

单词 风水



The wheel of fortune turns.


wind-powered waterwheel


Every dog has his day.
Reversal of the wheel of fortune.

External sources (not reviewed)

对于孟加拉国以及尼罗河和密西西比三角洲的人口稠密、地势低洼、 容易遭受风水灾的 沿海地区来说,这些因素极其重要。
These factors are of critical importance for
densely populated low-lying coastal regions
[...] prone to storm flooding, such as Bangladesh [...]
and the deltas of the Nile and the Mississippi.
Turbine 涡轮机风、水流或 高温气体推动而转动的轮子。
Turbine a wheel turned by wind,
[...] steam, or falling water to generate electricity.
居住在中国,能让我们有机会了解传统中医的治疗技艺,如针灸、中草药 风水 和 推 拿(按摩),并亲身体验进而从中受益。
Living in China, we have the opportunity to
learn about and benefit from the traditional Chinese healing arts of
[...] acupuncture, herbology, fengshui, and tui na (massage).
没想到,是有的,但是要付费!我只好把电脑塞好,然后找 风水 极 佳的长凳睡一夜。
I put my laptop away, and scouted for the best bench to be my bed tonight.
[...] 人体工程的办公空间计划,办公用具的设计,现代建筑生物学 与传统的设计手法风水)结 合起来用。
For this we combine ergonomic office
planning and furniture design, modern building biology and a traditional method of
[...] stimulating room design (Feng Shui).
早上9:00在到皇岗口岸3楼出境大厅集合,抵港后前往香港会展中心、金紫荆广场(约30分钟),这里为香港回归祖国的见证,团友可于“永远盛开的紫荆花”及回归的纪念碑旁拍照留念,午餐后前往参观香港 风水 宝 地——浅水湾(约30分钟), 水 湾 风 光 秀 丽,是香港众多优美海滩之一,而后游览闻名世界的海洋公园(包含门票RMB260元/人,约3个小时多),这里有世界最大的水族馆、鲨鱼馆及海洋剧场,有海豚、海狮、杀人鲸等精彩特技表演;还有各式各样惊险刺激的机动游乐设施,如过山车、摩天轮、海盗船等。
At 9:00 in the morning to the Huanggang port 3 building exit hall collection, after arrival to the Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Golden Bauhinia Square ( about 30 minutes ), here for the return of Hongkong to the motherland testimony, you can in "forever blooming Bauhinia " and the return of memorial photo-taking,
lunch to visit the
[...] Hongkong Feng Shui -- Repulse Bay ( about 30 minutes ), Repulse Bay scenery, Hongkong is [...]
one of the many beautiful
beaches, then visit the world-famous Ocean Park (including tickets to RMB260 yuan / person, about 3 hours ), here are the world's largest aquarium, aquarium and marine theater, dolphins, sea lions, the killer whale and other amazing stunts; and every kind of thrilling mobile amusement facility, such as a roller coaster, the pirate ship and so on, the Ferris wheel.
强调增加使用和推广促进可持续发展的新能源和可再生能源,包括太阳-热、 光生伏打、生物质风、水、潮 汐、海洋和地热等形式的能源,可以对实现可持 [...]
Emphasizing that the increased use and promotion of new and renewable sources of energy for sustainable
development, including solar-thermal,
[...] photovoltaic, biomass, wind, hydro, tidal, ocean [...]
and geothermal forms, could make a significant
contribution towards the achievement of sustainable development and the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals
太阳能可直接转化风、水和生 物燃料的能源。
Solar energy can be
[...] used directly as wind, water and biofuels.
他还重风水轮流 转,总是有可能性来克服不可逾越的障碍,小的可以战胜强大的,弱着可以对抗强者,穷人在富人面前也可以光彩夺目。
More importantly, the FA
[...] Cup reaffirms that there is always [...]
hope, and perhaps this is the most important reason why the
institute is so beloved; for it reaffirms that the wheels turn, that there is always the possibility of overcoming seemingly unsurpassable obstacles- that the small can triumph over the giants, that the weak can persist against the strong, that the poor can shine in the face of the wealthy.
风水是环 境的现代概念也可以被称为科学的自然环境,在环境质量,在自然界中产生了积极的影响,对人体的气场,人的生命,连续的材料的过程中,与外界的能量和信息的交换,它是人体与外部环境密切的相互依存关系,在外部环境的变化,如自然电磁波的变化的反应是非常敏感的,是与一定的物理和化学反应现象 风水风水 的 核 心机制的基础上,每个人使用的性质有利的信息场,从而达到目的的好运气的因素。
Feng Shui is the modern concept of environment can also be referred to as the science of the natural environment, the gas field in the environmental quality of exerting a positive influence on the human body, in nature, of human life, the process of continuous material energy and information exchange with the outside world, it is close interdependent relationship with the external environment, the human body is very sensitive to changes in the external environment, such as changes in response to natural electromagnetic waves, are associated with certain physical and chemical reaction phenomena, feng shui mechanism based on the core of feng shui is that people [...]
use each kinds of factors
of of nature favorable information field, so as to achieve the purpose of good fortune.
在视频一分钟左右之后,Daniel Dreifuss有用英文表达他关于钟风水 , 佛 学灵感和条纹衬衫气场学等等的演说。
Daniel Dreifuss is sharing his view in
[...] English on Watch Feng Shui, Buddha inspiration [...]
and the energy flow of striped shirts after approx. 1 minute.
由于太阳能以风、水能不 能提供稳定的能源,电网企业正在建立集成在电网上的数据通讯网络并且计划使用只能电网来保证能源的稳定供应以及分销。
Since solar, wind and hydropower do not produce a [...]
steady supply of energy, grid owners are establishing a data communication
network integrated into the power grid and plan to use this Smart Grid for ensuring the steady supply and distribution of energy.
我们中国人都喜欢坐北向南的房子,不 风水 好 , 家里的采光也好,而在西温, 坐北朝南的房子和土地更是来自世界各地人们争相追捧的热点,因为有机会看到海天一色的美景,如果在西温山上眺望,东起高贵林,本拿比,温哥华,北温,正南看到温哥华市中心的高楼林立,五帆酒店,史旦立公园,狮门桥,列治文, 西到温哥华岛,中间由大海连接,大山陪衬,难怪人说“Million Dollar View” (百万难买的风景)。
From top of Glenmore, view from the east of Coquitlam, Burnaby, Vancouver and North Vancouver, then south of Vancouver Downtown, Lions Gate Bridge, and Stanley Park, to the west of Vancouver Island…Once you see the view, you will understand why people saying “Million Dollar View”.
巴塞尔公约》和《鹿特丹公约》并 不涵盖危险化学品通风、水或生 物体的远距离越境转移。
The long-range transboundary movement of hazardous
[...] chemicals through wind, water or living organisms [...]
is not covered by the Basel and Rotterdam conventions.
在发生风、水灾、住房倒塌、事故和破坏安全 的事件之后,军事部门提供快速反应援助。
The military component has been providing quick response assistance in the aftermath of such events as hurricanes, floods, building collapses, accidents and security breaches.
八卦城最早出现在南宋时期,当时的道教全真七子之一、龙门派教主“长春真人”丘处机应成吉思汗之邀,前往西域向大汗讲授治国扶民方略和长生不老之道,丘处机历时三年游历天山,途中被集山之刚气、川之柔顺、水之盛脉为一体的特克斯河谷吸引,便以此作为“八卦城” 风水 核 心 ,确定了坎北、离南、震东、兑西四个方位,于是形成了特克斯八卦城最原始的雏形。
Gossip City first appeared in the Southern Song Dynasty, Taoism was one of Seven whole truth, dragon martial art guru "Changchun real" Chuji be Genghis Khan was invited to teach Western country to help people sweat strategy and longevity of the road, three-year Chuji travel Tianshan mountains just the way the gas is set, Chuan supple, water-filled veins as one of the valley
attracted the Turks, then as a "gossip
[...] city" the core of feng shui to determine the ridge [...]
north from the south, Zhendong , against
the West, four directions, so the formation of the Turks the city's most original prototype gossip.
经过一年的奋斗,我们得到“最 风水 设计 2000”的奖赏。
We work with a team of specialists and offer our clients an integral solution which works.
强调加勒比国家极为脆弱,原因是气候改变和气候多变,及由此产生诸如海 平面上升、厄尔尼诺等现象,风、 水 灾 和 旱灾造成的自然灾害日益频繁和严重, 而且它们还受到诸如火山、海啸和地震造成的自然灾害的影响
that the Caribbean countries have a high degree of vulnerability occasioned by climate change, climate variability and associated phenomena, such as the rise in sea level, the El Niño phenomenon and the increase in the
frequency and intensity of natural
[...] disasters caused by hurricanes, floods and droughts, [...]
and that they are also subject to natural
disasters, such as those caused by volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquakes
[...] 来,他们试了神秘教、各种宗教、偶像崇拜 风水 学 、邪术、卜卦、正 面思想论等等。
They turn to mysticism, different religions,
[...] idol worship, feng shui, voodoo, positive [...]
thinking, fortune telling etc.
但是这种模式也逐渐被分布式的可再生能源电网所取代。由于太阳能以 风 、 水 能 不 能提供稳定的能源,电网企业正在建立集成在电网上的数据通讯网络并且计划使用只能电网来保证能源的稳定供应以及分销。
Since solar, wind and hydropower do not produce [...]
a steady supply of energy, grid owners are establishing a data communication
network integrated into the power grid and plan to use this Smart Grid for ensuring the steady supply and distribution of energy.
因此,将其引入气候模式中能够模拟出比CTL-AGCM更合理的气候平均状态、水汽分布以及水汽输送的气候特征,特别是亚洲夏 风水 汽 输送独特的地域性,再现了大气环流,尤其是陆面气候的基本特征。
Thus the coupled SSiB-AGCM runs lead to the more conspicuous improvement in the
[...] circulation,precipitation,mean water vapor content and its transport.particularly in the Asian monsoon region [...]
in the real world than CTL-AGCM runs.
接下来的特别演讲是芝浦工业大学工学部 守田优 教授的《城市雨水排水的水风险的 定量化与 水风 险 评 估应用》。
Mr. Kobayashi, a representative of World16, Mr. Ito, President of FORUM8, and Prof. Marcos Novak, Media arts and technology department in UCSB made the opening speech.
点一滴假睫毛专用胶在一个硬的表面上,例如装假睫毛的外壳上,让 水风 干 一 会直至它变得粘稠.用钳子夹住睫毛的顶端把根部沾上胶水。
Put a drop of lash glue on a hard surface, like the outside of the case the lashes came in and let it dry for a minute until it's tacky.
在日本宇宙航空研究开发机构和亚 洲开发银行的支持下,讲习班为亚太经社会 11 个成员国的洪水预报人员和河流
[...] 管理人员提供了一个机会,交流关于天基技术应用于 水风 险 评 估、洪水监 测、预报和早期预警以及人员撤退等方面措施的信息。
Supported by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and the Asian Development Bank, the workshop provided an opportunity for flood forecasters and river managers from 11 ESCAP member States to exchange information on the
application of space-based technology to
[...] measures such as flood risk assessment, flood [...]
monitoring, forecast and early warning, and evacuation.
培训水资源专业人员管理水文气候 风险;整理并散发气候变化对水循环的影响;Pandjari 生物圈保护区观测到的变化情况图;水风险图指导原则以水文风险管 理技术;气候变化的地区预防和管理,如洪水和旱灾; 东南欧跨境水资源管理知识库。
Training water resources professionals in managing hydro-climatic risk; climate change impacts on water cycle documented and disseminated; map of
modifications observed in
[...] Pandjari BR; flood mapping guidelines and hydro risk management techniques; regional prevention and management of climate risks, e.g. floods and droughts; [...]
Knowledge Basis
for transboundary water management in South-eastern Europe.
例如,在孟加拉国,龙风和洪水风 险 管 理 由一个协调完善的系统予以推动,该系统由总理办公厅负总责,分区办事处通过 [...]
In Bangladesh, for
[...] example, cyclone and flood risk management [...]
is facilitated by a well-coordinated system whereby the Prime
Minister’s office takes the overall responsibility and sub-district offices are in charge of the operations through a district management committee.
第 33 C/5 号文件确定了四项与 水有关的行动:评估和控制全球变化对水循环的影响;把水作为满足人类需求的珍稀资源来 管理;减水风险, 迎接社会挑战;采用生态系统方法处理好土地-水-居住的相互关系。
Document 33 C/5 specified four actions relating to water: assess and manage the
impacts of global
[...] changes on the water cycle; manage water as a scarce resource in relation to human requirements; mitigate water-based risks and face social [...]
challenges; and manage
land-waterhabitat interactions using an ecosystem approach.
来自 56 个
[...] 发展中国家的洪水数据分析发现,森林流失与水 风险之 间有着显著的联系,“有增无减的森林流失 [...]
可能会增加或加剧与洪水有关的灾害、对数百万贫 困人口造成负面影响,并将在未来数十年内给弱 势 经 济 体 造 成 数 万 亿 美 元 的 损 失 ”( Bradshaw 等,2007 年)。
Analysis of flood data from 56 developing countries found a significant link between
[...] forest loss and flood risk, ‘Unabated loss [...]
of forests may increase
or exacerbate the number of floodrelated disasters, negatively impact millions of poor people and inflict trillions of dollars in damage in disadvantaged economies over the coming decades’ (Bradshaw et al. 2007).
与干旱、水、风暴潮和山体滑坡等极端事件频率和强度变化相关的涉 水 的 风 险 增 多将进一步加大对 水的管理的压力,并进一步加大供水的质和量的不确定性。
Increased water-related risks associated with the changes in frequency and intensity of extreme events, such as droughts, floods, storm surges and landslides, will put further stresses on water resources [...]
management and increase
uncertainty about quantity and quality of water supplies.
通过在中 亚国家举办的次区域讲习班和汇编有关水灾和 水风 险 和 极端天气事 件,特别是涉及中亚的情况,该项目促进了减少 水风 险 信息、经验 和良好做法的共享,同时考虑到极端天气事件。
Through subregional workshops held in Central Asian countries and the
compilation of a compendium
[...] on flood and water-related risks and extreme weather events, with particular reference to Central Asia, the project promotes the sharing of information, experience and good practices in flood risk reduction, taking [...]
into consideration extreme weather events.




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