

单词 风度

风度 noun ()

style n
liberalism n



have sexual intercourse (once)

External sources (not reviewed)

在《全面和平协议》的整个阶段,总统巴希尔 和第一副总统基尔表现出他们本人拥有政治勇气、政 治风度和诚信品质。
Throughout the CPA period, President Al-Bashir and First Vice-President Kiir have demonstrated their personal and political courage, statesmanship and good faith.
使风度引人 、多 采多姿、富创造力并作出重要贡献的老年人形象受到公众注意。
Images of older persons as attractive, diverse and creative individuals making vital contributions should compete for the public’s attention.
吴秀波谈到不凡绅士的标准时表示,一块好的腕表也是一个男人的不凡象征,可以充分展现男人的魅力 风度。
When talking about the gentleman standards, Wu Xiubo said that a good watch can distinguish a man, and fully
[...] reveal his charisma and style.
裙子上绣着闪光的东方风情的金饰,很多年后,这产生出鹰吞蛇的图像——这是一种保留了隐形的中 风度 的 混 搭,就像一个东方的幽灵仍然活在我们中间。
It was a sequined dress embroidered with gold in the oriental manner that was to end up, years later, with the image of an eagle devouring a snake – a hybrid that remains as a veiled Chinese presence, as an eastern ghost that still lives among us.
高尔夫是一项讲究礼节的运动,因此我们希望能在打球的每个瞬间都能保持您 风度。
Because respect for the rules of etiquette is part of the sport, we want you to look elegant and stay looking good throughout the game.
这诗意的口才风度和魔 法suffuses 9个白色的风筝,他的第一张专辑在十年吉他的新作品(在这期间他做了与他的音乐人才很多其他精彩的时间)。
That poetic eloquence, grace and magic
[...] suffuses Nine White Kites, his first album [...]
of new compositions for the guitar in a
decade (during which time he’s done much else wonderful with his musical talents).
苏人解和全国大会党双方必 须继续展示它们在过去几周中所表现的出色的领导 能力、政治风度和政治勇气,引导苏丹走过这段困 难时期。
Both the SPLM and the National Congress Party need to continue displaying the remarkable leadership, statesmanship and political courage they have demonstrated in the past few weeks to guide the Sudan through this difficult period.
这样的年度峰会一般以繁文缛节和卡拉 OK 为 主,少有政治谩骂,因此在洪森发表如此直率的言
[...] 论后,泰国媒体纷纷指责,它们称柬埔寨首脑表现 得“毫风度”和“流氓态度”。
After such direct language, the Thai media accused Cambodian leaders of
displaying “poor manners” and “a thuggish
[...] attitude” at the annual meeting generally [...]
known more for elaborate theatrics and karaoke
singing than political brawling.194
激情和对比度是界定Sofia Jannok音乐的两个关键词:温暖风度 存 在 于她清晰、有力的嗓音之中;对比度则来自于她的萨米人背景和她音乐中的创造力和世界主义音乐。
Passion and contrast are two defining keywords for Sofia Jannok’s music: the warmth and presence in her clear, powerful voice; and the contrastbetween her Sami background and the creativity and cosmopolitanism of her music.
能够与外国友人、同事融洽相处,显示出你理解他们的文化。 同时,你的行风度在一 定程度上显示出你已融入了他们的世界。
You will not disarm your foreign hosts, guests, or colleagues simply by showing you understand their culture; your actions and demeanor must prove that you have already to some extent entered their world.
根据巴斯奇亚过去6年的价格指数看来,1997年时如果以100 美圆投资巴斯奇亚的作品,2002年时其价格指数有195美圆,他的价格在过去几年间都有稳健的成 风度。
If someone had said in the 1980s that the value of Base works would cortinuo to increase and world one day fetch high prices, the would probaby be scept cal.
现在可不是讲风度的时 候,把自己包裹得严严实实,衬衣掖进裤子里,手套塞进袖子内,将薄绒衫、外套、长裤拉上拉链,全副武装,切不可麻痹大意。
Dress well – and we’re not talking stylish here – tuck your shirts into your trousers, gloves into sleeves, and zip your fleece, jacket and trousers all the way up.
根据《军人地位法》第 14
[...] 条,在有害条件或在对其健康及生命具有度 风险地区服役以及参加军事行动的军人,也有权获得 [...]
15 天的补充无薪假期。
According to article 14 of the Law on the status of the military personnel, the military that undergo the
military service in harmful conditions or in
[...] regions with high risks for their health [...]
and life, as well as those enrolled in military
actions also have the right of a supplementary unpaid leave of 15 calendar days.
黑山银行须根风险程度对其 客户、业务关系、交易或产品进行分类,把它 们列入不同类别(A——风险不大;B——低风险;C—— - 中 度风 险和 D——高风 险)。
Banks in Montenegro
[...] have to classify their clients, business relations, transactions or products on the basis of degree of risk and put them in respective classification categories (A — insignificant risk, B — [...]
low risk,
C — medium risk and D — high risk).
这将通过根据度风险评 估,对直接或间接威胁继续进行安全风险管理来实现,目的是减少对工作 人员或本组织财产造成损害的可能性。
This will be achieved through
[...] continued security risk management of direct or indirect threats based on Annual Risk Assessments [...]
in order to reduce the
likelihood that they may occur against staff or the Organization’s assets.
SmartScreen可进行连接的远程设备的个别启动停止、 状态/警报监视、各种检测/计量、 度 / 风 量 设 定、周/ 年度日程表运转、数据收集、集中读表。
SmartScreen controls remote units in connection as follows: Separate ON/OFF, monitoring of operating status and alarm, measurement, temperature/air volume setting, weekly/yearly scheduled operation, data collection, and meter-reading.
这项研究 和评估的结果表明,拉加经委会墨西哥分区域总部目前的位置,使得联合国工作 人员在大地震和/或火灾中有可能处于 度风 险 ,在汽车炸弹或非法占领(如办公 室闯入或人质事件)中处于度风险。
The findings of both the study and the survey are that the current location of the ECLAC subregional headquarters in Mexico
places United
[...] Nations staff at high risk in the event of a major earthquake and/or fire, and at medium risk in the event of a car bomb [...]
or an illegal
occupation such as an office break-in or a hostage incident.
此外,区域平均数掩盖了巨大的差异,大量国家仍身陷债务 困境,或有身陷债务困境的度风险 , 包括一些刚完成了重债穷国举措的国家。
Moreover, the regional averages mask substantial heterogeneity, with a
large number of countries still in debt
[...] distress or at high risk of debt distress, [...]
including some countries that just completed
the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative.
此外,净化生产车间有严格的环境控制要求,对 度 、 湿 度 、 风 量 、 气压、空气细菌量及尘埃量有达标要求,令所有净化生产车间的空气洁净度均能达至国际 [...]
WHO 标准 100,000 级 (符合生产口服固体药品剂型要求 ) 。
In addition, the cleanroom has the strictest
requirements in environmental control, in
[...] terms of temperature, humidity, air ventilation, [...]
air pressure, airborne germs and dust,
ensuring that cleanliness of all cleanrooms meet the requirements of the International WHO 100,000 Standards (for oral solid dosage medical products).
电影宣传的目标是营造度风格化 的外形和感觉。
The goal for the promotion was to maintain a highly stylized look and feel.
明阳风能(NYSE: MY)
[...] 的一项新至少反映出这点,明阳刚刚宣布与政策性银行中国国家开发银行建立大型合作关系,在 度风 能 项 目上,明阳将获得国开行的金融支持。
That at least appears to be the message from a new plan by Ming Yang Wind Power (NYSE: MY), which has just
announced a massive new tie-up with policy lender China Development Bank to
[...] provide financing for wind power projects in India.
内部审计办公室的产出重点是评价和改进治理 风 险 管理和管控工作,为此 目的,将确保:(a) 办公室具有明确的与机构目标相关的任务规定,并受助于一 个独立、客观和能妥善发挥作用的管理结构,还具有核可的 度 工 作 计划;(b) 办 公室能够及时得到并保持数量和质量合适的人力资源,以执行其 度 工 作 计划并 完成任务;(c) 办公室高效实施㈠ 审计和调查方法,包括使用支助工具、技术 和知识管理方法;㈡ 业务管理办法,包括各司的管理和业务活动管理以及业绩 监测;㈢ 质量保证和持续改进。
The Office of Internal Audit will focus its outputs on
evaluating and
[...] improving governance, risk management and control processes by ensuring that (a) it has a clear mandate linked to organizational objectives and is supported by an independent, objective and well-functioning management structure with approved annual work plans; (b) it secures and retains the right quantity and quality of human resources in a timely manner to execute its annual work plans and fulfil [...]
its mandate; and
(c) it is effective and efficient in applying (i) audit and investigation methodologies, including the use of supporting tools, technology and knowledge management approaches; (ii) operational management practices, including divisional and engagement management and performance monitoring; and (iii) quality assurance and continuous improvement.
It is 55 meters high and
[...] features a 360 degree view from the [...]
top of the tower.
但一些与会者认为虽然 C/5 号文件在清度,风格及 呈 报方式等方面都有明显改进,还应努力以更清晰的方式标明满足不同地区小组需要和关注点 [...]
However, some participants considered that despite the clear improvements in
[...] terms of clarity, style and presentation [...]
of C/5 documents, further efforts should
be made to identify, in a more visible manner, regional programmes and activities that would respond to the needs and preoccupations of the various regional groupings.
既然所有的人的学习度、风格、 语言和条件都将永远不会完全一样,那么就 应当允许在能够保证正常学习和达到同等水平的情况下采取各种不同的正规的或不太正 [...]
Since the pace, style, language and circumstances [...]
of learning will never be uniform for all, there should be room for diverse
formal or less formal approaches, as long as they ensure sound learning and confer equivalent status.
一些代表团要求获得有关以下诸方面 的资料:度风险运 作中的远程管理;难民署实地办事处显然没有遵守《最低运 [...]
作安保标准》的情况以及所涉估计成本;以及联合国安全管理系统从“何时离 开”转向“如何留下”的方针的影响。
Others asked for information on remote
[...] management in high risk operations; the [...]
apparent fall in the compliance rate of Minimum
Operating Security Standards (MOSS) in UNHCR field offices and the estimated costs involved; and the impact of changes in the United Nations Security Management System from a “when to leave” to a “how to stay” approach.
部队在整个东部地区的行动大 受限制,包括在中度风险地 区的北基伍 11 个连级临时行动基地和东方省 15 个 此类基地,在开展行动时都由于缺少攻击直升机而严重受限。
With regard to the Force, there were severe constraints on operations throughout the eastern region, including 11 company and temporary operating bases in North Kivu and 15 such bases in Orientale Province operating in medium- to high-risk areas that were seriously constrained in their operations owing to the lack of attack helicopters.
具有受债务困扰度风险的 国家包括:阿富汗、布基纳法索、布隆迪、吉布提、冈比亚、海地、 [...]
Countries at high risk of debt distress [...]
include Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Djibouti, the Gambia, Haiti, the Lao
People’s Democratic Republic, Maldives, Sao Tome and Principe and Yemen.
年,消除对妇女歧视委员会关切地指出了妇女、尤其是年轻妇女中艾 滋病毒/
艾滋病发病率很高而且在不断上升。1162005 年的共同国家评估表示,该 国政府及其合作伙伴正在通过各种方式,包括推动广泛的提高认识运动、增加对
[...] 药物的提供机会和药物提供量,使特别的努力深入到面临 度风 险 的 群体,以此 来对艾滋病毒/ 艾滋病流行病作斗争。
In 2005, CEDAW noted with concern the high and growing prevalence of HIV/AIDS among women, especially younger women.116 The 2005 CCA indicated that the Government and its partners were waging a battle against the HIV/AIDS epidemic, by, among other things, promoting expansive awareness raising campaigns, increasing access to and the availability of drugs and directing special efforts to reach high-risk groups.117In 2009, the ILO Committee of Experts noted that
the HIV/AIDS pandemic continued to result
[...] in increasing numbers of children being [...]
orphaned and made vulnerable by the disease.118 50.
CNNIC年度风险评 估工作识别了24项重要风险并制订了风险处置措施,内部审核工作发现了体系执行上 [...]
的30项“轻微不符合项”及“观察项”并制订了相应内审整改措施,风险评估和内部审核结果在CNNIC ISMS 体系管理评审会议上得到了CNNIC高层领导和各中心/部门领导的认可。
CNNIC detected 24 key risks and formulated countermeasures against
[...] the risks during the annual risk evaluation [...]
work, found out 30 “slight unconformities”
and “observations” of system execution during internal audit work, and prepared corresponding internal audit and rectification measures, the risk evaluation and internal audit results were approved by the executive level and the leaders of each center/department at CNNIC ISMS Management Review Conference.




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