

单词 风和日丽

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External sources (not reviewed)

风和日丽,他们乘坐Gottlieb Daimler的敞篷摩托艇外出旅行。
One sunny day, they set out for a trip [...]
on Gottlieb Daimler's open motor boat.
灯塔是广为流传的象征,意义全球理解。它代表公司 风和日丽 与 暴风骤雨时能稳握航向,是我们未 来十年内的航标。
navigation in both good and bad conditions and will serve as a reference point for our journey over the next ten years.
塞内加尔业务中 心表示将再次评价执行中的项目的所 风 险 和 质 量 日 志 , 并确保为监督此类活动 制定一个控制程序。
The Centre indicated that it would work on
[...] re-evaluating all risk and quality logs of active projects [...]
and ensure that a control procedure
is in place for oversight of such activity.
好好享受大自然的丽风景和韩国人民 的热情款待吧。
Do enjoy the wonderful nature and the warm hospitality of the Korean people.
秘书长 2011 年 2 月 10 日写信 (S/2012/85)通知安全理事会,他已任命以下 人员为专家组成员:肯尼亚的纳尔逊·阿卢萨拉先生(武器);荷兰的鲁本·德·科 宁先生(自然资源);摩尔多瓦和国 的 玛 丽 · 普 拉 马代勒女士(海关与航空);比 利时的史蒂文·斯皮塔埃尔先生(财务);美利坚合众国的史蒂文·黑格先生(武 装团体兼协调员)。
By his letter dated 10 February 2012 (S/2012/85), the Secretary-General informed the Security Council that he had appointed to the Group of Experts the following individuals: Mr. Nelson Alusala of Kenya (arms); Mr. Ruben de Koning of the Netherlands (natural resources); Ms. Marie Plamadiala [...]
of the Republic of
Moldova (customs and aviation); Mr. Steven Spittaels of Belgium (finance); and Mr. Steven Hege of the United States of America (armed groups and Coordinator).
伦敦德里从曾经获奖的塔楼博物馆(Tower Museum)——让你可以了解伦敦德里的辉煌历史,到众多一流餐厅、热闹酒吧和高档商店,再到让人震撼的古城 和 弗 欧河(River Foyle)的丽风景,这座城市是一个永远不会让你失望的非凡旅游地。
From the award-winning Tower Museum that gives a wonderful insight into the city’s history, to the astonishing array of excellent restaurants, lively pubs and great shops, to the haunting ancient city walls and scenic views across the River Foyle, Londonderry, County Londonderry is a remarkable destination that never, ever disappoints.
迄今采用的基准有:(a) 2008 年后通过的企业风险管理正 式政策;(b) 在协理署长主持下积极开展工作的企业风险管理委员会;(c) 开发 署开展企业风险管理的正式执行战略;(d) 为工作人员提供的企业风险管理政策
[...] 有通过报告渠道确定、报告和逐级上报相关风险的明确 程序,以便将风险提交企业风险管理委员会审议;(f) 有监和跟踪企业风险日 志的专项资源;(g) 为上报和审查局和总体 风险建立强有力的系统;(h) 逐步 整合了解风险和注重成果的部门工作规划和报告程序;(i) [...]
按计划定期审查企业 风险管理政策和做法;以及(j)
在开发署企业风险管理经验的基础上促进机构间 经验交流和学习。
The benchmarks adopted so far include: (a) adoption of a formal ERM policy since 2008; (b) an active enterprise risk management committee chaired by the Associate Administrator; (c) a formal implementation strategy for the adoption of ERM in UNDP; (d) dedicated training of staff on the policies and toolkits for ERM (e) clear procedures for the identification, reporting and escalation of relevant risks through the reporting lines for consideration by the ERM committee; (f)
dedicated resources
[...] for monitoring of and follow up on the corporate risks log; (f) an enabling system for the reporting and review [...]
of unit-level
and corporate risk; (h) progressively integrated risk-informed and results-based unit work-planning and reporting processes; (i) a planned and periodic review of ERM policies and practices; and (j) contributions to inter-agency experience exchange and learning based on the ERM experiences of UNDP.
这些变革也导致对稀缺资源的争夺 日益加剧(粮食、清洁空气、水和土地) 日 益 严 重的不确定 和风 险 加大了由于资源问题 而产生冲突与暴力的可能性。
These transformations exacerbate competition for scarce
resources (food, clean air, water and
[...] land), with growing uncertainty and risks increasing the potential [...]
for resource-based conflicts or violence.
如今,滑冰旅游是一种流行的户外活动,和一种享受结冰湖 和 美 丽风 景 的 好玩意。
Nowadays, tour skating is a popular outdoor activity and a great means of enjoying the
[...] frozen waterways and beautiful scenery.
四周被柑橘果园包围和Akamas半岛丽 景 色 和 晚 上 日 落 ,绿色的山谷花园,仅仅提供所有你希望可能,无论是永久居留权,度假屋或投资。
Surrounded by citrus orchards and
boasting magnificent views of the Akamas
[...] peninsular and evening sunsets, Green Valley Gardens, [...]
simply offers everything you could
wish for, whether for permanent residency, vacation home or investment.
各位部长高度赞赏马来西亚主办第六次不结盟国家新闻部长会议,并高度 赞扬委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔和国于2008年 7月 2 日 至4 日 在 玛 格 丽 塔 岛 主办第七次不 结盟国家新闻部长会议,赞赏会议通过的实质性成果文件和《行动纲领》,并 [...]
The Ministers highly commended Malaysia for chairing the Sixth Conference of Ministers of Information of the Non-Aligned Countries (COMINAC-VI), and highly commended the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
for successfully hosting the
[...] 7th Conference of Ministers of Information of the Non-Aligned Countries (COMINAC-VII), held in [...]
Isla Margarita, 2-4
July 2008 and for the substantive outcome document and Programme of Action, adopted by the Conference and they expressed the Movement’s resolve and commitment to implement the decisions and recommendations contained therein.
雷德大使在捐赠仪式上说:“当美国人民遭受两次自然灾害——卡特里 和丽 塔 飓 风 之 时,中国作出了慷慨捐助,以帮助受灾的美国人民。
At the presentation ceremony, Ambassador Randt said, "When the people of the United
States were afflicted by two natural
[...] disasters, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, China made [...]
a generous donation to assist those stricken by tragedy.
筹委会选举了主席团的 10 名成员,包 括两名共同主席大韩民国常驻代表朴仁国和安提瓜和巴布达常驻代表约翰·阿 什、会议报告员克罗地亚的塔尼亚·瓦 丽 · 拉古 日和 主 席 团成员埃及的马吉 德·阿卜勒-阿齐兹、阿根廷的安娜·比安希、捷克共和国的伊日·赫拉瓦切克、 巴基斯坦的阿萨德·马吉德汗、美国的约翰·马图扎克、博茨瓦纳的查尔斯·泰 姆巴尼·恩图瓦哈和意大利的保罗·索普拉诺。
The Committee elected the 10 members of the Bureau, including the two co-chairs, Park In-kook, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea, and John Ashe, Permanent Representative of Antigua and Barbuda, the rapporteur of the session, Tania Valerie Raguž of Croatia, and Maged A. Abdelaziz of Egypt, Ana Bianchi of Argentina, Jiří Hlaváček of the Czech Republic, Asad Majeed Khan of Pakistan, John M. Matuszak of the United States, Charles T. Ntwaagae of Botswana and Paolo Soprano of Italy as members of the Bureau.
大会第六十四届会议深为遗憾 2009 年 11 月 7 日和 8 日“伊达”风在萨 尔 瓦多造成生命损失和大批灾民,请秘书长、联合国系统所有机关和机构以及国际 [...]
金融机构和发展机构继续提供有效的人道主义、技术和财政援助,尽量协助萨尔 瓦多;并请秘书长就本决议的执行情况和萨尔瓦多救济、复原和重建努力所取得
的进展向大会第六十五届会议提出报告(第 64/74 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly, deeply
regretting the loss of
[...] human life and the scores of victims caused by Hurricane Ida in El Salvador [...]
on 7 and 8 November 2009,
requested the Secretary-General and all organs and bodies of the United Nations system, as well as international financial institutions and development agencies, to assist El Salvador, whenever possible, through continued effective humanitarian, technical and financial assistance; and requested the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the implementation of the resolution and on the progress made in the relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction effort for El Salvador (resolution 64/74).
经社会指出,由日本地 震和海啸和 东南亚洪灾造成了区域和全球供应链的破坏,并认为,如果不处理共同的脆 弱和风险, 就无法实现区域经济一体化和增长。
Noting the disruptions that had occurred in regional and global
supply chains as a result of
[...] the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and the floods in South-East Asia, the Commission held the view that regional economic integration and growth could not be attained if shared vulnerabilities and risks were not addressed.
这些中心主要包括地区干旱区域水文中 心(埃及开罗)、拉丁美洲及加勒比地区干 和 半 干 旱区域水资源中心(智利拉 塞雷纳)、国际水灾风险管理中心 日 本 筑波)、国际河流泥沙与侵蚀研究与 培训中心(中国北京)、教科文组织--国际基础结构、水利和环境工程学院水教 育研究所(UNESCO-IHE)、国际地下水资源管理中心(IGRAC)、由教科文组 织赞助的欧洲地区生态水文学中心及邓迪水事法、政策和科学中心。
These centres include, for example, the Regional Centre on Arid Zone Hydrology (Cairo, Egypt), the
Regional Water Centre
[...] for Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Latin America and the Caribbean (La Serena, Chile), the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (Tsukuba, Japan), and the International [...]
Research and Training
Centre on Sedimentation and Erosion (Beijing, China), the UNESCO-IHE Institute of Water Education, IGRAC (International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre), the European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology under the auspices of UNESCO, and the Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science (Dundee, United Kingdom).
置身其中,您可以尽赏著名的白色帆船 日 本丸 II”,内有世界最大钟表的彩色轮船、横卧于太平洋海岸线之上的海湾大桥等 丽风 景。
The premier TOC Minato Mirai is nestled in the centre of the city's modern and bustling Minato Mirai 21 district, overlooking Yokohama's stunning Pacific Ocean coastline and the iconic Bay Bridge.
在谷中的周围地区,2007年(平成19年)同时入选《 丽日 本 的历 史 风 土 100选》的有宽永 和 上 野 公园,创业超过140年的江户千代纸的“伊势辰”、创业120年的“菊见米饼”、西班牙的代表画家胡安•米罗曾经求购过笔的“田边文魁堂”、豆腐店“越后屋”、卖冰淇淋的“竿甚”,卖米饼的“大黑堂”,还有创业已有70多年的咖啡馆“卡雅巴咖啡”等,形成了这里的繁荣景象。
In this area, there are popular
stores, including
[...] "Isetatsu," a store selling Edo figured papers, which has been in business for more [...]
than140 years, and
"Kikumi Senbai," which has been in business for 120 years, "Tanabe Bunkai-do," at which Joan Miró, a prominent Spanish artist, bought brushes, "Echigo-ya," a tofu store, "Sao-jin," an ice cream shop, "Daikoku-do," a baked rice cracker shop, and "Kabaya Coffee," which has been in business for more than 70 years.
另外,由于恐怖主义风险日趋增 加,必须加 强对核材和核设施的实物保护。
[...] due to the increased risk of terrorism, physical protection of nuclear material [...]
and facilities must be strengthened.
乌西马西部的单车之旅畅游区内 丽和 有 趣 的经典,旅游线路重点展示了芬兰南部的如 风 光。
The cycling tour offers
[...] biking enthusiasts magnificent country roads, beautiful landscapes and interesting places to discover.
还是在 11 月 21 日,玛丽亚·路 易莎·维奥蒂达大使以第 1533(2004)号决议 所设委员会主席的身份向安理会通报情况,通报就最近提交的最后报告与专家组 讨论的情况,特别注重在刚果民主 和 国 东部武装团伙的活 和 支 持网络、专家 组恪尽职守执行准则以及为实施武器禁运采取的各项措施。
Also on 21 November, Ambassador Maria Luiza Viotti briefed the Council in her capacity of Chair of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004), namely on the discussions on the final report of the Group of Experts recently presented, focusing on the activities and support networks [...]
of armed groups in
the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, the implementation of the Group’s diligence guidelines and measures taken to implement the arms embargo.
日本代 表团发表评论说,卫生和植物卫生协定各姊妹组织应建立连贯和透明的良 好合作程序,并认为世界动物卫生组织需要制定明确的书面程 和风 险 分 析原则,以 提高其工作的透明度。
The Delegation of Japan commented that coherent and transparent procedures should be in place for successful collaboration among SPS sister organizations and that OIE needed clear written procedures and risk analysis principles [...]
to enhance the transparency of its work.
[...] 重点更加突出的优先事项,找出在其小岛屿发展中国家工作计划中需要填补的空白,以便确 保这些国家在面日益升级的风险和 脆 弱 性时能得到及时的、切合需要的支持。
Consequently, it has become essential that UNESCO, within the framework of its mandate, and where appropriate, draws on the conclusions of the review process to set sharper priorities and identify the gaps that still need to be filled in its SIDS work programme
in order to ensure that SIDS receive the relevant and timely support
[...] in the face of increasing risks and vulnerabilities.
这些代表团还强调了联合专家委员会的 结论,即这些最高残留限量符合日 允 许 摄入量,是安全的,并重申他们相信联合专 家委员会以科学为基础的工作,但同时对可能设定先例,不利于联合专家委员会的工和风险评估表示关注。
These delegations also underlined the
conclusion of JECFA that these MRLs
[...] were compliant with the ADI and safe and reiterated their confidence in the science-based work of JECFA, and expressed concern about the precedent that could be set, undermining the work of JECFA and risk assessment.
其次,虽然风险和控制的 日常管 理将是所有管理人员和工作人员的责任,但在 秘书处执行有效的企业风险管理和内部控制框架的 总体责任最终将由最高管理层承担。
Secondly, while the day-to-day management of risks and controls would [...]
be the responsibility of all managers and staff, overall
responsibility for the implementation of an effective enterprise risk management and internal control framework in the Secretariat would ultimately rest with the most senior level of management.
新举措的另一个方向可能在对公众进行提高认识的宣传 活动中发现,宣传的主题是我们的星球对未来几代人的潜力,并鼓励青年人更多地了解我们 的地球家园、地球的力量、地球的 丽和 带 来 的挑战。
A second direction for new initiatives will probably be found in outreach for raising awareness among the general public on the potential of our planet for future generations and to encourage young people to learn more about our home planet, its powers, its beauty and its challenges.
[...] Quay)乘坐渡轮或乘坐豪华游艇观光航游,去游览只有本地人才知道的景点,近距离接触这座澳大利亚标志性城市最为 丽和 著 名 的 风 景。
Take a ferry or sight-seeing cruise on a luxury super-yacht from Circular Quay, which will take
you to places only the locals know and up close to
[...] some of the most beautiful and famous aspects [...]
of this Australian icon.




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