

单词 颠三倒四

See also:


turn upside-down

颠倒 adj

reverse adj
crazy adj

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,将在次级方案 2 和 4 之间互调 1 个 P-2 和 1 个 P-3 员额,
[...] 以纠正较早时不经意地使获得授权在 2010-2011 两年期调动的两个员额颠倒的 疏忽。
In addition, 1 P-2 and 1 P-3 post would be redeployed between subprogrammes 2 and 4, to correct an
earlier oversight whereby two posts authorized for redeployment during the biennium
[...] 2010-2011 were inadvertently inverted.
此數字包四個供 我們營運直接到戶(DTH)服務之廣播衛星服務轉發器,以 三 個撥 作臨時服務及衛星新聞採集(SNG )服務之轉發器。
This figure includes the four BSS transponders provided for our Direct-to-Home (DTH) service and three transponders allocated [...]
for occasional
use and Satellite News Gathering (SNG) services.
还有人建议将第 2 段和第 3 段的顺颠倒一下,因为第 1 段与第 3 段之间的联系更加紧密。
The reversal of the order of paragraphs 2 and 3 was also suggested, because paragraphs 1 and 3 were closely linked.
必须避免坠落、倒、颠簸和 碰撞,以排除损坏的可能性。
In order to prevent possible damage, avoid dropping, tipping, knocking over and colliding with the product.
提交人和民事上诉法院认 为,格拉斯刑事法颠倒了举 证责任,违反了无罪推定原则。
In the view of both the author and the Court of Civil Appeal, by reversing the burden of proof, the Criminal Court of Grasse violated the principle of the presumption of innocence.
主席,我整篇演辭主要是要告訴大家,整份施政報告缺乏創意, 而且沒有前景,就像腳痛便貼膠布,漏水便找 三 行 ”工人修補,但整 間屋快倒塌,四處也破爛不堪。
President, my entire speech seeks mainly to tell Members that the whole Policy Address lacks creativity and vision.
說實話,所謂的三權分 立”其實只是精神,在結構上,《基本法》已 令行政權非常大,立法會也沒有足夠的制衡權,回歸後,本港的法治亦有不 少倒退,所以四權是 一種很重要的制衡力量,足以令社會不會走偏。
Honestly speaking, the so-called "separation of powers" is actually just in terms of spirit.
基于国家是否具备生产和应用科学知识和实用技术的能力,对实现国家社会经济发展 目标及合理使用和保存自然资源是至关重要的这一认识,许多答复意见建议把两个双年度部 门优先事项的顺颠倒过来 ,从而突出科学技术和创新政策在实现可持续的社会经济发展, 体现教科文组织自然科学计划注重政策导向的作用。
Based on the premise that national capacity to generate and apply scientific knowledge and appropriate technologies is critical to the realization of national socio-economic development objectives and the rational utilization and conservation of natural resources, a number of respondents proposed to reverse the order of the two BSPs to emphasize the role of STI policies to achieve sustainable social and economic development and to reflect the policy-driving focus of UNESCO’s natural sciences programmes.
近年香港教育改為推行三三四”學 制,其實也是向北 美學制靠攏,所以大學學術名銜的轉變只是順應潮流大勢的發展而 已。
Therefore, the changes in the academic titles in the university are merely a development in line with the general trend.
在这方面,我们对于这些团伙的行动目前受到奇 怪的漠视感到严重关切,这恰逢有人通 颠倒 是 非 发 动一场系统化的政治误导运动,诬蔑叙利亚当局和叙 利亚军队,指控叙利亚国家犯下这些团伙所犯的罪 行,同时只字不提这些团伙犯下的罪行。
In that regard, we are gravely concerned about the curious ongoing disregard for the actions of those groups, which coincides with a systemic political misinformation campaign demonizing the Syrian authorities and the Syrian army and accusing the Syrian State of the crimes perpetrated by those groups by turning the facts on their heads while saying nothing about the crimes perpetrated by them.
隨著 九十天的等候期結束,本公司根據一 三四 年 證券交易法案之定期呈報及披露責任亦告終止,本 公司不再是一間於證委會註冊之公司。
Following the completion of the 90-day waiting period, the Company’s periodic and disclosure obligations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 terminated and the Company is no longer a SEC registered company.
大会第三十一和三十二届会议、第十届特别会议、第三十三至三十六届会议、 第十二届特别会议以及第三十七四 十 三 、 四 十 五 、四十八、五十一、五十四、五十七 和第六十届会议继续审议此项目(见第 31/74、32/84 A和B、S-10/2(第 77 段)、33/66 A和B、34/79、35/149、36/89、37/77 A 和 B、38/182、39/62、40/90、41/56、42/35、 43/72、45/66、48/61、51/37、54/44、57/50 及 60/46 号决议;S-12/24 号决定)。
At its thirty-first and thirty-second sessions, tenth special, thirty-third to thirty-sixth, twelfth special, thirty-seventh to forty-third, forty-fifth, forty-eighth, fifty-first, fifty-fourth, fifty-seventh and sixtieth sessions, the General Assembly continued its consideration of the item (see resolutions 31/74, 32/84 A and B, S-10/2, para. 77, 33/66 A and B, 34/79, 35/149, 36/89, 37/77 A and B, 38/182, 39/62, 40/90, 41/56, 42/35, 43/72, 45/66, 48/61, 51/37, 54/44, 57/50 and 60/46); and decision S-12/24.
暗褐色的小坚果倒置钻形,三棱四 面 体 ,约1毫米,无毛,正面3 表面大小近等; 背面凸,三角形,尖锐3肋,无梗。
Nutlets dark brown, inverted subulate, trigonous-tetrahedral, ca. 1 mm, glabrous, adaxial 3 surfaces subequal in size; abaxial surfaces convex, triangular, acutely 3-ribbed, [...]
今天,我們看到來自商界的議員、反對最低工資的議員列舉出的七大理 由:一,是用高科技;二,引入會導致中小 倒 閉 , 製造失業 三 , 製 造殘 障人士的就業障礙四,最 低工資會變最高工資;五,違反自由經濟自由原 則;六,資金外移;及七,製造黑市勞工。
Today, we can see that Members from the business sector and Members opposing minimum wage have put forward seven major reasons: First, the application of high technology; second, its introduction
will cause small and
[...] medium enterprises to close down and hence lead to unemployment; third, it will create barriers for people with disabilities in employment; fourth, the minimum wage [...]
will become the maximum
wage; fifth, it violates the principle of free economy; sixth, capital will flow out of Hong Kong; and seventh, it will create "black-market labour".
如果阀座难以卸下颠倒罩, 用榔头和黄铜 棒敲出阀座。
If seat is difficult to remove,
[...] turn housing upside down and drive [...]
seat out using a hammer and brass rod.
新加坡 代表团强烈反对法国代表关于法治的评论,它认为 相比国内法而言,法治更适用于国家间的关系,否 则可能会是颠倒,恃强凌弱。
His delegation strongly disagreed with the comment by the representative of France about the rule of law which, it believed, was even more applicable to inter-State relations than domestic law since otherwise might would prevail over right and the strong over the weak.
如 果胶片上没有识别导片,上颠倒的 影 像也能显示出起始端。
If there are no identifying leaders on the film, upside-down images will signify the head end.
注:入口阀座 (6 和 33)不颠倒;倒角一侧必须面向 阀球。
NOTE: The inlet seats (6 and 33) are not
[...] reversible; the chamfered side must face [...]
the ball.
朴教授 与其他两个知名教授(中国的 P. Wang 教授和日本的 A Taira
[...] 教授)于 1988 年成 立了亚洲海洋地质国际会议,三四 年 在 中国、韩国、日本、泰国和印度举行一 次,其中第 [...]
8 次会议将于 2014 年在韩国举行。
Prof. Park with two other eminent professors (Prof. P. Wang from China and Prof. A Taira from Japan) established the International Conference of Asian Marine
Geology (ICAMG) in 1988, which has
[...] been held every three or four years in China, Korea, [...]
Japan, Thailand and India, and
of which the 8th Conference will be held in Korea in 2014.
我們認為 調 低 駕駛執 照 費 不 會 即 時 惠 及 廣 大 的 駕駛人士,因為大部分駕 駛 人士已 經 在過往數年 更換了新 的10 年 有效駕駛執 照
[...] ,而他們手上 的10 年 有效駕駛執 照 相 信 會三四 年 後才會 到 期。
We think the proposal to reduce driving licence fees will not bring any immediate benefit to the majority of drivers, because during the past few years most of them have renewed the new
driving licence which is valid for 10 years, and their new driving licence will not
[...] expire until three or four years later.
用「過五關斬六將」來形容Yamaha Asian Beat香港區決賽的十六強就最好不過!因為今年的初賽樂隊共五十二隊,每隊平均要 倒三 至 四 隊 樂 隊方可跨過初賽的門檻。
It would be best to describe the 16 finalists from the Hong Kong Final of the Yamaha Asian Beat Band Competition as “overcoming obstacles after obstacles and facing challenges after challenges”- as each of the 52 bands in preliminary rounds has to beat 3-4 of their counterparts to get themselves through.
局長在其答覆倒數第三 段提 及,最重要的是收取額外保費時應以收回成本為原則。
In the third last paragraph of his reply, [...]
the Secretary has mentioned that the most important thing about charging additional
premium is that it should be levied on a cost-recovery basis.
2010 年 1 月在馬頭圍道 45J 號發生的樓倒 塌慘劇導四人死亡,兩名住户重傷。
The tragic
[...] building collapse at 45J Ma Tau Wai Road in January 2010 took away four lives and seriously [...]
injured two residents of the building.
鉴于证实种族歧视指控的困难,考虑审查缔约国法规中的举证规则, 在根据民法进行种族歧视申诉的情况下 颠倒 或 分 担举证责任。
(c) Consider reviewing the rules of proof in the State party’s legislation by reversing or sharing its burden where complaints of racial discrimination are pursued under civil law, in view of the difficulty in substantiating claims of racial discrimination.
按有些国家以往作出的法院判决,不被 称作具有创造性的东西的一些例子有:
[...] 仅是大小的变化;使产品可以移动;把 部颠倒;材料的变化;仅是设备部件 或功能的替代。
Some examples of what may not qualify as inventive, as established by past court decisions in some countries, are: mere change of size;
making a product portable; the reversal of
[...] parts; the change of materials; or the [...]
mere substitution by an equivalent part or function.
此外,报告第 65 段提到关于贩运 器官的指控,并指出颠倒举证 责任完全背离人权真 相调查的功能,同时也违反了阿尔巴尼亚政府自身的 调查、起诉和处罚责任。
Furthermore, paragraph 65 of the report, referring to the allegations of organ trafficking, stated that reversing the onus of proof was entirely incompatible with the function of human rights fact-finding and with the Government’s own responsibility to investigate, prosecute and punish.
(二 ) 是 否知悉香港電車 有 限 公司(“電車 公司” )最 近 就電車 司 機 的 當 值時間有 否 實 施新的工作 安 排 ; 若 有 , 當 局 有 否評估 這些安 排 是 否 導 致 該 兩 名 司 機 疲 勞 過度以致倒; 及 (三 ) 當 局 有 否與電 車 公司商討 如 何 避免類 似 情 況 再 次 發生,以 保 障 乘 客 及 其他道 路使用 者 ; 若 有 , 詳情為何 ; 若 否 , 原因為何 ?
(b) it knows if the Hong Kong Tramways Limited (HKT) has recently introduced new arrangements in respect of the working hours for tram drivers; if so, whether it has assessed if the collapse of the two drivers was due to fatigue caused by the new arrangements; and (c) it has discussed with the company ways to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents, so as to safeguard passengers and other road users; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
便倒轉該三角形,即是說,在這經濟復 甦及財產分配中既然已是不公平,而人應該是得到公平的對待的,所以越受 到不公平待遇的人,便越應該得到政府(即這個社會)的援助。
That is to say, under the circumstances in which wealth is distributed unfairly amid economic recovery and on the premise that people should be given equal treatment, the more unequally a person is treated, the more assistance he should get from the Government (meaning society).




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