单词 | 风声鹤唳 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 风声鹤唳 —lit. wind sighing and crane calling [idiom.]less common: fig. panic at the slightest move • be jittery See also:风声 n—news n • reputation n 风声—sound of the wind • rumorAE 风声 v—talk v
黄鹤楼位于武汉蛇山之上,高168英尺,深受清朝建 筑 风 格 的 影响。 shangri-la.com | Yellow Crane Tower is located on Snake Hill in Wuhan. 168 feet high, it follows an architectural style influenced by [...] the Qing Dynasty. shangri-la.com |
財爺”作出的第二個舉動,便是在預算案推出後一直指沒有空間 [...] 可轉變,但聽到社會上市民風聲鶴唳 , 突 然作出180度的“轉 ”。 legco.gov.hk | The second step taken by the Financial Secretary was that after releasing the Budget, despite his repeated reference to [...] there being no room for change, after hearing all the hue and cry among the general public, [...] he made an about-turn abruptly. legco.gov.hk |
当耳麦初次与软电话(如:Skype)配合使用时,必须在软电话的“音频配置”中将耳麦设为“ 扬 声 器 ” 和“麦 克 风 ”。 jabra.cn | The first time a headset is used with a softphone (e.g. Skype) the headset must be set as Speaker and Microphone in the Audio Configuration section of the softphone. jabra.com |
这些前瞻性声明会受到风险和不确定性因素的影响,可能会导致实际结果与声明所述产生重大差异,这些风险和不确定性因素包括但不仅限于,三频无线产品未实现预期功能的风险、技术开发和集成中的困难、合作效益未完全实现或实现时间长于预期的风险、竞争、技术变化及其对定价的影响、以及Atheros在提交给证券交易委员会的截止至2009年12月31日的10-K表格年度报告、截止至2010年3月31日的10-Q表格季度报告以及Atheros不时提交给证券交易委员会的其他报告中提到的风险。 tipschina.gov.cn | These forward-looking [...] statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that [...]could cause actual results to differ materially, [...]including, but not limited to, the risk that the proposed tri-band wireless solutions will not function as intended, difficulties in the development and integration of the technologies, the risk that the benefits from the collaboration may not be fully realized or may take longer to realize than expected, competition, technological change and their effects on pricing, and the risks detailed in Atheros' Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009 and its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other reports filed with the SEC by Atheros from time to time. tipschina.gov.cn |
该项目在不丹 Phobjikha [...] 山谷--山区沼泽地和稀有濒危黑 颈鹤的生 息地开展的活动,也是通过旅游创造可持续就业机会战略的一部分。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Activities carried out by the project in the Phobjikha Valley, Bhutan, a mountain [...] wetland and home to the rare and endangered [...] black-necked crane, are also part [...]of the strategy for the development of sustainable employment through tourism. unesdoc.unesco.org |
凭借 MwT [...] 砷化镓 FET 的低互调失真特性,该公司名声鹤起 ,其中以针对多载波或数字调制(高线性度)无线基础设施和军用通信系统的小型内匹配模块化表面贴装发送和接收放大器模块产品线最为出名。 digikey.cn | By taking advantage of the low intermodulation distortion characteristics [...] of MwT’s GaAs FETs, the company has [...] enjoyed a growing reputation for its product [...]line of small internally matched modular [...]surface mount transmit and receive amplifier modules aimed at multi-carrier and/or digitally modulated (high linearity) wireless infrastructure and military communication systems. digikey.ca |
据传说,有位道士在一户人家的墙上画了一只能听从人的指令起舞的 飞 鹤 , 这 户家庭为了感谢这位道士,特建此楼。 shangri-la.com | Legend has it that the original tower was built by a family to thank a Taoist priest who [...] had drawn a crane that could dance [...]on request. shangri-la.com |
但是,政府不單沒有積極回應國家所提出的承諾,亦沒有採取有效 的措施,帶領香港度過風暴,反之不斷唱淡經濟,任由遇到突然困難的 企業自行倒閉,導致失業人數增加,市面風聲 鶴 唳 , 市 民不敢消費。 legco.gov.hk | However, the Government has not actively responded to the promise made by the State, not taking effective measures to lead Hong Kong in weathering the storm. legco.gov.hk |
随着湿地的增 加和水质的提高,鹤与鹳 的数量增加了三倍,区域 生物多样性得到了提高。 teebweb.org | With the resulting increase in [...] wetlands and water quality, the biodiversity of the region improved [...] with the number of cranes and storks increasing [...]threefold. teebweb.org |
本新闻中的警戒性声明包括但不局限于立迪思公司的LDS6010、LDS6040、LDS6018和LDS6048电容式触摸控制器集成电路产品的功能和优势、这些产品的预期市场应用以及Immersion公司触摸技术许可的好处,这些声明均为前瞻 性 声 明 , 受许 多 风 险 和不确定性因素的影响和制约,这些风险和不确定性因素可能会导致结果与预期产生巨大的差别。 tipschina.gov.cn | Certain statements in this press release including, but not limited to, the features and benefits of Leadis' LDS6010, LDS6040, LDS6018 and LDS6048 capacitive touch controller ICs, the anticipated market adoption of these products, as well as the benefits of the license to Immersion's haptics [...] technology, are forward-looking [...] statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that [...]could cause results to be materially different than expectations. tipschina.gov.cn |
這種 醫生與 病 人的“ 風 聲 鶴唳” 、 “ 杯弓蛇 影 ” 的 關 係 , 不 僅 會 加 重 醫 療 成 本 , 導 致資源浪費, 更 會 無 故 增 添 醫生與 病 人的心 理 壓力, 最 終 對 誰 也 沒有益 處。 legco.gov.hk | This kind of tense and hyper-sensitive relationship between doctors and patients will not only increase health care costs and waste resources, but also unnecessarily add to the psychological pressure of both doctors and patients. legco.gov.hk |
显 然,一方面,有必要根据每个组织的特殊性质调整机构风险管理的做法,另一方 面,需要有全系统范围的做法以确保在关于机构风险管理的系统内大家都说同一 [...] 种语言;识别和管理共同的跨部门的主要风险(如,安全、保安 和 声 誉 风 险 );避 免重复;和优化利用稀少的资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is clear that, while it is necessary to adjust the ERM approach according to the specific nature of each organization, there is a need for a system-wide approach so as to ensure the speaking of a common language within the system on ERM; the identification and management [...] of key common and cross-cutting risks (e.g. safety and [...] security and reputational risks); avoidance [...]of duplication; and optimal use of scarce resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
我認為我所提出的意見,若得到採 納的話,不單止不會引起現時的風聲 鶴 唳 , 而且可以殊途同歸。 legco.gov.hk | I believe that if my suggestion had been accepted, not only could the public’s uneasiness have been removed, but also our common aim would have been achieved. legco.gov.hk |
一些委员则指出,委员会没有理由担心它 的 声 誉 会 有 风 险 , 因为 它行使的部分职能便是永远要平衡各种合法的考虑因素,不要让自己过分地受到 [...] 其中一个因素的左右。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some members noted that the Commission had no cause to be [...] concerned about risking its reputation since it was [...]part of its functioning always to balance [...]different legitimate considerations and not let itself be disproportionately swayed by any one of them. daccess-ods.un.org |
为什么 Windows 中的麦克风和扬声器设置无法访问? jabra.cn | Why is the Microphone and speaker settings in Windows not accessible? jabra.com |
项目简介: 风声JS窗口为模拟WEB弹出窗口和对话框提供一种方案。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: WEB wind JS pop-up window [...] for the simulation to provide a program windows and dialog boxes . javakaiyuan.com |
2000年世界上第一台具有原创技术的超音速全自动数控汽爆机,在无任何参考、借鉴的情况下 在 鹤 壁 制 造成功至今,在经过近十年的应用实践中,进行了不断的功能完善、可靠性完善、效率完善,克服了原始新产品的功能不完善、可靠性差、工作性能不稳定等新产品的通病,使其快速度过了新技术专利产品的初级阶段,进入了高新技术产品的工业化应用时代,使我国生物质利用预处理设备走在世界最前沿,为我国生物质利用领域提供了可靠的现代化装备保障。 gentle-st.com | 2000 World's first fully automated with the original technology of supersonic steam explosion CNC machine, in the absence of any reference, [...] drawing on the successful fabrication of the [...] case so far in Hebi, after nearly [...]a decade of application in practice, carried [...]out continuous functional, reliability improvement, efficiency improvement, new products to overcome the original function is imperfect, poor reliability, performance and other new products, a common problem of instability, it quickly through a patented new technology the initial stage, into the the era of industrial application of high-tech products, so that the use of biomass pre-treatment equipment take the forefront in the world, as the field of biomass use provides a modern and reliable equipment protection. gentle-st.com |
风声消除 ] 如果刮非常大的风,自动检测麦克风捕捉到 的 风声 ( 风 噪 ) 并抑 制风 声。 us.leica-camera.com | With this mode, wind noise captured by the microphone can be detected and suppressed when it gets too loud. us.leica-camera.com |
您能听见的是自己的脚步声和通过芦苇的沙 沙 风声。 visitfinland.com | All you can hear is your [...] footsteps and the wind rustling through [...]the reeds. visitfinland.com |
然而,另一方面,稅務局卻不斷追收業界的稅款,導致業界風聲 鶴唳,人人自危,叫苦連天。 legco.gov.hk | But on the other hand, the Inland Revenue Department has kept on recovering tax from the industries, causing panic in the industries while everyone is plunged into deep water and pouring out grievances about their sufferings. legco.gov.hk |
受访者表示,一些腐败的云南省官员和商人会 在 风声 紧的时候确保部分边界依然开放。 crisisgroup.org | The interviewee commented that some corrupt Yunnan provincial officials and businesspeople would ensure that part of the border would remain open in tough times. crisisgroup.org |
我希望他可 以更換 他 的 角色, 不要再擔 任 劊 子 手 的 身 份 , 不再令公務員風 聲 鶴唳, 希望 他 能回看公務員多年來 的 貢 獻 , 令現時 16 萬 公務員得以能 夠 安 心 繼續為香 港作出貢 獻 。 legco.gov.hk | I hope he can do something to make the 160 000 incumbent civil servants continue to serve Hong Kong with peace of mind. legco.gov.hk |
所以,並沒有如劉慧卿議員或陳淑 莊議員所估量的那樣 ⎯⎯ 香港的“一國兩制”受到破壞,“風聲 鶴 唳 ”, 要趕走香港人。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, the situation is not what Ms Emily LAU or Miss Tanya CHAN has predicted ― that "One Country, Two Systems" would be damaged, everyone would be scared and the people of Hong Kong would be driven away. legco.gov.hk |
局長,你知否這弄致業界風聲鶴唳、 叫 苦連 天? legco.gov.hk | Does Secretary Prof K C CHAN know what misery and fear this has created for the industries? legco.gov.hk |
但是,市場的氣氛被政府嚇得風聲鶴 唳, 消費力大減。 legco.gov.hk | However, the spending power has greatly diminished as the market atmosphere is in a state of panic as a result of the Government's threat. legco.gov.hk |
由金融海嘯爆發至今,很多同事都在這裏說過,在這個水深火熱的 時候,飲食和零售業風聲鶴唳,這類服務性行業僱員的薪金佔經營成本 一個相當高的比例,如果在這個時候增加任何具爭議性的勞工議題,只 會徒添勞資間的爭拗,阻礙復蘇步伐。 legco.gov.hk | If at this trying time a labour issue of such controversy is added, it will only serve to produce more rows between the employers and employees and in turn slow down the pace of economic recovery. legco.gov.hk |
稅務局則秋後算帳,追舊數,翻舊帳,弄得業界 風聲鶴唳、惶恐度日。 legco.gov.hk | The IRD has looked at past records and gone through old accounts in an attempt to recover taxes, thus making the sector very nervous and live in fear. legco.gov.hk |
因为数字麦克风利用内置于麦克风的 电路 将 声音 信号数字化,所以即使麦克风的安装位置与音频 CODEC 芯片分开也不会在声音信号传输途中受到外 部噪声的干扰。 lapis-semi.com | Digital microphones digitize the voice signals using an internal circuit to prevent interference due to superimposed noise along the signal path especially when the microphone and audio CODEC are separated by some distance. lapis-semi.com |
产品已形成立体车库、立体仓库、立体货架、低噪声节能轴流风机、锅炉配套离心风机、一般离心风机、高压离心风机、混流(斜流)风机、通风排烟(两用)低 噪 声风 机 箱 、DF、DFW空调风机、高温排烟机、消防风机、特殊防腐防爆风机、排尘风机等多种系列以及吸尘器等各类微型通风设备铝合金风叶等各类冲压配件,广泛应用于机械、制冷、化工、矿山、轻纺、治金、电子、宾馆等工矿企业及民用建筑等的通风、空调系统。 net1688.cn | Products form a three-dimensional garage, warehouse, dimensional shelf, low-noise, energy-saving axial fan, the boiler supporting centrifugal fan, the general centrifugal fan, high pressure centrifugal fan, Francis (diagonal flow) fan, ventilation exhaust (dual) low-noise wind chassis DF DFW air conditioning fan, high temperature smoke machines, fire fans, special corrosion proof fan, dust exhaust fan and other series, as well as vacuum cleaners and other types of micro-ventilation aluminum alloy fan and other kinds of stamping parts, widely used in machinery, refrigeration, chemical, mining, textile, metallurgy, electronics, hotels and other industrial and mining enterprises, civil construction, ventilation, air-conditioning system. net1688.cn |
再 回 看 香港的 實 際 情況, 在現時的經濟環 境 下,如 果 政 府 決 定 加 速推行 私營化、或全面私營化、 甚 至 好像政務司司長所 說 ,政府由服務的提供者變 為 購 買 者 , 這些話使公務員人心 惶惶、 風 聲 鶴唳, 令他們擔心, 這是一個嚴 重 的 問題。 legco.gov.hk | Given the current economic environment, if the Government decides to speed up privatization or to implement privatization on full scale, or to switch over to the role of a service purchaser from that of a service provider, as mentioned by the Chief Secretary for Administration, civil servants might be unsettled mentally, become suspicious of danger at the slightest sound, and be driven into the fear that there is a serious problem. legco.gov.hk |