体而受到影响,这种假肢普遍 适用于风湿关节炎患者
Orthopaedic and trauma services are
impacted by the lack of access to prosthesis for the joints of hands, commonly used
[...] for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
这些发现可能会提供线索让人们了解为什么像多发性硬化及 风湿关节炎 等 自 身免疫性疾病在女性中往往要比在男性中更为常见。
The findings may shed light on why
autoimmune disorders, such as multiple
[...] sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, tend to be more [...]
common in women than in men.
常见的自身免疫性疾病,包括牛皮癣, 风湿关节炎 ( RA ),狼疮和多发性硬化症。
Common autoimmune disorders include
[...] Psoriasis, Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Lupus and [...]
Multiple Sclerosis.
包含在浆果一家里的solanine可以用于治 风湿 症 , 关节炎 和 皮肤病,并且作为一种杀虫剂使用。
The solanine contained in the berries can be used
[...] for treating rheumatism, arthritis, and skin disease, [...]
and used as a pesticide.
例如,英利昔单抗是一个可以识别肿瘤坏死因子的抗体,被用于治疗肠道疾病和 风湿 性 关节炎 's [3] [4] .
For example, Infliximab is one antibody of many available that
recognize tumor necrosis factor alpha and are used in the treatment of
[...] Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis [3] [4] .
囊性纤维化病(粘液粘稠病)和青少年 风湿 性 关节炎: Stills病分享26共同的研究结果。
Cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis)
[...] and Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis/Stills d sharing [...]
26 common findings.
据发表在3月6日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,尽管患有 风湿关节炎 ( RA )的患者有着带状疱疹(shingles)的不成比例的高发病率,但一项对包括了近6万名患有RA及其它炎症疾病的患者的分析发现,与那些启用非生物治疗方案的患者相比,启用抗肿瘤坏死因子疗法的患者其罹患带状疱疹的风险并没有增加。
[...] patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have a [...]
disproportionately higher incidence of herpes zoster (shingles),
an analysis that included nearly 60,000 patients with RA and other inflammatory diseases found that those who initiated anti-tumor necrosis factor therapies were not at higher risk of herpes zoster compared with patients who initiated nonbiologic treatment regimens, according to a study appearing in the March 6 issue of JAMA.
战区导弹防御系统的原因是多方面的,包括创伤,无论是直接的力量的联合,通过长期的压力牙科(磨牙), 压力 ,风湿关节炎的, osteoartite的,错牙合畸形( 牙齿到其正常位置偏差)。
The causes of TMD are multifactorial and include trauma, either by direct force on the joint, either by
prolonged pressure dentistry
[...] (bruxism), stress , rheumatoid arthritis, osteoartite, [...]
malocclusion (deviation tooth to its normal position).
另外,食用鱼类对患阿兹海默症和 2 型糖尿病的病人也有好处,可降低心脏病发作的危险,促进婴儿眼睛和脑的发育,减 风湿 性 关节炎 的症 状,可能还会减缓乳腺癌及其他形式癌症的恶化(Pombo & Gibbons 2005)。
In addition, fish consumption has beneficial impacts on people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and
type 2-diabetes and
[...] can reduce the risk of heart attack, contribute to infant eye and brain development, lessen the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and may slow [...]
the progression of breast
and other forms of cancer (Pombo & Gibbons 2005).
[...] 计, 在 2009年 下半年开 始 这一抗体在风湿性关节炎病人 身上的1b/2a 期的研究。
MorphoSys expects to commence a Phase Ib/IIa trial of this
[...] antibody in rheumatoid arthritis patients in the second [...]
half of 2009.
另外,60岁的Charles在17年前出现 风湿 髋 关节炎 , 不 但影响活动能力,更痛得难以入眠。
Another 60 year old Charles had rheumatoid osteoarthritis 17 years ago. Not only was the hip function affected, it was too painful to sleep.
眼科检查可以发现全身的健康问题,比如糖尿病、心血管疾病、高血压、众多结缔组织疾病(狼疮 风湿 性 关节炎 、 血 管病变)、感染(包括艾滋病)、癌症等。
An ophthalmologic exam can reveal findings indicative of systemic health issues, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, a
myriad of connective tissue disorders
[...] (e.g. lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitides), [...]
infections, including HIV/AIDS, and cancers.
我行医多年,发现有很多疾病用传统方法治疗有时並未见效,后来发现用NONI果粉有很多帮助,其原因是"Xeronine"是一种非常重要的酵素,对维护健康有著重要的意义,我发现NONI果粉对以下疾病甚有帮助 风湿 性 关节炎 、 筋 骨炎、腕骨炎及滑囊炎等。
Chinese medicine for many years, found that many diseases with traditional treatment sometimes did not get effective, later found with NONI powder has a lot of help, the reason is that " Xeronine " is a very important enzyme, for the maintenance of
health has important
[...] significance, I found NONI powder on the following diseases very helpful: rheumatic arthritis carpal [...]
arthritis, arthritis, tendonitis and bursitis.
跟腱痛,痛性营养不良综合征—祖德克综合征–下肢,痛性营养不良综合征—祖德克综合征–上肢 , 类 风湿 性 关节炎 , 急 性关节炎,慢性关节炎,关节水肿,急性滑囊炎,畸形,急性挫伤,扭伤,亚急性挫伤,术后疼痛,水肿缩减,上髁炎(两侧),上髁炎(桡骨、尺骨),关节积血,急性血肿,肩周炎 (五十肩),术后肌肉张力减退,下背痛,奥斯哥特-施拉特病,肌肉撕裂,肌肉痛,脊柱侧凸,强直性脊柱炎,慢性腱鞘炎,亚急性腱鞘炎
achillodynia, algodystrophic syndrome – lower limb, algodystrophic syndrome – upper limb, arthritis rheumatoid, arthrosis acute, arthrosis chronic, arthrosis oedematous, bursitis acute, distortion, contusion - peracute, distortion, contusion - subacute, pain -postoperative, oedema reduction, epicondylitis (lateral), epicondylitis radial (ulnar), haemarthrosis, haematoma - peracute, periarthritis of the shoulder (frozen shoulder), hypotonia muscular - postoperative, lumbalgia (low back pain), Osgood-Schlatter, torn muscle, myalgia, scoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis, tendovaginitis - chronic, tendovaginitis - subacute
ORTHOSET®不透射线骨水泥适用于在骨科肌肉骨骼手术中将假体固定到活体骨上,可用于风湿性关节炎、骨 性关节炎、创伤性关节炎、镰状细胞性贫血、骨质疏松症、无血管性坏 死、胶原病、继发于创伤或其它病症的严重关节破坏、以前进行的关节成形术的翻修及病理性 骨折的固定。
ORTHOSET® Radiopaque Bone Cement is indicated for the fixation of prostheses to living bone in orthopedic musculoskeletal surgical procedures for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, traumatic arthritis, sickle cell anemia, osteoporosis, avascular necrosis, collagen disease, severe joint destruction secondary to trauma or other conditions, revision of previous arthroplasty and the fixation of pathological fractures.
风湿病指关节、肌肉及韧带等发生于肌-骨系统的各种疾病。不仅包 风湿 性 关节炎 、 狼疮(Lupus)、骨关节炎(退行性关节炎)、强直性脊椎炎、风症等典型的风湿性疾病,而且还包括系统性硬化症(Systemic Sclerosis)、多发性肌炎、斯蒂尔病、血管炎、白塞氏病、纤维肌痛综合征等100多种疾病。
Rheumatic diseases mean several ones that occur in articulation, muscle and ligament and includes various diseases with more than 100 kinds including systemic sclerosis, polymyositis, still`s disease, vasculitis, Behcet's disease, fibromyalgia syndrome as well as rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, degenerative arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, etc. Division of rheumatology professionally treats these rheumatic diseases.
跟腱痛,动脉炎(下肢),动脉炎(上肢) 风湿 性 关节炎 , 急 性关节病,慢性关节病,关节水肿,间歇性跛行,扭伤,挫伤,术后疼痛,水肿减少,上髁炎(侧面),上髁炎(尺骨),急性血肿,肩周炎(冰冻肩),肌张力亢进,白肌纤维肌肉张力减退,白肌纤维肌肉张力减退,术后肌张力减退,下背痛,淋巴水肿,伯格病(间歇性失运动综合征),手足发绀,神经痛,雷诺综合征,短肌,弛缓性便秘,痉挛性便秘,脊柱侧凸,痉挛,强直性脊柱炎,慢性腱鞘炎,亚急性肌腱炎,肌肉刺激“白肌纤维”,肌肉刺激“红肌纤维”,激痛点—深层,激痛点—浅层,牙关紧闭症。
achillodynia, arteritis
[...] (lower limb), arteritis (upper limb), arthritis rheumatoid, [...]
arthrosis acute, arthrosis chronic,
arthrosis oedematous, intermittent claudication, distortion, contusion, pain postoperative, oedema reduction, epicondylitis (lateral), epicondylitis radial (ulnar), haematoma - peracute, periarthritis of the shoulder (frozen shoulder), hypertonia muscular, hypotonia muscular "phasic", hypotonia muscular "tonic", hypotonia muscular - postoperative, lumbalgia (low back pain), lymphoedema, Buerger, acrocyanosis, neuralgia, Raynaud's, short muscles, obstipation atonic, obstipation spastic, scoliosis, spasticity, ankylosing spondylitis, tendovaginitis chronic, tendinitis subacute, muscle tonization "phasic", muscle tonization 'tonic', trigger points – deep, trigger points – superficial, trismus
M Barkum,灾害和千年(1986年);科尔伯里奇,新天,新地:一个千禧年的活动研究(1969年); ñ科恩,追求千年(1970年),JW戴维森,千年思想的逻辑:十八世纪的新英格兰(1977年) ; 类 风湿 性 关节炎 多 安 ,米勒异端:千禧年与美国文化(1987年); DL的罗素,方法和犹太世界末日,公元前200年消息 - 公元100年(1964年);一个泰勒,和谐视野:一个在19世纪千禧年研究(1987年); TP的韦伯,在第二次来的阴影生活:美国Premillennialism,1875年至1925年(1979年)。
M Barkum, Disaster and the Millennium (1986); KOL Burridge, New Heaven, New Earth: A Study of Millenarian Activities (1969); N Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millennium (1970); JW Davidson, The Logic of Millennial Thought: Eighteenth Century New England (1977); RA Doan, The Miller Heresy: Millennialism and American Culture (1987); DL Russell, The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic, 200 BC - AD 100 (1964); A Taylor, Visions of Harmony: A Study in 19th Century Millenarianism (1987); TP Weber, Living in the Shadow of the Second Coming: American Premillennialism, 1875 - 1925 (1979).
公司开发的ND-07主要用于治疗各种炎性疾病,包括胰腺炎、炎性肠病(inflammatory bowel disease)风湿性关节炎和各 种炎症引发的病痛,ND-07的临床前试验工作已经接近尾声。
Neurotech Pharmaceuticals was founded to develop drugs for the treatment of neurological diseases on the basis of the close collaboration of basic and clinical academic teams in 1998In addition to AAD-2004, Neu2000, a moderate NMDA receptor NR2B-selective antagonist and potent antioxidant, has been developed as a drug candidate for stroke, spinal cord injury, acute
myocardial infarction, and
[...] burn injuryNonclincial and human phase I studies in the United States demonstrate [...]
that Neu2000 is
safe (therapeutic index = 35 - 800 depending on types and severity of diseases) and thus can be advanced into human phase II studyND-07 has been developed to treat inflammatory diseases including pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and pain and is near the end of preclinical study.
根状茎是难以接受和有毒的和处理伤口,出血伤口 风湿 症 和 关节炎 的 痛 的可药用。
The rhizomes are bitter and poisonous and are used medicinally for treating injury,
[...] bleeding wounds, and pain of rheumatism and arthritis.
Gout is a kind of arthritis caused by uric [...]
acid depositing in the joints.
35 体重过重或肥 胖增加心血管疾病(主要是心脏病和 风 ) 、 糖 尿病 关节炎 和 一些癌症的风险。
Levels of obesity typically rise with advancing age, reaching a peak in the late 60s to late 70s, depending on the country.35Being
overweight or obese leads to increased risks from cardiovascular
[...] disease (mainly heart disease and stroke), diabetes, arthritis and some cancers.
如多动症,自闭症,尿床,绞痛,耳部感染 湿 疹 , 荨麻疹,蚊虫叮咬,咽 炎 , 疣等 相 关 症 状 ,需要父母更多关心。
Attention Deficit
[...] Disorder, Autism, Bed-wetting, Colic, Ear Infection, Eczema, Hives, Insect Bites, Strep Throat, and Warts are some of the conditions that concern parents.
腰痛的原因有很多,其中包括脊柱肌肉痛、脊柱神经痛、脊椎管变窄(椎管狭窄)、脊 关节炎 ( 脊椎面退化及骶骨关节机能障碍)、感染和肿瘤。
There are many causes of lower back pain including spinal muscle pain, spinal nerve pain, narrowing of
the spinal canal (spinal
[...] stenosis), spine arthritis (facet degeneration and sacroiliac joint [...]
dysfunction), infection and tumors.
在这炎热、潮湿的季节,照 顾好您的身体是最重要的。
In this hot and humid weather, taking care of your [...]
body in general should be a priority.
纤维肌痛是一种关节性风湿病,临床表现为肌肉骨骼系统多处疼痛与发僵,并在特殊部位有压痛点,多发生在睡眠障碍人群,表现为睡眠易醒、多梦、晨起精神不振、疲乏、有全身疼痛和晨僵感 。
Fibromyalgia is an ongoing condition recognized by specific tender points on various parts of the body, widespread musculoskeletal discomfort, morning stiffness, fatigue and impaired sleep.
经济、社会、文化权利委员会认为,包括农村地区劳动者在内的所有人都 拥有住房权,这一权利确保在任何时候可提供住房使用权的最低法律保障,包括 免遭强迫驱逐;提供基本的服务、材料、设备和基础设施,包括提供安全饮用水
[...] 免受不合理租金水平或租金上涨的影响;提供适于居住的住房,包括向住户提供 保护,使他们免受严寒、湿、炎热 、 刮 风 下 雨 或其他健康威胁;向处境不利的 群体,包括老年人、儿童、残疾人和自然灾害受害者提供住房机会;适当的居住 [...]
According to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, every person, including those working in rural areas, has a right to housing, which guarantees at all times the minimum conditions of legal security of tenure, including protection against forced eviction; availability of essential services, materials, facilities and infrastructure, including access to safe drinking water and sanitation; affordability, including for the poorest, through housing subsidies, protection against unreasonable rent levels or rent
increases; habitability, including
[...] protection from cold, damp, heat, rain, wind or other threats [...]
to health; accessibility for disadvantaged
groups, including the elderly, children, the physically disabled and victims of natural disasters; and a suitable location, far from sources of pollution while close to schools and health-care services.76 48.
关上述风险和 不确定性的进一步信息,以及影响我们的业务的其他风险和不确定性,请参见2013年3月5日提交美国证券交易委员会的10-K表年报中 风 险 因 素等 节 , 以 及提交美国证券交易委员会的后续报告。
Further information about these risks and uncertainties, and other risks and uncertainties that affect our business, is contained in the risk factors section and other sections of our annual report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities [...]
and Exchange
Commission on March 5, 2013, as well subsequent reports filed with or furnished to the SEC.
这些活动包括每年在臭氧日出版印度的成功故 事、出版关于淘汰氟氯化碳生产的宣传手册、支助 风 机 节 能 项 目、举办氟氯化碳生关 闭宣 传讲习班、培训海关和边境官员、对从氟氯化碳生产商处购置的计量吸入器进行数据 管理、审计氟氯化碳生产和出口库存量、拟订监测议定书供 [...]
2010 年以后进行监测以及对氟 氯化碳生产关闭对四氯化碳存量和供应的影响进行研究。
These include the annual publication of the India Success Story on Ozone Day, the publication of a booklet on CFC
production phase-out,
[...] support to chiller energy efficiency project, workshops on awareness of CFC production closure, training for customs and border [...]
officials, data management
on MDIs procured from CFC producers, audit of the CFC production and export quantities from stockpiles, the development of a Monitoring Protocol for monitoring post 2010, and a study on the impact of CFC production closure on stocks and availability of CTC.




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